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1.There is ______ useful robot in the restaurant near my home. It can serve food to customers.
  • A. an
  • B. the
  • C. a
  • D. /
2.一Whose physics book is this?
一It ______ be Helen's because her name is on it.
  • A. mustn't
  • B. must
  • C. might
  • D. can't
3.—The art festival is coming. It's a good chance to show ourselves.
—You are very good at ______. And you will be the most popular star.
  • A. singing
  • B. sing
  • C. to sing
  • D. sang
4.—Sam, ______ run in the hallways. It's very dangerous.
—Sorry, Ms. Black.
  • A. do
  • B. don't
  • C. not
  • D. doesn't
5.—I'd like to order something to drink. What would you like, coffee or cola?
—______. Milk is OK.
  • A. Both
  • B. Neither
  • C. All
  • D. Either
6.Many Chinese people usually ______ some paper cuttings on windows, doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck.
  • A. put up
  • B. put off
  • C. cut up
  • D. cut off
7.—You dance so well, Alice.
—Thanks. I ______ Chinese dance since I was 5 years old.
  • A. learn
  • B. learnt
  • C. am learning
  • D. have learnt
8.Good luck belongs to hard-working people. ______ you work, the luckier you will be.
  • A. The harder
  • B. Harder
  • C. The hardest
  • D. The hard
9.一More and more high-technology products ______ in China.
一Yes. Our country is becoming stronger and stronger.
  • A. is making
  • B. are making
  • C. is made
  • D. are made
10.—I think teenagers should sleep at least 8 hours every day.
—______ Enough sleep is good for their health.
  • A. I agree with you.
  • B. I don't think so.
  • C. It doesn't matter.
  • D. I don't mind.
11.  Zhang Ming and Zhang Peng are twin brothers. When they were young, they were interested in(1)      Chinese culture like Chinese clay art and Beijing Opera. In these art forms, they could(2)      something to learn. One day, they met an old man(3)      is good at shadow puppet play (皮影戏). (4)       they saw the play, they fell in love with it. So they decided to(5)      the old man.
  After 5 years' study, they could (6)      by themselves. When they acted in the village, the villagers sat in front of a white screen and watched the plays happily. Zhang Ming usually stood(7)      the white screen and held different kinds of characters. Zhang Peng did the voices of the different characters. (8)      of the villagers liked their performances and hoped they could(9)      performing.
  "It's not easy." Zhang Ming said. "We can't get much money from it. Sometimes we even have (10)      money to buy tools we need. But we want to keep this art form alive. So we will stick to it no matter how hard it is!"
12.  Known as the (1)       Chinese man, Su Bingtian made history. On August 1st of 2021, Su set a new record of 9. 83 seconds in the Tokyo Olympics Men's 100 m semifinals(半决赛). He was the first Chinese(2)      to enter the final in the event and brought an unforgettable moment for the world in the summer of that year.
  For a long time, there was a(an) (3)       that Asian people couldn't get great achievements in such kinds of competitions. Su's success broke this idea. He became well known and many people wanted to be as famous as him, (4)      the way to success was never easy for Su. Once he was badly hurt in a training course, Su had to stop running after the accident. He even planned to(5)      running in 2017. But the spirit to do something for our country brought Su back to the running team. He realized that finishing the semifinal in (6)       10 seconds would win the chance to enter the final competition. It was(7)      to get the goal. Su trained much harder than before to improve the speed. To encourage(8)      , he set a personal goal﹣9. 89 seconds. He even made the (9)      as his personal password(密码) for his phone and computer. (10)      , he succeeded!His spirit encourages many young people to try to achieve their dreams.
13.  Happy Shopping Center will be open!Everything is on sale!You can buy whatever you need. And you can park your car for free if you pay more than¥100 in our shopping center.
Chenchen's Clothes Store
All the clothes in our store are the newest and the most popular.
The shirts are ¥90, the skirts are ¥80 and the T-shirts are ¥50. The hats are only ¥20!We also have trousers, shorts and shoes for you. This week, everything is half price! Come and buy your clothes at Chenchen's on the first floor! 
Hanhan's Sichuan Food Restaurant
Do you like gongbao chicken, twice﹣cooked beef slices or mapo tofu?We have all kinds of Sichuan food for you. Every dish is nice and the waiters are very friendly!If you want to get more information about our restaurant, please call 2247589. We are waiting for you at Hanhan's on the second floor. 
Xiaoyu's Coffee House
This is a good place to relax. You can taste different kinds of coffee from all over the world. If you buy one, you can get a sweet cookie for free. If you buy two, you can get the third one for free. If you want to order something, you can call 2247046. Welcome to our coffee house on the third floor. 
Wenwen's Bookstore
It's good news for book lovers!We have lots of great books such as poems, story books and science fiction. We also have a reading room for you. It's quite comfortable to read here. If you become our VIP, you can buy books more cheaply. Come and enjoy reading in our bookstore on the fourth floor. 
14.  April 22nd is World Earth Day﹣a day to remind people to protect the earth. So on that day, our family held an activity "bottle of trash challenge". That means the trash needs to be put in a 600 ml bottle. We decided to challenge ourselves and produce as little trash as possible.
  My father worked online all day, so he didn't produce any paper waste except paper napkins. He made the least trash in our family.
  My mother cooked and produced plenty of kitchen waste, such as vegetable leaves, eggshells and food bags. What's worse, we couldn't eat up all the food of the dinner that day. So leftovers couldn't be avoided. It was not easy for mom to deal with all the trash, but she found a way to put it all into the bottle. How amazing!
  My sister, a 16-year-old student, was busy preparing for her exams. She had to use paper to work out math or physics problems. She used only one side of the paper in the past. But that day, she tried to use both sides of the paper because she realized we were challenging ourselves. She did a good job!
  I was different from my sister. I love snacks and drinks. So my trash was almost from them. I was highly alert (警觉的) that I must produce less waste. I hardly ever had snacks or drinks. It was too difficult, but I did it!
  I've learnt a lot from this activity. I realize that everyone can produce less trash. We should start with small actions to protect the earth!
Dear Dr. Know,
I'm so worried these days because I get pimples (青春痘). It causes many problems. I feel embarrassed when I enter the classroom because all my classmates look at me in surprise. Some students even laugh at me. I don't want to communicate with anyone. I have to be the first one to get into the classroom and the last one to leave. And I become stressed out and can't fall asleep at night. What should I do?Please write to me. I'm looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Sad and Fourteen 
Dear Sad and Fourteen,
I'm so sorry to hear that you are worried about pimples. I'm also sorry that I can't stand beside you to share your stress. At first, you should know that getting pimples is quite normal in your age. Congratulations!It shows that you have grown up. Secondly, you don't need to care too much. You can tell your classmates your problem directly and I think they will understand you. Thirdly, if you pay more attention to other things, like studying or outdoor activities, maybe you will find more fun. What's more, you can ask the doctors for some medicine. I hope things will work out and everything will be better for you soon.
Yours sincerely
Dr. Know 
16.  Have you ever thought of what life is like for old people?Have you ever helped old people who live alone?Can they get help when they need it?
  Six students from Beijing 101 Middle School looked deeper at this question and wrote a proposal(提案)to the China Youth Model Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(全国青少年模拟政协活动). They advised to build more old people's service stations in the neighborhood. They also gave suggestions about how governments, neighborhoods and hospitals can work together to make this happen.
  An old people's service station is different from a nursing home. It offers things like daytime care, cooking, cleaning and friendship to old people who live in their own homes. The students surveyed more than 1, 100 people, about 90 percent of them said they would prefer using the stations' services to moving into a nursing home. However, there are not enough of these stations, and many are not run very well.
  The six students came up with a solution after reading more than 60 surveys, interviewing 108 people and visiting 25 different organizations. Their proposal beat out almost 100 others to win the Best Proposal award(奖项)in 2021.
   "This experience helps me to better understand the importance of caring old people. Also I see the light and abilities in us, " said Xu Wanqing, one of the students.
   "Taking part in the China Youth Model CPPCC has been good for students, " agreed their teacher Li Jie. "They've developed a sense of caring old people, as well as gotten more confidence about themselves since they've seen how much they can do for others."
17.A:World Book Day is coming. Our after﹣school book club will hold an activity about sharing stories.
B: (1)      
A:I don't know. Can you give me some advice?
B:What about Little Women? (2)      
A:But I don't like this kind.
B:What do you think of Robinson Crusoe?
A: (3)      Many students have already read it.
B:How about Treasure Island?
A:Er, I've heard of it. (4)      
B:It tells a story about a boy who goes out to sea and finds an island full of treasures.
A:Oh, that's wonderful!I want to share the story. Do you have this book?
B:Yes. It's my favor ite book.
B:Yes, of course.

A. That's too common.
B. Can you lend it to me?
C. What do you want to share?
D. But I almost forget what it's about.
E. It's a story about four sisters growing up. 
18.Guangzhou is one of my favorite cities. It is in the       (南方) of China.
19.With the development of China, Chinese is       (广泛地) used around the world.
20.We should eat more       (新鲜的) vegetables and fruit. They're good for our heath.
21.I like autumn best because I think it's the most beautiful       (季节) in a year.
22.As we all know, smoking is not       (允许) in many public places.
millions of set up part especially how 

  The World Health Organization(WHO)was(1)      in 1948. In the past 74 years, the WHO has greatly improved health conditions of the world, (2)      in developing counties. It cures, prevents and controls serious diseases(疾病), and educates people about(3)      to protect their health. It has helped(4)      people by training doctors and nurses, and by teaching mothers how to take better care of their children. China is one of the first members. It offers help to the countries in need. So China has played an important (5)      in dealing with the health problems.
增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词.
修改:在错误的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出改正后的词.
(3)只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分.
  In Sunday morning, a terrible accident happened to my best friend Tom. While he is riding a bike to the supermarket, the car suddenly came out. Tom was listening music on his bike and he didn't pay attention to the car. Luckily, the driver in the car was such careless that he didn't stop in time and hit Tom. Tom was badly hurt. When I saw he in the hospital, he regretted what he did in the morning. " Because there are much cars in the street and not every driver follows the rules, so you must be careful when you cross the road. " He said to me. "Safety is the more important thing in life. "
25.向世界传递中国文化, 让世界倾听中国声音.近期, 我市将面向全体中小学生举办"用英语讲好中国故事"的爱国主义主题展示活动.假如你是李华, 你想参加此次活动, 请根据下面的提示信息, 向负责本次活动的英语老师Mr. Yang写一封80词左右的自荐信.
1. 个人信息:姓名、年龄、班级、性格等;
2. 个人优势:
(1)读了很多关于中国历史的书, 了解中国历史;
(2)知道很多历史故事, 并且擅长用英语讲述它们;
3. 个人感想:
(1)可以培养英语学习兴趣, 提高口语表达能力;
(2)让更多的人了解中国历史和文化, 并为之感到自豪.
(1)文章开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.
(2)文章必须包含所给要点提示, 要求语句通顺, 行文连贯.
(3)不可逐词翻译, 可适当发挥.
Dear Mr. Yang,
  I'm excited to hear that our school will hold the activity "telling Chinese stories in English". I really want to take part in it. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  I expect that you can give me this chance to show myself and I'm looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
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