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1.I have ________ big family. I love my family.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
2.—Can you play the guitar, Mark?
—Yes, I ________.
  • A. can
  • B. must
  • C. will
3.Here are some ________ for you to read.
  • A. milk
  • B. tea
  • C. books
4.—Who should I send this message to, Betty?
—Mr. Green is the one ________.
  • A. to send it
  • B. to send it to
  • C. to send to
5.Lucy ________ Lily are classmates. They are in Class 1.
  • A. but
  • B. or
  • C. and
6.Do you know the boy ________ is standing under the tree?
  • A. who
  • B. which
  • C. where
7.—How are you going to Shanghai, Harry?
—________ plane.
  • A. Of
  • B. In
  • C. By
8.Everyone ________ here. Let's go.
  • A. am
  • B. are
  • C. is
9.Jim is ________ than Peter.
  • A. tall
  • B. taller
  • C. the tallest
10.—I ________ in London for many years.
—You have never regretted moving back to China, have you?
  • A. lived
  • B. was living
  • C. have lived
11.  Last winter holiday, my friend and I visited a village with only 10 houses. (1)      the village was small, it was very beautiful.
  The village became popular because of a good(2)      of Uncle Chen's. Uncle Chen loved his village deeply and he wanted to make it more beautiful. He(3)      painting very much. So he began to(4)      pictures on the walls of his own house and other villagers' houses. In the village, there were many paintings of(5)      such as cats and dogs. Also there were many paintings of people. And the most popular ones(6)      tourists were some pictures of famous people. One of(7)      was a picture of Yuan Longping. I(8)      liked this picture. So I asked my friend to(9)      a photo of the picture and me. From these beautiful paintings and the villagers' smiling faces, I could see the villagers living a(10)      life.
  I had a good time in the village and wished to visit it again.
12.  Tom got a fishing rod(鱼竿) for his birthday. He decided to go ice fishing to make good use of his gift. Early the next morning, he took all things for fishing to the ice. When he arrived, he dug a large hole in the ice and put the rod in. Suddenly he heard a voice, "There are no fish in it. " So he moved to another place and dug another hole, but then the same voice spoke again and told him there were no fish in it. So he moved again, and the voice told him there were no fish a third time. Tom looked up in surprise and saw an angry man looking down at him. "How do you know there are no fish?" asked Tom. The man said coldly. "Well, first of all, this is a hockey rink(冰球场) and second of all, you must pay for those holes. "
根据短文内容判断正误, 正确的在答题卡上涂A, 错误的涂B.
13.  Visiting Xi'an was once Leah's dream. It came true when she went to China along with her two friends last year.
  During her 20 days in Xi'an, Leah got a chance to learn about Chinese culture closely. She visited many old buildings there. Xi'an City Wall was her favourite. In Xi'an, she enjoyed many kinds of food and watched some traditional shows. All of them left a wonderful impression on her. Now, Xi'an is like her second home. Since Leah came back to Spain, she has been missing Xi'an very much.
  Leah's 20﹣day stay in Xi'an was a great experience. It was a chance to increase her understanding of cultural divesity Leah said, "The Chinese people are all friendly. The cultures are varied among countries, but we are connected by the bond(纽带) of friendship. The future of nations is hopeful with development and peace. The trip in Xi'an will always be in my memory"
根据短文内容, 从A、B、C三个选项中, 选出最佳的选项.并在答题卡上将其字母标号涂黑.
14.Welcome to our clubs!There are lots of activities waiting for you to explore(探索)!
Clubs Activities Ages Time 
Book reading, telling stories 3﹣6 years old Friday afternoons 
Model making model planes(trains, ships) 5﹣8 years old Saturday mornings 
Art drawing, paper cutting 8﹣13 years old Saturday afternoons 
Music singing, dancing. 13﹣16 years old Saturday afternoons 
Sports swimming, skating, playing ball games 15﹣18 years old Sunday mornings 

根据表格信息, 从A、B、C三个选项中, 选出最佳的选项.
15.  Does talking in front of people make you shy?If so, you are not alone. Many people in the world suffer from shyness and want to change this situation. (1)      Here are some tips for you.
  Find out the cause of your shyness. Do you become shy in front of new listeners?Please try to find out the thoughts that go through your head before the shyness comes out. You're okay being around your family, right?Are they different from the strangers around you?Of course not. (2)      
  Place your attention on others. For most of us, when we think we will feel nervous if we speak up or stand out, we become shy. (3)      When you stop paying attention to yourself, you stop worrying about your performance(表现).
  (4)      You have got used to hearing your own voice. Record your voice pretending(假装) to have conversations with others. At the beginning you'll feel like an actor, but soon it will become a habit. After doing it for some time, you will be able to voice your opinions bravely.
  Stop comparing yourself to others. The more you compare yourself to others, the more you will feel shy because you may think you are not good enough. (5)      Everyone else must have his own confidence problems too.

根据短文内容, 从下列七个选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将
A. Listen to your own voice.
B. Practise speaking loudly to yourself.
C. That's why you should notice others instead.
D. Try not to think about your own disadvantages.
E. However, it takes time and effort to solve the problem.
F. You just know them better and what's more, they know you as well.
G. They may never see you again, so why do you care what others think of you?
16.Mike:Hello, Julie.
Mike:Julie, here is a box for you!
Julie:Thank you, Mike.
Mike:Who is it from?
Mike:Who is your pen friend?
Mike:What is in the box?
Mike:Do you like it?

A. It's a Bing Dwen Dwen(冰墩墩) in the box.
B. Lingling is my pen friend.
C. Oh, it's from my pen friend.
D. Hello, Mike.
E. Yes, I like it very much.
F. I'm fine. 
17.The sheep farmers use       (剪刀) to cut the wool off the sheep.
18.Confucius's ideas still        (影响) us greatly.
19.In Egypt, they visited the palaces and towers of       (古代的) kings and queens.
20.As China becomes stronger, Chinese people will never       (挨饿) any more.
21.The school       (日历) tells us the date of the school﹣leavers' party.
visit they big table introduce 

  People in my home town are friendly to each other. They may shake hands with or smile at each other when(1)      meet for the first time. When they're(2)      to someone older, they use "nin" to show their respect(尊重). People will serve their(3)      at home with tea, fruits and snacks. The Spring Festival is the(4)      one of all the festivals in my home town. And people celebrate it by having a big meal around a dining(5)      with their families. They'll have lots of meat. Children will enjoy the delicious snacks.
23.Liuzhou, is, beautiful ( 柳州很美.)
24.I, can, help, you(我能帮你.)
25.every flower, will, come out ( 每一朵花都会盛开.)
26.they, with, taken, think, so, the astronaut, deeply loved, it, a photo, have, exciting, to, by people
27.a chance, gave, lying, in the sky, shining, us, by the river, on the grass, the stars, camping, to, of, look at
28.假设你是李华, 你的英国朋友Jack来信说对"中国红"很感兴趣, 想了解"中国红"在中国人日常生活中的体现.请你根据以下表格信息写一封回信介绍"中国红".
地位 最受欢迎的颜色之一 
代表 幸福, 好运 
节日 春节等 
形式 剪纸, 灯笼, 红包等 

(2)可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
(3)短文的开头和结尾部分已给出, 不计入总词数;
受欢迎的popular 代表stand for 幸福happiness 好运good luck
春节the Spring Festival 剪纸 paper﹣cuts 灯笼lanterns 红包red packets

Dear Jack,
  It's great to receive your letter. Knowing that you're interested in Chinese red, I'm writing to tell you something about it.
  I truly hope my letter will help you understand Chinese red better.
Li Hua
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