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1.If you have a lot of __________ in your life, you should take more exercise.
  • A. dream
  • B. stress
  • C. space
  • D. waste
2.__________ we have a few minutes to wait for the train, let's have a cup of coffee.
  • A. Although
  • B. Until
  • C. Since
  • D. Unless
3.If you want to know what the word means __________, you should look it up in the dictionary.
  • A. simply
  • B. widely
  • C. closely
  • D. exactly
4.—Candy, will you go to the picnic this Saturday?
—No, it was __________. I have told you about that.
  • A. mentioned
  • B. recorded
  • C. wasted
  • D. canceled
5.The traffic in our city is still pretty bad, but it's a little __________ than it used to be.
  • A. the best
  • B. better
  • C. the worst
  • D. worse
6.—Which of the two T﹣shirts will you take ?
—I'll take _______. One is for my brother and the other is for my cousin.
  • A. none
  • B. all
  • C. neither
  • D. both
7.—Would you like to visit the history museum with me next Saturday?
—I'd love to, but I __________ it twice already.
  • A. was visiting
  • B. am visiting
  • C. have visited
  • D. will visit
8.__________ what she's saying because she won't explain it a second time.
  • A. Get on with
  • B. Pay attention to
  • C. Look back at
  • D. Run away from
9.  The 32nd Summer Olympic Games will be held in Tokyo, Japan. Now Japan has (1)       all the medals (奖牌)from recycled metal. Traditionally the metal for the medals is (2)       from mining companies (矿业公司) . However, Japan's organizers wanted to highlight (强调)the possibilities for recycling and also wanted to keep down the (3)       of the Games. Members of the Japanese public were asked to turn in their (4)       electronic devices (装置). The devices (5)       big companies as well as the common people. Gold, silver, and bronze metals would be got from (6)      . Tokyo hoped that its plan would help cut down metal waste.
  To realize that, Japan began (7)       old cellphones, computers, and cameras in 2017. Organizers placed collection boxes around the country. However, it was a(8)       challenge to collect enough of these metals to make 5, 000 medals, (9)       each device has only a little such metal. It would take about 20, 000 cellphones to get just 2. 2 pounds of gold.
  The collection went (10)       at first. But soon more and more people (11)       to turn in electronics. At last, they collected 6. 21 million used cellphones. By the end of March, 2019, the organizers had (12)       around 67 pounds of gold, 9, 000 pounds of silver, and 4, 850 pounds of bronze from those electronics, which were (13)       to make the medals.
  Actually, this is not the first time that the Olympic Games used recycled metals. About 30% of the Rio 2016 Olympic medals were made this (14)      . Through this event, people not only got a(n) (15)       to do something for the Olympics, they also learned the importance of protecting the environment.
touch advice let healthy stop properly 

  China is fighting a dangerous enemy right now. It's called the novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP, 新型冠状病毒肺炎) . It's also named by the WHO as COVID﹣19.
  Everyone can join in the fight against it. Here is some (1)       .
  ★ Stay away from crowds. If you have to go to crowded places, don't forget to wear a mask (口罩). It's a good way to (2)      the virus from entering your mouth and nose. Stay at one meter away from other people.
  ★ When you're indoors, open your windows (3)       fresh air in every day. Do it three times a day for 15 minutes to half an hour each time.
  ★ Keep (4)       habits. This can improve your immunity (免疫力) . Remember to eat a balanced diet, exercise and get enough sleep.
  ★ Wash your hands (5)      . Remember to wash your hands before eating, and after going to the bathroom, coming home, coming into contact with rubbish and (6)       animals. Don't touch your eyes, nose or mouth before washing your hands. When you wash your hands, use running water and soap. Rub your hands together for no less than 15 seconds.
11.  When people have water in their houses, they can wash with it, cook meals with it and drink it. However, in many small villages in Africa, far away (1)f       the big cities, the houses don't have water. In those villagers, it is usually women's job to fetch water for the family. Children help their mothers and elder sisters out with this important (2)c       . But often lakes or rivers are far and water is heavy, so women and children can't fetch enough water in one trip. It usually takes many hours and more than one person to fetch water. That's (3)w       children sometimes don't go to school.
  It is good news that Q Drum, a new invention, will be there to help. The Q Drum can carry about 50 liters (升) of water, and it is easy to pull. That (4)m       a woman or a child can make only one trip to get enough water. This makes life much (5)e       for the families in those villages. And if children only need to carry water home once a day or once every two days, they can go to school.
The book festival is coming! Do you have some books you don't want?Your old love may be someone's new favorite. Bring one book to the Town Library & get another one home for free!
When & How: March 2 ﹣ March 14Bring one book for one book festival card. March 16 ﹣ March 31Bring one card for one book you like to read.
What books: All kinds of books EXCEPT school books, comic books (连环画), and dictionaries.
Notice: ①Your book must be in good shape, without any pages missing.
②Your book must be clean, and nothing is written on it.
Want to know more?
Please call 685﹣3237. ( We are closed on Mondays. )Town Library 
13.  If you're too busy, maybe it's time you slowed down and enjoyed a meal with a friend. Try to get away from fast food and choose slow food.
  For years, the pace (节奏) of life has increased for many people. They are too busy to cook. Luckily, there are business people who take the chance to provide a "fast" way to deal with the problem. You can go to the supermarket and buy cooked food. All you have to do is to heat it and you can enjoy your meal in 10 minutes.
  Still too slow?OK, just go to a fast﹣food restaurant, order your meal and within 5 minutes it will be made for you.
  The problem is health. Fast food has much more fat, sugar, salt, oil and calories (卡路里) and far fewer vitamins (维生素) than homemade food. Since people have always wanted to live longer, a growing population is now choosing fresh food.
  Over the centuries, mealtime has been used to visit, laugh and learn. However, today most of us are having a very different lifestyle!Some people have realized it and they are looking for ways to return to that. Goodbye, Mc Donald's.
  Finally, it makes you feel good to plan your meal, cook your meal and eat your meal:So if you're too busy, maybe it's time you slowed down and enjoyed a homemade meal.
14.  "I spent my whole life doing one thing, " Gu Fangzhou once said. Known as "the father of sugar pills (糖丸)", Gu passed away at age 92 on January 2, 2019. Eight months later, he received a national honorary title (荣誉称号) "the People's Scientist" for his polio (脊髓灰质炎) research.
  Gu Fangzhou, a famous medical scientist, was born in June, 1926. Gu's family faced a difficult time with the sudden death of his father. He studied hard and finally entered Peking University as a medical student in 1944. After graduation, Gu made the decision to work;to help, improve public health.
  In 1955, polio broke out in Nantong, Jiangsu Province. It paralyzed (使瘫痪) 1, 680 people, mostly children aged below seven. It spread to neighboring areas, and resulted in 466 deaths. Gu was asked to lead polio research in 1957. "At that time the only way to prevent polio was to invent a vaccine (疫苗), "said Gu.
  In 1959 Gu succeeded in developing the first polio live vaccine. Later, he developed the "sugar﹣ coated pill" vaccine in the early 1960s. It not only tasted better but was more affordable and easier to keep. In order to test the vaccine, Gu himself tried the vaccine. and later his one ﹣ month ﹣ old son was vaccinated. This inspired his team to vaccinate their kids. They became the first group of people in China to try a polio vaccine.
  Gradually, the sugar﹣coated polio vaccine was made available in China. It saved millions of people, especially kids, from being disabled. In 2000, the WHO announced that China was already a polio ﹣ free country. "We feel satisfied. I can tell people that I tried my best, and your kids will no longer get polio, " said Gu. "That's all we hoped for. "
15.  Formal dining (正式就餐) can be an enjoyable experience. However, an invitation to a formal meal can make many people nervous. Here are some ideas that can help you to be. a well ﹣ behaved guest.
  Basic table manners should be kept in mind first. Keep your elbows off the table, and chew (咀嚼) with your mouth closed. Never pick your teeth at the table. While it's OK to use your fingers when eating bread or sandwiches, most foods should be eaten with' utensils (餐具) .
  Thinking more of others is necessary to a pleasant dining experience. Be polite, eat slowly and take time to converse with those around you. Laughter is perfectly fine, but never shout across the table to make yourself heard. Moreover, keep your phone on silent, and check it as little as possible during the meal.
  If you don't know what to do at the table, just begin with your napkin. When you sit down, open the napkin at once and place it over your knees. Whenever you need to excuse yourself, leave it in your seat.
  When you sit down, you'll find forks on your left as well as knives and spoons on your right. These utensils will be in different shapes and sizes, but don't be worried ! Just begin with the outer utensils and work towards the middle. Still, if you're uncertain what to do, simply follow your host's lead, and you can't go wrong.
]  When the meal is over, tidy up your napkin and put it down to the left of you. Before you leave, be sure to express your thankfulness to your host.
16.  When people think of life in Europe hundreds of years ago, they often think of castles (城堡) built of stone, with huge towers. (1)       . Hundreds of their relatives, soldiers and workers also lived there.
  (2)       It was busy all day and every day. Usually there was a good distance (距离) between a castle's kitchen and other rooms and buildings, especially. the great hall, a large room where people came together for meals and other activities. (3)       The kitchen workers needed to use fire for cooking, but sometimes kitchen fires accidentally grew out of control and could spread to other parts of the castle. That's why the kitchen was usually far away.
  Each kitchen also had a garden to grow vegetables. (4)       People stored some vegetables underground, but not for long, so most vegetables were picked fresh from the castle garden as they were needed.
  Of course, a king's dinner included many other dishes like bread, meat, and fish. (5)       So the castle kitchen had a whole team of people to make different dishes. The chef (主厨) was like a head manager. He was responsible for making sure that the team of kitchen workers did their job right. Although chefs would also cook some dishes of the meal, their main task was to supervise (管理) the whole team.

A. This was because of the danger of fires.
B. You may wonder what fruit could be found in the garden.
C. To prepare a full meal, many cooks were needed.
D. Castles were the homes of kings and queens and other powerful people.
E. Back then, there was no fridge to keep food fresh.
F. The rooms in the castle were strong and beautiful.
G. The kitchen was a very important place in a castle. 
17.  Imagine that you are driving down a road late at night. You look to the side of the road and find that there is a car accident. There are people in the car, and they, are probably hurt. What would you do in that situation? Would you ignore (忽视) the people and keep driving? Or would you stop your car and try to help them?
  In the past, most people didn't think of it as a problem. They would stop to help the injured without thinking twice. But people think differently now. Lots of people don't want to give help. One of the reason is that sometimes they might hurt the people they are trying to save, and the injured might sue (控告) them. Sometimes, the people who try to help have to pay lots of money just for doing good to others. Many people do not want to get sued for being nice. So they ignore others in need of help.
  Because so many people are afraid of getting into trouble, a few countries have passed a special law. The law provides protection for people who try to help others. Thanks to the law, the injured can't sue anyone who gives a helping hand, In countries with this law, people are not afraid to help out anymore.
18.( Sam and Rick work in the same office. Now it's time for lunch. )
A:I'm so hungry, Rick. What about eating out?
B:Good idea, Sam! (1)      
A:How about dumplings?I just can't get enough of them.
B:Dumplings again? (2)      
A:Well, what's your advice?
B: (3)       There's a new hot pot restaurant not far from here.
A:Oh, I don't agree. It's too spicy (辣的) for me.
B:Don't worry. We can try "Yuanyang Pot". (4)      
A:All right. Let's go!I can't wait to go there!
B : (5)       Let me turn the computer off first.

A. Oh, let's try something new !
B. Wait a minute !
C. I prefer dumplings, to anything else.
D. Then what would you like to eat?
E. Let's eat hot pot.
F. Don't you remember last time I ate hot pot?
G. You can choose the non ﹣ spicy soup. 
19.现在大多数中学生都有或多或少的压力, 他们的压力有的来自学习和考试, 有的来自父母过高的期望, 有些人因为压力而成长, 但有些人因为承受不了压力而终日抱怨.本周的英语角活动将围绕"压力"这一话题让同学们畅所欲言.请你结合自身情况, 并根据下面的写作要点, 用英文写一篇短文, 为本次发言做准备.
(1)When do you feel stressed?
(2)What do you think of stress?
(3)How do you deal with stress?
(1)紧扣话题, 请言表达要准确, 欲言要通顺、连贯;
(2)不少于80词, 短文的开头和结尾已给出, 但不计入总词数.
It's common to have stress in life. Different people, feel stressed in different ways.

In short, when we have stress, we should not be afraid; We should use it as a tool and deal with it in our own way. If so, we'll lead a happy life.
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