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1.  My name is Jason. Last Saturday, I volunteered to clean up the park nearby with my friends. As I was cleaning around a bush (灌木), I found a yellow (1)      in it. I picked up the wallet and opened it. There were twenty dollars in it.
  I was still holding the wallet in one hand and the (2)      in the other hand when a friend called me for help. Without thinking, I (3)       the wallet and put the money into my pocket (口袋) . I continued with the cleaning with my friends, (4)       my heart was no longer in the work. I kept wondering what to do with the money.
  After the cleaning, one of my friends suggested we eat ice-creams. I (5)       everyone an ice-cream.
  My friends enjoyed their ice-creams very much, but I didn't really enjoy mine. I felt even worse on my way home when I met a girl who was holding the(6)       wallet that I dropped just now. She was crying, and her mother was angry with her. I realized the money I (7)       was the girl's. I wanted to (8)       her the money! But I had only four dollars left.
  Then I ran home as (9)       as possible and told my mother what had happened. She gave me the money I needed. I ran to give it back to the (10)       and said sorry to her.
2.阅读下面的短文, 判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符, 符合的写(A), 不符合的写(B).
  Beidou is China's first global navigation satellite system (全球卫星导航系统). More than 120 countries and regions are using the Beidou system.
  It started its full-scale (全面的) work on July 31, 2020. With as many as 59 satellites, Beidou has "bright eyes". These satellites fly around the earth. They can "see" rivers, forests and mountains. They can "see" houses and schools on the earth. Of course, they can "see" you, too! From space, they can tell where you are on the ground, with a difference of no more than 10 meters.
  Beidou can help people find the way, even when it's on the dark sea. It can look for mines (矿产) in deep mountains. It can give orders to driverless cars. Last summer, when Chinese people fought the flood (洪水) in the South, Beidou helped measure (测量) the rise and fall of the flood water.
  What's more, when people are in danger and there is no mobile phone signal (信号) , they can use Beidou to send a 1, 200﹣word message to ask for help.
  All in all, Beidou is there to keep us safe and make our life convenient.
3.  Here are some signs in our daily life. We should pay attention to them in public places.

4.  If you're ever wondering what you can prepare for a seal's birthday, maybe you can try a cake made of ice and fish.
  Yulelogs is a lovely grey seal. Recently, he celebrated his 31st birthday. All his human friends wanted to make it a day to remember. On this special day, the seal got a large ice fish cake as a birthday gift.
  Yulelogs once lived in a marine park (海洋公园) in the north of England when he was just a baby. Later the park closed and he was put into the wild. However, after living with humans for years, Yulelogs was not ready to take care of himself. But he had good luck and was saved by an organization in England in 1993. He has lived there happily since then.
  Normally, male (雄性的) grey seals live to be around 25 years old in the wild, but under the good care of the organization, Yulelogs just turned 31. This birthday was a big milestone (里程碑) for him and the organization as well.
  To mark the milestone, workers there surprised him with a special gift — a large ice cake filled with delicious fish. Yulelogs was excited to see the cake, and he was there to show his joy. "Yulelogs really loved his birthday cake," a worker said. "It's also a challenge for him as it requires a bit of thinking on how to get the fish out of the cake!"

5.  Thanks to a TV show, Fu Sheng is no longer a stranger to us. He is a scholar (学者) who lived during the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. Thanks to this scholar, we have the chance to enjoy the great book Shangshu, one of the "five classics" of Confucianism (儒学) .
  The TV show is named China in the Classics (典籍里的中国) . The wonderful program was presented by CCTV. In its first episode (集) , Fu Sheng's story was turned into a stage show. After watching it, people not only showed great interest, but also were deeply moved by him. He lived a simple life and made his efforts to protect and pass on a country's culture.
  The art director of the show is Tian Qinxin. It was not an easy task for him to turn an ancient classic into a one-hour stage show that connects with the people of today. However, he made it and the show received high praise from people.
  The TV show tells one classic Chinese book of ancient times in teach episode, letting rich history shake hands with modern expressions. It is enjoyed by young people and makes classics "alive".
  "Through the classics, we can see the foundations (基础) of modern China," said Tian. "No matter how the human history has developed, they still have a great influence on us. The classics remind us not to forget out past and explain where our cultural confidence (自信) comes from."
  Your schooldays should be some of the best and happiest days of your life. (1)      And how can you make sure not to waste this great chance to learn?
  Be active at school. Don't say things are difficult or boring. Take interest in school life and your school subjects. (2)      Go around the school with a big smile. If you are not working, you are wasting your time at school. Teachers cannot make everything enjoyable.
  Keep fit. If you don't eat a good breakfast, you will feel tired at school. (3)      Play enough sports every day in order to keep your body strong. Also, drink more water and fewer soft drinks to keep healthy.
  (4)      Don't put off what you can do till tomorrow. Don't give up if you get behind the class. Everyone fails some exams, loses some matches and has bad days. Don't make small problems very big.
  (5)      You are young, and no one thinks you must do everything quite well!
  Follow our advice, and have a happy school life!

A. Face the problem.
B. Join lots of activities.
C. You may help Mum with housework.
D. How can you make full use of them?
E. Don't forget to ask for help when in trouble.
F. If you go to bed late, you will be sleepy in class. 
7.阅读下面的材料, 在空白处填入一个适当的词, 或填入括号内所给单词的正确形式(每空最多不超过三个单词).
  Walt Disney was born in 1901. The Mickey Mouse he created in 1928 made (1)      (he) very famous. He died in 1966, but all his work and (2)      (dream) did not die. Now people all over the world enjoy Mickey Mouse and other cartoons.
  Walt Disney was a man (3)       did not give up easily. One summer, Walt wanted a job in a post office, but they told him that he was too young (4)      ( get ) it. He went home, drew some lines on his face, and wore his father's suit and hat. Then he went back to the same office and told them he was eighteen. (5)       (lucky), he got the job at last.
  Later in his life, Mr. Disney dreamed of building a new kind of amusement park. In his dream it was clean and (6)      ( beauty ), it was fun for people of all ages, and there (7)      (be) rides for children and nice hotels for adults. Mr. Disney made a plan for this park. It was called Disneyland. Engineers told him it was impossible (8)       him to achieve his dream. His family and friends (9)      (think ) he was mad at that time, but Mr. Disney did not give up his idea. Finally, Disneyland opened to the public and became (10)       most successful amusement park in the USA. Walt Disney's dream came true.
8.通读下列对话, 然后根据上下文补全对话内容.
( A: David B:Mary )
A: Hi, Mary. Have you heard of the volunteer activity this week in our school?
B: (1)      .
A: Ah, don't you know?It is "Empty Plates Movement". And I'm one of the volunteers.
B: (2)      ?
A:We will put up signs about saving food in our school dining hall at first.
B: Oh, sounds interesting!What else will you do?
A: (3)      . We have lots of things to do.
B: Wonderful! When will it start?
A: At 3:00 tomorrow afternoon. (4)      ?
B: Yes, I'd love to. See you tomorrow.
A: (5)      .
9.阅读下面的短文, 按要求完成后面各个小题.
  One afternoon a student was taking a walk with his teacher. As they went along, they saw a pair of old shoes lying in the path. They belonged to a farmer, who was working in the nearby field.
  The student said, (4)"Let's hide his shoes and wait to see what he will do."
"We should never make fun of the poor!" answered the teacher, "Why not put a coin in each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch?" The student did so and they both hid themselves behind the trees. When the poor man finished his work, he came to the path where he had left his shoes.
  (5)他把他的脚放进了其中的一只鞋子里。To his surprise, he found a coin in it, so he looked at the coin again and again. He then looked around, but no person could be seen. He put the money into his pocket and continued to put on the other shoe. His surprise was doubled on finding the other coin. He couldn't control his feelings. He fell to his knees, looked up to the sky and expressed his thanks. He said the coins would help his poor family and save his hungry children.
  The student stood there deeply moved. The teacher said, "Are you feeling much happier than hiding the shoes?"
10.  假如你是中学生李华, 你校将举办庆祝建党100周年的演出活动, 活动也会同步进行网络直播(www. loveschool. com. cn), 你打算邀请你的外国朋友Peter 来现场观看.请根据以下要点写一封邀请信.

✧ 文中不能出现真实的人名, 地名和校名;
✧语言通顺, 表达正确, 要点齐全, 适当补充;
✧词数不少于60, 开头结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.
参考词汇:书法 calligraphy 武术 martial art
Dear Peter,
  There will be a show to celebrate the 100 birthday of the Chinese Communist Party in our school.

  I am looking forward to your reply.
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