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1.  My father is a manager. He works in a tall building. This is his office. It's a big (1)      . There is not much(2)       in the office﹣﹣just a desk, a table, a cabinet(柜子) and some chairs. On the desk there is (3)       computer and a telephone. On the wall, there is a picture of some flowers. (4)      the cabinet there are some flowers. So you know my father loves flowers. (5)      is on the table? There are two cups, a pen (6)       some paper(纸). Is there a television in the office? No, there(7)      . There is a big window behind the desk. You can see many tall buildings from the window.
2.  My name is Simone. I am 14 years old. I am in 7th grade and I am from Denmark. My best friends are Silke, Freja, Lin and Helena. Silke is 13 years old. She likes drawing and singing. Her favourite colour is yellow. We are in the same class. Freja is from America. Her favourite sport is basketball. We often play basketball together. We are also in the same class. Lin is from Beijing. It's the capital of China. She is not in my class, but we always go to school together. Helena is from Portugal. She is new in our class. She is a clever girl. She likes summer very much, because her favourite sport is swimming.
3.  During the COVID﹣19 prevention and control work(防控工作), there have been many heroes(英雄). They fight(为……而斗争) for our safety while their own lives are in danger.
 Xie Binrong is 49 years old. She is from Chongqing. She is a teacher in Zhaganluo Village(村庄). Now she teaches 26 children, the only class in the village. She is picking up her mobile phone and checking the homework of her students. 
 Ma Heping is from Qinghai. She is a nurse of a hospital. Wang Xiaohong and Zhang Renling are Ma's friends. They have the same job. They are all nurses. Wang is from Qinghai, too. Zhang is from Gansu. Twenty years ago(以前), they were classmates. They all come to Wuhan to fight against COVID﹣19. In the picture, Wang Xiaohong is getting ready for her duty. 
 This is the cover of TIME. Gao Zhixiao is 32 years old. He is from Ningxia. But now he is in Beijing. He is a delivery driver(外卖骑手) of Meituan in Beijing. He sends food to people every day to keep their life running as the virus is spreading. 
4.  Xavier McCoury can only see three colours, black, white and grey. He can't see red, green, yellow, blue, brown, purple, pink, orange or other colours. So you can see Xavier is colourblind.
  Now Xavier is ten years old. He has a pair of EnChroma Glasses from his aunt Celena. The glasses help(帮助) him see all the colours.
  When Xavier puts on(戴上) the glasses for the first time, he is shocked(震惊的) at seeing many colours. "Can you see my shirt?Purple?" his dad asks. Xavier cries(哭) happily and says yes.
  "Thank you!" he says to his aunt. His mum, Melissa, says, "Xavier is happy to see many colours with the glasses for the first time. He says he doesn't want to take off the glasses. "
5.Hi, everyone. (1)      
  Now we are at the gate of my school. On our left is an office building. It is a white building. (2)      It's new and there's no furniture in it now. Between the office building and the science building is the No. 1 Classroom Building. It's big and there are many students in it. (3)      behind the No. 1 Classroom Building. There aren't many students in it. Because(因为) it is class time now. (4)      is the No. 2 Classroom Building. It's small but nice. Students in Grade 7 are in it. On the left of the playground (5)       There are many kinds(种类) of books there.

A. Welcome to my school.
B. On the right of the playground.
C. is the library building.
D. And on our right is the science building.
E. Walk along (继续往前走) and you can see a big playground. 
6.His father is       (四十) years old.
7.I like      (游泳) very much.
8.—Where is the boat?
—Look! It's over there, in the      (中间) of the river.
9.I want to read books in a quiet place, so I go to the school l       .
10.I often play computer games during my       (冬季)holiday.
11.This is our new house and we need to buy some new f       for it.
12.What's the weather like on W      ?
13.The boy wants to be an       (演员)like Jackie Chan.
14.London is the       (首都)of England.
15.My cousin works in a      (医院). She is a nurse.
16.Dear friends,
  This is my new school. It's a foreign language school(外国语学院). There are fifty﹣five (1)      (class). There are about 50 students(2)       a class. This is (3)      (we) classroom. There are 51 desks and chairs in it. What else can you (4)      (see) in our classroom? Yes, there is a television and a computer in it, (5)      there aren't (6)       (some)pictures or footballs in it. In front of our classroom is our teachers' office. There are six (7)      (teach)in the office. Our teacher, Miss Ma is in it. She teaches (8)      (we)English.
  Our school is very beautiful(9)       many buildings in it. The gym is in front of the classroom buildings. Next to the gym is the science lab. Behind the lab is the dining hall. (10)      (be) our school very nice?
  Welcome to our school!
17.请你向你的笔友Mike介绍一下你的新学校, 具体信息如下:
1. 学校有六个大型的建筑物﹣﹣教学楼, 图书馆, 科学实验室, 餐厅, 运动大厅和办公楼.
2. 在学校的正中心是一个大的操场, 操场的右边有餐厅和办公楼.
3. 操场的左边有图书馆, 科学实验楼和运动大厅, 而且运动大厅在图书馆和科学实验楼的中间.
4. 教学楼在办公楼和图书馆的中间, 而且紧邻着操场.
5. 我们都很喜欢我们的学校.
要求:1. 词数60左右;
2. 语句通顺, 意思连贯.
期中试卷 最新试卷 四川试卷 乐山市试卷 2021年试卷 初中试卷 七年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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