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1.Yulin is in ______southeast of Guangxi and it has ______ population of more than 5 million.
  • A. a;a
  • B. the;a
  • C. a;the
  • D. the;the
2.—Daming, can you teach how to use chopsticks?
—Sure, We use chopsticks every day and it is_______Chinese tradition.
  • A. me, our
  • B. my, your
  • C. me, ours
  • D. mine, our
3.—Wow!_____heavy bag it is!I can't move it.
—Don't worry, mom!Let me help you.
  • A. What
  • B. How
  • C. How a
  • D. What a
4.Pam_____be at home because she phoned me from the office just now.
  • A. needn't
  • B. mustn't
  • C. can't
  • D. may
5.—I'll get a COVID-19 vaccine (接种新冠疫苗)tomorrow morning.
—Everyone should take a vaccine, or we will be in even____danger.
  • A. smaller
  • B. smallest
  • C. biggest
  • D. bigger
6.—In 2022, the Winter Olympics______in Beijing in China, from the 4th to the 20th of February.
—This is ______ time in Chinese history. Beijing is the world's first city to host both the Summer and Winter Games.
  • A. were held;second
  • B. will be held;the second
  • C. were held;the first
  • D. are held;first
7.—Our computer is working again!
—Yes. Our IT teacher ______ it. It took him about an hour.
  • A. has fixed
  • B. will fix
  • C. is fixing
  • D. fixed
8.—Your village is really beautiful!
—Thank you. ___, all the villages here have taken on a new look with the help of the strategy of rural vitalization(乡村振兴战略).
  • A. For example
  • B. First of all
  • C. In fact
  • D. As a result
9.—Do you know Zhang Guimei______was honored as one of the "People Who Moved China"?
—Yes, she created the first free high school for girls in mountain areas and has helped more than 1, 800 students to go to college.
  • A. which
  • B. whose
  • C. whom
  • D. who
10.—What did Daniel say to you?
—He asked me____.
  • A. how did I get to Nanning Museum
  • B. why I liked beef flank noodles(牛腩粉)so much
  • C. that the Yuntian Palace was very amazing
  • D. what will I study in Guangxi University
11.  Something that I learnt from both my parents was the importance of having respect (尊重) for other people. I remember one day when we were travelling on a bus and I sat down while other people were standing. My mother shouted at me, "(1)       at once! You have young legs and you don't need to sit down. " At the time I felt embarrassed about being told of (2)      , but now I understand. I think children nowadays have (3)       that respect and it really makes me angry if I see children sitting down while (4)       people are standing.
  One area in which we had a lot of rules was table (5)       . For example, we weren't allowed to start our meal (6)       the oldest person had started. We had to say "thank you" when our food was served, and eat everything on our plates before we could (7)       the table. We couldn't make any noise when eating. Worse than that, we were only allowed to have sweets. At the weekend, as a special treat if we had been good.
  Although my upbringing (养育) was perhaps a bit (8)       compared with modern children, I'm very thankful to my parents for giving me a clear (9)       in life. Even though I was sometimes punished, I think it has made me a better person. In my opinions, children need clear rules, but more than that they need to learn (10)       to get on with other people and realize they are not the center of the world.
12.Welcome to Tomorrow Hotel
128 beds
Open 24 hours, all year
Car park
Games room
Washing machines
No smoking 
Under 18 ¥55
Adults ¥120 
Meal Time
Breakfast at 7:30 a. m.
Dinner 5:30 p. m. — 7:00 p. m. 
13.  In order to help teenagers build a strong body, students in Grade 9 have to take part in zhongkao P. E. test every year. To prepare for the test, many junior high school students try their best to train hard.
  On April 18, Sun Gao from Hangzhou, Zhejiang finished his P. E. test. After three years of hard Training, he got 26. 5 points.
  "It wasn't a high score, since many of my classmates got full scores30 points, but I'm still happy, since I tried my best." Sun said. "I think the P. E. test is really good for us. By hard training, I am much stronger now." He added.
  Gong Siyu from Chengdu, Sichuan is in Grade 8 now. "I signed up (报名) for an after-school training class. I practice every Saturday evening for two hours, doing pull-ups (引体向上), an 800﹣meter run and basketball." she said. In 2022, when Gong takes the test, the P. E. test will be 60 points in zhongkao.
  "I think its a good thing." Gong said. "Health is important, and by preparing for the test, we get more chances to exercise and relax.
14.  It's 2050. The Earth is dying, and moving to Mars seems to be the only way out for humans. A team of American astronauts (宇航员) begin to search on Mars. This is what the movie Red Planet begins with. Known as the Red Planet, Mars is the favourite of writers and filmmakers.
  Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the next planet beyond the Earth. Mars is the only planet whose surface can be seen from the Earth. It is about half size of our planet.
  The surface of Mars is more like the Earth than any other planet. But it is further from the Sun than the Earth, so temperatures on Mars are much lower. Plants and animals can not live now on Mars. But many scientists still believe that such life may have been on Mars-long ago.
  On 6th August, 1996, scientists discovered a piece of rock from Mars, which fell to the Earth 13, 000 years ago. 10 years later, some scientists still didn't accept that there was life on Mars. People may not be sure about life on Mars until a sample(样本)of life is brought back. Some further researches are being done in many countries. If you want to know more, please click HYPERLINK "http://www. space" www. spaceexploration. com.
15.  In Darayya, a city in Syria(叙利亚), there's a library and it has 15, 000 books on almost every subject you can think of. However, it is different from any libraries you know:It is a secret underground library, and only people in Darayya know where it is.
  Over the years, war has shaken Darayya badly. Every day, houses are bombed and people are killed. Stores are closed one after another, and so are schools. To help the kids in Darayva with their learning, Anas Ahmad, a 19﹣year﹣old student, and his friends decided to build a library. They built the library under the ground to keep it safe from bombing. But it is dangerous to collect books for the library. Often. Ahmad and his friends look for books in houses that were bombed. They need to be careful because they may be killed in another bombing.
  You may ask, "In a place like Darayya, would people be interested in books?""Just like the body needs food, the mind needs books, "says one library user. In the library, people enjoy their time of reading and forget about the terrible world above, so their life doesn't seem so hard. Through reading, they are able to dream of a better life after war.
  We are lucky we live in a peaceful and happy country, China. We're proud we're Chinese.
16.A: Hi, Bob. Do you like reading?
B: Sure, Mary. (1)      
A: I like reading too, but you need to have a rest after an hour or so.
B: Yes, I agree. I often read for about an hour, and then I try to think of something else to do. For example, (2)       But after a while, I usually decide to go on reading.
A: It's good to read, but not all the time. (3)      
B: OK. Thanks for your advice.
A: What's your favorite book?
B: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. (4)       The stories in the book are enjoyable and full of fun.
A: So they are (5)      

A. I sometimes look out of the window to relax.
B. Who are the main characters in the story?
C. It was written by Mark Twain.
D. I spend most of my free reading.
E. It's also one of my favorite books.
F.You must be careful not to hurt your eyes.
G. What a pity it is!
17.  When I was young, I was (1)      (interest) in Chinese movies that I wanted to know more about Chinese culture like Kungfu and Xiqu. I often (2)      (dream) to go to China one day.
  (3)       (luck), when I was learning theater at a university, I (4)      (provide) with a chance to study abroad. There was a programme study Asian theater arts (5)      in China or in India. I decided to go to China and learn Beijing Opera in a Chinese theater school. The school offered (6)      (help) me. It gave me a place to practice. It was good because I could practice whenever I wanted. Also I had private lessons﹣the teacher would give me one-to-one class for (7)      (third) hours. That was the best part of my study in China. I do appreciate (感激) this chance to learn the beautiful art!
  I got a lot (8)      my study in China. It has greatly influenced me and helped me to develop into a more skillful (9)      (act). This Chinese art gives me plenty of tools so I can use them when I perform other shows in Europe. I have set (10)      an art center to teach Beijing Opera. Now there are more fans of Beijing Opera in my country.
18.此题要求改正所给短文中的错误.对标有题号的每一行做出判断:如无错误, 在该行右边横线上面画个勾(√);如有错误(每行只有一个错误), 则按下列情况改正:
此行多一个词;把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉, 在该行右边横线上写出该词, 并也用斜线划掉.
此行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 (∧), 在该行右边横线上写出该加的词.此行错一个词:在错的词下划一横线, 在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词.注意:原行没有错误的不要改.
  I'm Zhao Ming and I'd like being your pen pal. I'm 16 years old. I have (1)      
two little brother. They're very lovely. I often help my parents look (2)      
after them in my spare time. My mother work in a toy shop. (3)      
She loves her job. And my father is a engineer. He is busy every day, (4)      
and he tries his best to spend more time with us. (5)      
  I'm in the school basketball team. We usually play games in Saturday (6)      
mornings. Last week we played against another school. They ran faster than us. (7)      
However, we had better teamwork. Finally, we won!How happy we are! (8)      
This is eighth time we beat them. (9)      
  Please write with to tell me something about you if you want (10)      
to be my pen friend.
19.精彩而又难忘的初中生活即将结束, 在成长过程中, 每个人心中肯定会有自己认为最崇敬、最美、最喜欢的人, 他们也许是在家庭中细心呵护的父母, 又也许是在学校里传道授业的恩师, 还有可能是生活中素不相识的陌生人……因为, 他(她)帮你解决了生活中的烦恼, 帮你解决了学习上的困难, 帮助解决难题……让你受益终生.结合你的经历说明为什么他或她是你心中最喜欢的人.请以 The Favorite Person in My Heart为题, 写一篇英语短文.
(3)此次经历后, 说说你的变化、理想或者愿望.
(1)hard﹣working, patient(耐心的), knowledgeable(知识渊博的).
(2)give sb. some advice on how to do sth;encourage sb. (not) to do sth, bring out the best in sb.
(3)be interested in, make progress.
(1)内容必须包含提示的信息, 可适当增加细节;
(2)词数:80左右.开头和结尾已给出, 不算入总词数;
The Favorite Person in My Heart
中考模拟试卷 最新试卷 广西试卷 玉林市试卷 2022年试卷 初中试卷 九年级试卷 英语试卷
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