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1.Simon learned to play violin at a very young age.
  • A. /
  • B. a
  • C. an
  • D. the
2.The underground was so crowded that I could find space on it.
  • A. few
  • B. a few
  • C. little
  • D. a little
3.Shirley was cleaning bedroom when someone knocked at the door.
  • A. she
  • B. her
  • C. hers
  • D. herself
4.The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics opening ceremony will be held Feb. 4th.
  • A. on
  • B. to
  • C. in
  • D. at
5.The farmer raised plenty of on his farm to sell for food and money.
  • A. sheep
  • B. cow
  • C. pig
  • D. chicken
6.Nowadays we are having a much life with the help of smart phones.
  • A. good
  • B. well
  • C. better
  • D. best
7.﹣﹣ will it be from your new home to your school?
﹣﹣ About ten minutes' walk.
  • A. How long
  • B. How soon
  • C. How much
  • D. How far
8.Children above 1. 2 meters in height buy a ticket on the bus.
  • A. can
  • B. may
  • C. should
  • D. will
9.John!You're having such a high fever. You'd better the doctor right now.
  • A. to seeing
  • B. seeing
  • C. to see
  • D. see
10.The thief admitted the precious bracelet from Miss Black's office.
  • A. steal
  • B. to steal
  • C. stealing
  • D. to stealing
11.By the end of last year, the charity over ten thousand homeless people.
  • A. helps
  • B. has helped
  • C. will help
  • D. had helped
12.Gifts from friends may be cheap, the love from them is valuable.
  • A. so
  • B. but
  • C. or
  • D. and
13.My father didn't buy a new computer his old one totally broke down.
  • A. until
  • B. since
  • C. after
  • D. when
14.Let's take a short walk along the road after dinner and enjoy the cool wind, ?
  • A. shall we
  • B. will you
  • C. can we
  • D. won't you
15.______successful speech Cathy has made after getting ready for it for a long time!
  • A. What an
  • B. What a
  • C. What
  • D. How
A. simple B. agree C. set out D. faithfully E. decision 

  Dog owners have a certain feeling, almost a secret language that says "I understand how much you love this animal, and I know that it will break your heart when you lose them. "
  Over the years, friends had warned me that the (1)      to let a beloved pet go was the most difficult one they had ever made. At the time, I would nod and (2)      and move on with my day. As my dog got older, however, this reality neared for me.
  Years ago, we got a call from a friend that their dog needed a home. The dog's needs were (3)      : It must go to a house with kids, where it will be the only pet and loved (4)      . We moved ahead with the adoption and never looked back.
A. everywhere B. respect C. last D. changed E. left 

  We called her Coco. She joined an active family, and her life(1)      in an instant. She may have wanted to go home during her first like, but she soon became an adventure buddy.
  I think she was happiest when spending time with our children when she joined the family. Coco went(2)       with us. When friends teased(取笑)us that we treated Coco as a human child, we'd reply that she was sometimes the best﹣behaved child.
  As Coco aged, she walked less and ate less. After a weekend of seeing her struggling to breathe, we knew it was time to visit the vet. Nothing lives forever. That(3)      weekend was so hard on all of us, trying to thank this sweet dog for 15 years of companionship and love. She(4)      the world where she had lived:loving us and being loved right back.
18.Harvard is one of the oldest and most famous       in the world. (university)
19.Kevin's brother learned how to do game programming on a computer by       . (he)
20.On Bill's       birthday, he got a watch from his parents as a birthday present. (eighteen)
21.EDG, a Chinese club in e-sports,       starts the practice in the afternoon. (usual)
22.Yuan Longping's story proves that nothing is       if you put your effort into it. (possible)
23.Sam gradually gained       after trying to speak in public for several times. (confident)
24.With the help of robots, the company can       over 80, 000 machines every day. (product)
25.A       Chinese idiom says that only when the root is firm, the branches flourish. (tradition)
26.Jack had another fight with the same competitor in a boxing match. (改为否定句)
Jack       another fight with the same competitor in a boxing match.
27.The couple would like to hold a party to celebrate their thirtieth wedding﹣day. (对划线部分提问)
      would the couple like to       to celebrate their thirtieth wedding﹣day?
28.The senior officer said to the soldiers, "Don't fire without my permission. "(改为间接引语)
The senior officer       the soldiers       to fire without his permission.
29.If you don't express your opinions, people won't know what you think. (保持句意基本不变)
People won't know what you think       you       your opinions.
30.The organization awarded a gold medal to Gary for his brave actions. (改为被动语态)
A gold medal       to Gary for his brave actions by the organization.
31.The photographer climbed to the top of the mountain in order to take a photo of the beautiful sunrise. (改为复合句)
The photographer climbed to the top of the mountain       he could take a photo of the beautiful sunrise.
32.on our own, learn to judge, can, what we read and hear, we (连词成句)
33.  Bingling Cave﹣Temple Tourism Area is located in the northwest of China. It covers an area of 150 square kilometers and it is mainly made up of Bingling Lake, Bingling Stone Forest and Binglingsi Grottoes(炳灵寺石窟).
  • Bingling Lake
  Bingling Lake is a huge, clean and pollution﹣free lake that meets the national standard for second﹣class drinking water. It is famous for being the setting for the opening scene of the film A World without Thieves. You can spend about 1. 5 hours taking a speed boat to enjoy its nice view or nearly 5 hours on a cruise ship to peacefully capture its beauty. The whole distance is about 108 kilometers.
  Opening hours:9:00 ﹣ 18:00
  Price for speed boat / cruise ship: ¥150/¥70 per person
  • Bingling Stone Forest
  Bingling Stone Forest covers an area of about 30 square kilometers and is a typical Danxia landform near water. In the park, there are thousands of peaks, hundreds of narrow valleys and zigzags, which, together with various types of stone peaks, constitute a strange world of stone forest.
  Opening hours:9:00 ﹣ 18:00 Admission: ¥60 per person
  • Bingling Grottoes
  Bingling Grottoes, founded more than 1, 600 years ago, is entitled one of the six famous grottoes in China. In June 2014, it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
  Inside Binglignsi Grottoes, you can appreciate 216 caves and niches, 800 odd statues of various types and over 1, 000 square meters of frescoes(壁画)with both Tibetan and Han styles. You can also appreciate 56 Buddhist pagodas and 438 pieces in collection.
  The inscriptions(碑文)inside, which are proved to be the earliest inscriptions in China and can be used to judge a clear date of the statue, provide an important basis for determination of the age of the early grottoes in China.
  Opening hours:8:30 ﹣ 17:00
  Admission: ¥80 per person
34.  Imagine your home is in the center of a big circle. Everything you need is a 10﹣minute walk away. How(1)      !
  Recently, a group of architects decided to make this a reality. They are planning a city with everything people need ﹣ including living areas, study rooms, offices and entertainment areas(2)      a 10﹣minute walk from home.
  When explaining the aim of the city. Ben van Berkel, co﹣founder of Design Company, said people's daily life experience is the most important. The "10﹣minute city" can save time we usually use to(3)      elsewhere. "With time that is saved, more time is created. " Berkel said.
  The idea of such a city is not new. In 2016, a researcher called Carlos Moreno put forward the "15﹣minute city" idea. And it has become more popular nowadays since many people have been forced to spend most the their rime at home, with less(4)      to go out of their neighbourhood.
  Paloma Ezzet, 16, is an(5)      . She said that in the past, she liked to play soccer or go dancing. But during a period of time, she had to give them up because no such entertainment areas or facilities were in her neighbourhood. "It is lonely and frustrating, " Ezzet said.
  But not everyone likes the idea. Some people say it would further concentrate wealth in the most popular areas(6)      high house prices.
  So, with such risk, should people stop considering this idea?Maybe not. As Bobulescu said. "The seeds are there, and they'll grow little by little. "
35.  Beethoven(贝多芬)is famous for his nine symphonies(交响乐). Before he died, he began a new symphony, but never f(1)       it. Computer scientists and musicians have now used artificial intelligence(AI 人工智能)to complete his 10th Symphony.
  Beethoven was born over 250 years ago, yet his music is still played daily around the world. Beethoven wrote many famous pieces of music, especially his nine symphonies. When Beethoven died in 1827, he had some ideas for a 10th Symphony. But all that he left b(2)      were some notes about the piece and a few "sketches" ﹣ short bits of written music.
  In 2019, a special team of musicians, computer scientists, and historians was formed. Their g(3)       is to try to complete Beethoven's 10th Symphony to celebrate his 250th birthday. The team didn't just want to complete the symphony, they wanted to come as close as possible to producing the symphony that Beethoven meant to write. That's where AI came in.
  To t(4)       an AI to help with the symphony, the team turned every piece of music that Beethoven ever wrote into a form the computer could understand. In this way, the AI could look for patterns in the way Beethoven wrote.
  Other members of the team studied Beethoven's notes and sketches, and worked to figure out what Beethoven was p(5)      to do.
  One early test told the team they were on the r(6)      track. They took a few minutes of music created by the AI based on Beethoven's sketches, and played it for Beethoven experts, musicians, and reporters. No one could tell which parts had been written by Beethoven and which parts the AI made up.
  It took the team over two years to complete Beethoven's 10th Symphony. Recently, it was performed for the first time ever by the Beethoven Orchestra in Bonn, Germany.
  So Beethoven now has a 10th Symphony. And t(7)      Beethoven didn't write it all, the team feels sure that the music is very much like what he might have written.
36.  If you are a hiker or a nature lover, you'll enjoy reading A Walk in the Woods.
  It's a true story, written as a comedy. The author is Bill Bryson. Bryson returned to the US after 20 years in Britain and decided to get familiar with his native country by walking the Appalachian Trail(阿巴拉契亚山道).
  The trail, about 3, 500 kilometers long, is popular with thousands of hikers. It goes from
  Springer Mountain in Georgia to Mountain Katahdin in Maine. The story offers a landscape of silent forests and beautiful lakes. But as a writer with comic genius, Bryson also finds humor in the struggles that he and his old friend, Stephen Katz, went through.
  Lots of silly things happen along the way. At the beginning, Bryson reads about the dangers of the wild and stays awake for hours each night, because he is worried he will be killed by bears. Later the two middle﹣aged men try to climb a mountain but get caught in a snow﹣storm. They get lost more than once, but they always manage to find their way back to the trail. They also meet a lot of strange people.
  But the story is more than just a laugh﹣out﹣loud hike. Bryson also talks about acid rain(酸雨), the hunting of birds, and damage to the ecosystem(生态系统). It's a mix of the silly and the serious, a fresh way of getting readers to actually care about the environment problems. As the website Book Browse said in a review, the book "will certainly become a modern classic of travel literature".
37.Write a passage of at least 60 words about the topic "The best_____I have ever met". (请以"最美的遇见"为题写一篇不少于 60 个词的短文, 标点符号不占格.)
一场美丽的相遇是生命的恩赐, 是缘分的开始.最美的遇见可以是雨后的彩虹, 可以是陪伴的挚友, 亦可是成长的鼓励等.请选择一个方面, 结合你的经历, 谈谈你的感受.
(3)文中不得出现任何姓名、校名以及其他相关信息, 否则不予评分.
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