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1.I have a pen friend. She is____ Australian girl.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.—I like number "9" best, because I think it stands for "long lasting".
—Me too. So I chose _______ floor to live on.
  • A. nine
  • B. ninth
  • C. the ninth
  • D. nineteen
3.Nothing is impossible ______ you put your heart into it!
  • A. as much as
  • B. as possible as
  • C. as far as
  • D. as long as
4.—Hi, Mary! I want to go to Qinghai Museum, but I am not sure______ get there.
—Don't worry. Let me tell you.
  • A. how could I
  • B. how I can
  • C. how can I
  • D. how I did
5.—What a clean and tidy room!
—Yes. It's _____ room.
  • A. Tina and Nina's
  • B. Tina's and Nina
  • C. Tina and Nina
  • D. Tina's and Nina's
6.—I have read books _______ were written by Charles Dickens.
—So do I. David Copperfield is my favorite.
  • A. how
  • B. who
  • C. what
  • D. that
7.Nobody taught my grandma how to use WeChat. She learned it all by _______ .
  • A. myself
  • B. yourself
  • C. himself
  • D. herself
8.Children_______ be told not to swim in the river.
  • A. can
  • B. must
  • C. may
  • D. might
9.There is no need to______ every new word in the dictionary when you are reading.
  • A. look up
  • B. look at
  • C. look after
  • D. look through
10.—In my opinion, keeping traffic rules is very important for road safety.
—________ Safety comes first.
  • A. That's all right.
  • B. I am sorry.
  • C. I agree.
  • D. Sounds bad.
11.  Becky was in the bathroom. She was brushing her (1)       and the tap (水龙头) was on. "Turn that tap off," a voice came out. Becky was scared. She looked around, but saw no one. "Turn off that tap. You are (2)       water!"
  "Who... who are you?" Becky's voice was (3)      .
  "I'm a drop of water. Do you know (4)       I'm from?"
  "From the tap, I think," said Becky.
  "Yes. But a few days ago, I was in a cloud. Then I dropped into a river. The river (5)       me to a lake. Then I travelled to your city and it was time to get cleaned up."
  "Get cleaned up?" Becky asked.
  "Yes. I was (6)       during my journey, so they must clean me up. Then I travelled (7)      the pipes (水管) under the ground. I waited there (8)       you called me, and here I am. After you've finished with me, I'll g to a sewage plant (污水处理厂). Then they'll push me into the river and I'll go (9)       the sea again."
  "Yes, So remember not (10)       me or waste me!"
12.  Poverty (贫穷) is a big problem in the world, but China has done a good job to deal with it and made the proud achievement. During fighting poverty, we've been moved by many heroes.
Helping Girls
◆Zhang Guimei
◆Lijiang, Yunnan
◆Many girls couldn't go to school because they were very poor.
◆Mrs. Zhang started a girl school for free and helped over 1, 800 girls go to college. 
Building a Road
◆Mao Xianglin
◆Wushan, Chongqing
◆Villagers lived on the 1, 000-meter-high cliffs (悬崖峭壁). So it took them three days to walk to the nearest town in the past.
◆Mr. Mao led villagers to build a road with their hands for 7 years. Now they spend just an hour driving to the nearest town. Local people can sell fruit to other places conveniently. 
Planting Mushrooms (蘑菇)
◆Chen Zaiming
◆Jingdong Yi, Yunnan
◆This place was famous for its wild mushrooms. But villagers didn't know how to grow them.
◆Mr. Chen taught villagers to plant mushrooms and helped them make over 5 million yuan. 
Chinese Achievements
◆832 counties (县) and 128, 000 villages are no longer in poverty.
◆98. 99 million villagers have been lifted out of poverty in the past 8 year.
◆China is responsible for reducing 70 percent of poverty since the late 1970s all over the world. 
13.①On a Sunday tight, a poor young artist stood at the gate of the railway station, playing his violin. The music was so great that may people stopped to put some money into his hat.
②After an hour, a man rushed through the crowd to the artist and said, "Yes, it's you. I knew you were honest and would certainly come here." The artist asked politely, "Are you Jack?" The man nodded. "Did you lose anything?" "Yes. It's a lottery ticket (彩票)," said the man. The artist took out a lottery ticket with Jack's name on it and returned it to the man.
③The next day, the young artist came to the same place and played the violin again. He laid a small board beside his hat. Soon people were attracted (吸引) by the words on it. It said, "Last night, a gentleman with the name of 'Jack' put an important thing into my hat by mistake. Please come to get it soon."
④Later his classmate asked the artist, "You are a student and you need money to pay the tuition for further study in the college. Why don't you keep the lottery ticket to yourself ?" The artist said, "Although I don't have much money, I live happily . But if I lose honesty, I won't be happy forever."
14.  Blood type is helpful to decide one's character. People might be surprised if you don't know your blood type . (1)       Now let's see what the four blood types say.
  Type O You are popular, friendly and creative. You might be a good leader. Good jobs for you:sportsman, player...
  (2)       People seem to be quiet outside but filled with worry inside. You are a good listener and have many friends. Good jobs for you:writer, computer programmer. ..
  Type B You can finish big tasks independently , (3)       You are good at reading people and helping others. Good jobs for you:teacher, social worker...
  Type AB (4)      You may be outgoing and friendly . You are more careful than other. Usually you like to help others. Good jobs for you:cook, reporter...
  (5)       But we don't have to take it too seriously — just for fun!

A. Type A
B. There are four blood type:O, A, B and AB.
C . Blood type is a fun way for us to know things about ourselves.
D. You work hard and often have your own way to achieve your goals.
E. This kind of people often have the characters of both A and B people. 
A. What happened?
B. I've learned more.
C. People in Xining felt it strongly
D. it's necessary for us to know how to protect ourselves in an earthquake.
E. What do you think of it?
F. Should we run out of the buildings right away?
G. And stay away from falling objects if we are outside. 

Hello! I've beard an earthquake happened in Maduo county of Guohao this morning.
Yes. (1)       Luckily, we are safe. No people died but some house felt down there.
I'm happy to know you are safe. Well, (2)       Do you know what we should do?
Sure!We should move to a safe place in a room at once, such as a washroom. (3)      
Hmm. (4)      
No, we shouldn't. We should leave the buildings when it is safe.
Oh! (5)       Thank you.
You're welcome! I hope everyone is safe and healthy.
16.Hi, Tom. You look tired. What's the matter?
I (1)       up late last night. I think we have too much homework.
Too much? I always finish it at about 9. 00.
Wow! How do you make it?
Well! Make sure that you listen to the teacher carefully in class. Don't be afraid to (2)       the teacher for help after class.
It's (3)r       useful, I think. Anything else?
Use your free time at school . The more homework you finish at school, the (4)       homework you will have at home.
Oh, I see I think I also need to make a plan.
Great! It's a good idea, especially when you have many things to do .
Thanks for your (5)a      . I'll have a try.
box , warmth, order, they 

  In fact, there was takeaway food in Song Dynasty. According to history books, Emperor Xiaozong liked to order takeaway food at night. He asked his servants to go around the city to choose the dishes and bring (1)       back.
  Common people also (2)       takeaway food at that time. They wrote down the information about the order in the restaurant. Then waiters would take food to their houses. In the famous (3)       (paint) Along the River During the Qingming Festival ( 《清明上河图)), a takeaway waiter can be (4)      (see) with food in hand .
  People during that time even had some special (5)       to put dishes in. They were long (6)       (wood) ones with beautiful pictures. People also put small bags of hot water in them to keep dinners (7)      . What else do you know about ancient takeaway food?
18.  The great scientist Yuan Longping passed away on May 22nd, 2021. ①All Chinese people were very _______ when hearing the quite bad news.
  ②hunger, Mr.Yuan, millions of, helped, out of people. So people want to do something to remember the great man. Many people think that saving food in the best way to pay back his super achievement. Actually, the whole society has been taking action to fight against food wasting for many years. The following is an example.
  ③A university student ______ Liu Jichen, has developed an app—Clear Your Plate. After a meal, people can use the app on the phone and take pictures of their empty plates. After the pictures are deal by the app, people will get some points. Then they can change the points into some gifts from the website. Now this app is very popular with young Chinese and has more than 1 million users. ④Me Lia said, "It's important to encourage young people to develop the habit of saving food. "
  Technology is a helpful way to save food but not the only one. ⑤Anyway, we must keep the good habit of thrift forever, just like what scientist Yuan said and did. ⑥If everyone tries to save food, our great scientist will be rather happy.

Chance       those people who are well prepared.
As we all know,       is one of the Chinese traditional culture.
Responsible teachers are always       their students.
We can't live such a       without the Communist Party of China.
23.用下列五个词或其适当形式自拟主题 (请写出标题), 写一篇至少五句话、主题鲜明、文意完整的短文, 词序不定.
happy, future, well, travel, so
24.假如你是王宁, 你想成为2022年北京冬奥会( Winter Olympics)的志愿者.请用英语给组委会写一篇80词左右的自荐信.开头已给出, 不计入总词数.文中不得出现真实校名和姓名.
1. 个人信息;
2. 自身优势(爱好特长、经历等);
3. 你将为此要做的准备;
4. ……

Dear Sir,
  I have heard that some volunteers are wanted in the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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