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1.—I always feel bored when I am free.
—Why not take up a(n)_______ to have fun?
  • A. hobby
  • B. event
  • C. task
  • D. risk
2.—We'd like to eat some pears. Could we pick some from the tree?
—Sorry, you'd better not. They still look green and they might be_______ .
  • A. sweet
  • B. salty
  • C. sour
  • D. crispy
3.—Do you know that a reusable water bottle can _______you much money on drinks?
—Yes. And it can also help reduce (减少)the use of the plastic products.
  • A. waste
  • B. cost
  • C. leave
  • D. save
4.—I like playing all kinds of ball games, _______ volleyball.
  • A. actually
  • B. carefully
  • C. completely
  • D. especially
5._______ Frank improves his IT skills, he can get a good job.
  • A. If
  • B. As
  • C. While
  • D. Although
6.—Yummy!The cake is delicious.
—That's right. It will taste_______ if there is some sugar in it.
  • A. good
  • B. better
  • C. bad
  • D. worse
7.—Excuse me, Sir. Please don't smoke here. This is a non﹣ smoking area.
—I'm really sorry. I___________ that.
  • A. haven't known
  • B. don't know
  • C. didn't know
  • D. won't know
8.When the sun's rays hit the earth, much of the heat _______ back into space.
  • A. is reflected
  • B. was reflected
  • C. reflects
  • D. has reflected
9.  "Dad, I need your help!" My 11﹣year﹣old girl pulled (1)      towards the computer. "Please help me pay for the things in the Amazon shopping cart ( 购 物 车 ). Here, take the (2)      from my savings!"
  The (3)      cart showed ten different things for a total of about 130 dollars. "Wait!" I replied,
  "That's too much money! (4)      do you need all these things?"
  "Please, Dad!These (5)      will get here before Christmas. I have a surprise for everyone!" she said, and I (6)      .
  A few days later, she got (7)      she bought in the Amazon. I saw her then wrapping (包裹)all her gifts. "Can I help you?" "(8)      , Dad, these are special surprises!" Her excitement was clear. She was (9)      with a big smile on her face.
  The day came. She couldn't (10)      her feelings. She was all around her gifts arranging and planning. After dinner, she took her (11)      . She went around, giving each of us her piece of love. These were small value things, (12)      it was the meaning of her giving heart that we were really feeling. As she gave gifts to each person, she watched our (13)      . Our smiles were her (14)      reward (回报).
  She gave her 2﹣year﹣old brother a toy. It was hard to (15)      how excited he was when he got this gift!
  My 11﹣year﹣old girl's acts of giving love help me (16)      the power of giving. It makes our life more beautiful.
idea, help, cost, nothing, local, vacation, she, only, but, high 

  Located in (位于)Huaping County in Lijiang, Yunnan, the Huaping Senior High School for Girls is famous not only because it is the first girls' public high school that doesn't charge tuition fees (收学费)in our country, but also because a lot of students there enter universities.
   (1)       would have happened without Zhang Guimei. The 63﹣year﹣old woman has been fighting against the inequality and prejudice (不平等和偏见)girls face in the mountain for a long time.
  In 2001, Zhang, then a teacher of a(n) (2)       middle school, noticed that many girls from poor families had little chance of getting an education. Then the (3)       of starting a school for girls came into her mind. She also decided that the school wouldn't charge tuition fees. To raise money, between 2002 and 2007, Zhang spent the summer and winter (4)       on the streets asking people to give away money to her school. However, she (5)       collected about 10, 000 yuan.
  Later, a reporter reported (6)       story. At last, she got one million yuan from the government, and the Huaping Senior High School for Girls was opened in September 2008.
  There were many difficulties in the beginning, (7)       Zhang didn't give up. "I want my students to go to good universities, " she said. So far, over 1, 600 girls have graduated and received (8)       education at universities. These achievements came at the (9)       of Zhang's health.
  When asked why she made efforts (10)       girls in the mountain receive better education, Zhang said, "Education for women can influence three generations of individuals (三代人). "
To celebrate our 5th anniversary (纪念日), Starry Night Productions is proud to show The Way Home. It is a play by an award﹣winning (获奖)writer. Its writer Sir Charles Woodward from America received the Yellow Primer Award for his novel Strangers in the Dark.
The play is mainly about a boy named Gareth. He is lost in a big city and wants to find his way home. Gareth meets a lot of different people and discovers more about himself on his journey.
With popular actors like Michelle Fernandez and Jacob Shah, this is a play not to be missed!
Dates:December 12﹣15
Time:7 pm
Place:Wonderful Theater
Tickets:Tickets are priced at $60. There is an early bird discount ( 折 扣 )of 20% for all tickets from now until the end of October.
You can book (预订)your tickets by calling Whistshell Ticketing at 34565678. Book your tickets now to avoid sadness!
For more information about this play, visit our website at www. starrynight. com. No photography or video recording is allowed for this event.
Sponsors (赞助商):Geom Shoes
Winkle Stationery Luxington Instruments.
12.  In February, the Ministry of Education announced that mobile phones should, in principle, be banned ( 禁 止 )in primary and secondary schools. This aims to protect students' eyesight, make sure they focus on their work and prevent them from becoming addicted (上瘾的)to the Internet and online games.
  Xu Xiaohe, a 13﹣year﹣old from Zhejiang, supports the policy. "In fact, my school has never allowed us to bring our mobile phones, " Xu said. "It's a distraction (干扰)from our work. Even adults can't control themselves, let alone kids like us. "
  Li Zihan from Beijing, however, feels differently. The 13﹣year﹣old believes that a mobile phone ban is too simple for a generation that has grown up with mobile phones. "Students should be taught self﹣management skills, as well as learn how to use their phones effectively (有效地)to help with their studies, " Li said. "This might be the best way to deal with technology in modern times. "
  For Ge Ziqi, the problem with banning phones has more to do with life outside of school. The 13﹣year﹣old Beijinger uses a bike﹣sharing app every day to travel between her home and school.
  "Today, phones are used everywhere, from taking a bus to buying food, " she said. "If I can't take my phone with me, I'll have to buy my own bicycle. "
  Some schools have come up with ideas to solve problems like Ge's. At Shanghai Shatian School, for example, students are asked to put their phones in special lockers (储物柜)during school hours. The students call these lockers the "phone farm" (养机场)or "phone tarmac" (停机坪).
13.  One of the biggest worries for teenagers is their looks﹣changing body shape, hair in unlike places and spots (斑点)appearing. So no wonder teenagers spend too much time looking in the mirror.
  If your teen isn't happy with what he looks, it can harm his self﹣esteem (自尊). Try not to make jokes about your teen's looks. He may be sure that plastic surgery (整容手术)is the only way for his nose, even though it looks quite fine to everyone else. Try to explain that people seldom notice the kind of detail we notice in ourselves. Tell them all teenagers worry about how they look and few are happy with their looks. The better teenagers feel about themselves, the higher their self﹣esteem and ability to deal with these problems will be.
  Untidiness is another common teenage problem. If you are driven mad by the coats on the hall floor or the wet towels (毛巾)in the bath, you are not alone. Remind yourself:He's not doing it to make you angry, but it just means that he forgets about it most of the time. Never show up your teenager in front of his friends with words such as "I told you to tidy up that room" or surely you are not wearing that". Remember even the most untidy teenager gets sick of too much mess and will probably decide to tidy up at some point.
14.  After 10﹣year laughs, the US sitcom Modern Family has come to an end. The last two episodes ( 集 )of its 11th and final season aired on April 8. Since it started in 2009, it has become one of the most beloved TV series (电视连续剧)in the US, taking home 22 Emmy Awards and 75 nominations (提名).
  The show follows three families who move in and out of each other's lives. The first one is a typical American family:the working dad Phil, stay﹣at﹣home mom Claire and three children. The second family is made up of Jay, his young Hispanic (西班牙裔的)wife and her son. Jay, 65, is Claire's father. The third family is made up of a couple ﹣Mitchell and Cameron ﹣ and their adopted (收养的)daughter Lily. Mitchell is Jay's son.
  Modern Family has no superheroes, aliens or ghosts ﹣ it's just about common people. So what's its secret to being such a       ?
  The Los Angeles Times said it's because of "its presentation of today's US society". The show presents a typical central family:two parents, a big house and two or three children. It deals with serious problems that many people are familiar with, such as fights between brothers and sisters, disagreements between parents about how to raise their children, and so on.
  Phil and Claire have different but fun personalities, for example. When there's a fight between their kids, Phil wants to be the "cool dad", while traditional mom Claire lives by the saying, "an eye for an eye". She always forces Phil to punish the troublemaker.
  "There really is no more of a general American family in its true sense" than the characters on Modern Family, said US research institute The Hartman Group.

15.  In today's world of modern science and medicine, a more traditional treatment ( 治 疗 )is once again becoming popular﹣animal friendship.
  It is now well﹣known that people with problems such as heart disease (疾病)or cancer (癌症)live longer and get better more quickly if they have pets. Keeping pets lowers ( 降 低 )blood pressure and makes people less worried. Animals are increasingly important in treating older people who have memory loss ( 失 忆 )and other brain problems. These people often feel nervous and upset. Activities with animals help them improve their physical condition and also give them happiness, and loving friendship.
  Here is a case that shows the benefits (受益)of animals. John was a six﹣year﹣old mute (哑巴). He had no physical problems. He just refused to talk. His older cousin, Ned, had a parrot ( 鹦 鹉 )called Sally, and John used to visit it. When he arrived, Ned used to say, "Hi, John!" We all know parrots copy what they hear. After a few visits, Sally began saying "Hi, John!" when John came into the room. Then, one day John turned to the parrot and replied "Hi, Sally!" Saying with the parrot encouraged John to begin talking.
  Another use of animal helpers is in schools. In some cases, animals are used to help children with physical or personal problems. In other cases, they are used to teach children to get on and share with others, and even to teach them about animals.
  If you want to know more about animal helper programs, you can get in touch with organizations like Riding for the Disabled or do a research on the Internet. You don't have to be an animal trainer or a doctor to join in. You can work there as a volunteer. People there will welcome you.
16.  British Schools offer new experiences for Chinese students
  I am delighted to introduce this new column bringing news from UK schools.
  In recent years many students from China come to the UK to attend school. (1)       Quite a few decide to apply to a UK university after attending British secondary schools. It's a wonderful opportunity(机会)for them to improve their written and spoken English, find out more about a different culture and to experience very high﹣quality teaching.
  Studying in the UK will be a unique (独特的)and enjoyable experience. (2)       Its furthest mainland points are only 1, 350 km apart. It's possible to see many great cities in a short time, such as London, Cambridge and Oxford. You are never more than 113 km from the sea and can explore Britain's 18, 000 km of coastline.
  (3)       Children start school at the age of 4. At 11, children go to secondary school where they may study 10 subjects including maths, sciences, English, history and one or more languages such as French. Classes in UK schools often have between 20 or 30 students. (4)      
  Children do not just learn from books or a screen, but enjoy a range of sports as part of their normal day, such as soccer rugby(英式橄榄球), field hockey(曲棍球)and cricket(板球). (5)      
  In this column, we will invite students from the UK boarding schools to write about their school life to help you learn more.

A. They can attend clubs after school.
B. Isn't it nice to sit by the beach and think?
C. Unlike China, the UK isn't a large country.
D. Over 4, 000 new students came in 2018 alone.
E. Life for a student studying in the UK can be very exciting.
F. They have to study the same 10 subjects as Chinese students.
G. Most schools do not make students sit in the same seat for every lesson.
17.A:Long time no see, Steven!Come in.
B:Hi, Jack. I just drop in to have a chat with you.
A:It's so nice of you to come here. (1)      
B:OK. Wow!There are so many robots in your house!
A:Yeah. (2)      
B:That's true. But where did you buy all these robots?
B:So your uncle bought them for you?
A:No. (4)      
B:Then what about this one?It looks really cute.
A:Well, this one isn't from my uncle. (5)       Its name is HEXA.
B:Why does it carry a plant on its head?
A:That's HEXA's job. It carries the plant around the house so that it can enjoy sunlight from all sides.
B:What a cool invention!

A. My uncle is a robot engineer, and he made almost half of these robots.
B. Have a seat and make yourself at home.
C. My uncle is good at making things.
D. You know, I like high﹣tech products alot.
E. My father gave it to me as a birthday present.
F. That robot is even cooler.
G..To be exact, most of them are from my uncle.
18.假定你是李华, 在过去的一年里 , 你们的英语老师是来自英国的Alice.不久前她返回英国任教.请你根据写作要点和要求给她写封电子邮件, 表达你的感激, 介绍她离开后你自己及班里发生的事情并希望了解她的近况.
1. Express your thankfulness to her;
2. List some happenings in your class and about yourself after she left;
3. Your expectation (期待)and wishes for her.
要求:1. 感谢信要包括写作要点给出的提示, 可适当拓展;
2. 感谢信中不得出现与你相关的真实信息;
3. 词数不少于80.感谢信的开头和结尾已经给出, 不计入总词数.
Dear Alice,
I'm Li Hua, one of your students in China. ________
Wish you all the best!
Li Hua
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