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1.She is________honest girl. She always tells _________ truth .
  • A. an;an
  • B. an;the
  • C. a;不填
  • D. an;不填
2.He has a wide ________of painting and music.
  • A. knowledge
  • B. adventure
  • C. volunteer
  • D. experiment
3.Pudong International Airport is one of______airports in the world.
  • A. big
  • B. bigger
  • C. biggest
  • D. the biggest
4.— Mum, must I stay there for the whole day?
— No, you ______. You ______ come back after lunch, if you like.
  • A. mustn't; can
  • B. needn't; must
  • C. needn't; can
  • D. mustn't; must
5.She may come with us ________ she arrives in time.
  • A. if
  • B. and
  • C. or
  • D. so
6.She is considering ________ her job.
  • A. changing
  • B. change
  • C. changed
  • D. to change
7.Her grade is the best________the three students.
  • A. between
  • B. at
  • C. among
  • D. on
8.The building has________floors and the Greens live on the ________floor.
  • A. twenty;twelve
  • B. twenty;twelfth
  • C. twentieth:twelve
  • D. twentieth;twelfth
9.He left school three years ago and since then he________ as a teacher.
  • A. works
  • B. worked
  • C. has worked
  • D. is working
10.The movie is ________funny________everybody likes it very much.
  • A. so; because
  • B. such; because
  • C. such; that
  • D. so; that
11.After listening to the teacher's advice. Tony________ playing computer games and started to spend more time on his studies.
  • A. gave up
  • B. took up
  • C. made up
  • D. lifted up
12.—Is there ________ who can help me?
—Of course, I can.
  • A. anything
  • B. anybody
  • C. nothing
  • D. nobody
13.You can use my computer, but ________ you should ask me first.
  • A. at last
  • B. at times
  • C. at least
  • D. at present
14.—Have you decided ______ this summer holiday?
—Sure. To Rome. I have expected this day for a long time.
  • A. when will you go
  • B. when you will go
  • C. where will you go
  • D. where you will go
15.—Jo, I'm sorry I can't go shopping with you on Sunday. I have to prepare for my exam,
—________. But we can go shopping another day.
  • A. That's amazing
  • B. That's a shame
  • C. That's no good
  • D. That's not the point
16.  It was a dark September morning. There was a storm at sea. A ship had been driven onto a low rock off the shores (海岸) of the Fame Islands. It had been(1)       in two by the waves(海浪), and half of it had been washed away. The other half still lay on the rock, and those of the crew (全体船员)who were still — (2)      were in great danger. However, waves were breaking over it, and soon it would also be carried to the bottom of the sea.
  Could anyone (3)       the poor men who were out there?
  On one of the islands there was a lighthouse (灯塔), Grace was the(4)      of the lighthouse keeper and she had lived beside the sea for her whole life .
  In the darkness of the night, above the noise of the wind and waves, she(5)      wild cries. When daylight came, she saw the poor sailors.
  "We must try to save them!"she said to her father — the lighthouse keeper. "Let's(6)       in the boat at once!"
  Grace's father said that it was of no use (7)       the waves were too strong.
  However, Grace said, "We can't just stay here and watch them die. "Her father knew she was right.
  In a few minutes they were ready and they set out in the heavy lighthouse boat, It was very hard to reach the men, but (8)      the brave girl and her father made it. One by one, they helped the cold, tired sailors onto the(9)      . And soon they were all safe in the lighthouse. There Grace became a very good nurse. She took good care of the men until the storm died away and they were(10)      enough to go to their own homes.
  This happened a long time ago, but the name Grace Darling will not be forgotten.
17.Dear Ms Roberts,
  I am writing to let you know that I ran over your dog on Friday afternoon.
  The accident happened at the crossing of Ocean Drive and Bridge Street, directly in front of the RSL Club .
  On that Friday, one of my students had suddenly fallen ill. I telephoned her doctor and described the situation, and he suggested that she be brought to the hospital right away. He believed that the student's leg had been broken and explained to me the seriousness of the situation. I had to get her to the hospital quickly.
  During the trip I passed by your house. Suddenly your dog ran out into the road and into the front of my car. I stopped the car and ran around looking for the dog but it had run away. I knocked on your door but I could see that no one was home. I could not see where the dog had gone, and with my student so ill I had no choice but to leave the scene(现场)and drive on .
  You must allow me to pay for his medical care. I would be thankful if you could make a list of all costs resulting from this accident. I plan to visit and offer my apologies in person.
  Again, I truly regret the harm caused by this accident and send my best wishes to little Snowy.
Anthony Drake
18.  Another winter has arrived. The outdoor temperature has dropped below 10 degrees Celsius (摄氏度). Do you want to complain that you still have to go to school on such freezing days?
  You may not do after you read about life in Oymyakon, Russia.
  Oymyakon is known as the coldest village in the world. During the winter, temperatures average -50 degrees Celsius. The village recorded an all﹣time low in 2013, when temperatures went down to﹣72 degrees Celsius.
  Amos Chapple is a reporter from New Zealand. In 2015, he traveled to Oymyakon to see what life was like there. The experience, he said, was "unforgettable. " "Saliva (唾液) would freeze into needles that would prick(扎)my lips. My hands would freeze to wild pain,"he added. "It's hard to take pictures. My camera would often get too cold to work properly."
  Around 500 people now live in Oymyakon. Despite the extreme conditions, people ride bikes and even go swimming. Fish markets are open. Frozen fish stand upright (笔直地) in boxes. Customers in heavy winter clothing walk by them.
  It's impossible to grow crops in Oymyakon. The local diet is mostly meat-based. The meat is sometimes eaten frozen. The local people actually love cold food.
  And the freezing weather doesn't prevent children from heading to the classroom. Usually, schools in Oymyakon won't close until temperatures drop below-46 degrees Celsius .
  Now, do you feel lucky that you live in Tianjin?It's chilly outside, but not too cold for you to go to school!
19.  Good Handwriting:a Lost Art
  I CAN'T remember how to write a capital Z in cursive (草体), The rest of my letters are kind of stiff (直的), too.
  I am a member of Generation Y (年轻一代). And now there is a group coming after me — children who text message nearly as much as they talk. They feel even less need to improve their handwriting.
  We are witnessing the death of handwriting. Many people are worried about this. They say it's caused by the fact that computers are used more widely. But experts (专家) say that's not the case. Technological developments are only part of the reason. Kids haven't learned to write neatly because no one has forced them to.
  In the United States, schoolchildren learn print(印刷体)in kindergarten and cursive in third grade. But most of them don't master (掌握) either one. My cursive teacher Linda Garcia has now been teaching for 42 years. She says children are just as excited to learn cursive as ever.
  However, once they leave her classroom, it's a different story, She doesn't know any teachers in the upper grades who stress the importance of handwriting. She frequently sees her former (以前的) students going back to sloppy letters .
  Garcia points out that schools today are all teaching to the tests. If something isn't on a test, it's viewed as unnecessary. Over the decades, daily handwriting lessons have been reduced from an average of 30 minutes to 15. "Reading is tested. But handwriting isn't, so it's not important, "Garcia adds. "In other words, schools don't care how a child holds his or her pencil as long as he or she can read.
  Handwriting is becoming a lost art, but is that really a bad thing?I am never worried about my handwriting. After all, we are living in the age of social networks. Most people write very little by hand, Perhaps this is the trade-off (权衡), We have to give up artistry for efficiency (效率).
A. My bed is really comfortable.
B. How have you been doing recently?
C. I usually watch a lot of television before I go to bed. Maybe I should try something else to help me quiet down.
D. I usually try to go to bed around 11:00 or so during the week.
E. Yes. My mother is ill, and I think about her a lot.
F. Is there any reason why you can't get enough sleep?G Why not go to see a doctor? 

A: (1)      .
B: Actually, I haven't been sleeping well.
A: (2)      .
B: I go to bed, but I just can't get comfortable enough to stay asleep.
A: When do you get into bed for the night?
B: (3)      .
A: Do you have a lot on your mind when you try to go to sleep?
B: (4)      .
A: Do you ever meditate (冥想) or read before bedtime?
B: (5)      .
Cars are not allowed to       the city center.
It says "      " on that sign.
23.地面向下延伸, 退落到下面的一条河里.
The ground      and down to a river.
Daming is      again.
Shakespeare's plays still       a lot of      to us today.
26.  My dad was in the radio business when I was growing up. He'd get tickets to a lot of different sporting events, and in 1984 we went to Madison Square Garden during Michael Jordan's rookie season (新秀赛季). My dad took me to see Jordan put on a show.
  I remember looking at my dad as an eight-year-old kid and saying, "I want to be Michael Jordan one day." Dad laughed a bit and then turned to me and said, "Son, I love you, but you're probably not going to be Michael Jordan. "Then my dad pointed to the man standing next to Jordan at the time, his agent (经纪人) David Falk. My dad explained how Falk worked closely with players, and since then that's all I've ever wanted to do.
  Years passed and I became a sports agent. My job is simply to help professional players find jobs. No two days are the same, which I find exciting. If it's in﹣season, I'm talking to players about how they are feeling and how they're performing from week to week. During the off-season, I try to make sure players' lives are managed, so they can focus on (专注于) improving on the field.
  Not everyone can be a sports star, but it's more than possible to work on the business side of sports. I always tell the students I meet to go out of their way to introduce themselves to people. Relationships are so important in this business, and they can take you a long way.
27.  It can be hard to know what newborn babies want. They can't talk, walk (1)o        ever point at what they're thinking about. Yet babies begin to develop language skills long before they begin speaking. And, (2)c       to adults, they develop these skills much more quickly . People have a hard time learning new languages as they grow older, but babies have the ability to learn any language (3)e        .
  New research strategies (策略) have helped scientists to discover that babies begin life with the ability to learn any languages. By interacting (互动)with other people and by (4)u (4)      their excellent listening and observational skills, they quickly learn the languages they hear most often.
  Because babies can't tell scientists what they're hearing, scientists have been using a different method to (5)c        if they can tell one sound from another. In some (6)e       , for example, scientists play recordings of a sound, such as"eeee"over and over on one side of baby's head. Then, they play another sound, such as"aaah"to the baby's (7)o       side. If the baby turns to the new sound, he will see a dancing toy — a (8)p        that encourages him to respond to such changes. If he doesn't turn, that suggests that he doesn't hear the difference (9)b        the sounds. The studies have shown that, by about six months of age, babies have been able to recognize all the (10)s       that make up all the different languages in the world.
28.假定你的朋友李磊暑期要去美国交流学习. 他非常担心用英语交流时会遇到困难. 请你用英语给他写一封信, 提几点建议, 要点如下:
(2)可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯.
(4)开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.
(2)可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯.
(4)开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.
参考词汇: 自信的confident 肢体语言body language
Dear Li Lei,
  How is everything going? I am very glad to learn that you are going to America this summer. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Best wishes
期中试卷 最新试卷 天津试卷 和平区试卷 2021年试卷 初中试卷 九年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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