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1.Sarah is _________ Australian woman. She is good at drawing pictures.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.— What's ______ favorite subject ?
— My favorite subject is math.
  • A. you
  • B. your
  • C. his
  • D. me
3.— ______ go to the zoo this Sunday morning?
— Good idea!
  • A. Let's
  • B. How about
  • C. Would you like
  • D. Shall we
4.Susan can play the _______well.
  • A. chess
  • B. violin
  • C. tennis
  • D. basketball
5.— How many ______ do you want to buy?
— Three.
  • A. meat
  • B. potato
  • C. carrot
  • D. tomatoes
6.Tom usually ______ a bike to school. Look! He ______ to school now.
  • A. rides; is riding
  • B. is riding; is riding
  • C. rides; rides
  • D. is riding; rides
7.—You look very happy.
—Yes, ______ I meet my old friend again.
  • A. but
  • B. because
  • C. so
  • D. why
8.There ______ still some water in the cup on the desk.
  • A. have
  • B. has
  • C. are
  • D. is
9.—________ do the boys often go to school?
—Seven in the morning.
  • A. Where
  • B. Why
  • C. When
  • D. What
10.He usually spends _____ months in Australia. He enjoys the weather there.
  • A. any
  • B. a little
  • C. a few
  • D. too much
11.—Have you got _________sisters, Kate?
—Yes, I have two sisters.
  • A. some
  • B. any
  • C. lots of
  • D. many
12.How ______ the young people look at the party!They are dancing ______.
  • A. happily;happily
  • B. happy;happy
  • C. happily;happy
  • D. happy;happily
13.—What beautiful flowers you have!
— They ______ me 100 yuan.
  • A. cost
  • B. spend
  • C. take
  • D. pay
14.Mary always _____ Tony Smith and she often writes to him soon.
  • A. searches for
  • B. hears from
  • C. turns on
  • D. puts away
15.The girl ______ red is Jane. She ______ red clothes.
  • A. in;likes
  • B. likes;in
  • C. in;like
  • D. like;in
16.  My father likes reading newspapers, my mother likes watching TV, my sister likes reading story books, and I like doing exercise. It seems all the members in my(1)      like different things, but we still share one thing﹣we all(2)      music very much.
  My father is a worker, and he enjoys classical music. He is good at playing the piano, and he plays it very(3)      . My mother is an English teacher. She likes(4)      music. In class she often teaches her(5)      some pop English songs, (6)      as "My heart will go on", "Hand in hand", and so on. My sister, Amy, is a student. She likes music very much, but she doesn't(7)      which kind is her favourite. She likes all kinds of music. I am a doctor. I work in a children's(8)       Sometimes I work very late so I like light music. It can make me feel relaxed and(9)      me go to sleep soon.
  What about you?Do you like music?What is your(10)      kind of music?
School Events

AUGUST 16th 9:00 a. m. ﹣﹣﹣12:00 a. m.
All parents can come to our school, have a cup of coffee, and meet our teachers and other parents.
Parents can go to the classrooms of 12﹣15 years old, have a talk with the principal(校长), have a look at the clubs and ask any question.
All requirements(要求) for a happy school are welcome.
Lunchtime:11:30 a. m. ﹣﹣﹣12:00 a. m.
Please go to Room 305 for lunch.
All parents are welcome. Please contact us.
Contact:Melodle Lezar, the principle
E﹣mail:disapark@telkomsa. net
School:Goodwin Middle School

18.Dear Frank,
Thank you for your email. I'm very glad you are having a good trip now. Ottawa is very beautiful in May. I hope I can have a chance(机会)to go there one day. Our summer holiday will start next month. I like my summer holiday, although(虽然)it's hot at that time in America. In summer holiday, I can swim in the sea and go fishing. It's so cool. And I am going to our hometown near Chicago with my sister, Linda, and my parents agree(同意). Our uncle lives there, so Linda and I can stay with him. We are not going to take a plane. We are going there by train. I am going to fish there, And Linda likes painting. She is going to do some painting there. I'm sure we'll have a good time.
19.配对阅读.请阅读以下人员的相关信息, 然后匹配他们感兴趣的广告.
(1)Jack is going to visit his uncle. He wants to take something to his uncle. He knows his uncle likes coffee very much.      
(2)Mr. Green is English but he likes reading books in Chinese.      
(3)Tom make his mother's scarf dirty this afternoon. He felt very sorry and he wanted to buy a new one for his mother.      
(4)Mary is seven years old. Her mother wants her to keep a little cat so that she can learn to take care of animals.      
(5)Lucy wants to buy two tickets to a concert. But she doesn't know where to buy.       
A. Clothes Shop:Clothes, Hats, Glasses, Shoes, Scarves are on the sale. Welcome to our shop!
B. Pet Shop:There are many cute pets in our shop. Come and get one. They are very easy to take care of.
C. Coffee Shop:It's good to drink some coffee when you start your work. Our store sells different kinds of coffee.
D. Xinhua Book Shop:You can buy different kinds of books here. Members can enjoy a very good price.
E. Shoe Shop:There will be a big discount(折扣)on May 1st. Come and get your favourite shoes.
F. Ticket House:You can easily buy the tickets for concerts, matches and films on the Internet. Our website is: www. tickets﹣on﹣line. com
G. Hope Book Shop:The books we have are good new books in English for people. 
20.It's       (危险) to drive after drinking wine.
21.Look!Tom is       (躺)in bed and reading a book.
22.—We want to go swimming. Would you like to       (加入)us?
—Of course.
23.Mr. Li is our English teacher. He       (说)English very well.
24.Wish you good      (好运), boys and girls.
25.On his eleventh birthday, he gets many p      .
26.Look, she's r       for a bus.
27.Eating too much candy is bad for your t      .
28.Math is d       for me,but I think it's very interesting.
29.There are        minutes in an hour.
teach he for game be classmate eat a friend and 

  If you ask "Who's your favorite teacher?"I think most of my (1)      will say. "Mr. Hu!"Mr. Hu is our P. E teacher. We all like (2)      very much, because he is our good (3)      . In his class, he always plays (4)      with us and makes us laugh. He (5)      us to play sports, like ping﹣pong, basketball and so on. As a P. E. teacher, his (6)       habit is good. He likes vegetables and fruit (7)      meals, but he doesn't like hamburgers (8)      French fries. He says he wants (9)      healthy. His favorite saying is, "(10)      apple a day keeps the doctor away. "
31.  Frank is thirteen years old this year. His family is poor. His mother is ill in bed, and his father makes a little money. Frank wants to go to school. But his parents don't have enough money for him. So he decides( 决 定 ) to make money himself. He sells newspapers. Every morning, Frank gets up early and goes to a shop to get newspapers on his old bike. Then he sells the newspapers near a supermarket. On rainy days, he usually puts the newspapers in a plastic( 塑料) bag to make sure that they are not wet. Now he has enough money to go to school. He is very happy. He says that he wants to sell newspapers on Saturdays or Sundays after he goes to school.

32.假如你是Cindy Brown, 在一中上学.请根据表中的信息, 写一篇60词左右的短文, 为你自己做一个自我介绍.短文的开头已经给出, 不计入总词数.
name Cindy Brown 
age(年龄) 12;birthday:February 5th 
family members(成员) Father:Jack Brownmother:Helen Brown 
favorite subject math and music 
food Like:fruit and vegetablesnot like:ice﹣cream 
sports volleyball 

Dear Classmates,
  I'm happy to tell you something about myself.
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