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1.There was a ________ of burning oil in the air. People had to cover their noses.
  • A. case
  • B. smell
  • C. pain
  • D. record
2.Susie was ________ among the children. She tried many times and succeeded in the end.
  • A. more humorous
  • B. the most humorous
  • C. more patient
  • D. the most patient
3.—Our school sports meeting will ________ next week.
—Great!Let's cheer the players up in the playground.
  • A. take place
  • B. put off
  • C. end up
  • D. leave out
4.—How long have you stayed in Australia, Tony?
—It's a long time. I've been here for ________ ten years.
  • A. nearly
  • B. really
  • C. hardly
  • D. slowly
5.Mr Johnson is busy and he ________ the important meeting about the environment in London now.
  • A. Attended
  • B. was attending
  • C. is attending
  • D. would attend
6.Scientists ________ different kinds of ways to treat the illness since 50 years ago.
  • A. have discovered
  • B. discovered
  • C. will discover
  • D. discover
7.People at the airport didn't leave ________ the lady got on the car.
  • A. if
  • B. because
  • C. or
  • D. till
8.Last year, about 60 tons of vegetables ________ and sold on this farm.
  • A. would produce
  • B. were produced
  • C. are produced
  • D. produce
9.  Are you interested in sports, music or the environment?Being part of a community isn't just about where you live. It (1)       means sharing ideas with other people and it can help you understand yourself.
  A community might be an actual space where people (2)       with each other. It is like neighbourhood or school or a virtual (虚拟的) space where (3)       meet online. These groups or communities, bring people who share (4)       ideas and interests together. Communities come in all shapes and sizes and make you (5)       you're part of something bigger than yourself.
  Be around people who (6)       your passion (激情). It's also a great way to make new friends joining a community of people that shares your ideas can help you achieve amazing things (7)       you're improving yourself. Kids Against Plastic is a group run by teenage sisters Amy and Ella Meek. They have created a community of (8)       people taking action against plastic pollution. So far they have (9)       more than 90, 000 pieces of single﹣use plastic rubbish in the UK.
  Amy tells the newspaper, "We as young people have really strong voices, and when we come together, we can make a huge (10)      . Building a community can help to not only increase your (11)       but also provide you with the encouragement to run for your passion. "
  (12)      by thinking about what your interests are and find a community group that feels like a good fit. Lots of (13)       and sports teams have fan clubs, or you can find local groups by asking at your nearest library. There are (14)       community groups to choose from, including dance, drama and gardening. They are set up by people with a passion. They welcome (15)       members. Why not join one?
10.请先阅读下面材料, 掌握其大意, 然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空. 每个词限用一次.
helpful, control, even, widely, their, require, enjoy, suggestion, large, carry, because 

  Learning English is not easy, but don't worry. We have some (1)       for you.
  Firstly, some second language students don't walk around with grammar books in their pockets, they (2)       dictionaries. Good second language learners, writers, speakers, and listeners have a large vocabulary (词汇量) under their (3)      . Second language researchers are starting to understand that grammar isn't the most important part of second language study;vocabulary is the key to learning a language.
  But which words should students learn?English has a very (4)       vocabulary. In a language like English, (5)       native speakers (母语使用者) know only a part of all the words. So second language learners need to realize that they will never learn all the words, so they need to spend (6)       time learning the most useful ones.
  Secondly, reading is (7)       in learning a second language. Reading improves students' speaking, writing, grammar, and vocabulary skills. Grammar, writing and speaking are improved (8)       students are meeting examples of correct English by reading in English. Students who read a lot learn what is correct and what is not correct.
  Improving the second language skills (9)       extensive reading (泛读). Extensive reading requires reading (10)       all the time﹣﹣at least 30 minutes a day. Students read things which interest them. However, the important point is that it should be easy enough (11)      .
11.请阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项.
An invention competition!
What you need to do is simple. Come up with an idea for a futuristic (想象未来情况的) invention that will help people in their everyday life, and draw a picture of it. It could be anything from a robot who cleans the house to a machine that does your homework for you. Think big and get creative!The purpose is to design something that is fun as well as helpful. Think about what the future might look like and what would make life easier and more enjoyable.
Why not give your invention a name too? 
Who can enter? The competitors can be anyone aged between 9 and 16. If you enter as a team, your team should have three members at most. 
How to enter? Send a picture of your invention to prize @nosycrow. com between October 11 and November 1, 2021. 
WIN! You could win a book card worth $500 and your own robot friend, a Wonder Workshop Dash Robot, worth £47! 
Got a question? Click here. 
12.  He was an old man who fished alone in a small boat on the sea and he had gone eighty﹣four days without getting a fish. In the first forty days a boy had been with him. But after forty days without a fish, the boy's parents told him that the old man was salao, which is the worst form of unlucky, and the boy had gone with another boat which caught three good fish in the first week. It made the boy sad to see the old man's sail looked like the flag of failure forever.
  The old man was thin with deep wrinkles (皱纹) in the back of his neck. His face was terribly brown because of the strong sunlight on the sea every day and his hands had the deep scars (伤疤) from dealing with heavy fish on the lines. But none of these scars were fresh. Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful.
  "Santiago, " the boy said to him as they climbed the bank from the sea. "I could go with you again. We've made some money. "
  The old man had taught the boy to fish and the boy loved him.
  "No, " the old man said. "You're with a lucky boat. Stay with them. "
  "But remember how you went eighty﹣four days without catching a fish and that we caught big ones every day for three weeks. "
  "I remember. " the old man said.
  "It was my papa who made me leave. I am a boy and I must follow him. "
  "I know. " the old man said. "It is quite normal. "
13.  China is one of the world's oldest countries. Chinese culture has a great influence on shaping the whole modern world. Here are some things you can do in America to experience the culture.
1. Attend a Tai Chi Class
  Tai Chi began in ancient China as a way of training people to protect themselves. It is now seen as a great way to exercise. Many community centers now offer classes for this art. People can take a single (单个的) class as well as a series of (一系列) classes.
2. Learn Chinese Dance
  Like many other arts, Chinese dance plays an important role in the culture and it's so popular in America. There are lots of dance groups teaching all kinds of Chinese dances to people of all ages.
  People who want to get to know the culture better can even take Chinese dance lessons at local community centers.
3. Eat Dim Sum (点心)
  It is a popular kind of Chinese food. Many Chinese restaurants in America offer different kinds of dim sum for free on weekends to let people pick out their favorite. So many people like to visit        on weekends. You can come with your friends to try it. Each of you is even allowed to take different kinds of dim sum and pass it a round the table.
4. Visit Chinatown
  Big American cities often have a Chinatown. It's an area where large numbers of Chinese people have settled (定居). Such communities offer an easy chance to see Chinese culture in person. A Chinatown may also have public shows of local artworks that show different kinds of Chinese arts.
14.  The International Space Station (ISS) became humans' first "home" in space in 2000. It welcomed its first worker that year, paving (铺设) the way for 20 years of future research.
  "We should know that we're all citizens (公民) of not a country, but of the planet, " NASA astronaut Scott Kelly said while talking about working in the ISS.
  Over the past 20 years, the ISS has mainly been used as a science lab, hosting 241 people from 19 countries, according to NASA. They've gone on space walks, done research on how space affects the human body, and even grown different plants in space.
  The station's development has also been good for people on Earth. For example, the station's water purification technology has been used in poor areas to provide clean drinking water. The station also plays a role in warning us of natural disasters (灾害).
  However, after working for over 7, 000 days, the station is starting to get old. It has leaked (泄露) air a few times. Scientists think that the station can keep working until 2024. After that, they'll bring it down to Earth. It's believed that Earth's atmosphere (大气层) will burn up most of the station. The rest of it will fall into the Pacific Ocean.
  In the future, space will be home to more stations like the ISS. NASA is building a space station that is smaller than the ISS near the moon. Also, China's space station will be put into use in 2022.
15.  Don't you think that we have lost enough?We have lost most of our natural resources (自然资源), and now we are going to lose animals!
  Natural competition happens when species (物种) compete for food and living places. An example of an animal species influenced by this is the dinosaur.
  We have caused animals to get endangered too. The pollution that we create destroys (破坏) many animals' living places. An example of an animal species that has been influenced by pollution is the sea turtle. Overhunting is also a huge threat (威胁). When people overhunt, they catch too many of an animal species, so either not many animals are left, or no animals are left at all. Examples of some overhunted animals are the Bali tiger and the Atlantic cod. Cutting down trees is also very dangerous for animals. It leaves them with no place to live. Examples of some animals that have been influenced by this are many species in the Amazon Rainforest.
  Many organizations such as WWF (World Wildlife Fund) are doing something to protect animals and the environment. They try to protect the living places of many endangered animals. They do research on the species and they educate people. Zoos also help. They let many endangered species live in a healthy and safe environment. Sometimes zoos might even let an endangered animal go back into the wild to try to raise population numbers again.
  Not only the big organizations but also you can help. You can give away money or you can volunteer, or you can do the simplest thing of all—CARE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT!
16.请先阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后根据短文内容从下面的七个选项中选择五个还原到文中, 使短文意思通顺、结构完整.一句一空.
  When we think of famous inventors, we usually think of men like Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison. (1)       Let's take the dishwasher (洗碗机) for example. (2)       She was a rich American who gave a lot of dinner parties. But she was mad that her servants used to break plates and glasses when they were washing the dishes after a party. So, Josephine decided to try and invent a machine which could wash a lot of plates and glasses safely. She said, "(3)      " She designed (设计) the machine, and then she found a company to make it. At first only hotels and restaurants bought Josephine's new machine, but today the dishwasher is used by millions of people all over the world. The car was invented by a man. However, it was a woman who solved one of the biggest problems of driving. (4)       Until her invention, it was impossible for drivers to see where they were going when it was raining or snowing. (5)       The name of Mary's invention?Windshield wipers (雨刷).

A. She was Mary Anderson from the US.
B. They had to open their window to clean the rain.
C. In fact, women play an important role in the world.
D. But many of the inventions were invented by women.
E. She was bored with washing lots of dishes after parties.
F. If nobody else is going to invent a dishwasher, then I will!
G. It was invented by a woman named Josephine Cochrane in 1886.
17.请阅读下面对话, 根据对话内容从下面的七个选项中选择五个填入空白处, 使对话通顺、合理, 意思完整.一句一空.
(Tim is asking about festivals in China. Tim=T;Wang Mei=W)
T:How many popular festivals are there in your country, Wang Mei?
W: (1)      
T:What is the most important festival in your country?
W:I believe that the Spring Festival is the most important one since it's a time for family members to get together. (2)      
T:What do people do to prepare for the festival?
W: (3)       And people clean the houses and make them beautiful with flowers, lanterns, or paper cuttings.
T:What do people do during the festival?
W:On the eve of the festival, people have a big dinner. (4)      
T:What's special about the festival?
W: (5)       People usually have their new plans for the new year.

A. When is the Spring Festival?
B. It marks a new year's coming.
C. People get together to welcome the new year.
D. After that, they may visit friends or relatives.
E. Can you talk about the most famous festival in our country?
F. Before the festival, people go shopping for food and drinks.
G. There are many:the Spring Festival, the Mid﹣Autumn Day, etc.
18.学习第二语言是很重要的事情, 有人认为如果要学好第二语言就得去国外, 而另一些人认为留在国内同样可以学好它.你的看法是什么呢?请根据以下表格内容提示, 写一篇英语短文, 谈谈你的看法并说明原因.
study abroad study at home 
practice speaking the second language stay with the family 
learn about the foreign culture and customs save money 
. .. . .. 

1、短文应使用所给的写作提示, 条理清楚, 行文连贯;
2、不少于80词, 可适当发挥;
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