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Finally, you finish all your schoolwork and sit back in your chair. Suddenly you feel a headache and realize your eyes are painful. What's going on? Doctors say that many students are spending too much time in front of screens, especially during online classes. The following might be of some help to you. 
THE 20-20-20 RULE
This gives your eyes a break from long screen time. It suggests looking at something at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds after 20 minutes of work on the screen. You can then continue working pain free. 
• Studies show that people blink (眨眼睛) less often when looking at a screen. Keep your eyes wet by blinking often or using eye drops. 
Sit up straight about an arm's length (长度) away from the screen. Make sure you're looking down at your screen. Stand up and exercise often to avoid neck and shoulder pain. 
• What about blue light blocking glasses (防蓝光眼镜)? They may look cool, but research shows that blue light isn't the biggest cause of eye tiredness. So ask doctors about computer glasses before putting them on. 

2.  Joey was happy because he had many special friends — four squirrels (松鼠), two rabbits, and many colorful birds. At the meal time, these wild animals came near to the family and they would feed these special friends.
  In the large yard stood thirteen trees of different sizes. One day, while Joey was playing with his sister under the trees, he noticed that a tree trunk (树干) had a sad look. He ran into the house to tell his mom about it. She told Joey to find the reason why it was sad.
  So Joey went into the yard, ran to the sad tree and asked, "Why are you unhappy?"
  "I am the smallest tree around. The birds don't fly to me. The rabbits don't eat grass under me. The squirrels don't climb to my top. Nobody needs me or loves me," replied the sad tree.
  After knowing the reason, the family had a meeting. Joey suggested making a seat under the sad tree. Joey's father said he could help make a seat around the tree. The family would sit under the tree and the tree wouldn't feel sad anymore.
  When Joey told his special friends the tree was sad, they decided to do what they could to help make the sad tree happy again.
  Early the next morning, when Joey woke up, he noticed birds singing happily in the little tree and saw squirrels running up and down in it. Rabbits were eating the fresh grass around the tree. The little tree was happy again.
  Joey ran inside to tell the good news to his family. Joey's mother and father went into the yard and saw the happy tree.
  "Let's start to build the seats around the trees. I will need help to build them. Get the nails (钉子) for me, Joey," said the father.
  "I can help you hold the nails, dad," said Joey's sister.

3.  There's nothing quite like falling sound asleep after a full day of work. Like people, animals need to rest after working hard. Some animals sleep in water. Others dig holes under the ground. Some even sleep high in trees or under leaves. But they all find a way to rest.
  Some animals in the sea sleep in strange ways. Fish sleep with their eyes open. They seem to look ahead far into the sea while they rest. Sea otters sometimes sleep in beds of the plants that grow in the sea. This keeps them from moving away. Parrotfish blow something from their mouths when they are ready to sleep. Then a bubble (气泡) will be formed around them. The bubble protects them from harm while they sleep.
  Some animals sleep under the ground. Chipmunks (花栗鼠) sleep curled up (蜷缩) in a ball. Their beds are made of leaves and grass. In winter, they sleep for two weeks and wake up to eat the stored food. Then they go back to sleep for another two weeks before waking up again. Some desert frogs dig underground holes during the hot, dry season. A frog may stay in its hole for months.
  High above the ground, monkeys find leafy places in trees each evening before they sleep. The tall trees help to keep monkeys safe during the night. Some insects even sleep under the leaf that will be their next meal. A bee may climb down into a flower to rest. When it climbs out the next morning, it is rested and ready for work.
4.  Have you ever tried writing a poem? Maybe you think it is impossible especially if you do not think you are naturally creative. But if you follow the steps below, you can also write a better poem than you expected. (1)      
  ◆Pick a theme (主题) that interests you. Find the theme that you are interested in. (2)       "Love and friendship" is always the theme for a poem.
  ◆Choose a form for your poem. Get your creative minds working by picking a poetic form. You may choose a poetic form that you find easy.
  ◆Use your imaginations. You should always try to describe something using the five senses. (3)       Using imaginations will lead your readers into the world of your poem and make images (意象) come alive for them.
  ◆(4)       You could use "the heart of stone", "as white as snow" and so on. With these expressions, your poem will be different. They can make your poem a piece of wonderful work to your readers.
  ◆Read the poem out loud. Once you have completed a poem, you should read it aloud to yourself. (5)       Pay attention to how each line of your poem moves into the next smoothly. Keep a pen close by, so you can mark any lines or words that sound difficult and strange.
A. Make use of special expressions.
B. Start your poem with a clear idea.
C. Notice how the words sound on the page.
D. They are smell, taste, touch, sight and sound.
E. You will be proud to share it with your friends.
5.  Bella arrived home late from school that day. When she walked past her mother's room, she found her mum was (1)       in bed, and seemed to be very weak.
  Bella entered her room and heard the cries from her little sister. She knew her dad would expect her to (2)       her sister. And she also had to prepare meals for the whole family (3)       her mum did before. Bella thought it was not (4)       because she also had schoolwork to do, just like everyone else in her class. Why did she have to be the grown-up?
  When she got out of the room, she saw her (5)       sitting at the kitchen table, lonely and tired. Suddenly, something happened inside Bella. She (6)       that her father, as well as a husband, must be really (7)      .
  Then she heard a deep voice from her father, "Make the (8)      , will you, Bella?"
  She was going to find a(n) (9)       to meet her friends, but she stopped and said to herself, "It is a (10)       time for everyone in our family. I guess making meals is just what I can do to help." Then she (11)       went into the kitchen and began peeling (削) potatoes.
  "OK, Daddy," said Bella. "Everything will be all right and we can (12)      ." At the moment, she saw a smile on her father's face. She felt (13)       — grown up, somehow. It was really good to (14)       a smile to her father's face, even for only a moment.
  "Daddy, whatever happens, we will be OK. Right?"
  "Yes, we will. If we (15)       each other, we'll always be all right."
  They both smiled at each other over the table.
child help if way which solve into long develop they 

  Hand washing with soap can reduce (减少) illnesses. One of the easiest (1)       to stop the spread of illness is to wash your hands. But many children haven't (2)       the right habit of hand washing. Children do not wash (3)       hands often enough or long enough. It's such a simple habit, but the children aren't doing it.
  Issar and his friend decided to (4)       the problem using a fun method. They tried many times and created a tool called Soapen. It turned hand washing (5)       a fun activity.
  As the name suggests, Soapen is a pen (6)       is made out of soap. The children draw on hands with the Soapen and then wash the drawing off. The colors will remain on the children's hands (7)       they don't spend enough time washing them off. It is very (8)       for a teacher in a classroom. After all, not all the teachers have the time to make each (9)       wash his hands properly.
  "Children wash hands much (10)       than before now because they like drawing on hands. Soapen does help children make a good habit of hand washing," said Issar.

A great saying always helps a lot. There (1)       a lot of great Chinese sayings and many of them are about how to live (2)       good life. What's your favorite Chinese saying? Vote (投票) for your favorite saying and tell us why you like it. 

My favorite saying is, "To have faults (错误) and not to correct them, this, indeed, is to have faults." I agree with the saying. For example, (3)       took me much time to learn new words when I began learning Chinese. I didn't want to put in the time to practice. That was my greatest weakness. So I try (4)       correct it by finding an enjoyable way to study. Reading is really a good start. 

"When I have two others with me, I can always find one to be my teacher" is one of my favorites. Whenever I practice (5)       my classmates, I will think of this great saying. I can learn a lot from others, even from the mistakes. 
8.A: Hi, Alex. How are you doing today?
B: As busy as a bee. (1)      .
A: A project?
B: Yes. It's my English homework.
A: Sounds interesting. (2)      ?
B: It is about my great hometown. We are going to make an introduction to Henan. We hope people will get to know more about my hometown.
A: How special your homework is!
B: But I don't know how to make it more creative. (3)      ?
A: No problem. Please tell me what you are going to talk about in your project.
B: Hmm, let me see… (4)      .
A: Great! Why not go to our school library to find more information?
B: Good idea. (5)      ?
A: Sure, I'd love to. Let's go.
9.阅读是英语学习的重要途径。请你结合下面图示信息,以"How reading improves my English"为题,根据写作要求,用英语写一篇短文,向学校校刊的英语专栏投稿。

1. 文中须包含上图提示的所有信息,可适当发挥;
2. 文中不得出现考生的真实姓名和学校名称;
3. 词数100左右(开头已给出, 不计入总词数)。
参考词汇:improve 提高
How reading improves my English
            Reading plays an important role in my English learning. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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