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1.Sam didn't tell________truth until I met him in the street.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. /.
  • D. the
2.Mandy is quite pleased________ her son's good behavior at school.
  • A. for
  • B. with
  • C. of
  • D. by
3.The boy was old enough to take the underground by________.
  • A. he
  • B. him
  • C. his
  • D. himself
4.Eric is a person who likes chatting with________.
  • A. another
  • B. other
  • C. others
  • D. the others
5.People who work in an office aren't as ________ as those who can work from anywhere.
  • A. happy
  • B. happier
  • C. happiest
  • D. the happiest
6.Mum usually wakes me up ________ after she gets ready for breakfast.
  • A. lovely
  • B. friendly
  • C. gently
  • D. lonely
7.— ________ is Guangzhou Metro Line 18?
—It is 176 km per hour.
  • A. How fast
  • B. How long
  • C. How soon.
  • D. How many
8.Students_______be careful when they have swimming classes.
  • A. can
  • B. must
  • C. may
  • D. need
9.While the young mum _________, her baby suddenly cried in the bedroom.
  • A. cooked
  • B. was cooked
  • C. was cooking
  • D. would cook
10.The headmaster said all the students _______ already________learning online for two months.
  • A. were. .. keeping
  • B. were. .. kept
  • C. have. .. kept
  • D. had. .. kept
11.Drivers should consider _______ more electric cars instead of fuel cars.
  • A. use
  • B. to use
  • C. using
  • D. used
12.The special effects make the film_______ wonderful.
  • A. seem
  • B. seems
  • C. seemed
  • D. to seem
13.Which would you like to read now, the novel_______the newspaper?
  • A. so
  • B. or
  • C. but
  • D. for
14.Jessica won't finish writing her report_______she stays up late tonight.
  • A. since
  • B. when
  • C. because
  • D. unless
15._______ convenient it is to ride a mobike in rush hours!
  • A. How
  • B. What
  • C. What a
  • D. What an
A. females B. amazing C. type. D. completely E. creative 

  Dr. Chip Taylor is a university teacher in the United Stales. He studies one (1)       of North American butterfly. Just like a migrating (迁徙)bird, this butterfly travels about 4. 000 kilometres south in autumn. The (2)       facts about the butterfly have attracted Dr. Taylor's attention.
  In Mexico, the butterflies always return to the same small piece of forest, which is only 20 kilometres wide. Here, about 230 million butterflies spend the winter. They can cover some trees almost (3)       . The butterflies that return to the south are the great﹣great grandchildren of the butterflies that left for the north. When they begin to travel north in spring, the (4)       lay eggs. They lay eggs on only one plant:milkweed.
A. protect B. confusing C. farming D. discovered E. frightening 

  But in Mexico, people cut down the trees that the butterflies need to rest on because they want more land for (1)      . In the United States and Canada, farmers use chemicals that kill milkweed. This worries Dr. Taylor a lot.
  Now things are improving. Mexico has begun to (2)       parts of the forests. The United States and Canada have encouraged farmers to use fewer chemicals.
  Scientists still don't understand how the butterflies know when to fly south. If they are even a few days late, they will freeze. And how do all the great﹣great grandchildren find the same forest in Mexico every year?This is both (3)       and interesting for many scientists.
  There are still many unknown facts to be (4)       by those interested in science. Would you like to study?
18.Have you heard about these        in Britain? (city)
19.Every country has        own way of celebrating New Year. (it)
20.Eileen Gu has won        gold medals at 2022 Winter Olympics. (second)
21.Since the        season starts, you'd better go out with an umbrella. (rain)
22.Our headmaster will       a famous teacher to give us an open class. (invitation)
23.It is a pity that the TV set I have bought        doesn't work. (recent)
24.Carol was very        for the support she had got from her family. (thank)
25.Daisy tried to work hard, but it was       . (useful)
26.Jay Chou's song Mojito came out in June, 2020. (改为否定句)
Jay Chou's song Mojito       out in June, 2020.
27.The new computer cost Vincent 5, 000 yuan.(对划线部分提问)
      did the new computer cost Vincent?
28.The volunteers sent some food to the elderly people living alone last night. (改为被动语态)
Some food        to the elderly people living alone by the volunteers last night.
29.The old lady is wondering how she can check in at the airport. (改为简单句)
The old lady is wondering       check in at the airport.
30.Joan got up early in order to reach her hometown before dark. (保持句意基本不变)
Joan got up early       she could reach her hometown before dark.
31."Do you often go to art exhibitions?" Tim asked Lucy. (改为间接引语)
Tim asked Lucy        she often        to art exhibitions.
32.to see, Alice, the next day, advised, a doctor, her husband (连词成句)

Well, I think that different people travel for different reasons. But the main reason, I believe, is to experience a different way of life. Personally for me, travelling is a good chance to learn about foreign cultures and customs. What's more, travelling enables me to see the historical places I've heard so much about. 

Travelling?I think it's pleasant!For me, travelling means rest. If I get tired of all I have, I'll go to a place where nobody can find me. There I can get rid of all the problems and troubles. Why not take a chance to enjoy freedom and be yourself?All you need is just the sandy beach and peaceful ocean. 

People travel for many reasons. Some for rest, others for sightseeing, still others for jobs. I am an interpreter (口译者). I need to help my boss communicate with foreigners. That's why I mostly travel for business. Travelling is a part of my job. I would say that I hate travelling. It takes too much time and effort. I have to leave my family for months because I often get some business trips. Although I am lucky to have the chance to visit well﹣known historical places, I am too tired to go anywhere. Meetings and discussions are so tiring. 

In my opinion, travelling is wonderful. New places, foreign countries, unknown people, different traditions …It is so exciting!There are lots of things to talk about, plenty of stories to tell and much experience to share. I know some people say that I just travel to brag because I tell everybody about hundreds of places I've visited. So what?I like to talk about it. I am the best! 
34.Choose the best answer and complete the passage
  After a long day, Zhang Tian finally got back to his small room, feeling tired. He had to prepare his lessons for the following day. This is a(n) (1)       day for Zhang Tian. He had been teaching in Guizhou Province for quite a few months.
  Zhang Tian graduated from university last year. His parents hoped he would go to a big city to find a teaching job. (2)       , Zhang Tian wanted to start a new lifestyle. His teachers told him to go and teach where he was needed most. For that reason he became a volunteer teacher in a village school.
  But not everything lived up to Zhang Tian's hopes. The school was much smaller than he had imagined. Living in the village was also a (3)       . He could only shower every four days, and he had to learn how to cook. The thought of leaving once flashed through his mind, but he quickly gave up on the idea.
  The school had just three teachers and Zhang Tian was the only English teacher. The two local teachers were responsible for maths and Chinese. To make school life more (4)       for his students, Zhang Tian added more subjects ― music, art and PE. PE is certainly the kids' favourite subject!The playground is now full of laughter and music.
  Zhang Tian's first year is almost over. He has enjoyed working with the children. What made him feel good was that his students were able to read, speak and write in English, and they became more confident in learning. Zhang Tian also brought (5)       to the village. He contacted charity organizations about rebuilding the playground and setting up a library, and helped the villagers sell local products online. His efforts made him very popular among the villagers. The village is like his second home now. He had only planned to stay for one year, but now he feels ready to stay for another year. He feels so happy that he followed his heart when he chose what to do with his life, although it may not be what others (6)      .
35.Fill in the blanks with proper words. (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母已给)
  As a boy, I wanted to be a man. But my parents did everything for me. Actually, they managed every minute of my life. Although they loved me, I felt a bit unhappy with them. "Sam, do your homework!" "Practise the piano!" "Turn off the TV!" I became so bored with their o(1)      that I wished they would leave me alone.
  Well, my wish came true!Although my parents were very worried about leaving me, they had to go away on business t(2)       for a few days. Great!I could have fun at last!As soon as I got home from school the first day, I threw my schoolbag on the sofa h(3)      and ate lots of snacks. Then I enjoyed an exciting film on TV, and after that I played computer games. I liked the games so much that I played until midnight.
  The next morning I woke up late. I had to hurry to school without breakfast, but I was still late. The teacher asked me for my homework, but I could not hand it in. With an e (4)       stomach, I was unable to play basketball with my classmates!I felt tired and sleepy at school all day long.
  When I got home, I tried to cook some rice, but I burnt it. I even d (5)       my father's cup when I was cooking!It fell to pieces. I found myself so bad at simple cooking tasks. I started to feel s(6)       . I wanted Mum and Dad to come home soon. Mum cooked such delicious food and made sure I never forgot my homework. Dad always helped me solve many difficult problems, and told funny jokes when I was unhappy. Then I r(7)       that being home alone was not always perfect.
  When my parents came home, they were happy to find that I could cook and tidy up the house. I told them my home alone story, and we all laughed.
36.Answer the questions (根据以下内容回答问题).
  Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen﹣year﹣old boy who went missing three days ago in Dover, New Hampshire. This case has received great interest because it is said that aliens visited when the boy disappeared.
  Justin Foster, a high school student, was last seen on Friday night. That evening at 8 p. m. , Justin's friends called him to play baseball. Witnesses(目击者)say they saw Justin walking towards his house at 10:45 p. m. Justin's sister, Kelly, says she heard her brother return home at about 11 p. m. , but she didn't see him with her own eyes.
  "I was on bed at that time. Suddenly I was woken up at midnight by a bright light outside my window. " Kelly said.
  "I pulled back the curtains and saw a large spaceship flying outside. It had blue lights all around it. Standing inside were lots of aliens. I was frightened!"
  Kelly said that the spaceship then moved towards her brother's bedroom. "There was a flash of light and I heard Justin shout, and then the UFO just disappeared. I'm sure the aliens took him away. "
  Kelly then ran and woke up her mother. However, Mrs Foster thought that Kelly was having a bad dream, so she sent her back to bed. Mr Foster was not home that night. When Justin did not show up for lunch the next day, Mrs Foster became worried and told her husband to call the police.
  Some people in Dover also say that they saw aliens that night. "It's happened to me! " said Mrs Smith. "The aliens took me aboard the UFO for research. Luckily, they sent me home without any injuries. The whole experience was terrible! I haven't been sleeping well since I returned home. I think Justin was taken away by them, too. "
  When asked about whether Justin was taken by aliens, Detective Peterson, who has taken charge of the case, told reporters. "Sometimes people make up stories. There's really no hard proof that aliens took him. So we are looking into other possibilities as well. We will not give up until we find out what happened. "

37.Write at least 60 words on the topic "The moving moment in my life"(请以"生活中让 我感动的瞬间"为题, 写一篇不少于60个词的短文, 标点符号不占格)
在你的生活中一定有许多令人感动的记忆, 请结合自己的个人经历, 谈谈发生了哪件事, 并具体讲述为何这个瞬间最能触动你的心灵.
(注意:1. 信中不得出现姓名、校名等个人信息, 否则不予评分.2. 照抄阅读语篇不得分.)
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