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1.—The weather was terrible. It rained all_______ time.
—Yes, I had______ fever last night.
  • A. /;a
  • B. /; /
  • C. the;a
  • D. the;the
2.We have problems_______because of too much air pollution.
  • A. to breathe
  • B. breathe
  • C. breathing
  • D. breathed
3.He with his family, but now he on his own.
  • A. used to live; is used to living
  • B. is used to living; used to live
  • C. used to live; used to living
  • D. is used to live; is used to living
4.Yesterday I_______all the salt to cook dumplings. I need to buy some now.
  • A. ran out
  • B. run out of
  • C. run out
  • D. ran out of
5.The sun_______up;another beautiful day was coming.
  • A. rose
  • B. compared
  • C. dropped
  • D. raised
6.She is_______an outgoing girl that she never feels_______.
  • A. so;alone
  • B. such;alone
  • C. so;lonely
  • D. such;lonely
7.He turned up the radio_______everyone could hear the news.
  • A. so that
  • B. as long as
  • C. though
  • D. in order to
8.Two thousand kilometers_______a long distance(距离). High﹣speed rail makes_______possible for people to see their family earlier.
  • A. is;this
  • B. are;this
  • C. is;it
  • D. are;it
9.—I didn't see him at the meeting yesterday. Why?
—He said he_______for an important telephone call_______the meeting began.
  • A. wait;while
  • B. waited;when
  • C. am waiting;while
  • D. was waiting;when
10.He will write to you as soon as he _______there.
  • A. get
  • B. gets
  • C. will get
  • D. got
11.It's reported that the Chinese government_______free milk_______children in poor areas.
  • A. provides;to
  • B. provides;for
  • C. offers;for
  • D. offers;with
12.I have never been to Beijing for the summer holidays, and ___________ he.
  • A. so has
  • B. neither has
  • C. so have
  • D. neither have
13.Don't_______money_______him. He never returns money to others.
  • A. borrow;from
  • B. lend;from
  • C. borrow;to
  • D. lend;to
14.It's raining now. I would like to watch TV at home_______playing soccer outside.
  • A. because of
  • B. instead of
  • C. instead
  • D. until
15.—Could you please help me do the dishes?
  • A. With pleasure
  • B. Yes, I could
  • C. No, I couldn't
  • D. Thanks a lot
16.A :Hi , Bill. What are you doing?
B :(1)      
A :I worked there last month. Do you need my help?
B :Sure. (2)      
A :I helped to do many things like doing the cleaning and telling stories .
B :(3)      
A :And I also sang and danced for the old .
B :(4)      
A :Yes, they thought I could bring them happiness. (5)      
B:That's a good idea. Thank you.
A :You're welcome .

A. That sounds good.
B. Let's come up with an idea.
C. I'm making a plan to work at the Old People's Home.
D. Why don't you list them in your plan?
E. Could you tell me what kind of volunteer work you did?
F. They were interested in those, right? 
17.  If you have the flu(流感) , it's very important to stay home from school. Because it is a ( n )(1)      that could make more people sick. We should(2)       it spreading (蔓延) around . The flu is a fever with one or more of these:cough, sore throat or headache. If you have the flu, home is the best place to stay.
  Take these steps if you feel(3)      :
  Tell your parents. They will call the doctor to talk about whether you have the flu or some other illness.
  Stay away from school and other(4)      places. Get rest, drink more water and you'll feel better fast. Be sure to tell your parents how you're feeling(5)      they can take good care of you.
  Go back to school only when you're feeling better.
18.  In the past , I didn't get on well with my parents . I hardly talked to them, because they liked to(1)      me with my sister. And that made me unhappy and sad. I sometimes argued with them(2)      this.
  However, I wanted to show(3)      that I could do things as well as my sister. Then I began to spend most of my free time painting in my bedroom. Luckily, my art teacher, Miss Green, (4)      me a lot of help. She taught me some drawing(5)      to help improve my paintings. At that time, she was the only person I would like to talk to.
  One day , I told Miss Green about my problem. She(6)      me to take part in a painting competition. In her(7)       , the best way to communicate with my parents was to prove (证明) myself to them.
  After a few weeks waiting, the result finally came out. I was very happy and excited, (8)      I got first prize!When I took the prize home, my parents were very(9)      !They never thought I could do a good job. I could see that they were very happy. And they began to care more about me. Now(10)      between my parents and me are very good. So I think it's very important to have someone to talk to.
19.  Parents always want the best for their kids . But everyone has their own way of parenting(养育). Here are some popular parenting styles . Which one do you like best ?
  Tiger parents (虎爸虎妈)
  They are strict with their children. They want them to get the best grades in their class . They love their kids in their hearts.
  Dolphin parents (海豚式父母)
  They just want their kids to be happy and healthy . They make sure their kids get enough sleep and exercise .
  Helicopter parents (直升机式父母)
  They worry too much about their children and " fly " over them like helicopters . Many people think these parents should give their children more freedom (自由).
  Lawnmower parents (割草机式父母)
  Like a lawnmower that cuts grass , they get rid of (去除)all difficulties for their children . Their kids never learn to work out problems on their own .
20.  Fights at school sometimes happen . But how can you keep away from a fight ?Here's something you can do .
  Be calm (冷静的). Sometimes , you feel so angry that you really want to teach somebody a lesson . But being angry can ' t solve problems . Neither can a fight . Instead , it may bring you more problems . In the school , everyone involved (卷入) in a fight will be punished(惩罚), no matter who started it . There are no winners in a fight .
  Shout loudly . If you know someone is coming up behind you to attack, turn toward the person with your hands up in front of your body and loudly say " stop " before walking away . Loud voice can usually make the attacker calm down . If the person doesn't stop , cry for help by calling out the name of a teacher whose office is nearby .
  _______ Your friend may ask you to join in a fight . Learn to say no . Helping him fight is not really helpful to him . If you really want to give him a hand , try to ask him to give it up . Also , you can tell him if he gets involved in a fight , he may get hurt and be punished . Then , try to learn why he wants a fight and help him find a right way to deal with the problem .
21.  Winter, the most beautiful season in Beijing. At 8 pm on February 4 , the opening ceremony(开幕式) of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics was held at the National Stadium. Once again , China showed its wisdom and friendly to the people of the world . The official motto of the Olympic is "Together for a Shared Future" , which represents(代表) that China is ready to work together with the people of the whole world to receive challenges . The emblem(徽章)'s primary colour of blue represents dreams and the future. The colors of red and yellow which draw from China's National Flag , represent passion, youth and energy .
  The most popular characters of Beijing 2022 Olympics must be Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon. They are attracting worldwide attention. Bing Dwen Dwen, a cartoon image of a panda wearing a spacesuit(宇航服) , looks like a winter sports athlete(运动员)from the future . "Bing" means "ice" in Chinese , which is a symbol of winter sports . "Dwen Dwen" shows the spirit of the Olympics, including a strong mind and a healthy body. Shuey Rhon Rhon, looks like a red lantern(灯笼) to celebrate(庆祝)Chinese New Year. "Shuey" means "snow" in Chinese. "Rhon Rhon" represent communication and understanding among different cultures .
22.Can Mobile Phone Be Taken to School ?
  Mobile phones have become a problem for middle school . Some middle schools in Australia have banned students from carrying phones during school hours .
  Mobile phone use among children has become a problem for schools this year. Several children have received mobile phones as Christmas gifts . Teachers say mobile phone use is a distraction (注意力分散) to students during school hours and it also gives teachers so much trouble in their classroom . Teachers also said that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat(作弊)during exams .
  Some schools have tried to ban mobile phones . Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn't get in touch with their children . Many teachers said students shouldn't have mobile phones when at school but if there was a good reason , they could leave their phones at the school office .
  Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have phone but they think schools should let students know when they can use their mobile phones .
23.  Students are encouraged to do housework . However , they have different(1)o        about doing chores . Some students are doing chores because it can provide them with life skills . However , some students(2)h       housework , and they think it is a waste of time . (3)I      my opinion , it is necessary for us to do housework .
  First of all , doing housework helps(4)      (we) have more energy . Because doing housework frees us from(5)      (study)and relaxes both our body and mind . You will also find that it's good for you to keep(6)h       .
  Second , doing housework can help our parents . When our parents come home from work , they (7)      ( usual ) feel tired . If we help them do chores like sweeping the floor or washing the dishes , they will feel happy .
  Besides , doing housework is a good way(8)      ( develop ) our basic skills , such as how to cook and clean . And when we go to college or live alone as adults , we will realize the(9)      (important) of doing housework .
  Last but not least , doing housework can help us be independent . We should accept housework sooner or later , because it plays such(10)      big role in our lives .
24.  Studying for your test at school can sometimes make you feel a bit stressed or worried . (1)      
  Don't compare yourself with your friends.
  Everyone learns things differently , and some people find things easier than others . (2)      It's fine if it's different from your friends'.
  If you're feeling stressed , talk to someone .
  (3)       Don't feel like you ' re letting people down by admitting (承认) you're feeling stressed . They'll be happy that you would like to share your feelings with them, and will hopefully help you to feel better .
  Try to take regular breaks during your review(复习).
  It will help give your brain time to process (处理) all the information you're learning . (4)      
  Look after your body.
  It's important to try to eat well and get lots of sleep before a test . If you don't give your mind a rest , it might not work as well as it could.
  Whether you're playing football , going for a walk or riding your bike , exercise can really help you to feel less stressed . Then you can feel better and get more energy !

A. We should compete with each other.
B. You could go for a walk or just close your eyes and relax for a few minutes.
C. Choose a review plan that work best for you .
D. Doing exercise really helps.
E. It could be a friend , a teacher or your family.
F. Here's some advice to help you feel more relax. 
25.俗话说"父母是这个世界上最亲的人", 他们赋予了我们生命并在成长的过程中对我们悉心照料.父母就是我们的老师, 也是我们的朋友.最近你和你的同学就"如何与父母友好相处"进行了讨论.请参照要点提示, 写一篇英语短文.可适当发挥, 不少于80词.
要点提示:1. 父母和孩子在很多方面有不同的观点, 彼此应该互相理解.
2. 我们应该和父母分享我们的开心, 诉说我们的难过.
3. 我们应该帮助分担一些家务劳动, 让父母有时间放松自己.
How to get on well with our parents

期中试卷 最新试卷 四川试卷 攀枝花市试卷 2022年试卷 初中试卷 八年级下学期试卷 英语试卷
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