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1.Very often, we choose words in ______ hurry without thinking carefully.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.The Virtual School Library provides primary school children ______ free online books.
  • A. for
  • B. to
  • C. with
  • D. from
3.Robots are created by humans for humans. There's ______ to be afraid of.
  • A. something
  • B. nothing
  • C. everything
  • D. anything
4.When you feel good about ______, you will be filled with confidence and happiness.
  • A. you
  • B. your
  • C. yours
  • D. yourself
5.Ronaldo is one of ______ players in the history of football.
  • A. successful
  • B. more successful
  • C. most successful
  • D. the most successful
6.Every night, my mum lies down in bed with me and tells me a bedtime story ______.
  • A. lovely
  • B. friendly
  • C. gently
  • D. lonely
7.Keeping large animals as pets in a small house ______ cruel.
  • A. be
  • B. is
  • C. am
  • D. are
8.The first section of the book was confusing to me, but I kept ______ until the end.
  • A. read
  • B. to read
  • C. reading
  • D. to reading
9.In 1998, the tale of Mulan ______ a large audience thanks to a Disney animated film.
  • A. attracts
  • B. attracted
  • C. has attracted
  • D. will attract
10.Before the typhoon arrived, around 1. 8 million people ______ to safety.
  • A. moves
  • B. has moved
  • C. were moving
  • D. had moved
11.You can borrow my car, ______ you must promise not to drive too fast.
  • A. but
  • B. and
  • C. so
  • D. or
12.These exchange programs enable students ______ their studies in another country.
  • A. complete
  • B. to complete
  • C. completing
  • D. to completing
13.Congratulations on passing your exam. You ______ be very pleased with the result.
  • A. can
  • B. may
  • C. must
  • D. need
14.We need to take steps to reduce the use of plastic ______ it is too late.
  • A. although
  • B. because
  • C. if
  • D. before
15.It is important for parents to give children plenty of ______ to think for themselves.
  • A. room
  • B. chance
  • C. suggestion
  • D. lesson
16.A. consider B. familiar C. common D. serious E. seems
  Phone calls are no longer the everyday habit they once were. The development of digital technologies over the past twenty years means it's now more (1)      to "talk" by sending messages. You might not make frequent phone calls. As with anything, the less (2)      you are with a certain task, the more likely you will have problems with it.
  Speaking on the telephone (3)      more challenging than other forms of communication. Social media, email and texts give you time to (4)      what you want to say. You have space to think about what people might really mean and what your answer is going to be.
A.information B. shape C. practice D. connected E. popular
  Although the phone might not be your preferred or most (5)      choice of communication, it's still necessary to learn how to make a phone call. Having conversations on the phone can strengthen relationships. Hearing a friend's voice can help you to feel more (6)      than simply seeing their words appear on a screen. Sometimes the phone is the quickest way to get the (7)      you need ﹣when you start working, it could also be essential. However, it takes a little bit of (8)      to feel a lot more confident.popular
17.We should make full use of natural      , because they are limited. (resource)
18.I will be out for a while. If anyone calls, ask him to leave      number. (he)
19.As spring is here, animals can feel the      and wake up from their winter sleep. (warm)
20.The lady in her      looks young for her age. She's a mother of two kids. (forty)
21.The government plans to pull down the old buildings to      the streets. (wide)
22.Take an umbrella with you, for the weather is      time of the year. (change)
23.I      lost myself in the lake view when I was traveling in Kunming. (complete)
24.My mother advised me to take a part-time job to      my work experience. (rich)
25.A powerful storm hit southern Japan on September 6. (改为一般疑问句)
      a powerful storm      southern Japan on September 6?
26.Bob moved to the countryside so that he could enjoy the beauty of nature. (对划线部分提问)
      Bob move to the countryside?
27.To learn English well requires a lot of regular reading. (保持句意基本不变)
We      do a lot of reading regularly if we want to learn English well.
28.My friend introduced me to Nancy at a party twenty years ago. (改为被动语态)
I       to Nancy at a party twenty years ago.
29."Be polite when you take the interview," said Mr. White to his son. (改为间接引语)
Mr. White asked his son to be polite when      the interview.
30.She was glad to win first place in the writing competition last week. (保持句意基本不变)
To      , she won first place in the writing competition last week.
31.by, do me a favour, could, closing the window, you (?)(连词成句)
32.  Does the music we listen to affect us in one way or another? The following questions and answers may give us some ideas.
  Obviously, yes! In a study, music was shown to cure insomnia (the condition of being unable to sleep). Over 80% of the people taking part in the study became better sleepers after three weeks of listening to classical music at bedtime. In another study, half of the people over the age of 60 who had difficulty falling asleep reported that they became good sleepers after a few weeks. So, if you're battling to fall asleep, make yourself a 45﹣minute playlist of slow, calming music.
  Well, maybe not totally, but music has been shown to help us feel better. One experiment asked people to hold their hands in freezing cold water. The people who were listening to music could        the pain for longer, especially if they got to choose the music themselves. The same was found at dentists' rooms﹣patients felt less pain if they got to choose the music they listened to.
  For sure! Think about the music you hear when you're at the shops or at a restaurant. Studies show that playing slow music at a restaurant makes you eat slower. The pace of music in a shopping center determines (decides on) how fast people walk﹣you take more time to browse (look at things in a shop) if the music is calmer. Some studies have even shown that music can influence what you buy. One test done by psychologists in England in 1999 changed the background music near displays of German and French wines. When they played German music, the German wine sold twice as much. When French music was used, the French wine sold five times better!
33.  It can be an awful feeling when you realize you've said or done something wrong. Maybe you told a friend something that turned out to be totally false. Whatever the reason for being wrong, admitting it can make you upset.
  No one enjoys putting up his hand to say: "I was wrong. " You become responsible for your mistake, and that can make you feel (1)      . Admitting a mistake challenges your pride and can damage your confidence. Saying you were wrong means having to(2)      that you're not always right or perfect.
  Of course, having a sense of pride in yourself isn't a bad thing. When you are proud of your good abilities, appearance and achievements, it's good and encourages healthy feelings. But it will become a(3)      when you are too proud to admit. Some people will try to avoid admitting being wrong. They will deny, make(4)      attack someone or something else because it's easier than finding their own problems.
  Imagine switching off your pride for a moment and focus only on the facts of a situation that has caused you to make a mistake. When you consider the matter based on facts, it's usually easy to see the (5)      way to go. When you can say you were wrong and offer a sincere apology, it will help to clear up a situation.
  So, don't be afraid to make mistakes and don't be too proud to say you are wrong. You are human and on a beautiful (6)      that will often test you. Take control of your pride, do what feels right and learn from experience.
34.  One day Sam and Jerry were going home from school. When on turning a comer, Sam cried out, "A fight! Let us go and see!"
  "No," said Jerry, "let us go quietly home! We have nothing to do with it and may get into (1)t      ."
  "You are a coward (胆小鬼) and afraid to go, " said Sam, and off he ran.
  Jerry went (2)s      home, and in the afternoon went to school as usual. But Sam had told all the boys that Jerry was a coward, and they laughed at him a lot. Jerry had learned that sometimes it's unnecessary to (3)a      with others and that he ought to be afraid of nothing but doing wrong.
  A few days later, Sam was swimming with some schoolmates and suddenly he felt a sharp pain in the leg. He struggled and screamed for help, but there was no(4)r      . The boys who had called Jerry a coward got out of the water as fast as they could, but they did not even try to help him.
  Sam was fast sinking when Jerry threw off his clothes and sprang into the water. He (5)r      Sam just as he was sinking the last time. With great (6)e      and with much danger to himself, he brought Sam to the shore and thus saved his life.
  Sam and his schoolmates were (7)s      to call Jerry a coward. They finally realized that he was braver than any of them. Never be afraid to do good, but always fear to do evil.
35.Answer the questions (根据对话内容回答下列问题)
H: As you can see, I have many business English lessons. When I teach in the classroom, we often end up talking about things like success and what leads to success. It's interesting that many of them mention the element of luck.
S: Right.
H: Luck is important to success, but since you've seen that fantastic video on the TED talks website by St. John, he doesn't mention luck at all.
S: Well, I believe that people can make their own luck. I mean, you can actually create what people see as luck.
H: Sure. I think luck is how you respond to the opportunities that come your way.
S: Yes. Very good point.
H: Seizing the opportunities. But was there any point in the video that you thought was particularly interesting?
S: Yes. Actually, there was. Something very impressive is many people think that luck is something you must have, in order to be successful. And in the video, we say, the point about getting good at something is not about some natural talent. It's all about practice, practice, practice.
H: Definitely yeah. Natural talent helps in some way. But at the end of the day, you must work hard and get really, really good at what you do.
S: Sure.
H: I thought one interesting thing in the video was the idea of passion (a strong feeling of love) being so important. And a passionate person usually loves what he wants to do.
S: I agree. Now, we can say that if you want to achieve success, you______ instead of______.
36.Write at least 60 words on the given situation. (根据以下情境写一篇不少于 60 个词的短文, 标点符号不占格.)
在生活中, 要取得成就, 往往需要勇气.你需要勇气来帮助你战胜困难, 承认错误, 拒绝他人, 或者克服恐惧.你是如何理解勇气的呢?请以"I have the courage to …"(我有勇气), 为题, 结合自己的经历谈谈你对勇气的理解和感受.
注意:(1)短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名等个人信息, 否则不予评分.
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