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1.The Red Cross said that many of ________ wounded were not receiving medical care in the World War II.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.Last year, I saw the wild lions and elephants in Africa with ________ own eyes.
  • A. I
  • B. me
  • C. my
  • D. mine
3._______ a cold night, Simon decided to go out to work to support his family.
  • A. On
  • B. In
  • C. At
  • D. By
4.Jason made only _______ mistakes, so he got good results in the final exams.
  • A. a little
  • B. little
  • C. a few
  • D. few
5.In the kindergarten, children like to play with Miss Guo as she looks so _______.
  • A. friendly
  • B. gently
  • C. beautifully
  • D. politely
6.The doctor has suggested that Tim _______ lose at least 10 pounds to stay healthy.
  • A. can
  • B. should
  • C. would
  • D. may
7.Of all the cities in China, I think Shanghai is _________.
  • A. modern
  • B. more modern
  • C. most modern
  • D. the most modern
8.Staying up too late does serious harm ________ our health.
  • A. for
  • B. to
  • C. of
  • D. with
9.Tina and Tom _______ with each other happily on the Internet this time yesterday.
  • A. are chatting
  • B. will chat
  • C. have chatted
  • D. were chatting
10.Ben's singing skills ________ a lot since he joined the singing group.
  • A. improve
  • B. have improved
  • C. improved
  • D. had improved
11.I am looking forward to ________ Universal Studios (环球影城) in Beijing next summer holiday.
  • A. visit
  • B. visiting
  • C. visited
  • D. have visited
12.Lisa promised ________ the project plan on time within two weeks.
  • A. to hand in
  • B. handing in
  • C. hand in
  • D. handed in
13.You must keep playing the piano every day, ________ you will never make progress.
  • A. and
  • B. but
  • C. so
  • D. or
14.We will have to put off the school spring outing ________ the weather gets better.
  • A. although
  • B. unless
  • C. if
  • D. because
15.________ useful suggestion the teacher gave me on how to solve this problem!
  • A. How
  • B. What
  • C. What a
  • D. What an
A. encouraged B. passed C. provide D. process E. mainly 

  Last July, China introduced the "double reduction" policy (双减政策). It hopes to reduce students learning stress by reducing homework and after-school classes. One term has (1)       since this policy was introduced. How do students feel about this new policy?
  "Our homework is clearly less than before," said 13-year-old Shen Yuzhe from Beijing. "We are not (2)       to buy workbooks anymore. The exercises are (3)       from the textbook."
  According to Shen, teachers now teach at much slower pace (节奏). Students have enough time to (4)      new knowledge. "Our teachers are also giving us more chances to do experiments and learn from real life." said Shen. "For example, we went to do some research in a field during the class. This is a much better way to learn things than just hitting the books."
A. called B. early C. clubs D. progress E. recently 

  For 13-year-old Zhang Hangming from Tianjin, the best thing about "double reduction" is the increased time in after﹣school activities. "We can now spend more time taking part in activities and attending (1)       such as dancing, volleyball and drama. I have joined a group (2)       'leadership development (领导力发展小组)' where I can learn all kinds of skills beyond study," said Zhang.
  Both Shen and Zhang find there are fewer exams now. But they don't think it's a good thing "Exams push me to study harder. Each exam shows my (3)       as well as my weak points," Zhang said.
  Shen also pointed out that when stress is lightened, self-discipline (自律) becomes the key. "Some students now spend more time having fun when homework is finished (4)      . But if you use all the free time to relax, you might fall behind your classmates," he said.
18.Until now, some old people in China can't use        (knife) and forks correctly.
19.Wendy attended Yoga (瑜伽) classes        (two) a week to keep fit.
20.The manager went abroad on        (busy), but not for a holiday.
21.The survey shows that customers are very        (satisfying) with the service of the 5﹣star hotel.
22.You'd had better not let the twins play the        games, for they are too young. (frighten)
23.Reading a variety of books can be very helpful for students to       (rich) their knowledge.
24.The German guests        the hotel room because it is too small and it has a bad smell. (like)
25.Last night, a car started burning in the car park.        no one was hurt. (luck)
26.The new bike cost the little boy 500 yuan. (改为否定句)
The new bike        the little boy 500 yuan.
27.More people have been used to living low-carbon(低碳) style recently. (改为反意疑问句)
More people have been used to living low-carbon(低碳) style recently,       ?
28.He went to the hospital to have a cheek up on eyesight. (划线提问)
       he go to the hospital?
29.The headmaster will choose some students to be volunteers for the meeting. (改为被动语态)
Some students will        to be volunteers for the meeting by the headmaster.
30.Jill likes playing badminton better than playing tennis. (保持句意基本不变)
Jill        playing badminton        playing tennis.
31.The patient asked, "When can I get better and come back home?" (改为间接引语)
The patient asked        he        get better and get back home.
32.enables, various, the Internet, to collect, information, teenagers (连词成句)
 There are a number of different places to eat in the Sunshine Shopping Centre.
The Northern House is small, but very popular. The noodle soup tastes very good. Everything is clean and the staff are friendly. Prices are good too, but you may have to wait quite a long time as the restaurant is so busy.
The Rome Hut is a new restaurant. It is very smart, but the pizzas here do not taste good. We did not eat our fish as it smelt bad. The waiters looked angry and we thought it was expensive. This restaurant needs to be improved.
The Tokyo Restaurant has been here for many years and the staff bow (鞠躬) to customers when they enter and are very polite. The fish is very fresh and most of the food is delicious. The amount of food you get is quite small but it always looks nice on the plate.
The Golden Dragon is a large Chinese restaurant. It has a lot of different food. The sweet and sour pork is excellent, the Beijing Duck is famous, and the winter melon soup is good. Go there for a really good meal but expect to pay a lot. Prices are high.
The Come in Coffee Shop is very modern. There are many kinds of coffee and if you like sweet things wait until you taste their cakes and cookies!You can also have sandwiches — I enjoyed the egg sandwich a lot. They have modern music playing, but it is often very noisy, so it is quite difficult to have a good conversation. 
34.  Over one billion people used Facebook (脸谱网) in October last year. This is the first time the site has had so many visitors in one day. The CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, said it was an important achievement for his company. He posted on his own Facebook that, "We just (1)       an important milestone (里程碑). For the first time ever one billion people used Facebook in a single day. " He said that on Monday, "One seventh people on Earth used Facebook to (2)       their friends and family." He added that, "This was the first time we reached this milestone, and it is just the beginning of linking the whole world." Mr Zuckerberg also said, "A connected world brings (3)       relationships with those you love."

  Zuckerberg created Facebook in 2004 while he was a student of Harvard University (哈佛大学). The website (4)       became one of the biggest websites in the world. Today, it has nearly one and a half billion users and Zuckerberg thinks that the (5)       will grow. In October 2012, he said that Facebook had one billion users who used the website at least once a month. Three years later the site had one billion visitors in just one day. Zuckerberg said the company needed to grow a lot in countries where Facebook was not so popular such as in many African and Asian countries and some in Central and South America. Each year, Facebook gains more than $12. 367 billion. Facebook has made Zuckerberg the ninth (6)       person in the world, at the age of only 31.

With so many people in China, there are not enough resources for everyone. The government limits the population by a (1)       families to have only one child, or in some cases two. Children are often called "little emperors (皇帝)" because they are so p(2)       but they also feel great stress to make their family proud. Traditionally children in China lived in the same home with their parents and grandparents. However, people move more often nowadays, and most homes are small especially in the cities. 

Children usually start school at the age of six. Classes are in Mandarin (普通话) but some schools also invite f(3)       teachers to teach spoken English in class. At age 15, students take an important test that is considered the k(4)       to a successful future. "Learning is like a journey that will continue for a long time," goes an old Chinese saying. 

Family and friends often come together for mealtimes. A Chinese meal i(5)       many different dishes, such as soup, dumplings, meat and vegetables. Everyone shares them together with chopsticks. Special foods are served on special moments. For example, a dish of extra-long noodles at birthday stands for a w(6)       for long life. 

China also has a rich tradition of art and music. Many still practice calligraphy (书法), using special brushes for writing characters, and some schools has even started calligraphy lessons for children since several years ago. These days, modern pop music is becoming more popular with young people. 
36.After spending the weekend away with my adult son, I was so impressed by his generous heart that I sent him this letter.
Dear son,
  I want to thank you for teaching me a very valuable lesson in life by the great example you set. When we were eating at that cafe in Bondi and a person who had ordered his hamburger didn't have enough money to pay for it. Without any hesitation, you went over and put the extra $2 into his hand.
  When we were leaving, you also threw a five-cent coin onto the road and said something like, "Some kids will really enjoy finding it."
  Last week, a young man ahead of me in the line at a petrol (汽油) station didn't have enough money to pay for his petrol. I asked the money collector, "How much short is he?" She told me he had meant to put $15 petrol in his car but he had been looking at the wrong gauge (计量表) and had put in 15 litres (升) which came to just over $20. This is an easy mistake as both gauges run fast.
  Something made me think of you and what you did that night at the cafe in Bondi. I handed the young man $6. He was so surprised and said, "But why would you do this for me?" I just smiled as I thought of you.
  Thank you, son. It's better to give than to receive. Now when I see a five-cent coin on the ground and want to pick it up, I think of you and leave it there just in case some kids will get excited to find it.
Love always,
37.Write at least 60 words according to the given situation (根据以下情境写一篇不少于60个词的短文, 标点符号不占格.)
Sam在学校的英语学习论坛里发了一个帖子寻求帮助, 请阅读他的帖子并针对他提出的问题写一份回帖为他提供帮助.

Posted: (2 days ago) 
My problemI'm very worried about the coming English oral test (口语测试). I'm not good at speaking English. I've no idea about how to practice oral English. My parents are angry with me because I haven't made much progress. What should I do? Can you give me some advice? 

Your Reply
 Re: Sam's problem 

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●be patient
●keep practising
●communicate with
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