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1.—I want to be ________ artist when I grow up.
—Well, to be ________ good artist, you must practice a lot.
  • A. an;the
  • B. a;an
  • C. an;a
  • D. a;the
2.Turn left ________ the library. The post office is ________ the left.
  • A. on;on
  • B. from;in
  • C. in;in
  • D. at;on
3.—The candles are on because it's too dark inside.
—Yeah. Please close the window and don't let the strong wind ________.
  • A. blow them out
  • B. blow it out
  • C. blow out them
  • D. blow out it
4.—What's on your desk?
—There ______ a computer and some books on it.
  • A. has
  • B. are
  • C. is
5.I don't like ________ dumplings. I'd like some dumplings with ________.
  • A. fishes;potatoes
  • B. fish;beefs
  • C. fishes;potato and beef
  • D. fish;vegetables and mutton
6.Listen! Someone ________ the piano. It sounds so beautiful.
  • A. plays
  • B. played
  • C. is playing
  • D. are playing
7.—________ do you sleep every day, Eric?
—For about eight hours.
  • A. How much
  • B. How far
  • C. How often
  • D. How long
8.Jack likes China a lot, and he wants to come to China to ________ Chinese history.
  • A. learn of
  • B. learn from
  • C. learn about
  • D. lean a lot
9.—Alan, there isn't ________ milk in the fridge. Could you buy ________ for me?
—Sure, mom.
  • A. any;some
  • B. some;any
  • C. any;any
  • D. some:some
10.—I'm going to Beijing With my parents this summer vacation.
  • A. No problem
  • B. Not bad
  • C. Have a good trip
  • D. See you
11.  Li Mei is a middle school student in Shanghai. She often goes to Disneyland not far from her home in her(1)      time. It's not a(2)      for her to get to interesting places like Disneyland. It's only about 20 minutes on foot. Today it's sunny and she's going to Disneyland with her American friend, Betty.
  "(3)      Disneyland parks are there in China?" asks Betty.
  "Two. One is in Shanghai and the(4)      is in Hong Kong. Every day(5)      of people visit them, "says Li Mei.
  "Do I need to take any food or(6)      ?"asks Betty.
  "No, you don't. There are many restaurants and supermarkets all(7)      . It's easy to buy them, "says Li Mei.
  "I see. Oh, I almost forget that my friend Helen wants to come to Shanghai Disneyland Park ne week. Is it(8)      for her to get there from the subway station?" asks Betty.
  "No. She just needs to pay 5 yuan from the station(9)      the tickets, "says Li Mei.
  "Great!Can she find a hotel easily near the park?"asks Betty.
  "Yes, she can. "says Li Mei, "Shanghai Disneyland Hotel and Toy Story Hotel are very nice. I'm sure she'll have a good time in the park and(10)      the nice moment after her stay there.
12.Hi, Amy.
  I'm at school. There are 12 girls and 15 boys in my new class. They are very friendly and the teachers are cool. How are you?Are you OK?See you after school
Hi, Tim.
  Look at my photo. I'm on the beach(沙滩). It's hot and sunny!I'm with two American girls, Cathy and Kate. It's fun!What about you?Are you having a good time in China?

Hi, Carl.
  I'm on the bus to school and I'm not very happy. There are many people on the bus and I feel it's very hot. The driver isn't very nice. I'll be at school in about ten minutes. See you!

Hi, Sally.
  I'm in the shopping center near my house. I want to buy a dress. The shopping center is really big. There are 100 shops in it. There are book stores, clothes stores, music stores, computer stores. . . Do you want to come here?
13.  Old Henry lived on a clean street in Green City. Every weekend, Alan and his friends played soccer in the street. The children were too noisy, so the old man couldn't have a good rest.
  One day, Old Henry told the children that he would give them 10 dollars each weekend to watch them play soccer in the street. He said "I am so glad when seeing you play soccer happily". Alan and his friends were surprised to hear Old Henry's words.
  The first weekend after that, the boys went to play soccer near the old man's house, and went away happily with 10 dollars. The second weekend they also got 10 dollars. The third weekend, Old Henry said he spent his money on his grandson's school things. So he only gave the children 4 dollars. The next weekend, Old Henry said he bought a new bike and he used up his money. He only gave them 1 dollar. After that, Alan and his friends didn't play soccer in that street any more.
14.  Seo﹣yun Cho doesn't have time to sing or dance, because she spends all her time playing video games. "I practice for a long time every day, so I can play well, "she says.
  Seo﹣yun and some of her friends are in a video game team called KS Fireflies 6. Every day, Seo﹣ yun gets up after a good night's sleep at 10:00 a. m. and runs for an hour. Then she sits down at her computer and starts to play. She and her friends have some time to eat and relax in the day and in the evening. Seo﹣yun thinks the best time to play is after mid﹣night, because it's very quiet. She always goes to bed at 3:00 a. m.
   Sco﹣yun needs to practice hard and keep healthy, because good players need to do about 500 mouse﹣clicks(鼠标点击)a minute. Video games are big business in South Korea, and the best players are very popular just like basketball players.
  Some people may get bored after playing video games for an hour or two, but Seo﹣yun doesn't. That is her job and she loves it. She even likes to do it for free.
15.  Do you know Doraemon and Daxiong?Many Chinese children like them very much. Doraemon looks like a cat, but he is a robot. He is very fat with a big head. Daxiong is a student and his grades are not good at school. They are best friends. Doraemon often helps Daxiong by magic things from his pocket(口袋). Children like them because they love and help each other.
  _________ For the first time, American children will get to know this lovely robot cat on TV. And there are many changes(变化) in the American version . Daxiong has a new English name and becomes an American boy. He uses forks to eat food and likes to eat pizza.
  They make these changes to help American children better know Doraemon and Daxiong. Some people like these changes. A girl named Lily says, "I love the blue cat. It looks very cute. And their stories are very funny. " But some fans think the American Doraemon is not the same as the old one. What do you think of these changes?
16.  Yuan Longping, known as China's "father of hybrid rice(杂交水稻)" died on May 22, 2021. People around the world were sad to hear of this news
  In the 1960s, people in China didn't have much food to eat. Many people lost their lives because of this. Yuan was very worried, and he decided to work on a kind of hybrid rice to feed more people. He spent four years looking for that kind of rice. Because of his hard work in 1964 he found it!1973, he grew the world's first kind of hybrid rice. It could reach over 500 kg per mu. Farmers can grow it on many different kinds of land. It can fight bad weather and disease, too. This kind of hybrid rice has been grown all over China since then. It has helped feed people not only in China but also in other countries.
  Yuan was a great scientist. But he called himself a farmer. He spent most of his time in the field(田地). Even in March this year, he was working in a field in Hainan. He said, "If I am not at home, I must be on the farmland;if I am not on the farmland, I must be on my way to the farmland. " Yuan was also a great person. He got so many prizes(奖项) but he still lived a simple life. He didn't care about money. He gave most of his money to help young scientists.
  We should remember this great man and try to be a good person like him.
17.A:Hello, Sally speaking.
B:Hi, Sally. It's Paul. (1)      
A:Not bad.
A:Yes, it is.
B:What do you usually do on hot days?
A:(3)      Well, how's the weather in Harbin now?
A:Do you have a great time on snowy days?
B:Sure. (5)      And I make snowmen with them, too.
A:Sounds great!
A.Is it hot in Australia now?
B.It's snowing heavily here.
C.How's it going?
D.I usually swim in the pool.
E.I often have snowball fights with my friends.
F.Do you like Australia?
G.Is it snowing there?
18.  Last week my grandpa called me. He asked me to spend my vacation with him. He lives in a village. It's small but it's very cool there in summer. It's very hot in our city. So I often feel bored here. I was happy and thanked him. I said "I'm going to visit you when our summer vacation begins.
  It was July 5th last Tuesday. My parents took me to the supermarket and we bought some delicious food. They told me to take it to my grandpa. The next morning my daddy took me to the train station. It was the first time for me to have a trip by myself. But I felt relaxed. I'm fourteen and I learned a lot in the geography class. The train left at six thirty. I looked out of the windows in the train. I found the scenery was beautiful. I wasn't tired at all.
  At four in the afternoon, my train arrived at a station. I saw my grandpa standing outside. I got of the train and ran to him. He was happy when he saw me. I looked at him up and down. He was old but strong. His village is about three kilometers from the station. We walked there. I looked around. The mountains are high and green. I thought I could have a good time there.
19.Jim did his homework last night. (变为否定句)
Jim       his homework last night.
20.It took her half an hour to practice the piano yesterday. (变同义句)
She       half an hour       the piano yesterday.
21.The weather these days in Chongqing is quiet hot. (对划线部分提问)
             the weather these days in Chongqing?
22.不要担心Tim, 他会没事的.(完成译句)
Don't        Tim. He will be OK.
When I walked past the classroom, I        Linda        English.
24.  Middle School Affiliated to Southwest University is a very good school. Here(1)      students' five favorite teachers in the school. Let's take a look at what they look(2)      .
  Sarah is a music teacher(3)      long curly hair. She wears glasses. Her eye are big. Her nose is small and her mouth is small, too.
  Paul(4)      history. He is a handsome man with a long face and a pair of glasses. Paul is good to his students. His eyes are(5)      full of(充满)love for his students.
  Bill is a thin man. He is of medium height and he looks very young. He is very strict with his students, (6)      he is one of the most popular math teachers in the school.
  Tim is an art teacher. He has a small nose, big eyes and a big mouth. His hair was long and curly, but now his hair is short and(7)      . That makes him look good.
  Cindy is a very beautiful English teacher. She is tall and thin. She is good with students. In school, she always talks to her(8)      with a smile on her round face.
25.上周末你的新朋友Ann来到了重庆, 你们一起去做了许多有意义的事情.请根据表格内容提示, 用英语写一篇80﹣120词的短文介绍Ann的基本信息及你们的周末活动.可适当发挥.
姓名 Ann 
外貌 大眼睛, 长卷发, 瘦高个 
爱好特长 喜欢吃重庆小面;擅长跳舞和游泳 
天气 晴朗 
活动 参观了一个科学博物馆并学到了很多关于科学的知识, 吃了火锅、沿嘉陵江散了步、爬了缙云山, 给她的父母买了礼物 
感受 美好、兴奋, 想再来 

3)请在答题卡指定位置作答, 否则无效.
参考词汇:火锅 hot pot 嘉陵江 Jialing River 缙云山 Jinyun Mountain
  Ann is my new friend. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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