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1.I have a younger sister. I often help my parents look after _______.
  • A. him
  • B. her
  • C. them
  • D. it
2.We often go for a walk _______ the park near our home.
  • A. of
  • B. on
  • C. in
  • D. from
3.Nancy is happy _______ she has got a new idea for her history project.
  • A. because
  • B. while
  • C. if
  • D. though
4.—Must I write the report by hand, Mrs. Taylor?
—No, you _______. You can write it on the computer.
  • A. needn't
  • B. mustn't
  • C. can't
  • D. shouldn't
5.—Excuse me, _______ is this coat?
—It's 168 yuan.
  • A. how many
  • B. how old
  • C. how long
  • D. how much
6.Tony is _______ than he was three years ago.
  • A. patient
  • B. more patient
  • C. most patient
  • D. the most patient
7.Helen is good at math, so she _______ her brother with his math every day.
  • A. is helping
  • B. helped
  • C. helps
  • D. has helped
8.Look! Some children _______ up the rubbish.
  • A. pick
  • B. picked
  • C. are picking
  • D. will pick
9.We _______ good friends since we were in middle school.
  • A. have been
  • B. are
  • C. were
  • D. will be
10.I _______ my physics notes at 9 o'clock last night.
  • A. review
  • B. reviewed
  • C. am reviewing
  • D. was reviewing
11.Chinese _______ in schools across the world now.
  • A. teaches
  • B. is taught
  • C. taught
  • D. was taught
12.—Dad, do you remember _______ for the first time?
—In 2006.
  • A. when you will visit Beijing
  • B. when you visited Beijing
  • C. when will you visit Beijing
  • D. when did you visit Beijing
13.  I hurried across the grass to the forest and sat down on a large rock. I thought that no one would know where to look for me. At last I had peace and quiet. I felt (1)       as I lifted my guitar onto my knee.
  I started to play and sing, "Lean on me, when you're not strong." It sounded terrible, and I tried to play again.
  "How's it going, Tina?"
  I was surprised to see my brother James standing behind me.
  "Don't you have a basketball game to watch?" I (2)       so much for my perfect hideaway.
  "The game was almost over when I noticed you leave. I thought you might like some (3)      ."
  "That's the last thing I want. I feel I don't have any privacy at home. Yesterday I found Eliza looking through my diary, and Sara was listening to the radio in my room after lunch today. I just want to be alone for a change."
  James studied me for a moment. "It's (4)       living in such a big family, isn't it? I felt the same way when I was your age, but now..."
  "Now you have your own room because Daniel went to college," I said.
  James laughed. "It is great to have my own room, but sometimes I really (5)       Daniel. It was actually wonderful to have someone else there. We share memories and jokes no one else understands, and when things get difficult, we can always (6)       one another. Didn't Sara help you with your homework until midnight last week?"
  I admitted (承认) (7)      , "Yeah, sometimes she can be all right."
  "So this place can be your 'room'. Anytime you really need a little quiet, just come out here. I won't tell anyone about it," James said. "Now, how about the song you were trying to play? Here, let me try."
  "Maybe (8)       isn't so bad after all," I thought when I handed my brother the guitar.
14.  Do you get pocket money from your parents or do you work to make money? Do you spend it or save it? Let's check out how four teenagers in Britain get money and do with it.
 Ruth, 13
My parents give me £10 a week. I get it on Saturday after I wash my father's car. I keep most of the money in my piggy bank at home. I'm saving up for a new pair of football shoes. Now I'm close to my goal. 
 Sam, 15
My parents don't give me pocket money. I make £20 every week by working in a store from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. I spend about half of the money on my books, clothes and food, and then save the rest for my next holiday. 
 Jana, 16
I get pocket money from my parents. They give me £60 every month, but I have to help with housework, like doing the dishes and taking out the rubbish. I can use the money to buy food and gifts for my parents on holidays. 
 David, 17
I look after young children for my neighbours from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Saturday. I make £100 every month. The work is very tiring, but I enjoy being with children and I need this job to save money for my university education. 
15.  Fourteen-year-old Akram used to spend a boring hour waiting at a bus stop after school each day. Teachers were preparing for the next day in the classrooms, but students weren't allowed in. Akram thought it was such a waste of time although he could play on his phone, so he decided to change things. He wanted to stay at school and do his favorite hobby — art.
  One day, he asked the head teacher if students could do something in the school after classes. "If you find out what is needed, I will help you," the head teacher set him a challenge.
  Over the next week, Akram talked to all the students who waited after school and other students, too. He asked them what they would like to do in that hour. Many students said they wanted after-school clubs for things like chess, basketball, art and reading.
  When Akram arrived at the head teacher's office, there was another student, Holly, waiting there. The head teacher told them that they both had the same idea, so she wanted them to work together. She gave them some problems to solve.
  "You need to find the people who will be responsible for the clubs and who will pay for any equipment (设备)," said the head teacher. "Also, you need to talk to the cleaning team to make sure that they can clean up after you leave."
  Akram and Holly talked about their idea and problems at the next Parents' Association meeting. They also did the same thing to their teachers and the cleaning team.
  Several days later, a teacher told them that he could organize trainee (实习生) teachers to be responsible for the clubs. The Parents' Association decided to raise money to pay for equipment like chess boards and baskets. The cleaners agreed that they could clean the classrooms after the hour was finished.
  Now the school has some exciting after-school clubs. Akram and Holly enjoyed the experience very much.
16.  Background knowledge is the knowledge a person has about the world when he or she starts to read a text. It is agreed that background knowledge plays an important role in reading. Put simply, the more you know about a topic, the easier it is for you to read a text, understand it, and remember the information.
  To understand this, here are two points. First, background knowledge enables readers to choose between different meanings of words. For example, if you read the word "operation" in a sports article, you might think about a sportsperson with a serious injury (伤). But if you read the word in a math text, you'd think about a mathematical process. Second, understanding a text requires readers to fill missing information and make inferences. To do this, readers need to have some basic knowledge about the topic.
  Students get background knowledge both through personal experiences and by learning in the classroom. Then how can teachers help students build background knowledge? Here are some suggestions.
  Begin by teaching words in categories (类别). For example, teachers can try something as simple as this: "Apples, bananas, strawberries, mangoes. They are a type of ... (fruit)." Categories of objects and the use of generic nouns (统称) can help students increase vocabulary and develop concepts (概念).
  ________. Reading builds knowledge but wide reading has usually been taken as reading about a lot of different topics. Teachers can try a different way — encourage children to find an interest and read as many books as they can on one topic. This will help them develop a deeper knowledge on a topic.
  Use multimedia (多媒体). Direct experiences are the most effective ways to build knowledge. There is nothing more exciting for students than learning through direct experiences, such as field trips and other activities. Although multimedia cannot replace real-life experiences, it can often provide a lot of information that we could only wish to experience firsthand. It can also introduce children to important words and concepts.
  Background knowledge is important in a student's ability to fully understand a text. Teachers' efforts can help students become stronger thinkers and life-long readers and learners.
17.  In America, an increasing number of middle and high schools now require students to serve a certain number of community service hours before they can graduate. And some parents ask their children to do volunteer work year round even if it's not mandatory (强制性的) at school. Volunteering has important benefits, such as learning new skills and developing responsibility. However, some people question whether community service is worthwhile if students are forced to take part.
  Some people say that many teenagers' schedules (日程安排) are filled with homework and after-school programs, and forcing them to do other activities will make them stressed out. "Adding community service to teenagers' already crowded schedules makes it feel like an unpleasant and boring task," says Ellison O'Grady, 15, a student from Bay Head, New Jersey. Other people say that mandatory service will lead students to believe that they should only help others when they receive an immediate benefit in return, and finally discourage them from volunteering later in life.
  Teenagers who volunteer are more likely to do better in school and are less likely to get involved in risky behaviors, studies show. They also get social skills and work experience that can pay off later in life. However, if many busy teenagers are given a choice, they would simply skip voluntary service. That's why requiring community service is important, supporters say. In addition, there is little proof to support that mandatory community service weakens young people's motivation (动机) to join in future service. In fact, studies show that mandatory service is connected with strong wish to take part in future volunteering.
  As a high school student in New York, Bellamy Richardson, now 18, had to do 75 hours of community service before graduation. At first, she was worried how she could find that much time. But to her surprise, she not only met the service requirement sooner than she'd expected, but also learned a lot, and found that she loved volunteering. Bellamy is now glad that her service wasn't by choice. "Requiring community service would give other people the chance I had," she said.
  So ask yourself: Would you volunteer if it weren't mandatory? Could the benefits of volunteering make it worthwhile no matter how teenagers get involved? I suppose community service is something that should be encouraged even if it is just a duty at the beginning.
18.Spreading Happiness
  Jessica Martin and Asherah Weiss are art teachers in a primary school. They thought their students might have the magic words that could bring calm to people in difficult times, so they created a project called "PepToc" with their students. The project had two parts — one was setting up a hotline, and the other was making encouraging posters. The two teachers had the same basic question for all the students: "What could you say to help or encourage someone else?"
  Students working on the hotline thought of what they would like to say. Then Ms. Martin recorded each one, and sorted out (分类) the recordings into different parts of the telephone hotline. When people call the hotline, they can hear happy voices of children of different ages sharing positive (积极的) messages. For example, pressing 1 brings ideas for people who are "feeling mad or nervous". Helpful suggestions include "listen to music" or "go get a cookie". Pressing 2 results in "words of encouragement and life advice". This includes messages like "The world is a better place with you in it." and "You are okay!" By pressing 3, you can hear a group of children saying together: "You can do it! Keep trying, don't give up!"
  Other students made encouraging posters and hung them up around the town. Many posters had strips of paper. When people passed by, they could tear off (撕掉) the strips and take with them. For example, one poster said, "If you are mad, think of positive thoughts," and had strips reminding people to "be happy".
  Ms. Martin thought the project would only attract interest from people near the school. But in its first six weeks, the hotline got 5 million calls from around the world. It has become very popular with stressed adults, patients in hospitals, and others who just want to hear the happy voices of children. For Martin and Weiss, the project shows students that small acts can have a big influence. "If you have an idea, just try to do it and see what happens," Weiss says. Students now know that they have amazing power. They're already thinking about new messages to record for the PepToc Hotline.
提示词语:sad, active, plan, try out, ask for
• How do you feel as a school-leaver?
• What progress have you made?
• What advice would you like to give to the students in Grade 7 and 8?

Dear fellow students,
  I'm very happy to speak to you today. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  Hope you all enjoy your time and make progress in middle school! 
提示词语:afraid, encouragement, prepare, practice, confident
• What did you do?
• What have you learned from the experience?
  There are many chances for us to try new things in our life. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 
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