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1.—What does your father do?
—He is _______ cook.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.Another three astronauts, Liu Yang, Chen Dong and Cai Xuzhe, have been sent into space. Let's express (表达) our best wishes to _______.
  • A. they
  • B. them
  • C. their
  • D. theirs
3.The _______ of oil goes higher and higher because of the war.
  • A. price
  • B. pride
  • C. progress
  • D. promise
4.I have no money on me because I often pay _______ things through WeChat (微信).
  • A. to
  • B. of
  • C. by
  • D. for
5.If you want to go to university, you should take your schoolwork _______.
  • A. truly
  • B. slowly
  • C. seriously
  • D. possibly
6.To avoid the virus (病毒) we should wash hands more carefully _______ we have meals.
  • A. so
  • B. before
  • C. because
  • D. although
7.It is too dark. Why don't you _______ the light?
  • A. put on
  • B. get on
  • C. turn on
  • D. keep on
8.The teacher told us _______ too much noise because the other students were having an exam.
  • A. to not make
  • B. not to make
  • C. not make
  • D. not making
9.When the teacher got into the classroom, Xiaoming _______ a novel.
  • A. read
  • B. reads
  • C. is reading
  • D. was reading
10.Since he was a little boy, he _______ in love with music.
  • A. is
  • B. was
  • C. has been
  • D. had been
11.The Youth Sports Center on Zixiao Road _______ last year.
  • A. built
  • B. was built
  • C. has built
  • D. was building
12.Students love the teachers _______ are outgoing and humorous.
  • A. who
  • B. whom
  • C. which
  • D. whose
13.—Could you please tell me _______?
—Next Sunday.
  • A. when I can get back my notebook
  • B. when can I get back my notebook
  • C. how long I can get back my notebook
  • D. how long can I get back my notebook
14.—Would you like to go for a walk after dinner?
  • A. Thank you!
  • B. Never mind!
  • C. You're welcome.
  • D. Sure, I'd love to.
15.—I am going to take an exam tomorrow.
  • A. Wonderful!
  • B. Help yourself.
  • C. Good luck!
  • D. Hurry up.
16.  Lots of junior high school students enjoy sports. My classmates and I had a lot of(1)      at our school's yearly sports meeting last week.
  It was pretty(2)      for me because I took part in the 800﹣meter race for the first time. (3)       I practiced running hard every day, I was still nervous on the day of the meeting.
  My arms were shaking and my heart was beating (4)      when I stood at the starting line. (5)      endless runway(跑道), I felt like a boat fighting against the wind and rain. I(6)      myself that simply joining in was a victory(胜利)itself. I started to calm down(冷静).
  Just then, be starting gun(7)      and all the runners rushed out like tigers running down a hill. By the time I finished the first lap(圈), I had used up almost all my (8)      . But I had to keep running for the last 100 meters. I (9)      I couldn't breathe. Looking at the runners in front of me, as they got closer to the finishing line, I really wanted to (10)      running and sit down. But I encouraged myself that it must be a victory to keep going and it filled me(11)      strength(力量)again. With my remaining strength, I desperately(拼命地) (12)      to the end of the finishing line.
  I(13)      in seventh place. This might have been a(14)      achievement to other people, but it made me feel excited and(15)      . I have tried all my best.
17.  The Sunshine Park has something for all of you in the coming days. You can have a good time riding roller coasters here. There is also a water park, a monkey island and of course delicious foods such as chocolate, ice-cream and hamburgers.
  Now the Candy House is coming and you will have a sweet memory there.
Opening hours for this week:
June 27 — 30, Monday — Thursday, closed
July 1, Friday, 5 pm — 9 pmJuly 2, Saturday, 2 pm — 9 pm
July 3, Sunday, 1 pm — 4 pm 
Tickets:Buy tickets at www.sunshinepark.comOn — Day trip:30 yuan (Ages 5+)
Free (Children ages 5 or younger)Two — Day trip:25 yuan a day (Ages 5+) Free (Children ages 5 or younger) 
①Visit www. sunshinepark. com for your tickets.
②The sunshine park app can save you much trouble.
③You can also buy tickets at the Ticket Office, working hours. 
①All visitors over the age of 2 must wear face masks (口罩).
②All visitors should have their temperatures taken before entering.
③Follow directions from the workers in the park. 
Contact: 400 — 9902123 
18.There is no doubt that technology has had a big influence on our lives. People from all around the world can now talk to each other almost at once on mobile phones and the Internet. People can easily solve their problems with the help of computers and the world wide web. With this technology, it seems that the world is more connected now than ever before. Even so, there have been worries about technology making people feel lonely and disconnected from others around them.
So does this mean that technology makes us lonely?
In my opinion, it is hard to say Yes or No.
It's true that humans need communication with each other. If we depend on technology too much to communicate, this can badly impact our mental(心理的)health. For me, technology is a tool. And just like any other kind of tool﹣﹣like scissors, a pencil or a ruler, for example, it depends on how we use it in a right way or in a right pace. Take social medial(社交媒体)as an example. If you only use it to compare yourself with others, you might feel sad and lonely. But if you use it as a tool to connect with friends and family or to start a new community to talk about your hobbies and interests, the loneliness will turn into love and friendship.
When you feel lonely after staring at your computer screen all day, maybe you can use that technology to reach out to a reliable(可靠的)friend and invite him or her out for lunch or a coffee.
19.阅读短文, 根据其内容补全下面表格.每空不超3词.
  The term Start of Summer appeared over 2200 years ago. Since it is an important time for the harvest(收获) of summer plants, ancient Chinese emperors in different dynasties paid special attention to it.
  In the Zhou Dynasty(1050﹣221 BC), the emperor led his officers to celebrate the Start of Summer and encouraged his people to do farm work in time. Everything, including the emperor's and the officers' dress, the horses and the flags, was decorated(装饰)in the color red, in order to show respect to the god of summer and hope for a good harvest.
  One of the most interesting custom(风俗)is weighing people at the Start of Summer. It began to be celebrated from the Three Kingdoms Period(220﹣180)and is getting popular in South China today.
  It was believed that this custom would bring health and good luck to the people who were weighed. After lunch on the day of Start of Summer, the young and old took turns to get weighed while receiving good wishes from the people around him. It is said that those who were weighed would stay healthy in the hot summer and that those who weren't would get back sooner or later.

Information about the term Start of Summer 
The Start of Summer is important because it is the time for the harvest of summer (1)      
In the Zhou Dynasty, the emperor celebrated the day with his officers and encouraged his people to do farm work(2)      
Weighing people at the Start of Summer started in the Three Kingdoms Period and (3)       in South China today. 
People took turns to (4)      with people offering good wishes because they believed they would be (5)      in the hot summer if they were weighed. 
20.My dear son,
  It seems like yesterday that we brought you home from the hospital, and now you are my little man. Your father and I were very nervous being first﹣time parents. I have been a mother for five years. When I look back these days, I cannot help but smile.
  Every milestone (里程碑) of yours was a kind of personal success for me. Your first smile, your first word, your first step. .. As years passed, things started to get very challenging. Sometimes I found myself in very difficult situations. The mess you made and the millions of naughty things you did really stressed me out. The times I was worried the most were when you were sick.
  Now I have learnt to deal① them calmly. The one thing that helped me through the hard times was your smile — it made me forget everything and realize it was all② it.
  Soon it was time for preschool (幼儿园). I prepared you as much as I could for that terrible first day, but you cried so much and I sat down and cried with you. After the first week, you felt better, but I still cried because I didn't want to let go. But I want you to enjoy yourself, enjoy your schoolwork, make good friends and most important of all be a good man. The conflict (矛盾) has troubled me for a long while.
  I have learned so much from you and will continue to do so in the following years. How to forgive (原谅), how to love unconditionally (无条件地) without expecting anything in return, how to enjoy the small things in life. .. The list is too long. .. Thank you! You have made my life meaningful!Wish you good luck!
Love and always,
feed;hard;give up;six;clean up;peaceful;player 
It's necessary for students       the importance of studying.
23.上海人民的生活已经恢复正常, 这是多么令人激动的消息啊!
Life in Shanghai has returned to normal.        the news is!
24.我们齐心协力就能带来变化, 创造一个更加美好的未来.
Together, our actions can make a difference and lead to       .
25.玛丽很粗心, 经常错误地拿走别人的家庭作业.
Mary is so careless that she often takes others' homework       .
26.这学期他们参加了各种各样的活动, 包括种庄稼、做饭等.
They took part in        activities this term, including planting crops, cooking meals and so on.
27.假设你叫李华, 即将从初中毕业.请你根据下面表格中的信息给校长写一封信, 谈谈你对学校的一些看法.
优点 不足 
优秀的老师 课外活动少 
友好的同学 休息时间短 
美丽的校园 …… 

提示词:schoolyard 校园
1. 短文应涵盖上述所有内容, 可适当发挥.
2. 行文连贯, 条理清楚, 语句通顺, 书写规范.
3. 不得在文中出现学校名称和人名.
4. 词数80﹣100, 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总数.
Dear Mr. /Ms Headmaster,
  I am writing to show my sincere gratitude to you for the progress I have made in the past three years._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Best wishes.
Sincerely yours, Li Hua
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