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1.— When is your birthday?
— It's ______ May 25th.
  • A. in
  • B. on
  • C. at
2.—______ did you get to the countryside?
—We took the bus.
  • A. What
  • B. When
  • C. How
3.When I got home, I saw my mother ______ the room.
  • A. cleaning
  • B. cleans
  • C. to clean
4.—Would you like green tea ________ juice?
—I don't like green tea ________ juice. I'd like some coffee.
  • A. and; and
  • B. or; or
  • C. and; or
  • D. or; and
5.—Why doesn't Helen want to ______ to London with us?
—Because she is afraid to take the plane.
  • A. cross
  • B. fly
  • C. walk
6.—Would you like ______ to eat?
—No, thanks.
  • A. something
  • B. anything
  • C. nothing
7.— How many ______ can you see in the picture?
— Two.
  • A. dog
  • B. child
  • C. sheep
8.My sister is _______ quiet. She has few words.
  • A. kinds of
  • B. kind of
  • C. a kind of
9.A family of mice _______ in the kitchen on Saturday morning.
  • A. is
  • B. was
  • C. were
10.—Who cooked supper today?
—I _______.
  • A. did
  • B. does
  • C. was
  • D. am
11.  John worked in an office in a small town. One day his boss (1)       him, "John, I want you to go to London, and to (2)       Mr Black. Here's the address (地址). His office is near the station."
  John went to London (3)       train. He left the station and thought, "The office isn't (4)       the station. I'll find it (5)      ."
  But after an hour, he was still looking for it, so he stopped and asked an old woman. She said, "Just go along this street, turn left at the end, and it's the (6)       building on the right." John went and (7)       it.
  (8)       days later, John went to the same city, (9)       again he couldn't find the office, so he asked someone the way. It was (10)       old woman! She was very surprised and said, "Are you still looking for that place?"
12.  Last Sunday, our English club had a trip to the zoo. The zoo is far from our club. The bus ride took us about two hours to get there. The zoo is big and beautiful. There are lots of animals in it.
  I took many photos of the animals. Now let me show you my photos. Look at this tiger. It is eleven years old. It was sleeping when we got there. Look! The elephants are so lovely. They're from South Africa. They're eating food. Look at these photos. They are all about my favorite animals — the monkeys. What are the monkeys doing? Oh, they're climbing the trees. There are many apples on the trees. These are photos of the pandas. They're really cute and beautiful, right? Where is the photo of the giraffe? Oh, it's under the chair. The giraffe is taking a walk. The photos are so interesting. Do you like them?
13.  Tom was a good young man. He is a postman (邮递员). He lived at his workplace (工作场所).
  Last Sunday Tom didn't go to work, but he was really busy in the morning. He got up at seven o'clock and played sports at seven thirty. At ten thirty, he went to the bank and got some money. Then he went to a shop and bought a beautiful skirt for his mother. After that, he went to a restaurant. His mother was there. They had lunch there at twelve o'clock. After lunch he went to the cinema and saw a movie with his mother. Tom's mother said she was happy and she had a very nice birthday. Tom was very happy, too.
14.  Something very special happened (发生) to Tamara. She never knew she had a twin (双胞胎) sister until she started university (大学)!
  Tamara was born (出生) in Mexico. Her parents could not look after her so she went to live with a family in Manhattan, New York, USA.
  When Tamara was twenty years old, she started university in Long Island. She enjoyed her university life. But one day she was walking home from class, and a student smiled at her. "Hello, Adriana!" said the student. "I'm not Adriana." said Tamara.
  This happened to Tamara again and again. Tamara didn't know why people kept calling her Adriana. One day, when a woman called her Adriana, Tamara asked, "Why do you keep calling me Adriana?"
  The woman said, "You look like my friend Adriana. You have the same face and the same hair. Is Adriana your sister?" Tamara said that she did not have any sisters. But she was interested in the girl named Adriana. At last she asked someone for Adriana's e-mail address.
  When Tamara wrote to Adriana, she found out that they both had the same birthday, they looked the same and both of them were from Mexico. When Tamara went to live with the family in Manhattan, Adriana moved to Long Island to live with a family there. It had to be true! Adriana and Tamara were twin sisters!
15.  John Smith worked at the station. Every day he was busy carrying (搬运) heavy (重的) things for the people. He was always ready (准备好) to help others.
  One morning he stood in the station, waiting for the train. Just then he saw a woman running towards the train with a big bag in her hand.
  "No train is starting. Why is she in such a hurry (匆忙)?" John thought to himself. He went up to the woman and asked, "May I help you?"
  As soon as the woman saw John, she stopped running. "Can I catch (赶上) the train at 10:35 to Paris?" she asked. She looked worried. John looked at her for a few seconds (秒) and said, "Well, I'd like to help you, but I can't answer your question because I don't know how fast you can run." Then he explained (解释) to the woman, "The train left five minutes ago. Can you run fast enough to catch it?"
16.  One day Goldilocks walked into the forest with a basket and picked some flowers. (1)      
  She looked around her and saw a little house, and she walked towards it. Then she knocked (敲) on the door, but there was nobody in. She pushed (推) the door and entered (进入)the house. There were three bowls on the table, a small one, a big one and a very big one. (2)      
  Goldilocks wanted to sit down because she was tired. First, she tried (尝试了) the big chair, but it wasn't very comfortable (舒适的). Then she tried the middle chair. It was not comfortable, either (3)       It was nice and comfortable, but Goldilocks was very heavy and soon the chair was in pieces (成了碎片).
  She walked into the bedroom. There were three beds. She didn't like the middle bed or the big bed. The small bed was very nice and comfortable. Very soon she went sleep in it.
  The Three Bears returned (返回了). They looked at the bowls and the chairs. Baby Bear cried, "There's nothing in my bowl and my chair is in pieces!" (4)      
  Next, the Bears looked in their bedroom. They didn't notice (注意到) Goldilocks at first. Then Baby Bear pointed at the little girl in his bed and shouted, "Look! There's the bad girl!"
  Goldilocks opened her eyes. The Three Bears were all around her, so Goldilocks jumped out of bed and hurried (匆忙) out of the house without her basket. (5)      

A. He wasn't very happy!
B. Finally, she tried the small chair.
C. It was very dark and soon she was lost.
D. She ate all the food in the small one.
E. She didn't go for a walk in the forest again. 
17.—Would you like some d      ?
—Some juice, please.
18.Please speak loudly. I can't h       you.
19.—She is a good       (sing).
—I like her songs very much.
20.He is of medium       (high). (用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空)
21.They often have       (西红柿) and egg soup for dinner.
22.Linda looks       (可爱的) in white.
23.She likes eating       (草莓).
24.Happy birthday! Please        /bləu/ out the candle in one go!
25.Please        /dɪ'skraɪb/ the criminal carefully.
26.Don't        /'wʌri/ about me. I can look after myself.
30.Tom教了我们怎样制作一个生日蛋糕。(how to)
31.我昨晚熬夜看足球赛了。(stay up late)
into, scary, take, sleep, keep, surprise, up, lesson, camp, that 

  Lisa's sister finished high school two weeks ago. As a special gift, their parents (1)       them to India. Last weekend was interesting but (2)      .
  They went (3)       in a small village in India. First, they took a long bus ride to a lake in the countryside. There they put up their tents and then made a fire to (4)       them warm and cook food on. On the first night, they just sat under the moon and told each other stories. But Lisa was so tired (5)       she went to sleep early.
  The next morning, Lisa and her sister got a terrible (6)      . When they looked out of their tent, they saw a big snake (7)       near the fire. Lisa was so frightened that she couldn't move. They shouted to their parents to let them know about the danger. Lisa's dad started to jump (8)       and down in their tent. This woke the snake up and it moved (9)       the forest near the lake. Lisa's dad told her later that snakes don't have ears but can feel things moving. And he said it was important not to go near a snake. This was a very useful (10)       for Lisa.
33.  Tom was on a vacation in New York. He went into a shop. He wanted to buy a nice watch, but the shop keeper (店主人) asked five hundred dollars for it. It was too ①_____. Suddenly (突然间) a young man came into the shop, took the watch out of the shop keeper's hand and ran out with it. It all happened (发生) in a few seconds. When the shop keeper ran out into the street, the young man was already lost among the people.
  Tom went on. At the next corner, he ②______ the young man with the watch in his hand. "Do you want to buy a fine watch, sir?" he asked in a low voice (嗓音). "It's only a hundred dollars." "The young man doesn't know I saw him in the shop," Tom thought and paid at once. When Tom went back, he told his friend about the fine watch.
  His friend took a look at the watch and started laughing. He said, "This watch doesn't cost ten dollars. I'm sure the shop keeper planed (计划了) this with the young man."
On October 1st, 2021
my parents and I
a trip to the Hongxing Farm
drive a car
tired but happy
ride a horse, feed ducks, pick apples..., have... for lunch
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