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1.Laura is 11﹣year﹣old girl. She is good at playing _____ guitar.
  • A. /; a
  • B. an; /
  • C. an; the
  • D. a; an
2.There are about six ______ students in our school, and ______ of them are watching the show in the science center now.
  • A. thousands; hundred
  • B. thousand; hundreds
  • C. thousands; hundreds
  • D. thousands; hundred of
3.— How far is it from your home to the zoo?
— Maybe ______.
  • A. ten minutes' bus ride
  • B. five minutes
  • C. fifteen minute walks
  • D. ten minutes'
4.—Mike, Where's your homework?
—Sorry, Mr. Hu. I _______ it at home and forget _______ it to school.
  • A. lose;to bring
  • B. leave;bringing
  • C. leave;to bring
  • D. lose;to bring
5.Nancy _______ a story to her son almost(几乎)every night. Look, she _______ an interesting story now.
  • A. read;is reading
  • B. reads;is reading
  • C. is reading;reads
  • D. reads;reads
6.  Li Na's parents work in Australia, so she has to(1)       with her grandparents in Shanghai. Today is May 18th, Li Na's birthday. Every year(2)       her birthday, she feels sad. Because her parents(3)       come back for her birthday. But this year things are(4)       . Li Na's friends are having a big birthday party for her. They also(5)       her a lot of gifts. Li Na's grandma makes a big(6)       for her. It looks beautiful and smells delicious. She feels very happy.
  What are they doing at the party now?Li Na is opening the presents. Li Ping and Sun Hui are(7)       the cake. John and Wei Yi are playing games. What about Alice and Ai Xue?They're looking at Li Na's family photos. (8)       of the children are having fun at the party.
  Listen!The telephone is ringing. (9)       is calling?Oh, it's Li Na's parents. They want to say " Happy birthday " to their(10)       . Everyone keeps quiet. It's an important time for Li Na.
7.  I'm Bob and I'm a student of No . 4 Middle School , We have many rules in our school . I think some of them are good for us , but others (其他的) are not so good .
  We have to wear our school uniforms(校服) . I think it's good . We can't be late for school and we have to listen to the teacher in class . All of these rules are good for our study and I like them . We can't bring phones to school . I don't think it's a good idea , Sometimes our parents are busy and can't get home early . They need to tell us about that . If(如果)we can't take phones , how can they call us ?We can't go to the movies on school nights , either . I know we must study hard , but we need relax a little , too.
Hi, Mom Name: Hi, Mom
Duration (时长): 128 minutes
Time: March 29th﹣﹣April 11th, 202110:30 a. m. ;1:30 p. m. ;3:30 p. m. ;6:00 p. m.
Place: New Time Theater(电影院)Price:50 yuan 
◆ Keep quiet.
◆ Don't take photos.
◆ Don't run in the hallways.
◆ Buy food only inside(在里面)the hall.
◆ Don't take your pets with you.
◆ Don't let children go to the hall by themselves(他们自己). 
Some ads (广告) are usually on before the movie starts. 
9.  Tom is a very lovely boy . He is five years old . Today his mother wants to take him to visit his grandmother in another city. His uncle lives with his grandmother . Tom's grandmother always tells him a lot of interesting stories . His uncle's home is very far from his home , so they can't walk there . They go there by bus . At 9 o'clock in the morning, they get on a bus . On the bus , there are many people . But luckily , he and his mother find two seats for themselves . Two minutes later , an old woman and a young man get on the bus . The old woman doesn't look well . Tom stands up at once(立刻, 马上)and wants to give the old woman his seat , but the young man runs quickly and takes his seat . Tom is very sad and then his mother gives her seat to the old woman .
10.Dear Dad and Mom ,
  How are you ?I 'm happy here , but I miss you very much . It's Sunday today . I don't have classes . I am writing an e﹣mail to you in the computer room now . There are lots of students here . Some students are talking with their friends on QQ . Some students are playing computer games . Some students are watching movies on computers . My new friends , Peter and Bill , are here with me . Peter is buying a T ﹣ shirt on the Internet . And what is Bill doing ?Oh , he is reading a book on the computer . They're friendly and they often help me with my study and life . When you come to Shanghai , I want you to meet them .
  I'm OK in Shanghai . Please don't worry (担心) about me . I hope you are happy and well .
11.  Many of you might love cute animals. But do you know how to look after them?Wonderful Friends《奇妙的朋友》might be able to(会)tell you. It is a TV show on Hunan TV. (1)      "Don't cry, my dear friends with two feet. I will protect you just as the way you protect me, " the show's theme(主题)song says. On the show, six famous people learn to become animal keepers(饲养员)at a zoo in Guangzhou. (2)      Many people like the show because it has a lot of moving(感人的) moments. For example, to teach a chimpanzee(黑猩猩)named Coco how to climb a tree, Li Yuchun climbs first. (3)      .
  Although Coco fails(失败)a few(几次) times, she learns how to climb in the end. When she gets to the top, she smiles at Li.
  (4)      . They say it is dangerous for people to be so close to some animals. Because people and animals can give diseases(疾病)to each other.
  But the show tells us one thing. What's that?(5)       . As British animal expert(专家)Jane Goodall said:" Only if(只有)we understand can we care. Only if we care will we help. Only if we help shall(将会)they be saved. "

A. She shows Coco how to climb carefully.
B. It is important for us to understand animals.
C. They try their best to look after different animals.
D. But there are also some people thinking differently.
E. The show is about how people get along with animals.
12.  Today is Sunday. I go to the zoo with my parents. It's big and many(1)      of animals are in it . We take a map to show us the way in it . It helps us a lot and we can't get(2)       in the new place . I like koalas very much . They are(3)       Australia and they are kind of shy and always sleep(4)       the trees . Giraffes from Africa look quite funny . They have long legs and necks. They are over five meters(5)       . Elephants are smart animals . They live in the south of the zoo. They bring bananas to their mouths with their long noses and then(6)       them . They are(7)      , so people can touch them and(8)       photos with them . There are also some scary animals , (9)       lions or tigers . They look(10)       and sleep in the day. But when people walk past them , they'll start to roar (吼). We really have a good time there.
13.  Between two classes , there are ten minutes to have a break(休息). Most students go out to play . In the classroom , you can only see six people now .
  Tom and Betty are talking to Mr Wang in the hallway . They study hard and like to ask questions after class . All the teachers like them . Tony is reading a storybook in the classroom . His mother buys this book for his birthday . It is very funny so he likes it very much . Lucy and her sister Lily are standing next to the window of the classroom . They are looking out of the windows . They can see things on the playground . There many students are playing sports happily .
  All the students really like the ten ﹣ minute break.
Name Doing Place 
Tom and(1)       (2)      their teacher in the hallway 
Tony (3)       in the(4)       
Lucy and Lily Watching others(5)       next to the windows 
参考词汇:寄宿家庭 host family    生活方式 life style
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