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1.The kind girl always has ______ pity on the homeless cats in the neighborhood.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.All the teachers love their students while they are strict______them as well.
  • A. in
  • B. at
  • C. with
  • D. for
3.Tom tried several ways to avoid catching the flu, but ______ of them works.
  • A. both
  • B. neither
  • C. all
  • D. none
4.There was a boy sitting in the corner of the room and he seemed _________.
  • A. angrily
  • B. sadly
  • C. quietly
  • D. lonely
5.Don't ask Peter about the case. He knows _________ about it.
  • A. something
  • B. nothing
  • C. anything
  • D. everything
6.— ______ will you be able to solve the difficult physics problem?
— In an hour.
  • A. How long
  • B. How often
  • C. How soon
  • D. How fast
7.Record your voice while reading English, _________you will find your weak parts and practise them.
  • A. but
  • B. or
  • C. so
  • D. and
8.You should respect others _________ they have different points of view from you.
  • A. unless
  • B. because
  • C. although
  • D. while
9.Tony_________ be in Shanghai now. He has gone to Paris on business.
  • A. can't
  • B. mustn't
  • C. needn't
  • D. shouldn't
10.It has been proved that the suspect____________a show from 6 p. m. to 7 p. m. that day.
  • A. watched
  • B. was watching
  • C. had watched
  • D. would watch
11.Don't worry. I __________ you as soon as the plane lands safely in Britain.
  • A. is calling
  • B. will call
  • C. has called
  • D. called
12.Scientists spent four years __________ experiments and finally invented a new robot.
  • A. do
  • B. does
  • C. to do
  • D. doing
13.It's raining heavily. I would rather_________ in my room than go out.
  • A. to stay
  • B. stay
  • C. staying
  • D. stayed
14.The player is so excellent that he __________eighteen Grand Slams (大满贯) so far.
  • A. wins
  • B. won
  • C. has won
  • D. will win
15.__________amazing it is to see the great painting with my own eyes!
  • A. How
  • B. What
  • C. What a
  • D. What an
16.A. available B. kind C. likely D. introducing E. get rid of
  Pets are very important in British families. The true Brit (英国人) knows that his or her dog, cat or even his or her goldfish, is more (1)      to prove loyal (忠诚的) and easier to talk to than most human beings.
  If you go into any British supermarket, you would find a huge selection of mouth-watering foods (2)      for pets, not to mention the doggy chocs, cat treats, woolen coats and all the medicines with which to care for your pet.
  The unusually important position of animals in the British family is well showed in the following story:
  A British woman is (3)       her family to a foreign visitor, "There's me. And my husband. And our two cats."
  "No children?" asks the stranger.
  "We did have," comes the reply, "but we had to (4)      them because the cats were allergic (过敏) to them."
17.Mr Li started learning paper cutting in his       . (forty)
18.He took out a box of       and lit the candle. (match)
19.I've put my bag on the chair. You can put       on the table. (you)
20.Henry has made up his mind to       as an actor. (success)
21.All       things need energy to grow and change, or develop. (life)
22.The headmaster thanked the retired teachers for their       to the school. (serve)
23.The beauty products use       ingredients from fruit and plants. (nature)
24.A study shows taking a certain drug       helps reduce heart problems. (regular)
25.Jack would like to be an astronaut and travel in space some day. (改为一般疑问句)
      Jack       to be an astronaut and travel in space some day?
26.Wear masks in public places so that you can protect yourselves. (改为简单句)
Wear masks in public places        yourselves.
27."Clear Plate", a mini program, is helpful to reduce food waste. (保持句意基本不变)
"Clear Plate", a mini program, is helpful to       food waste.
28.In the article, he writes about the traffic in Beijing in a funny way. (对划线部分提问)
       he write about the traffic in Beijing in the article?
29.The government set up a warning sign at the crossing last week. (改为被动语态)
A warning sign        up at the crossing last week.
30."Why won't he receive his Nobel Prize in person at first?" I asked. (改为宾语从句)
I asked       he        receive his Nobel Prize in person at first.
31.always, responsible, the passengers, safe, bus drivers, keep (.)(连词成句)
32.  "Peanuts! Get your red-hot peanuts!"
  Americans have loved the crunchy taste of peanuts ever since 1870. That was the year when P. T. Barnum introduced hot peanuts as a snack. He sold them at his circus. Soon everyone wanted peanuts to eat.
  But many people around the world ate peanuts long before that. Peanuts have been a popular food in Africa for hundreds of years. In South America, scientists found clay pots which were filled with dried peanuts. These pots were over 3, 000 years old! Ancient dried peanuts have also been found in China.
  African slaves (奴隶) probably brought peanuts to the USA in the 1700s. At first, farmers grew peanuts as food for their cows. But a man named George Washington Carver thought that peanuts could be useful in other ways. George was born during the Civil War (内战). His parents were slaves on a farm. From boyhood, George showed great interest in plants. Later, he got an education and began studying plants. He worked hard and became a famous botanist.
  George used peanuts to create over three hundred products, such as soap, ink, plastic and paint. He also helped make peanuts an important crop. He was famous for his work. There is a monument (纪念碑) to him in Missouri where he was born.
  The peanut plant produces many small yellow flowers. When the flowers die, their stems (茎) begin to dig into the soil in which peanuts grow. When the peanuts are ripe, it's time to dig them out of the ground. The peanuts must be harvested at the right time. If the soil is too wet or too dry, many of the peanuts will remain stuck in the ground. After harvesting, peanuts are dried, then they are sent to factories where they are packaged as snacks or made into other products.
  Next time you go to a circus or a baseball game, listen carefully. You may hear someone shouting, "Peanuts! Get your red-hot peanuts!"
33.  Money makes the world go around, yet the best things in life are free. A penny saved is a penny earned, but you get what you pay for. You probably have your own ideas about (1)       money, but can you do that wisely?
  When you are considering buying something you want, run through this checklist first.
  How much do you really want it?
  Seeing a pair of jeans which costs ¥980, Tony wanted it. But after thinking about it, he thought it would be exciting only for a day or two. "Besides, I need to wear the school uniform on weekdays, so it's not (2)       for me to wear it every day," he said wisely.
  Do you still want it a week later?
  If the thing passes the "really-wanting-it" test, try to wait for some time to see how strong the (3)       is. This strategy (策略) works for grown-ups, too!
  How will you pay for it?
  After the first two steps, Tony found he really wanted a new computer game, but it cost ¥500. He had ¥220 in his pocket money and got ¥15 a week to spend. His mother helped him (4)      how many weeks he would need to save to get the game.
  Are there ways to earn the money?
  Tony agreed to clean the windows in the house at one yuan each. So he got 10 yuan for himself and sparkling (闪亮的) sunlight for the rest of the family.
  Can you get it (5)      ?
  After deciding to buy it, it is necessary for you to look for less expensive ways to buy it:search for what you want on the Internet or in shops and flea markets (跳蚤市场). Sometimes you can find the same thing at a much lower price.
  If these suggestions work well, they can save you a lot of money. You will be a really (6)      shopper.
34.在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺.每空格限填一词, 首字母已给.
  What's the future of social media?Read the opinions of three experts.
  Jacob Stone, Media Director
  The end of screen
  All types of technology will use v(1)      to control. That is to say, you talk to your device (装置;设备) and it will follow your instructions. Therefore, screens won't be important. Wanting the latest smartphones with bigger and better screens will be a thing of the past. I (2)      , we will see holograms (全息影像)-pictures in the real world. They will look amazingly real. Nowadays we chat with friends and look at their face on our phone or computer. In 20 years, we'll be able to see them sitting next to us, looking very much like a real person.
  Alyssa Tyrone, Creative Manager
  Connected to everything and everyone
  I think we will definitely have an electronic device inside our body which will connect us to everything around us. We will be connected to the m(3)       in our homes and places of work, like our cookers and calculators. We'll be connected to the Internet, too. In this way, we can find information just by thinking about it. And, of course, we will be connected to each other. It will be possible to s(4)      our thoughts and feelings with each other directly, even when we're in different parts of the world.
  Dev Khan, Digital Product Developer
  New ways to communicate with friends
  At the moment, I keep in touch with my friends on social media by liking posts, w(5)      reviews and uploading (上传) photos. In 20 years, I think I will disconnect from all these. I'll put on a pair of s(6)      glasses, which will enable me to meet my friends in virtual (虚拟的) worlds. It will be possible to choose the place, from a beach in Spain to a café in London. I'll bring together people from my real life and my online friends to have social time together. Even though we'll all be in d(7)      places, we'll chat and share jokes, and the experience will be completely real.
35.  During my first year of high school, I was a skinny boy who weighed just 55 kg. I dreamed of being a football star. I played a little bit, but spent most of my time on the bench. Over that summer, I found a special diet that bodybuilders used to bulk up (增重). Drinking a lot of whole milk and lifting weights every day added an extra 11 kg of muscle (肌肉)on my body.
  By the time the football season started, I felt ready. I was soon disappointed, though, when I saw that I was still smaller and slower than most of the other boys. I found myself on the bench again.
  That was to change during one of our first games of the season. We had built up a lead (领先) and the coach felt secure enough to send me in for a while to play halfback (前卫). I was so excited.
  On the very first play, I met with challenges. When the quarterback (四分卫) handed the ball off to me, I thought it was my time to show off. However, I was soon hit by three of the other team's players. They hit me hard to the ground. I got up and walked off the field, back to the bench.
  Over the years, I had lost count of how many times I had dreamed of achieving something, only to find that the world had other plans. I hated this for a long time. It was not until I became a football commentator (评论员) that I finally realized that maybe the world's plans for me were better than my own.
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