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1.—I won a prize at the school sports day, Mum.
  • A. Oh no.
  • B. That's great!
  • C. Hard to say.
  • D. It all depends.
2.—Why could you write so well?
—I read a lot, and the works of Ernest Hemingway had a strong_____on me as a child.
  • A. attention
  • B. explanation
  • C. situation
  • D. influence
3.—Luckily, Tom helped us solve the problem.
—Great! He is so smart that he can always come up with_____ideas.
  • A. bright
  • B. comfortable
  • C. friendly
  • D. similar
4.—How can we go to the station?
—I_____going in my car.
  • A. practise
  • B. suggest
  • C. invite
  • D. introduce
5.Nancy didn't know anyone in the new school, so she decided to join an after-school club_____some new friends.
  • A. to meet
  • B. meet
  • C. met
  • D. meets
6.—You_____be excited — you have tickets for your favourite band!
—Yes. It's unbelievable that I can see the band play live!
  • A. need
  • B. have to
  • C. must
  • D. might
7.—What a lovely garden!
—Yeah, let's_____a walk in it.
  • A. call out
  • B. go for
  • C. come across
  • D. give away
8.—Did you see that programme about the talent show on TV last night?
—No, I'm not_____interested in it.
  • A. almost
  • B. nearly
  • C. really
  • D. hardly
9.Many wild animals don't have a safe place to live, _____villages and farms are growing bigger and taking away their land.
  • A. because
  • B. until
  • C. although
  • D. before
10.I wasn't sure what to write for my school project, so I asked my Dad_____I should do.
  • A. how
  • B. where
  • C. which
  • D. what
11.—You look pretty busy. What's up?
—We_____for an office party this Friday evening. There will be about thirty people, and I am the organizer.
  • A. prepare
  • B. have prepared
  • C. are preparing
  • D. were preparing
12.Some animals move from one place to_____at certain times of the year.
  • A. another
  • B. other
  • C. the other
  • D. others
13.Christine_____the family's Sunday lunch since she was 12 years old.
  • A. cooks
  • B. cooked
  • C. will cook
  • D. has cooked
14.I don't want to carry the novel I'm reading around the whole time, _____I read e-book.
  • A. but
  • B. or
  • C. yet
  • D. so
15.—I'm in the 400-meter race. It's in two hours, and I'm very nervous.
—Come on, _____You have been practising hard and you will win if you just focus.
  • A. all right.
  • B. no wonder.
  • C. no need to worry!
  • D. sounds like fun.
16.  Games and sports teach people a lot of useful skills, as well as helping them to (1)       fit and healthy.
  Lots of people love team sports. They enjoy being a member of a team so they have the chance to (2)       the matches and events. They also enjoy sharing the (3)      , or failure, with others. While playing, people have to (4)       each other, otherwise they can never win. At the same time, it is important to respect rules, because no game will work (5)       everyone plays according to them. Team games also teach you that (6)       is not the end of the world. You will always have another opportunity and you will be more successful against your competitors next time.
  (7)      , there are many people who just don't like team sports. They have to find other (8)       to exercise. Perhaps they had a bad (9)       with a kind of sport when they were younger. Maybe they feel embarrassed because they think they're not very (10)       at a sport. They worry about disappointing the rest of the team if they (11)      badly. Team sports are (12)      about competitions, and for some people, this is too (13)      . So individual (个人的)activities are more suitable for them. (14)      , during the COVID-19, many people exercise in their houses by following work-out videos posted online. Hundreds of free workouts are produced online every day, so you can have your own personal (15)       without leaving your own house.
  Whether team sports or individual activities, always lead positive lives!
17.  Most schools offer different kinds of subjects and activities for students, but some schools offer additional training in certain areas, such as the performing and arts. In this way, schools can help students develop their artistic talents from an early age and have greater success in their future profession.
  For ballet dancers, one of the best training centres in the world is the Royal Ballet School, in London, England. The school only accepts the most talented dancers, who must complete eight years of full﹣time training. There are 225 students, aged 11 — 19, and most of them live together in boarding houses.
  Located in the mountains about 100 miles from Los Angeles, the Idyllwild Arts Academy is a boarding school for young artists. It offers training in arts, like drawing, painting, photography and cinema, along with programmes for the performing arts. The school's quiet, rural location also makes it a very peaceful and beautiful place to learn.
  If you'd like to join the circus, you should come to the National Circus School in Montreal, Canada. The school has offered training in theatre, dance and other circus arts. After finishing the programme, many students find work in circus companies such as the Cirque du Soleil. That's the dream of every circus artist!
  Located in San Francisco, AAU (Academy of Art University) provides high school students with the Pre﹣College Art Experience(PCAE), a tuition﹣free art and design education programme. It's a great opportunity to jump﹣start your art in San Francisco or online in advance. Students there will be trained strictly and only 60 percent students could graduate.
18.  I looked at my blank page. All I'd written was the title "What I Want to Be When I Grow Up". The rest of the class were all busy writing.
  "You have five minutes to finish." Ms Clark announced.
  "I want to be a teacher when I grow up because..." I just wrote a few lines when the bell went. My friend Lisa told me she wanted to be an astronaut. I laughed as I pictured Lisa floating in space. After school, I told my grandpa my real dream. "You promise not to laugh. I didn't write it on the school paper." I said, "I want to be an actor." He didn't laugh. Instead he asked, "Why?"
  "I just do, that's all, more than anything in the world. I'd be really good."
  "OK. Angela, I once dreamed to be a reporter. We'd better find out if you've got any talent then, hadn't we?" He looked up a number in his phone. "You need drama lessons, and I know just the right person — Jane Rozzi, a friend of mine." Fantastic! I couldn't believe my luck. I gave him a big hug.
  "I'd better check with your Mum and Dad first to make sure they don't mind their daughter taking Jane Rozzi's acting class."
  No problem there. Next evening, sitting in my grandpa's car, my stomach felt tight and my mouth was dry. He was driving me to my first acting lesson. "She is kind and gentle. Don't be nervous. "
  He was right. I liked Jane immediately. She told me I was talented and my voice was good. Just needed to get louder. After that we did some breathing and voice exercises. I practised day after day…
  "You have a natural talent and, with hard work and luck, you will make it." I always bear Jane's words in my mind. Now I am an actor on the stage.
  Wow! How my life has changed since I first stared at that blank piece of paper!
19.  When we think of the most respected awards in the world, the Nobel Prize (诺贝尔奖) must be on the list.
  Created by Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel in 1895, the prize recognizes achievements in sciences and the people behind them. Every year in October, the announcement of winners catches the world's attention.
  But what is the importance behind this award?According to founder Nobel himself, the prize is for people who have provided " the greatest benefit to humankind".
  A number of Nobel Prizes have rewarded discoveries that have led to cures for diseases and health problems. A lot of parts in telephones, computers and telecommunication systems are also the fruits of Nobel Prize﹣awarded work. Other prizes have recognized those who have helped to create a more peaceful world.
  The individuals selected and the contributions they made show how science, literature and peace efforts improve and change the world and better our lives.
  In the series of books about the Nobel Prize, the author says, "many everyday things would be impossible without the work of the winners of the Nobel science prizes".
  Think about the plastic bags. Plastic wouldn't have been invented without Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald's research. The German scientist won the Nobel Prize in 1909.
  In recent years, Chinese people have paid more attention to the results of the Nobel Prize. Chinese scientists and writers are known to the world by their achievements, such as 2012 Nobel literature prize winner Mo Yan, and Tu Youyou, China's first Nobel winner in physiology or medicine in 2015. It's an uplifting thing. Not only for the individual achievements, but also for the national confidence.
  The Paper noted that the prize can encourage the young generation to do scientific research. Do you have any ideas about this?
20.  More than 1, 000 schools across the UK have signed up (报名) to a project with the aim of helping schools become carbon neutral (碳平衡的) by 2030. Carbon neutral means cutting down carbon emissions(碳排放) to zero or balancing them out in other ways. Carbon emissions are gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) that come out into the atmosphere, where they make climate change worse. This has also caused the temperature rise.
  Emissions are caused by all sorts of human activities, such as burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) to make energy, cutting down forests and some types of farming. Becoming carbon neutral includes cutting the amount of carbon emissions a school produces and balancing those that are left by taking some carbon out of the atmosphere.
  The project also shows how small changes can make a big difference. These might include thinking carefully about energy use, cutting waste, growing food closer to where it's eaten and walking or cycling to school if it is possible. Ways of balancing out the carbon emissions that a school still makes include planting trees and plants that take in CO2 as they grow.
  Ysgol Bro Dinefwr Secondary School in Wales has promised to run entirely on renewable (可再生的) energy (such as wind and solar power) within the next three years. At Down High School in Northern Ireland, the students are looking after their own bees. So when flowers and crops produce food, that helps. Other schools have projects to cut food waste by weighing it after each meal to know how much is not being eaten. Some put the waste into a system that can turn this waste into useful things. They will be put on the garden to help plants grow.
  Climate change is seen as a major global challenge. We can see it all around us. So join together, find out ways your school can put efforts to, and talk to a teacher about signing up.
21.I remember       my key into my bag, but now it's not there!(put)
22.—What's the score?
—France       a minute ago. The final score was 3—2. (score)
23.We weren't       that she won the talent competition. She sings very well. (surprise)
24.The       between people and plants has long been the subject of scientific research. (connect)
25.If you'd like to use the bathroom, it's the        door on the right. (two)
26.My teacher has       me to treat older people with respect in the past few years. (teach)
27.We are thirsty for knowledge because it gives us        to fly. (wing)
28.The house was       in the 19th century and is a typical style of that time. (build)
29.      , Xu Mengtao won the gold medal at her fourth Olympics. (final)
30.At the Beijing Winter Olympics, the young athletes of China have inspired the nation's youth to dream big and challenge       . (they)
31.  How does it feel when you try something new?I've always wanted to go to Antarctica (南极洲) because my Dad once worked there as (1)       scientist before I was born. He said it was the (2)       (quiet) and most beautiful place he had ever been to.
  So when I got a job at one of the research stations, I was really excited. All my friends (3)       (think) I was mad and tried to persuade (说服) me not to go. They couldn't understand (4)       I wanted to live somewhere that was so cold and far (5)       home. But I (6)      (simple) said, "I love it."
  There I met Antarctic penguins and these birds never learned (7)      (fear) us. They are calm, curious and so (8)      (fun) to watch. In summer, we spend our weekends (9)      (fish) and climbing mountains. In winter, it can get boring because it's dark 24 hours a day. But it's more interesting than I expected because we watch lots of (10)       (movie) and play games together. On 21 June, we celebrate mid-winter with a big party.
  I am lucky, for I see the world with my own eyes.
32.假定你是李华, 下周你的英国朋友Alan要来北京游玩, 并发来如下邮件.请给Alan回复一封邮件, 邮件需包括括号中所指内容.
  Next week I'll be with you in Beijing. I can't wait!We could do lots of exciting things together. And now I need to pack for my trip. What should I bring with me?
[Make a list(T﹣shirts, sunglasses. .. )]
  I always take lots of things in my bag and can't find what I really want!Please tell me how I could pack.
[Place small bags inside big bags. .. ]
  Since I am interested in history and culture of China, I want to know where we will go.
[Places of interest (the Palace Museum, the Great Wall... )]
  I'd like to get you some souvenirs from where I live. What would you like me to get you?
[Postcards, books. .. ]
  I'm so excited about the trip!See you soon.
参考词汇: pack v. 打包 souvenir n. 纪念品
1. 词数90左右, 开头和结尾已经写好, 不计入总词数;
2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
3. 文中不得出现反映考生信息的真实人名、地名等内容.
Hi Alan,
  I'm so happy to get your email saying that you're coming to visit us next week. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  I'm looking forward to meeting you!
Li Hua
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