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1.Our football team is weaker than ________, but we will pull together and never give up.
  • A. their
  • B. theirs
  • C. they
  • D. them
2.You'll never know what will happen tomorrow, ________ it's important for us to save a little money for a rainy day.
  • A. so
  • B. but
  • C. when
  • D. whether
3.—Paula, can you see the movie The Fast and the Furious (《速度与激情》) with me tonight?
—Sorry, I have no time. Maybe you can invite ________ else.
  • A. anybody
  • B. nobody
  • C. somebody
  • D. anyone
4.After being a ninth grader, you may be worried about your study more. But be ________. Change takes time.
  • A. active
  • B. convenient
  • C. lively
  • D. patient
5.Many people finally succeed after they have_____ for many times.
  • A. failed
  • B. listed
  • C. behaved
  • D. polished
6.It's a pity that Qiao's Grand Courtyard lost its 5 A rating after a (m)_____by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (文化和旅游部). But we believe it will get it back.
  • A. project
  • B. process
  • C. examination
  • D. direction
7.As is known to all, the 2022 Winter Olympics ____ in China.
  • A. holds
  • B. is held
  • C. will hold
  • D. will be held
8.—Excuse me, could you tell me ____? I want to know the exact time.
—Sorry, I don't know. You can go to the information desk to ask.
  • A. where the plane will arrive
  • B. which plane I can take
  • C. when the plane will leave
  • D. where will the plane arrive
9.  Mike's parents used to tell him how important school was for him, but he didn't think so. He paid little attention to it. But one thing let him finally(1)      what his parents meant.
  One day, when he(2)       a mobile phone store, he saw an advertisement on its door. It was hiring new workers!
  "Sir, are you hiring people?" he went (3)      the store and asked. "Yes, but you should not be the man who we need, " the manager answered. He looked at him for a few(4)       from head to foot. "Do you have a high school diploma(文凭)?"(5)       he, "Or do you have any work experience?"
  He felt so ashamed and(6)       that he didn't know what to say, so he just turned around and left. He could not fall asleep that night, and he thought a lot about his (7)      , "I must go to school or I can't do anything without a good education, " he(8)      to himself silently. He never went back to the store again(9)      he finished his study and got a diploma.
  (10)      looked the same when he returned to the store:the same people and the same design. However, compared with last time, he had more (11)      . The manager told him they needed new(12)      . So it was a great chance for him.
  He(13)       his diploma to the manager. He looked at it and said, "Great, you are in. "
  Now he is still working in the same store. With this experience, he always (14)      people to attend school. Education helps you have a bright future. Now he is not worried about his future because he is still(15)       in his spare time.
truth, prevent, be , tall, for, his, force, take, working, maker, unusual 

  Dressed in a blue suit, white shirt, red bow tie( 蝴蝶结) and a pair of black framed(黑框的)glasses﹣ yes, it' s our familiar character Conan. He(1)       a faithful friend to a generation of Chinese teenagers since 1994. In that year, a Japanese, who was the (2)       of cartoon, created Detective Conan(《名侦探柯南》).
  Conan is a short boy. But he used to be(3)       and older. His former name was Shinichi Kudo(工藤新一), who was a 17﹣year﹣old Japanese senior high school student. One day, he(4)       to drink a kind of drug by a bad group and then shrunk(缩小) into a child' S body.
  After that, Conan is suggested that he hide his true name to (5)       himself from unknown dangers. Therefore, he (6)       the name Conan and goes to live with his childhood friend Ran Mouri and his childhood friend's father, Kogoro.
  Conan then begins to live an exciting life. When(7)       on a case, he will use a watch anesthetic ejector(麻醉枪)to make Kogoro sleep and then hide behind him and copy Kogoro's voice. When Conan catches the killers, he ends with his classic word "There is only one (8)      ".
  Conan has a sharp eye (9)       details, and can find (10)       things in a case that most people don't notice. Meanwhile, he also has a very good memory, so that he can recall every detail and find even the smallest leak(漏洞)in a crime scene. (11)      detective style is similar to Sherlock Holmes(夏洛克福尔摩斯), which has won him the title "Detective of the East".
11.  This is the first (and last) time when we have only ever done something once?Write and tell you about it!
Four years ago, I was on holiday and one day, one of my friends said, "Hey there's a bungee(蹦极)jumping place near here!Let's go! " Well, I'd never done that, so I went with him. I wish I hadn't gone!I was frightened!My friend laughed and said, " If only I'd taken a photo!That was so funny. I felt stupid. "
Paul. USA 
My older brother asked me to make a speech at his wedding. I said, "Sure, OK. "" I thought of some nice things to say and a couple of jokes. Easy!But on the day, just before I had to speak, I started to get nervous. When I stood up, my mouth went dry and my legs started to shake﹣﹣ I couldn't believe it!
Hanif, UK 
Last year, I went to a beach park. There was a waterslide (水滑梯) which was 41 meters high. It looked like fun. However, it turned out to be one of the most frightening moments of my life. When I started to fall, I thought, "I wish I'd stayed up there! "'ll never do that again, believe me.
Roseli, Brazil 
Last year, I went to a Mexican restaurant. It was my first time, so I didn't know anything about Mexican food. One of my friends told me to try jalapeno peppers (辣椒). I did. It was so hot that I had to drink about a hundred glasses of water!That's something I won't do again.
Ingrid, Sweden 
12.  A group of old classmates, who have succeeded in their work, got together to visit their teacher. Their conversation soon turned to complaining (抱怨) about the stress (压力) in their work and life. The teacher went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and many cups. Some of the cups are expensive and lovely, but some are cheap and not beautiful. The teacher told them to help themselves to the coffee.
  When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the teacher said, "Have you noticed all the nice﹣looking expensive cups were taken, leaving behind the cheap ones?It's OK for you to want only the best for yourselves, but that is why you have the stress in your work and life even if you're very successful now. "
  "All of you really wanted the office, not the cups, but you chose the best cups and were eyeing each other's cups. "
  "Now think about this:life is the coffee, and money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold life. They do not change the quality (质量) of life. Sometimes, we just care about the cups, and we fail to enjoy the coffee. So, don't let the cups drive you, enjoy the coffee instead. "
13.  As a 3-year-old in West Africa, Aliou was sitting by a fire when his quilt caught fire. One of his arms was badly burned. He needed Surgery(手术), but his family couldn't afford it. Then one day, Aliou's grandmother heard about a ship that was traveling around Africa providing free medical care. She took Aliou to the ship, and doctors straightened his arm with surgery. The medical treatment changed Aliou's life.
  The ship that helped Aliou belongs to an organization called Mercy Ships. Mercy Ships sends ships with medical equipment(设备)around the world, mainly in Africa now. Trained doctors volunteer to travel on these ships and perform free surgeries on people who need them.
  Medical conditions can cause more problems than just pain, although pain is bad enough. People with health problems are sometimes ostracized by their community, which can prevent children from attending school and adults from working.
  Treating patients on a ship has several advantages over land﹣based hospitals. About fifty percent of the world S population lives near the coast. Ships can bring modern health care to patients in many different places. Also ships have their own electricity and running water. So they can provide a safe environment for patients.
  By treating people and training communities, Merey Ships is making life better for people in poor areas around the world.
14.  Candy, cake, ice-cream , pie — these are some common uses for chocolate. But did you know that chocolate also has a salty side?Michael Laiskonis, a cook, says that while chocolate is certainly thought of as a sweet snack or dessert, it is often used in salty dishes.
  Cocoa and later chocolate, was first enjoyed by the Mayans and Aztecs of Central America, and then by the Europeans, particularly in countries like Spain, Portugal, and Italy. Many salty chocolate dishes can be found in these places, most commonly in their sauces (调味汁). This is because chocolate adds a dark, shiny color and a rich flavor (味道) to the sauce.
  Mexican moles are a good example of sauces that include chocolate. Moles are rich and spicy (加有香料的) sauces that were invented in southern Mexico around the 16 h and 17th centuries. They get their flavor and dark brown color from peppers and chocolate. Moles are commonly served with meat and rice.
  Chocolate is being used in less traditional dishes, too. Many cooks follow the Mexican idea of adding cocoa or dark chocolate to spicy dishes, but it has recently become very popular in America to cover potato chips in chocolate.
  This combination(结合) sounds strange but can actually be explained through science. Studies called"flavor﹣study research" have shown that certain foods with similar chemical structures (结构) taste good when eaten together. For example, cook Heston Blumenthal combined white chocolate and caviar (鱼子酱) because he thought the two offered a perfect combination of sweetness and saltiness. Scientists later found that the two have similar chemical structures.
  This might all sound a little strange if you've only ever known chocolate to be a sweet treat. But it's also good news for chocolate lovers — as Laiskonis says"No matter what your mother may have told you, it's perfectly acceptable to eat chocolate for dinner!"
15.  As a country develops, its people usually enjoy better health care, drink cleaner water, and have more food. Both men and women can expect to live longer. However, people's lifestyle is changing at the same time. (1)      They eat more processed food or fast food, which has more fat, salt, and sugar. They do not walk so much, and some do not do any exercise at all. As a result, the number of people with certain diseases(疾病) is increasing.
  (2)      According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of people with diabetes(糖尿病) rose from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. That was 4. 7% of the population in 1980 to 5% in 2014. And the number is still rising.
  (3)      However, in recent years, the number has been rising more rapidly in low and middle﹣income(中低收入)countries than in a high﹣income countries. Take China for example. (4)      Now more than one in ten Chinese over 18 have the disease, making China the country with the highest number of diabetes patients in the world.
  It is possible to control diabetes with medicine, but there is no cure(治愈方法)(5)      If they are overweight, they should try to lose weight. They should also avoid foods high in fat and sugar. People should exercise often. Besides, they should walk or ride bikes more instead of traveling by car. If people change to this healthier lifestyle, we may be able to stop the rise in diabetes in the future.

A. They have busier lives.
B. However, things are changing now.
C. Diabetes is a disease that has become more common.
D. In the past, diabetes was more common in rich countries.
E. India, China, the USA and Australia are among those countries.
F. In 1980, less than 1% of the population in China had diabetes.
G. There are things, however, that people especially young people, can do to avoid it. 
16.A: What beautiful silk products they are!
B: (1)       They are all made of pure (纯) 的silk
A: I want to buy a piece of silk for my friend.
B: What for?
A: To make a qipao. She likes wearing qipaos.
B: (2)      These satin (缎子) products are a bit thicker.
A: Let me feel it. Oh. I think this is what I want.
B: (3)      
A: Is two meters enough?I'm not sure.
B: (4)      
A: She is a little bit taller than me.
B: (5)      
A: OK. Three meters, please.

A. It's the newest style.
B. How tall is your friend?
C. I'm not sure if we have that kind.
D. Have you found anything special?
E. Oh. I think three meters will be OK.
F. How many meters do you want to buy?
G. If you want to make a qipao, you should buy some satin. 
17.古人常说"千里送鹅毛, 礼轻情意重", 礼物承载着人们的祝福和情谊.生活中我们或多或少都收到过礼物, 请你根据以下提示要点, 用英语写一篇短文, 分享你心目中"最珍贵的礼物".
1. What is the gift?
2. Who gave you the gift?
3. What does the gift mean to you?
1. 短文应包括提示中所有的写作要点, 条理清楚, 行文连贯, 可适当发挥;
2. 词数不少于80, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
  Every year, I receive a lot of gifts from my parents and friends, but the most valuable one that I've ever received is _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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