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1.They have decorated their bedroom in__________unusual way.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.The statue stands ________ a small island in New York Harbour, near the great city.
  • A. above
  • B. in
  • C. at
  • D. on
3.I'm busy this weekend, but I will arrange for ________ else to take you around.
  • A. someone
  • B. anyone
  • C. everyone
  • D. no one
4.You look ________ with your hair up.
  • A. quietly
  • B. clearly
  • C. happily
  • D. lovely
5.The radio only weighs a pound and is ________ as a cigarette packet.
  • A. small
  • B. as small
  • C. so small
  • D. smaller
6.I didn't know that many of our bad habits ________ the environment.
  • A. damage
  • B. will damage
  • C. have damaged
  • D. would damage
7.________ electrical things with wet hands.
  • A. Don't touch
  • B. Not touch
  • C. No touch
  • D. Not to touch
8.The answers are over the page, but don't look ________ you've finished the exercise!
  • A. because
  • B. though
  • C. when
  • D. until
9.He had thought of ______ up an online store but decided against it.
  • A. open
  • B. opening
  • C. opened
  • D. to open
10.If you ________ this button, the machine will start.
  • A. press
  • B. pressed
  • C. will press
  • D. are pressing
11.Peter seldom tidies his bedroom, ________?
  • A. does he
  • B. doesn't he
  • C. does Peter
  • D. doesn't Peter
12.—________ did his parents move to the United States?
—Twelve years ago.
  • A. How long
  • B. Where
  • C. How far
  • D. When
13.All my plants ________ be dead! I forgot to water them before I went on holiday.
  • A. are able to
  • B. need
  • C. must
  • D. should
14.We should refuse ________ things that can be used only once.
  • A. use
  • B. to use
  • C. using
  • D. to using
15.________ noisy neighbour you have!I could hardly sleep last night.
  • A. How
  • B. What
  • C. What a
  • D. What an
16.A. laugh B. dream C. look up D. look after E. training
  Gareth Ellis, 13, is the youngest son of Alan, an engineer, and Kath, a nursery teacher. His older brothers work in banking and computers, but Gareth's (1)      was always to become a clown. Three years ago, Alan, Kath and Gareth joined the circus. "People (2)       when we tell them," says Kath, "but it's true. Gareth has wanted to be a clown since we took him to the circus when he was three."
  When Alan lost his job, he and Kath decided to see if they could find full-time circus jobs. They both got jobs with a famous circus and Gareth began (3)      to become a clown. He called himself Bippo. They travelled with the circus during the summer and returned home for the winter. Gareth's brothers were old enough to (4)       the house while they were away.
17.A. education B. perhaps C. follow D. proper E. leaving behind
  "I can't say it was easy," says Kath. "There was a lot to think about and organize. We only had a car and a very small caravan (大篷车) to sleep in, and we were (1)       our sweet house. The only thing Gareth missed was his long, hot bath."
  "People ask about my (2)      ," says Gareth, "but from the beginning, wherever we go, someone has always come to teach me. I (3)      the same books as everyone back at school and I've got a computer. I've never fallen behind my classmates."
  And the future? "It was a difficult decision," says Kath, "but there was no other way to teach Gareth about being a clown. I'm happy to say it's working, and we are enjoying it." And Gareth? "I'm going to be the main clown in the circus one day," he says, "(4)      Bippo's circus."
18.Bake the        for 15 minutes, till they're nice and crisp. (potato)
19.The necklace and earrings date back to the        century BC. (four)
20.Rita's parents are away for the week. I'd go over to keep        company. (she)
21.Uniforms should be        available in street stores and on the Internet. (wide)
22.Children are given enough        to express themselves during art activities. (free)
23.That is the most        film I have ever seen. (frighten)
24.Our dog makes a lot of noise, but he's perfectly       (harm).
25.Have the children seen whether the magnet will       paper clips, coins, etc.? (attractive)
26.Tina gave me some good advice on road trips. (改为一般疑问句)
      Tina        you any good advice on road trips?
27.The children develop a sense of responsibility by helping out with chores. (对划线部分提问)
      the children develop a sense of responsibility?
28.We'll solve the case ourselves and surprise everyone. (保持句意基本不变)
We'll        the case ourselves and surprise everyone.
29.The windows were so high that we couldn't reach them from the outside. (保持句意基本不变)
The windows were       high for us        reach from the outside.
30.The forest fire destroyed the whole village. (改为被动语态)
The whole village       by the forest fire.
31."Have you visited the Modern Art Exhibition?" asked Kevin. (改为宾语从句)
Kevin asked me       I      visited the Modern Art Exhibition.
32.else, the adventure camp, does, offer, what (?)(连词成句)
33.ART & TECHNOLOGY SUMMER CAMPIn the art & technology summer camp students will learn the basics of programming by playing games which require them to write code. The camp will be an enjoyable experience for creative young minds who are interested in technology and want to expand their artistic skills.
AGES 6 TO 8 AGES 9 TO 12
11 A. M. —1 P. M. $150 PER WEEK
9 A. M. —11 A. M. $150 PER
34.Early Writing and Alphabets (字母表)
  When people first began to write, they did not use an alphabet. (1)      , they drew small pictures to show the objects they were writing about. This was very (2)      because there was a different picture for every word.
  The Ancient Egyptians had a (3)       of picture writing that was called hieroglyphics (象形文字). The meaning of this writing had been forgotten for a very long time, but in 1799, some scientists discovered a stone near Alexandria, Egypt. The stone had been there for over a thousand years. It had both Greek and hieroglyphics on it and researchers were (4)      able to understand what the hieroglyphics meant.
  An alphabet is quite (5)       picture writing. It consists of letters or symbols that represent (代表) a sound and each sound is just part of one word. The Phoenicians (腓尼基人), who lived about 3, 000 years ago, (6)      the early alphabet system.
35.We are known to be animal lovers, especially when it comes to dogs and cats. So it lay surprise you to know that over 100, 000 dogs are abandoned every year in the street.
  Top tips:
1. Put s(1)       first. Judge the dog from a distance. Is it in any danger?Is it causing any danger(like running into traffic)?It is easy to make a situation much w(2)      if you rush in without thinking. If the dog is injured or frightened, it could become aggressive. If you are unsure, DO NOT approach.
2. If you can't get n(3)      the dog, write down a good description and the location of it, and call your local rescue centre to report it.
3. If the dog follows you and is h(4)      to go with you, examine its collar for a tag and 4 contact the owner if details are present. I had a border collie who ran away quite a few times, just for the fun of it. L(5)      he had a tag and was always returned to me by helpful members of the public.
4. If there is no tag, you could first take it to a local animal shelter for a microchip scan (芯片扫描). My dog was excellent at g(6)       out of his collar, but he couldn't escape his chip.
5. If you still can't find the owner, call your local council (市政服务机构) to come and pick the dog up.
6.If you would like to keep the dog, the local council will check if you are suitable for adopting a dog. If you are, they will a(7)      you to take it home. Please remember that even if you have the dog for months or years, if the original owner turns up, you would still have to give the dog back.
36.Challenge yourself !
  15-year-old Kyle Washington writes about what he does in his free time.
  I joined the National Youth Challenge (NYC) last year because I knew they went camping and sailing and taught skills like public speaking, and these were things I'd never done before. In the NYC you can do different activities to challenge (挑战) yourself and you're always learning something. There are different levels, from beginner to advanced, run by adult volunteers called "leaders". When you complete each level you get a certificate (证书).
  When I first joined, my leader suggested that my first challenge should be helping organize activities at a local children's club for two hours a week. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea. I'd joined that same club when I was eight and I'd found it really difficult to make friends. I was quite shy then and all the other children already had their own friendship groups, so I'd stopped going after a couple of weeks. I decided to take up the challenge though, but only because I wanted my first NYC certificate.
  Soon, however, I wanted to spend all my free time at the children's club. It meant a lot more to me than just getting the certificate. And when I finished the challenge, the NYC leader let me keep on volunteering at the club because I'd built up some great relationships with the children there. Now I go there for about four hours a week and I always really look forward to going.
  Because of what I've learnt at the children's club, I've decided that when I finish school in three years' time, I want to go to college to study to become a qualified youth worker﹣ someone who works with children. It wasn't something I'd ever considered before starting at the club. In fact, I'd never thought about my future job, and the idea of youth work had never entered my mind. This has been my favourite part of the NYC so far and I've improved my communication skills while at the same time helping others. I've got several other NYC certificates now and ﹣ yes, one of them is for camping!
37.Write at least 60 words according to the given situation(根据所给情景, 写一篇不少于60个 词的短文, 标点符号不占格)
I'm doing a school project about how teenagers use computers each day. For example, how much time did you spend on a computer yesterday?What kind of things did you do?What do you think are the problems of spending lots of time on computers?
假设你是李平, 最近收到加拿大朋友Jack的电子邮件.以下是邮件的一部分, 请你阅读后回复.
(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息, 否则不予评分)
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