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1.I usually have _______ egg and some bread for breakfast.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.Father's Day comes _______ June every year.
  • A. in
  • B. on
  • C. at
  • D. to
3.It's raining heavily. Please take the _______.
  • A. stone
  • B. flower
  • C. umbrella
  • D. postcard
4.I _______ a party next Saturday. I hope you can come.
  • A. had
  • B. was having
  • C. have had
  • D. will have
5.Believe in _______ and you can make it.
  • A. myself
  • B. yourself
  • C. himself
  • D. herself
6.The new year is coming. Teachers encourage us _______ new hobbies.
  • A. develop
  • B. developing
  • C. to develop
  • D. developed
7._______ Zhang Guimei isn't in good health, she works hard to help her students.
  • A. Although
  • B. If
  • C. Because
  • D. When
8.Last year, a new old people's home _______ in our community.
  • A. builds
  • B. built
  • C. is built
  • D. was built
9.Roy is a great dancer. He dances _______ than others.
  • A. beautifully
  • B. more beautifully
  • C. less beautifully
  • D. most beautifully
10.—Excuse me, do you know _______?
—Yes. Next Friday.
  • A. when will the volunteers come back
  • B. when the volunteers will come back
  • C. how will the volunteers come back
  • D. how the volunteers will come back
11.  It was a sunny afternoon. Sam and his sister Lily were helping Mom (1)       the room.
  "Hey, Sam," said Mom. "Would you please put these paper-towel tubes (纸巾内管) in the bin?" Sam looked at the tubes and something came to him. He asked, "Could I use them to make a(2)      ?" "Great idea!" said Mom. "Do we have any other good recycling materials (可回收材料)?" asked Sam. "Come on. Let's go and see what else we can find in (3)       house,"said Mom.
  Then, they walked around and kept (4)      . "This box would be good," Sam pointed out. "(5)       it's full of books." "I was going to put those books on the shelves (书架). Can you give me a (6)      ? Then you can have the box," said Mom. "Sure, no problem!" said Sam (7)      . "Now I only need several more things." Sam happily collected all his materials. He sat on the floor, cutting and gluing all afternoon.
  "I like your robot," said Lily. "Thanks. But his head is broken, and I can't (8)       it," said Sam. "Hmm," said Lily. She came up with an idea. She ran away and ran right back with an old hat. "Remember this hat?" asked Lily. "I wore it when I was a baby. Now it's too (9)       for me." "Thanks, it's perfect!" said Sam. "What do you think, Mr. Robot?"
  "I love it," said Mr. Robot, in a funny voice. "You are really good (10)       making things out of recycling materials."
12.  A man gets out of his car. He rushes into a doctor's office. "DOCTOR! Please help me! I think I must be seriously ill."
  "Tell me what's wrong," the doctor says beside his desk.
  "Everywhere I touch on my body, it hurts!" the man answers.
  "Come on and sit on the chair. Please show me."
  So the man touches his left foot and cries out of pain. Then he touches his right knee and cries, "Ouch." Then he touches his back and jumps out of the chair.
  As he is about to continue, the doctor says, "That's enough. Let me see." After a while, the doctor says, "Oh, I know. Feel your finger."
Orangutans are nature lovers. They like hanging out in the tree. They spend 95% of their time up there in the tree. They sleep and eat in their nests (巢). The nests are big enough for even a 10-year-old kid to play in. 
Pigs may not look so cute when they find mud (泥) holes. They like playing in the mud﹣it is like their natural playground. And when it is hot, they stay in the mud to cool themselves. They don't care how dirty they get. 
 Sea turtles
Sea turtle eggs are like ping-pong balls. After baby turtles break out of the eggs, they get themselves out of the sand and hurry to leave the beach for the sea. They swim for 24 hours in the sea to stay away from danger. 
14.  Free time is a good chance for teenagers to have fun. What about free time with parents around? Some teenagers want free play without parents' supervision (监管) while parents and experts (专家) may think differently.
  Lin Tao, a middle school student, thinks teenagers should be free to play. "Last time I played with my parents around, I was nervous and just couldn't enjoy myself to the fullest," Lin says. "And my friend Chen Xiaoxin has similar experiences. Once, he went out to play with his classmates. Everyone felt uncomfortable with his mother's supervision."
  Wang Min, a mother of a 14-year-old boy, thinks playtime needs supervision. She explains, "People usually say I like to control my kid, but that's not true. I am just worried that he will get into trouble. Some guys may have a bad influence on him, and some games like LARP (剧本杀) may mislead him. He might even get indulged in the stories and can't get back to real life."
  Mr. Ma, a doctor of social studies, says it's understandable for teenagers to wish for freedom. Free play helps them to be independent. Parents can give them more space. They don't have to supervise them all the time. However, teenagers should find out the exact details (细节) about the activities before playtime. Then they can communicate with their parents and decide together whether they can go out to play alone.
15.①On January 4th, the China National Traditional Orchestra (中央民族乐团) played some well-known traditional music in their concert. Audiences (观众) enjoyed the beautiful sounds guzheng, the powerful tunes of suona, the tearful notes of erhu and so on. Each traditional Chinese musical instrument tells its own story.
②"I've fallen in love with the sounds of traditional instruments, especially pipa, four-stringed (弦) instrument with a history of more than 2,000 years. It can produce different sounds, such as the sounds of falling snow and raindrops. Every time I listen to a pipa tune, I have a strong feeling of peace," said Yang Tian, an audience of the concert.
③However, a recent report suggests _______. To wake up people's love for tradition music, something creative has been done.
④In some traditional music concerts, VR (虚拟现实) technology is used to bring the starry sky or the beautiful sandy view of Dunhuang to the music hall. It makes the experience like watching a 3D movie.
⑤Li Xiaobing, a music teacher from Beijing, mixes traditional folk (民间) singing, opera and Chinese instruments through technology. People are surprised at his works and they love them!
⑥Some musicians try to add something new to traditional music. They bring modern music like pop and rap into traditional music. When the east meets the west, the new form of music wins the hearts of both the old and the young.
⑦Traditional music shows the beauty of our culture, and with some creativity, great things happen.
16.  The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics was a great success. China has kept the promise to hold a green Olympics. Many green actions made it possible, like providing environmentally friendly smart beds, using new energy (能源) cars, supporting sporting places with 100% clean energy and reusing rain and snow water.
  Take making ice as an example. China didn't use R507, a common material, to make ice because it isn't friendly enough to the environment. Through 18 months' hard work, China independently developed the CO2 direct cooling technology.
  A net of tubes runs under the ice. High-pressure liquid (液态) CO2 goes through them to create heat (热) exchange. The CO2 evaporates (蒸发) under the ice surface. The evaporation takes in heat and turns water on the surface into ice. And the CO2 goes into another circle. This technology helps to make ice better and faster. And above all, it is much greener because there's no new CO2 produced. Among all the 15 ice sporting places in the Winter Olympics, 7 used the CO2 direct cooling technology to make ice. As a result, much less pollution was caused.
  Beijing did so much more to save energy. Beijing built the new sporting places with green materials. As for the old ones, Beijing used new glass walls to take the place of traditional walls to let more natural light in. 70% of the waste heat was also reused to keep warm and dry. And a large number of new energy cars were used at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.
  The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics is the first to truly achieve carbon neutrality (碳中和), and it has set new standards in green technologies. Some newspapers say China has set an example for the world in environmental protection and green development.
17.A. What happened?
B. Congratulations, Henry.
C. I had a headache in the morning.
D. I am here to help you.
E. Have you travelled around China?
F. Anything interesting at school?
G. What a pity!

A: Hey, Henry.
B: Hi, Bill. Come in and take a seat.
A: I didn't see you at school today. (1)      
B: I went to a speech competition.
A: Great. Did you win?
B: Yes. I won the first place.
A: (2)       — I always know you can do it.
B: Thanks. (3)      
A: Yes. We had an exciting geography class. We learned much about food around China.
B: (4)       I missed it.
A: Cheer up, Henry. (5)       I have the textbook with me.
B: Thank you, Bill. It's really kind of you.
A: You are welcome.
18.  "Do you want to grow your own vegetables?" Mom asked. "Yes!" My eyes got wide. Mom smiled at my excitement. She gave me a book on gardening, and I carefully planted some seeds (种子) in the backyard.
  After supper, I rushed to see how much they might grow. Nothing! My mouth dropped. "Someone stole my seeds!" Mom laughed from ear to ear. She said, "Johnny, go and check the book." I hung my head down. I read the book and I knew something needed to be done.
  Early the next morning, I ran to the back yard. Everything looked the same but I wasn't that disappointed (失望). As the book said, I lightly watered my seeds and stuck my finger in the soil (泥土) to make sure it wasn't too dry. That evening, I couldn't help going to check my garden again. No sign of anything green. Just dirt.
  The next morning I raced to the garden again. No changes. "Why is it taking so long for the seeds to grow?" I asked. "Grow up!" I shouted. "Please, just grow," I almost cried. Mom was too busy with housework to help. "Read the book, and wait patiently." So I read again. I removed (除去) the grass from the soil and watered the seeds.
  Then one morning, I walked out to my garden. I wasn't expecting to see anything yet. To my surprise, a little bit of green came into my eyes. I got down on my knees for a closer look. "They grew!" I shouted. I could see little green leaves growing everywhere! I was so excited. They finally grew! The book is right. It took several days for the seeds to be in the soil before popping up.
19.I was doing my homework at seven last night. (变成否定句)
I        my homework at seven last night.
20.They have P. E. four times a week now. (对划线部分提问)
       do they have P. E. now?
21.Please tell me where we can put our mobile phones. (改为同义句)
Please tell me        put our mobile phones.
22.学生不应该熬夜, 因为他们需要充足的睡眠. (完成译句)
Students should not        because they need enough sleep.
23.这些书太有趣了, 孩子无法停止阅读. (完成译句)
These books are       interesting       the children can't stop reading them.
24.  As students, you should study hard. More importantly, you should study in a smart way. Try these methods below.
  Spaced Repetition
  According to Ebbinghaus, you'll (1)       easily if you don't review in time. After you read your study material for the first time, you'd better come back to it 6 hours later, then 24 hours later, 3 days later, 7 days later or even 14 days later and above. Repeat it (2)       least 5 times, and you can almost remember everything.
  Jim Kwik's Technique(方法)
  According to Jim Kwik, an expert on reading and the memory (记忆), the key to understanding your reading material is to ask question. You can put a line down the (3)       of a piece of paper. On the left, take notes of key information, while on the right, write down 3 kinds of questions — how, when and why. Among the questions, the most important (4)       is how you can use the key information. Connect it with the knowledge you've (5)       known. And think about what real life problems you can solve by using it. This helps to keep the information in your mind.
  The Feynman Technique
  Studies show students can understand what they've learned better when they (6)       someone else. The Feynman technique includes 4 basic steps. First, study. Second, teach what you've just learned to someone with zero knowledge of the subject in (7)       words. Third, find out which parts you can explain well and which parts you can't. Then go back to the book and try to understand the topic once again. Fourth, repeat the steps above (8)       you can explain the topic without looking at the book.
25.有效控制愤怒能帮助我们恢复理智, 找回方向, 解决问题。 你校English Corner 将进行"Control Your Anger and Solve Your Problem"的成长分享。 请你写一篇发言稿, 讲述你通过有效控制愤怒, 成功解决某一问题的小故事, 并分享你的感悟。
1. 80﹣120词, 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词;
2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。
1. 有效控制愤怒, 成功解决问题的小故事(起因、经过、结果);
2. 你的感悟(保持冷静、学会反思、有效沟通……);
3. ……
参考词汇:anger n. [U] 愤怒

Control Your Anger and Solve Your Problem
  Have you ever controlled your anger and solved a problem better? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  Thanks for listening.
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