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1.— Is this ______ baseball?
— No. It's ______.
  • A. your; mine
  • B. his; her
  • C. his; my
  • D. your; his
2.—Is ________ mother an English teacher?
—Yes,she is.
  • A. Tom's and Kate
  • B. Tom and Kate's
  • C. Tom's and Kate's
  • D. Tom and Kate
3.Gina is very ________ in the morning.She has many things to do.
  • A. tidy
  • B. busy
  • C. free
  • D. healthy
4.— Does your brother ______ a tape player?
— Yes, he ______ two.
  • A. have; has
  • B. has; has
  • C. have; have
  • D. has; have
5.The shirt is too small for me. Do you have a _____ one ?
  • A. long
  • B. short
  • C. big
  • D. small
6.—Kate,my English book is on the sofa.Can you _______ it for me?
—OK.Here it is,Dad.
  • A. ask
  • B. know
  • C. get
  • D. call
7.— What's this?
— It's ______ eraser. ______ eraser is mine.
  • A. an; A
  • B. a; The
  • C. the; An
  • D. an; The
8.—Cindy,you ________ very nice in that skirt.
  • A. look;Thank you
  • B. see;Thanks
  • C. get;You're welcome
  • D. watch;Yes,it is
9.  A little girl and her father go to a shop to buy a doll (玩具娃娃). She has 20 (1)       in her hand. When she (3)       a doll she likes, she always asks, "Daddy, can I have (3)      ?" Her father always (4)      , "Yes. "
  A little boy comes to the shop with his (5)      , too. He wants (6)       a computer game. He also has money in his hand, (7)       only five dollars. Each time the boy sees a computer game, he will (8)       at his father. His father always says, "(9)      . " The boy has to leave the computer game there.
  The girl takes a doll. When she sees this, she puts her doll (10)      , and runs over to the computer game. She takes one (11)       to the cashier (收银员).
  (12)       buying the computer game, the girl gives it back to the cashier and says (13)       to her quietly(悄悄地). The little boy comes up to the cashier. The cashier gives the computer game to (14)       and says, "You are my 100th customer (顾客) today, and you can have it!" The boy is very (15)      .
  There is also a big smile (16)       the little girl's face.
10.请先阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空.每个词限用一次.
dollar, at, health, bring, sale, we, need, sure, too, be 

  Welcome to Puppy's Home. We have food and clothes for dogs. The dog food is good and (1)       and it's not expensive. It is only twenty (2)       for a bag. We are (3)       your dog loves it. For clothes, we have T﹣shirts, sweaters, shorts and skirts. They are all very cute. And there are clothes on (4)       every weekend. Please (5)       your dog here and buy some. Do you (6)       shoes for your dog?We have shoes, (7)      . We sell them (8)       very good prices. They (9)       eight dollars for one pair, and fifteen dollars for two pairs. Come to (10)       store now!
Activity Soccer Game Book Sale School Trip Art Festival 
Date on May 2nd on May 16th on June 21st on July 3rd 
Who joins(参加) Students who love soccer Students who like reading All the students Students who can dance, sing or play the piano 
The number of the students 154 358 896 237 
Place (地点) Playground School library North Park School hall 
12.  This is Kate's room. There is a big bed, a table, a computer and some chairs in it. There is a hat and some books on the table. There is a picture on the wall. Kate is in the room. She is looking at the picture. Her father and mother are in the school. They teach students English. They work hard.
13.  Hi, my name is Tony. I'm a student of Confucius Institute in Chicago (CIC, 芝加哥孔子学院). My school is 11 years old. I like it very much because I can learn Chinese in it.
  Chinese is difficult, but it's very useful. Now, CIC and China's five schools are sister schools. One of them is Beijing No. 4 High School. I have a pen friend from the school. His name is Liu Gang. Nick is his English name. Liu Gang's favorite subject is English. He thinks it's easy and fun.
  Every year, twenty to thirty students of CIC can go to its sister schools. And the students can stay for four to six weeks there. I really want to go to China next year. And I really want to meet my Chinese pen friend.
14.  Many people like to watch 3 D movies at the cinema (电影院). But do you know the students in the US can watch 3 D movies in class?They can learn a lot from these movies.
  In the US, some students can watch 3 D movies in math, science and geometry(几何)lessons. The 3 D lessons show a special world to the students. They can help the students understand the knowledge (知识) better. These classes turn learning into an adventure (冒险). The students can remember the knowledge easily.
  The students like 3 D lessons very much. They say, "It's easy to learn, because you can remember all the things in the movies, and it's fun to learn. "
15.  Some boys and girls don't like math. They think it's difficult. But in fact, it isn't so difficult to learn math well. Here is what you can do.
  Listen well in class. The math teacher knows so much. When you listen well, you can know much, too. So be a careful (认真的) student in class and listen well.
  Ask your classmate for help. Your math teacher isn't always with you. When you find a math problem too difficult and you can't work it out, please ask your classmate after class. A good classmate is a good friend. He or she must be happy to help you.
  Practice (练习) it every day. Do you want to be good at math?It takes time. You can't learn it well in a day. So practice it every day and then you'll find it so easy.
  Math is useful. Let's do our best to learn it well.
16.请先阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后根据短文内容从下面的七个选项中选择五个还原到文中, 使短文意思通顺、结构完整, 并在答题卡上将其序号涂黑.
Dear Linda,
  I am very glad to write to you. The new school is really great and I make some new friends. Betty is one of them. (1)       I am very happy that she asks me to go to her birthday party.
  (2)      The Sports Week is in October. It is from October 12th to October 16th. The basketball game is on October 12th, and the tennis game is on October 14th. You like tennis, right?(3)       We also have a big book sale in the school library. It is in December. (4)       You know, he loves reading. Tomorrow, Miss Chen and all the students in our class will go to the museum (博物馆). (5)       She is very kind. I think we will have a lot of fun.
A. Miss Chen is our Chinese teacher.
B. There are many activities in my school this term.
C. All the students like the books very much.
D. Do you want to come and watch the tennis game with me?
E. I like basketball and I always play it with my classmates after school.
F. I want to buy some books for my little brother.
G. Her birthday is on September 27th.
17.请阅读下面对话, 根据对话内容从下面选择恰当的句子填入空白中, 使对话通顺、合理、意思完整, 并在答题卡上将其序号涂黑.(每空一句)
A:What can I do for you?
B: (1)      
A:What color do you like?
B: (2)      
A:All right. What size (尺寸) do you want?
A:What about this one?
B: (3)      
B:Oh, I like it. (4)      
A:It's 58 dollars.
B: (5)      
A:But wait a minute!There is a sale today. Everything is half price.
B:OK!I'll take it.

A. That's too expensive.
B. May I try it on (试穿)?
C. I'd like to buy a T﹣shirt.
D. I'm afraid I don't like it.
E. How much is it?
F. What else would you like?
G. I like purple.
18.假如你是刘涛, 你的笔友Edward来信询问你在学校的学习、生活情况, 请根据下表内容写一封回信.
上课情况 上午8:10~11:40四节课 
课后 踢足球 
最喜欢的课 英语、科学、音乐 原因 有趣 
最不喜欢的课 数学 原因 太难 

1. 短文应包括提示中所有的写作要点, 条理清楚, 行文连贯, 可适当发挥;
2. 短文中不能出现真实的人名和校名;
3. 词数不少于60.
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