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1.I take ________ 7 o'clock bus to school, because l live ________ long way away.
  • A. the;the
  • B. a;a
  • C. a;the
  • D. the;a
2.—Are these gloves ________ Betty?
—Yes, they are.
  • A. you
  • B. your
  • C. yours
  • D. yourself
3.It is a good idea to spell and ________ new words aloud.
  • A. pronounce
  • B. suggest
  • C. surprise
  • D. produce
4.Online shopping has several ________.
  • A. dictionaries
  • B. colleges
  • C. advantages
  • D. sentences
5.Tianjin Tower is ________ than many other buildings in Tianjin.
  • A. tall
  • B. taller
  • C. the tallest
  • D. the taller
6.She was still doing her homework when I ________ to bed.
  • A. go
  • B. is going
  • C. went
  • D. have gone
7.The Danube is a river in Europe, and goes ________ Vienna.
  • A. through
  • B. from
  • C. among
  • D. between
8.It is cloudy. The radio says it ________ snow.
  • A. must
  • B. might
  • C. need
  • D. should
9.Pandas are beautiful animals, but they are ________.
  • A. in danger
  • B. in time
  • C. in pain
  • D. in fact
10.In summer, shorts are good, ________ you can wear light trousers.
  • A. because
  • B. then
  • C. or
  • D. so
11.—I called you up at seven o'clock last night, but nobody answered.
—Really? I'm sorry, but I ________ a piano lesson at school.
  • A. teach
  • B. taught
  • C. will teach
  • D. was teaching
12.In Britain many people don't like other people ________ them at all.
  • A. to pick
  • B. to stay
  • C. to touch
  • D. to buy
13.Tintin ________ popular for over eighty years.
  • A. is
  • B. will be
  • C. was
  • D. has been
14.Zhang Lei writes down new words, but he forgets them ________.
  • A. especially
  • B. quickly
  • C. loudly
  • D. happily
15.—Would you like to come to my birthday party?
  • A. Thanks. I'd like to.
  • B. It's a secret.
  • C. Look!There it is.
  • D. We are quite busy now.
16.  Jack is going to be a pilot. He wants to fly a (1)      . But he is not a rich man. He has only a chair. He (2)       45 big balloons to his chair and then sits in it. His chair goes (3)      .
  For a few minutes, everything is fine. The view (风景) from the (4)       is beautiful. Jack can see houses and trees below him. He is happy. He is flying.
  The chair goes up very high. Jack is (5)      . "I don't want to go very high, "he thinks. "I want to go down a little. "With a small (6)       he shoots (射击) 10 balloons. Then (7)       terrible happens. He drops the gun, and it falls(8)       the ground. He can't shoot more balloons. The chair goes up and up.
  Jack is three miles above the ground. Planes are flying over him and under him. Jack has a small radio. "Help!Help!" he says into the (9)       . "I'm flying in a chair, and I want to come down!"People hear Jack, but they can't help him.
  Jack flies in the chair for 45 minutes. Then the balloons begin to lose air. (10)       the chair comes down, and he is back on the ground. He is not hurt.
17.  The River Thames is one of the most important rivers in England. It rises in the Cotswold Hills, passes through London and flows (流) into the North Sea. It is more than 340 kilometres long.
  Long ago, the River Thames was one of London's main "roads". Many ships and boats brought fish, wood and food to the city by it. In the 1700s, many ships always arrived with all kinds of things for sale in the city like tea and silk from the East. The River Thames was so busy at that time that many ships on the river could hardly move on. Sometimes, the ships had to wait for days along the bank.
  Most of the ancient buildings in London are along both sides of the River Thames. You can learn about the British history from them. So it's best to travel through London by the river.
18.  My mother took me to see a play at the Arts Centre. It was an exciting play to watch.
  It was about a cook and a thief (贼). The cook was interested in making pies. The thief also liked pies, but he didn't want to make them himself. So he just stole a pie from the cook's house. When the cook found the pie was gone, he was very sad, because he spent 3 days making it. His friend, a restaurant manager, had an idea to help him find the thief.
  The cook's friend put up a notice around town. It said his restaurant was looking for the best pie. If anyone won the competition, he would give him or her $500. To get the money, the thief came to the competition with the pie he "took" from the cook.
  Of course, the thief did not win, and the cook recognised (认出) the pie when the thief brought it out. The cook didn't call the police. Instead, he taught the thief how to make pies. The thief practised very hard. One month later, the thief went home with a pie that he had made by himself as a gift. "Fantastic!" his wife smiled. "You can be a better man!"
  Thanks to the cook's kindness, the thief changed greatly and he started a pie business with his wife!
19.  Hundreds of years ago, a Roman (古罗马的) army came north from England to make war on Scotland (苏格兰). The Scots, a brave people, loved their country very much. They fought hard to drive the enemy out of Scotland, but there were too many of the Romans. It looked that the Romans would win.
  One night, the leader of Scots marched (行军) his soldiers to the top of a hill. "We will rest here tonight, my men, "he said, "Tomorrow we will fight one more battle. We must win or we will die."
  They were all very tired, so they ate their supper quickly and fell asleep. There were four guards on duty, but they too, were very tired, and one by one, also fell asleep.
  The Romans were not asleep. Quickly they gathered at the foot of the hill. Slowly they climbed up the hillside, taking care not to make a sound. Closer and closer they came to the sleeping Scots. They were almost at the top. A few minutes more, the war would be over. Suddenly, one of them put his foot on a thistle (蓟). He cried out and his sudden cry woke the Scots. In a moment, they stood up and ready for battle. The fighting was hard but it did not last long. The Scots wiped out the Romans and saved their country.
  The thistle is not a beautiful plant. It has sharp (锋利的) needles (刺) all over it. Few people like it. But the people of Seotland liked it so much that they made it their national flower.
20.A. Who was your first teacher?
B. What's her name?
C. I was born in a small town near London.
D. What happened?
E. My first friends were Alan and James.
F. What do you think of your past life?
G. Of course.

A: Hey, Tony. I'm making a survey about past life. Can I ask you some questions?
B: (1)      
A: Thanks. Where were you born?
B: (2)      
A: What was the name of your first school?
B: It was NO. 1 Primary School.
A: I see. (3)      
B: My first teacher was Mrs King. She was very nice.
A: Who were your first friends?
B: (4)      Alan was quiet and James was a bit difficult.
A: (5)      
B: It was very good with many sweet memories (记忆).
21.很高兴收到你的来信, 莉兹.
It's great to      you, Liz.
Baby bear found his chair was       .
The government is       some nature parks.
Which film to see       your personal choice.
25.在2012年, 刘翔回到了国际110米栏赛第一的位置.
Liu Xiang returned to       in the world 110 m hurdles race in 2012.
26.  There are thousands of languages in the world. Each language is the most important to those who speak it as their native (本国的) language. Chinese is spoken by the largest number of people. But it seems that English is one of the world's most widely used languages.
  People use a language in three ways:as a native language, as a second language or as a foreign language. English is spoken as a native language by over 300 million people in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand (新西兰) and other countries. As a second language, it is necessary for business, education, information and other activities in many countries, such as India, Singapore (新加坡), Pakistan (巴基斯坦), ect. It is one of the "working" languages of the United Nations (联合国) and is more often used than the others.
  It is said that English has become the language of international transport (运输) in the 1830s. When people travel from one country to another by plane, they will hear English. All ships sailing (航海) on the oceans (海洋) call for help by radio in English. People who can speak and write English will learn about the world more clearly and quickly.
27.  These days China has surprised the world with its new great inventions high-speed railways, Alipay (支付宝), shared bicycles and online shopping.
  Lin Jinlong, a student f(1)      Cambodia (柬埔寨) enjoys his life in China and says, "my w(2)      is not used any more. I can buy and eat whatever I want just with a tap (轻敲) of my p(3)      . Even fruit sellers are using Alipay." He laughed, "We c(4)      also order food at home, super fast and easy, but when I was in Cambodia, I had to go (5)      . "
  Another student from Cambodia, Wu Mei, shared her e(6)      of taking Chinese high-speed railway. It only takes half an hour from Beijing to Tianjin. For the same distance, people in Cambodia may spend three hours sitting on the train b(7)      there are only two railways.
  Bernhard Schwartlander, World Health Organization Representative (世界卫生组织代表) in China is very e(8)       about China's bike﹣sharing. In his opinion, shared bikes are bringing bikes to people's life and they are making people start to use public transport such as buses and trains more o(9)       in modern time. "Also as we all know, it could mean a lot to our environment." He explained.
  It's clear that China is developing fast and no longer copying western ideas. In fact, she is l(10)      the world in many ways. Products and services have improved (提高) people's life, playing an important part in world economy (经济).
28.请你根据以下内容提示, 以"My teachers are volunteers. "为题, 为学校广播站英语专栏写一篇短文, 介绍你的老师们做交通志愿者的事情.
(1)每天放学后, 老师们都会在学校旁边的路口做交通志愿者.
(2)老师们穿着红色的马甲, 拿着旗子, 保证学生安全.
(3)尽管夏天很热, 冬天很冷, 但老师们始终坚持值班.
(4)多年来, 学生从未发生过交通事故.
参考词汇:马甲 vest
(2)短文的题目和开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
(3)要点齐全, 行文连贯, 可适当发挥.
My teachers are volunteers
  When school is over every day, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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