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1.  In my opinion, my father always cares about me and stands by my side. He is the "VIP" in (1)       life. Now I want (2)       some stories between us.
  When I was a kid, my father was often busy. I (3)       a lot of time with my grandmother. At that time I could really be called (4)       naughty (淘气的) girl. I don't know why my father couldn't just stay at home and play with me like other (5)       father. All my memory(记忆) about my father in the childhood, his love and his care were in those pieces of candy.
  At that time, I (6)       in a boarding school. And one day I told my father on the phone that I missed my mother's dishes very much. To my (7)      , when I was going to bed, one of my roommates told me that someone was calling me. I ran out and saw that my father (8)       there, outside of the gate of the dormitory, with a lunch box in his hand. I went to towards him and he gave me that lunch box. His face was filled (9)       tiredness by the long trip. Without saying (10)      , he disappeared (消失) in the dark. Back to the dormitory, I couldn't help crying.
  I just want to tell you that your father is loving you in his own way.
2.  Each of us makes mistakes (错误) from time to time. In fact, we can (1)       a lot from our mistakes.
  Donnie was a (2)       student and he never answered questions in class. He was afraid to make mistakes. He never finished his homework (3)       he didn't want to make any mistakes. Nothing changed until Mary, a teacher, came to our (4)      .
  One morning, Donnie was asked to answer some questions. After a while, he was in tears because he made a mistake. (5)       Mary got a box filled with erasers from the desk.
  "Look, Donnie," she said, standing beside him. " I have got something to show you." She (6)       the erasers, one at a time, and put them on the desk.
  "Look at these erasers, Donnie," she said. "Do you know why these erasers become smaller and smaller when used?That's because we make mistakes. But we erase (擦掉) the mistakes and try (7)      . That's what we must learn."
  "Here," she said, "I'll (8)       you this eraser, so you should remember that (9)       may make mistakes." Donnie looked at Mary and smiled.
  Donnie (10)       a lot from then on. He knew that everyone might make mistakes. He shouldn't be afraid and should learn from them and try again.
3.  I'm Kevin. I went to a beautiful beach with my family last summer. We lived in a hotel next to the sea. It was clean and quiet. We stayed there for six days. Every day we went swimming in the sea.
  I'm Vickers. I went to the mountains with my friends last weekend. The weather was warm and wet. We took a walk in the mountains and saw a lot of koalas and giraffes. They were cute. There were also many beautiful flowers.
  My name is Susan. The Earth Hour was from 8:30 p. m. to 9:30 p. m. on March 3 lst. I turned off the light and took a walk with my mother. It was great to watch the stars and the moon. The city was quiet. I could enjoy the relaxing time.
4.  Here comes 2021 — it's the Year of the Ox!Do you know anyone who is an "ox"?
  In Chinese culture, the ox stands of the spirit of hard work. They are our friends. Cows give people milk. Yaks (牦牛) help people carry things around. We use the world "laohuangniu" to describe those who help others and ask nothing for themselves.
  People like the animal so much that they have written poems (诗) about it and painted pictures of it. They also make paper-cuts of it to decorate (装饰) their homes during big holidays. In the story of "The Cowherd and the Weaver Fairy (牛郎织女)", a loyal cow helps a cowherd marry a fairy. The Cowherd loves the Weaver very much. Later, it gives its skin (皮) to the man to help him meet his wife over the Milky Way (银河).
  But in the West, people have a different opinion about the animal. "Bullheaded" people are very stubborn and will not listen to advice. Ig someone acts "like a bull in a china shop", he or she does something in a bad manner (礼节; 礼仪).
  With the new year coming, we hope that all of our readers will work just as hard as the ox does. Avoid anything that might make you as angry as "a red flag to a bull". And we hope you will always "take the bull by the horns (不畏艰险)" when you run into difficulties.
(1)       Linda wants to know what's new all around the world.
(2)       Tom is a basketball fan. He is good at it. He doesn't want to miss (错过) any basketball match.
(3)      King wants to buy a thing that he can use to listen to music and take some photos.
(4)      Daniel is interested in robots, and he wants to know more about life in the future.
(5)      Betty is an English learner. She finds that she always has difficulty in reading English passages. 
A. News — A Powerful typhoon that caused massive destruction and hundreds of deaths in the Philippines…
B. Perspective — A real robot can talk with you when you are lonely. Take care of(照顾) you when you are ill and do all the homework.
C. Science — Cell phone used as an MP3, TV, radio and camera. It's possible.
D. Students Studying Abroad — There will be a Lecture (讲座) on education in Canada this weekend.
E. Forum —If you have any ideas about the week's topic, or you have some questions about your life, you can write to forum @21st century. com. cn.
F. Language Lab — Have some problems in English reading of translating?Here is a good choice for you.
G. Sports — FIFA, NBA, CBA…Kobe Bryant, Maria Sharapova, Lionel Messi… 
6.Wow!Linda, you look really        (美丽的) in the white skirt.
7.China is one of the biggest       (国家) in the world.
8.It's        (多云的) today, so we can't see the bright moon tonight.
9.She plants many flowers        (在……周围) her house.
10.Look! He is        (砍) down the young tree in half.
11.There are some        (报纸) on the desk, but there is nothing new in them.
12.My uncle usually        (使用) the computer to send e-mails.
13.The food in the dining hall is        (美味的), so many students like to go there to have lunch.
14.David is very smart and he can write a story        (容易地).
15.I hope we can find a        (餐厅) soon because we are so hungry.
21.  Nick is 10 years old. His father is (1)       every day. He comes home after Nick goes to bed, and goes out before Nick gets up. Nick wants to stay with his father just like his friends do.
  One day, Nick sees his father at home in the evening. He says, "Dad, I'm happy to see you at home." "Happy to see you, too, son, but (2)       two hours, I have to go out," says his father.
  "When will you come back?" "Tomorrow afternoon."
  Then Nick asks, "Dad, you make a lot of money in a year. Are you happy with the money?"
  His father says, "Yes, I am. The money makes our (3)       good."
  "Dad, how much money do you make per hour?"
  "Nick, (4)       do you ask that?I make about $25 per hour," Nick's father says.
  Nick runs to his room, and goes out with his piggy bank (存钱罐).
  "Dad, I have $50 here. Can you spare (抽出) two hours for me? I want to have dinner with you tomorrow evening."
  Nick's father feels very (5)       for him. From then on, he goes home to have dinner with Nick every day.
22.  Buddy Mercury is a dog. He becomes famous for his piano skills. But he's much more than that. The dog also loves singing and is good with kids. He even has a website. His fans can download his music there. Recently, Buddy Mercury's owner showed a video on the internet. We saw that one of the owner's two little daughters was dancing and the dog was playing the piano, and the video became popular quickly.
  "We met him at an animal center, and brought him home!He is one of the kindest and sweetest dogs I've met. He really loves people and other animals. " He gets along with everyones. He's a little lovely. Buddy Mercury plays his piano every day!He wants to make other animals and children all over the world enjoy the joy of music.
23.假如你是Lucy, 请你给Buddy Mercury的主人写一封信, 内容包括:
1. 表达你对Buddy Mercury的喜爱;
2. 介绍你喜欢的一种动物及喜爱的原因;
3. 介绍该动物的外貌、性格, 生活习性等;
4. 呼吁大家保护动物, 与动物友好相处.
注意:不能出现具体班级及姓名.70字左右, 开头已给出, 不计入总数.
Dear Sir,
  After reading the article about Buddy Mercury, I feel really ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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