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1.  Ever since "Mother Nature" gave me life, I expected to grow tall and big.
  As a young(1)      , I was well protected in the forest. I used to(2)       a good time with my friends under the blue sky and (3)       the river. Our only purpose was to stand high. My pal, Tim often said, "All I ask for is to be( 4)      the whole day."
  More than 300 days passed and we grew straight. Until one day, our(5)      birthday, people came, moved us from the(6)      and put us on their trucks. "I don't want to go!" Tim cried.
  After a long journey, we arrived in a completely different place with (7)      green. Here we were planted in a line. (8)       the wind blew strongly. I could not even open my eyes to see Tim (9)       beside me. So we needed enough (10)       to grow thicker and higher to stop the wind.
  As time went by, we finally(11)      much stronger. I could keep my eyes open in the wind!I even found the blue sky was back!
  This was no longer a no-man's-land, and hundreds of visitors came here. A man took a picture of us with his (12)      , "Thank you. We can enjoy clear days(13)      worrying about sand storms. "A young girl jumping up and down came over and (14)       me ."Thank you, "she said, "It's you that have turned the desert into a green land!"
  Tim and I smiled at each other, feeling (15)      . The sun was shining brightly in the bluer sky.
2.I've always run.
When I was a k(1)      , my dad took me to the Olympics and we saw the 400 m final. A runner named Arthur won it and that really shocked me. I remembered it so well. I even wrote (2)      article about it.
I was never good enough for the Olympics (3)      (我自己), but I tried running. I want to keep fit and like the challenge. After 27, I began to play t(4)      . At 65. I started hurdling(跨栏) again. When I was 71, I won the 200 m hurdling as the oldest person. When I was 80, I b(5)       the world record. I would never (6)      (改变) my mind. Now I'm 89, but I still do a couple of press-ups(俯卧撑)once (7)      twice a week.
To my pleasure, my family all exercise together in our nice (8)      (花园)every day. We own a better life because we have a(9)      (健康的)habit. My dream is to run the 100 m at 100 — only another e(10)       years to go﹣﹣and then to live to 120.
No matter what comes my way. I will keep it.
3.  During work hours in Becker's bread shop, the kitchen is especially quiet except the sound of the machine. The quiet environment is not the result of the strict rules, but because all the workers are deaf. They use sign language to communicate with each other from time to time.
  Becker's shop is in Changsha City, Hunan Province. It sells many kinds of German bread, cakes and coffee. It is very popular for the story of Becker who opened it.
  Over twenty years ago, Becker and his wife heard about a Chinese public project. It provided language training for the disabled children, but it was short of trainers in Changsha. So they came in 2002 with a common wish to do something meaningful in life.
  In Changsha, together with other Chinese trainers, they helped children improve their hearing and language pronunciation Every little progress each child experienced was a great encouragement to them, and they achieved their goal in life.
  After ten years of working for this project, they found that the disabled adults couldn't be independent because they had no professional skills. Then Becker and his wife set up a bread shop to teach these people how to make bread. With their help, all of them were able to live on their own.
  Luckily, Becker and his wife have also got the support from the local government. More people join them and understand that disabled people can work as well as others when they have the same chances.
4.  The brush pen, one of the "Four Treasures of the Study", was invented thousands of years ago. However, the oldest pen was just a stick or a piece of bamboo. It was difficult for people to write well on thin silk.
  It is said that Meng Tian, a general of the Kingdom(王国)Qin, improved the pen. When Meng was leading an army to fight against the Kingdom of Chu, he had to report the situation to his king in time. But his pen was too hard and caused him much trouble, so he was thinking of ways to improve it.
  One day after hunting(狩猎), Meng made his way home with some wild rabbits on the horse back. Fat and heavy, one rabbit's tail left a long trail(痕迹)on the ground when they moved on. Suddenly a good idea came to his mind when he saw it, "If I tie the rabbit's hair to a stick, would it be easy to write with?"
  On arriving home, he tied the rabbit's hair to a stick and tried writing with it. But the rabbit's hair was too smooth to write well and wasted a lot of silk. Meng was so disappointed that he threw away his "invention" into a stone hole in the yard.
  However, Meng never gave up and kept trying all the time. A few rainy days later, he happened to find his "invention" fatter in a stone hole. He picked it up with hope. The brush worked beautifully on silk. It turned out that the special water had cleaned the oil from the hair. Meng succeeded at last.
  Thanks to Meng, the brush pen is playing a key role in Chinese culture. Today, students are taught to use the brush pens in school. It makes their life more colorful and helps them better understand Chinese culture.
A. Dancing is wonderful exercise.
B. Take it up again or start something else.
C. Hobbies let you forget your worries and have fun.
D. Learning an instrument and reading are the best choices.
E. Other studies have shown that hobbies can give you a sense of achievement. 

  Why do you need hobbies?A study has found that people are more positive (积极的) when they take part in a relaxing activity. (1)      Scientists also think they might be good for your brain.
  How do you choose the right hobby?Start with what you enjoyed in the past. Did you once play football?(2)      If you find it isn't for you, stop and turn to something new. Probably joining a class or a team will give you a chance to meet other people.
  Which relaxing activities are good for physical health?It's clear that exercise is going to be good for your body, for example walking. (3)      A review of 94 studies found that dancing three times a week improved balance in older people. Getting out in nature is helpful, whether you're hiking or doing something less active.
  Which hobbies keep your mind active?(4)      Playing the piano or listening to your favorite band can help you make it. Researches have found reading is also good for your brain.
  (5)      So let's take up great hobbies.
      we were when we saw finless porpoises in the Yangtze River!
      Chinese people show more interest in space recently.
Parents should encourage their children to visit their grandparents       on weekends.
9.据报道, 中国已经为非洲儿童提供了大量的帮助.(offer)
It is reported that China       much help to African children already.
A perfect vacation       your wise resolution and action.
11.假如你学校的校园广播《英语之声》栏目以" I love "为主题征稿, 请你投稿.
I love_______
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