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1.—Sorry, Mum. I failed the chemistry exam.
—I've ________ so, for I know you didn't study hard for it before.
  • A. exchanged
  • B. expected
  • C. expressed
  • D. examined
2.Sherry exercises a lot every day, so she is always full of ________.
  • A. courage
  • B. wealth
  • C. energy
  • D. knowledge
3.Thanks to the doctors, the man who caught the COVID﹣19 ________ recovering (康复).
  • A. put off
  • B. gave up
  • C. ended up
  • D. parted with
4.—How is Lucy getting on with her new lessons?
—________ she studies harder, she won't catch up with others.
  • A. Though
  • B. If
  • C. Whether
  • D. Unless
5.—What do you think of the band's performance?
—It could be ______. I think they're feeling very nervous.
  • A. good
  • B. better
  • C. bad
  • D. worse
6.GPS can ________ show where you are at any time and in any weather. A lot of drivers use it.
  • A. truly
  • B. exactly
  • C. mostly
  • D. probably
7.—I have no money to invite them to the best restaurant.
—You ________ go to a restaurant. Cooking at home is more fun.
  • A. needn't
  • B. can't
  • C. mustn't
  • D. shouldn't
8.The museum has strict rules. If any visitor takes photos there, he/she ________ to leave.
  • A. was asked
  • B. asks
  • C. will be asked
  • D. has asked
9.  John's wife left him. He didn't get on well with his son. He lived in a cheap apartment, hot in summer and cold in winter. His small store had a(n)(1)      time. His dream to open a large supermarket seemed something(2)      he could never reach. The whole world seemed(3)       him. The future seemed dark.
  On New Year's Day, John(4)      hiking. When he was in the wilderness, he heard a voice say, "Be thankful, and you will receive the things you want. Be(5)      . It takes time. " Then he came up with a(n)(6)      . He decided to find one person to thank each day.
  At first, John had(7)       finding things to be thankful for. But when he thought of both large and small things, it was not difficult any longer. He thanked people for their gifts and(8)      . He sent thank﹣you notes to his son, his friends and his doctors. He(9)      his son's teacher, his apartment manager, and even the coffee shop staff to express his thanks. He thanked anyone who(10)      him in even the smallest way. He(11)      the way he viewed(看待) life and people. In return, the changed attitude (态度) did good to him. (12)      surprising began to happen. Things improved. People seemed to(13)      him better than before.
  At the end of the year, his life was still not perfect, (14)      he realized that being thankful could make his world better. It was a(15)      thing.
scary, include, wide, interview, seems, they, take, kind, if, with 

  Towns in the countryside of Japan are using robot wolves to drive of black bears. It(1)       that these robot wolves work well.
  It was reported that last year alone there were lots of bear attacks (攻击) in Japan. So farmers in the town of Takikawa(2)      action. They bought and set a pair of Monster Wolf robots in their community. These robot wolves that look(3)       were developed by a company called Ohta Seiki to help farmers deal(4)      bears and some other animals.
  The Monster Wolf robot is about the same size as a real wolf. The robot wolf is made to(5)      shining red eyes, a blinking (闪烁的) tail, and many(6)      of loud, terrible sounds—growls (咆哮声) and heavy noises. The robot wolves were left out to work until early November, when the bears went into hibernation (冬眠), and they would then return to(7)      work next spring.
  "We have thought up many ways to drive off bears. (8)      this can help create an environment that bears and people can both live in, I will be happy, " explained Yuji Ota, the president of Ohta Seiki, in an enjoyable(9)      with the local newspaper.
  Since the robot wolves were introduced into Takikawa and other places in September, no news about the bears in these areas has been(10)      reported. As a result, the robot wolves are thought to be a great success.
An apartment for rent
On the 4th floor
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Living room: 1
TV: 2
Internet: Yes
Public transportation is quite convenient here.
Hot water: 5 a. m. ﹣ 10 p. m. on weekdays 24 hours on weekends
Deposit (押金): $ 600Price: $1200/two months
Tel: 892﹣5836﹣5022 
Waiters and waitresses wanted
Age: 18﹣25 years old
Educational qualification: At least senior high school graduates
Number: Five Waiters and ten waitresses
Conditions: Good looking: men over 1. 70 meters tall and women 1. 65﹣1. 70 meters tall(Those who know Chinese are preferred)
Working time: 10 a. m. —7 p. m.
Salary (薪水): $1800﹣2200 per month with free accommodation (住处) in the hotel. If you are interested, please call Mrs. Leone at 892﹣5638﹣5022. 
12.  A report shows that years of first aid (急救) programme by the British Red Cross finally achieves good results. Children and young people will now get the skills to save a life after they learn our online classes.
  British Red Cross' research found that more than nine in ten grown﹣ups(成人) are not able or wouldn't like to give first aid to people in emergencies(紧急情况). Teaching first aid in schools will help change this. So far British Red Cross has helped children and young people learn first aid in schools for years. Many real﹣life stories of young first aiders show how our activities work well.
  Because eight﹣year﹣old Stephen learned first aid at school, he was able to help a woman who had collapsed on the street. He quickly rushed over, tried talking to her and checked her breath When he knew she was breathing, he rolled her on to her side with her head back to keep her airway (气道) open. Stephen then asked his mum to call an ambulance (救护车) and stayed with the woman until it got there.
  Stephen said, "I was a little nervous at first but I remembered what to do because I had learned it at first aid club. I think it is important to know what to do because we should help each other. I am really proud of what I did. " Stephen's teacher Mrs. Brown said, "He was amazing and he had the confidence and skills to know what to do. "
  Now it is time to act. If you want to teach first aid in your school, you are welcome to our online first aid classes.
13.  We all dream about things that might make life more enjoyable and relaxing﹣﹣taking a three﹣week vacation to Hawaii, going hiking, or, sending the kids to the amusement park. But besides these, there are lots of small changes that can quickly brighten (使……快乐) you every day. Here are some easy ways to give you.
  Find your peace early. When I wake up in the morning. I try to lie down for a few minutes, slowly stretching (伸展) my arms, legs and back. It feels great, and I'm calm instead of starting the day rushed.
  Set up a reading hour. Whether your kids can read or not, make some time every afternoon or evening as "quiet time". Fill a corner with some soft pillows (枕头), a basket of books. And when the kids are not at home, use this comer to relax with your own good reading.
  Get together with family. After work, Nancy Schwartz of Lady Lake, Florida, sometimes goes outside with her husband and 19﹣month﹣old daughter, Acadia. "We all sit and draw on the sidewalk with chalk(粉笔), " she says. "It's great family time for us, and it makes me feel happy because it reminds me of my own childhood. And it also helps us meet more of our neighbors. "
  Go shopping. A shopping trip without the kids is well worth planning. You'll be able to choose dishes freely and try things on without having to worry about your kids.
14.  Whenever we watch a scary movie, we might close our eyes and cry. However, chances are that we'll continue to watch and enjoy the movie anyway. So why can fear be so much fun?According to a recent study, watching scary movies is of great advantage.
  In the study, 262 adult volunteers were asked to enter a scary house. Inside, they were met with many scary scenes over a course of 35 minutes, and were asked to record their feelings both before and after the experience. At the same time. the researchers also studied their brain waves (脑电波).
  According to the researchers, the volunteers were happier and less worried and tired after they left the scary house. That's because in this stressful situation, their brains released more dopamine(释放更多的多巴胺), a chemical which produces a feeling of joy that continues after danger has passed.
  Taking advantage of this feeling may bring people together. This means that people in scary situations are more likely to be uncertain and depend on others for support. "We build special closeness with those we are with when we're in an excited state. We need each other in times of stress, " Margee Kerr, one of the researchers said.
"Being scared in a safe place makes us feel good physically by reminding us that we can make it through a scary situation. It is a good way to increase our confidence. " Kerr said.
15.  Have you ever heard of an avalanche (雪崩)?Avalanches are sudden natural disasters (灾难) where a lot of snow and ice slide down the mountains. (1)      In fact, snow from an avalanche can move as fast as two hundred miles per hour. That is three times faster than a car on a highway.
  (2)      In the mountains like the Alps and the Himalayas, there are snow and ice all year round. After big storms, new snow puts more pressure on the snow that is already in the mountains. The pressure can make the old snow slide.
  (3)      Heavy snow moving down the mountains may pull other things along, such as trees and rocks. A powerful avalanche can damage (毁坏) everything in its path. Luckily, no one lives in the mountains where avalanches are easy to happen. (4)      
  Most people who may lose their lives in avalanches are ski lovers. They want to have fun in the mountains. They also want to stay safe. (5)       Even though the experts can warm people of the risk, there are still some accidents each year. If you are a ski lover, remember to pay attention to experts' warnings.

A. So not many people die from avalanches each year.
B. Most avalanches happen after big storms.
C. An avalanche can last for about ten hours a time.
D. Avalanches are very dangerous.
E. We should take action to stop avalanches from happening.
F. Experts can usually tell when an avalanche might happen.
G. As they slide, the snow and ice move faster and faster. 
A. What does it mean?
B. I just feel very weak.
C. Thank you for your suggestions.
D. I often do sports with my friends.
E. Then can you tell me what I should do?
F. I don't have the habit of taking exercise.
G. Then I must go to see the doctor right now. 

A:Hi, Tony, you look pale!What happened to you?
B:Nothing serious. (1)      
A:It seems that you are careless about your health. Maybe you do not take exercise regularly.
B:Yes, you are right. (2)      
A:But you should know that a sound (健全的) mind is in a sound body.
A:It means if you do not keep yourself healthy, you can't do anything well.
B:That's right. (4)      
A:You should take exercise, such as running and swimming. Exercise can make you strong.
B:I see. (5)      
A:You are welcome.
17.近些年各地中考越来越重视体育测试这一现象, 并且长跑作为必考项目, 为此, 许多学校组织学生每天早上与课间在校园内跑步.有些学生觉得这样做很好, 有些学生觉得不好.请根据以下思维导图的提示用英语写一篇调查报告, 并谈谈自己的看法, 发表在学校的报刊上.
Running on the school playground 
Agree Disagree Your opinion 
A good way to relax:Keep healthy;Help us study better. .. .. A waste of time;Feel sleepy in class;Too tired. .. .. . .. .. . 

注意:(1)短文应包括思维导图中的全部信息, 可以适当发挥, 要求条理清楚、行文连贯、段落分明;
(3)词数不少于90, 文章的开头已经给出, 不计入总词数.

I did a survey about whether middle school students should run on the school playground every day. Here is the result.
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