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1.His name is Jack Robert Brown. His family name is ________.
  • A. Jack
  • B. Robert
  • C. Brown
  • D. Jack Robert
2.Jenny's things are everywhere. Her room isn't ________.
  • A. small
  • B. big
  • C. lost
  • D. tidy
3.—Wow, Tom! Your model plane is so nice.
  • A. All right.
  • B. Thank you.
  • C. You are welcome.
  • D. Very well.
4.In early 2020, Zhong Nanshan went to Wuhan to ________ people there.
  • A. help
  • B. think
  • C. know
  • D. thank
5.—Are these keys ________, Alice?
—No, I think they'are Eric's. ________ are lost.
  • A. your;Mine
  • B. your;Theirs'
  • C. yours;Hers
  • D. yours;His
6.Thanks _______ the photo _______ your family.
  • A. for, of
  • B. of, for
  • C. in, of
  • D. of, in
7.Here is __________. Some books __________ in it.
  • A. a bookcase; are
  • B. a book case; is
  • C. bookcase; is
  • D. bookcases; are
8.—_______ are the basketballs?
—I don't know. Are they in the bag?
  • A. What
  • B. Where
  • C. Who
  • D. How
9.  Hello! My name is Linda Green. I'm a girl. This is my(1)       . It's a yellow notebook. How do you(2)      it?N﹣O﹣T﹣E﹣B﹣O﹣O﹣K. That is my schoolbag. My pencil box, a dictionary and a watch are(3)      it. My pencil box is red. Three (4)      are in it. Look !That is my dictionary. It's(5)      English dictionary. It is blue. (6)      is the watch?It is brown. (7)       nice. An ID card is in(8)      schoolbag, too. It isn't my ID card. (9)       is on my desk. It's Mike's. His (10)      is on it. I will(将会) (11)       him. His phone number is 8372 ﹣9810. Oh! (12)       is that?It is a key. Maybe it is Mrs. White's. She(13)       a key yesterday. Mrs. White is my English teacher. She has(14)      daughter and a son. Her daughter is Sally. Her(15)       is Bob. They are in my middle school, too.
English a number see lose at I must where blue 

  Hello, boys and girls. (1)       name is Grace Miller. I'm an(2)       boy. My ID card(3)       is 202097705. This is my schoolbag. It's(4)      . I like the color very much. Oh, what's this in English?It's(5)       English dictionary. That is my pencil box. You can(6)       a ruler, two pencils and three pens it. (7)       is my jacket?I(8)      it in the afternoon. I(9)       find it. If you see it, please call me(10)      888﹣998. Thanks.
Found Lost 
Is it your ring? Please call Lucy at 2687﹣5398. My new bike. It is white. My name is David.
Phone number: 8740﹣2093. 
Is this your bag? Please call Jane. The telephone number is 6501﹣7362. My baseball. My name is Jimmy. Please call 7952﹣1603. 
12.  Lisa White has a happy family. There are six people in her family. Her grandfather's name is James White. Her grandmother's name is Alice White. They have a son and a daughter. Her father's name is Thomas White. Her mother's name is Jenny White. Lisa is 13 and she is a middle school student. She has a little brother, Jimmy. Jimmy is only three.
  This is Lisa's classroom. 40 sets of desks and chairs are in the classroom. The desks and chairs are blue. She likes the color. The teacher's desk is white. A tape player, a notebook, a pen and ruler are on it. On the wall (墙) are four pictures of her school. A bookcase is in the classroom too. Many books are in it. Lisa loves her classroom very much.
13.  Frank has a new baseball hat. It is from his grandmother, Mary. The hat is orange and it is beautiful. Frank loves it. He wears (戴) it every day. When he doesn't wear it, he always puts it on his desk. This morning, Frank wants to wear the hat, but the hat is not on the desk. Where is it?
  Frank look for it under the desk, under the chair, in his schoolbag, under the sofa, just everywhere. But he can't find it.
  "Do you see my hat?" Frank asks his family. But no one sees it.
  Frank is sad (伤心的). He thinks his hat is lost. At that time, his cat Coco comes. And the hat is on her head!She loves the hat, too.
  Frank is very happy. He gets his hat and leaves (离开) home to play baseball with friends.
14.Do you know Kate Smith? (1)       She is English. Her family are in China now. (2)      Her mother is an English teacher in that school, too. Her brother David is a student in our school. He is learning Chinese. (3)      They like China. (4)       In this photo, her parents are on the sofa. David is in his room. (5)       She is in her room.

A. Where is Kate?
B. She is my good friend.
C. This is a photo of her family.
D. She is my grandmother.
E. He often helps me with my English.
F. Her mother is a teacher.
G. Her father is an English teacher in No. 2 Middle School. 
15.A:Hey, Cindy!What's this?
B: (1)      
A:Oh, your room is nice and tidy. (2)      
B:She is my sister Lily.
B:No, but she comes to my room every day.
B:It's my sister's jacket.
B:Oh, look!My sister wears it.

A. Who is the girl on the bed?
B. What color is your jacket?
C. It's a photo of my room.
D. What's that on the sofa?
E. Where is your jacket?
F. Are they your parents?
G. Is this her room, too? 
16.假如你是刘强, 根据中文提示, 写一篇介绍自己的文章, 不少于60词.
姓名 刘强 
国籍 中国 
学校 精英中学 
性别 男 
年龄 13 
电话号码 557 ﹣7996 
家庭成员 家有六口人, 爷爷、奶奶、爸爸妈妈、妹妹和自己; 
房间 房间小, 但是整洁, 英语书在书桌上, 钢笔在铅笔盒里, 书包在沙发上, 全家福在墙上. 

1. 字迹端正, 书写正确, 注意单词的大小写和标点符号.
2. 内容连贯得体, 不要逐条翻译;可适当发挥.
3. 文中不能出现与你自己相关的真实信息.
参考词汇:精英中学Jingying Middle School
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