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1.—Have you ever watched movie Mulan?
—Yes. It's interesting one. I want to watch it again.
  • A. the;an
  • B. a;an
  • C. the;a
2.—Does your brother play computer games?
—No, he ________ plays them. He always reads books.
  • A. sometimes
  • B. often
  • C. never
3. name is Kate and wants to be a teacher.
  • A. She;her
  • B. Her;she
  • C. Her;her
4.—Is your hair as as Mary's?
—No, it isn't. Hers is than mine.
  • A. long;long
  • B. longer;long
  • C. long;longer
5.—Students in our school to swim in the rivers or lakes alone.
—Neither are we. After all, safety must come first.
  • A. allow
  • B. don't allow
  • C. aren't allowed
6.Look!There are some eating grass on the hill.
  • A. sheep
  • B. cow
  • C. horse
7.—Tom, do you think reading is important?
—Yes, I do. So I decide more time reading from now on.
  • A. spend
  • B. to spend
  • C. spending
8.—Is it important to protect wild animals, Susan?
—Yes. If we don't protect them, they _______ die out one day.
  • A. need
  • B. can't
  • C. may
9.—What are you going to do this afternoon?
—My parents are very busy, so I have to my little brother.
  • A. look after
  • B. look like
  • C. look up
10.—You look tired. I wonder last night.
—I didn't go to bed until eleven for preparing a report.
  • A. when you go to bed
  • B. when you went to bed
  • C. when did you go to bed
11.  Your birthday can be the most exciting day of the year. It's a (1)       full of fun activities and delicious food. However, my 13th birthday was special for a different reason.
  On that day, my parents and I took the bus to my grandparents' home for a big dinner celebration. I was (2)       to get a good seat on the bus. At one stop, a woman (3)      the bus with a baby in her arms. Unluckily, there were no seats left, so she had to (4)       next to me.
  Although I wanted to stand up and let her sit down, I was afraid of (5)       people say to me, "Look! That girl should be praised!" My schoolmates once said it to laugh at me. I looked around, and most people were looking out of the (6)      . Suddenly, a little boy behind me stood up and offered his seat to the (7)      . She thanked him with a big smile. The boy smiled back (8)       and stood next to me. I lowered my head in shame.
  I couldn't stop thinking about it the rest of the day. Finally, I came to understand that everyone's (9)       acts of kindness can make a big difference to the world. I should learn from that little boy and (10)       those people in need at once.
12.The Beijing Winter Olympic Games saw many young players shine on the biggest stage. Let's take a look at three of them.
 At just the age of 18, Su Yiming won China's first gold medal in men's snowboarding. He practiced hard and when he achieved his dream, he said, "I want to say to all Chinese snowboarders that they should keep working hard and never give up, because dreams can come true." 
 Gu Ailing, an 18-year-old girl, got two gold medals. She is known for her strong will and hard work. She encourages teenagers to challenge themselves through winter sports. "I love feeling nervous and then overcoming (克服) it, feeling that rush ... that got me into skiing," she said. 
 Li Wenlong, a 21-year-old speed skater, skated behind his teammates as a team tactic (战术). With his help, Ren Ziwei won the gold medal. And he himself crossed the line in second place. "I'm very excited. This silver is just the beginning," he said, "I'm going to keep going and hope to one day change the color of the medal to gold." 
13.  Do you know how to cook, clean or grow plants?If not, you will soon. These will be part of labor (劳动) education starting this autumn.
  A new standard for labor education recently came out. Students in primary and middle school will have at least one labor education class a week. They will try and experience different kinds of labor and learn different life skills and even job skills. The standard includes different tasks for each grade. For example, students in Grade 5 and Grade 6 will learn to cook two or three common dishes, like fried eggs or egg soup with tomatoes.
  Labor education can enrich Chinese students' life. Chinese school education didn't pay enough attention to this in the past. According to a 2019 report, Chinese kids only do 12 minutes of practical activity each day.
  The new standard also calls on families to take part in students' labor education. They will make housework lists to help students be more independent.
  Besides housework skills, students will have a chance to try new technologies like 3 D printing. They will also learn to make traditional handicrafts (手工艺品).
14.  In ancient China, willow branches (柳枝) were often used as a gift to friends and family members who would leave. Do you know why willow branches are a symbol of saying goodbye?
  One reason is that willow trees are strong. They can live in any soil, wet or dry, north or south. Because of this special feature, when saying goodbye to loved ones, giving a willow branch is a way to tell them you hope they will easily get used to their new living environment.
  Another reason is that, in Chinese, the pronunciation for the willow tree "柳" is similar to the character "留". So giving a willow branch in ancient China was like asking the others to stay, even though you know that they must leave.
  It's said that this custom became popular during the Han Dynasty. At that time, Baqiao, a bridge in Chang'an, today's Xi'an, was a common place to say goodbye. People often stopped there and handed willow branches to people who were going to depart.
  Willow branches, as a symbol of saying goodbye, were often mentioned in poems, especially at the time of the Tang and Song dynasties.

15.阅读下面的材料, 然后在表格中完成内容摘要, 每空不超过三个单词.
  Do you regret for wasting too much time using phones?Do you know how to control your time on phones?Here is some useful advice given by Cathy and Mario.
  Self-control is a difficult thing to master. Some people are completely unable to control themselves when they play video games. But there are ways to deal with it. For one thing, you can ask your parents to lock your phone. For another, there are plenty of things to keep you busy. You can read a book, draw a picture, or go on a short walk outside. The world outside of your phone is big and beautiful. Check it out!
  Cut down your time spent on games during the weekdays. Remind yourself that you have to do your homework before playing. Putting a note on your desk can also help remind you to stay off your phone. Remember, it's OK to play on your phone. You just have to make sure you don't do it too much.
How to control your time on phones 
Cathy • Ask your parents to (1)       your phone.
• Keep you busy by reading a book, (2)       or going on a short walk. 
Mario • (3)       your time spent on games during the weekdays.
• Remind yourself that you have to do your homework before (4)       .
• Put a note on your desk to remind you to stay off your phone.
• Make sure you don't play on your phone (5)      
16.  On March 20, 2016, Molly was born at the Kunming Zoo in Yunnan. Everyone liked her. They called her Little Princess. When she turned 1 year old, the zoo held a big birthday party. The baby elephant got her name and a big cake.
  But in 2018, the zoo took Molly away from her mom. They sent Molly to Swan Lake Ecology Park in Xinyang, Henan in exchange (交换) for another elephant. Life got hard for Little Princess. She had to do tricks and carry tourists on her back. Her body was badly hurt.
  Seeing that, people took action to save her. They posted pictures and articles of Molly online. They asked to send her back home. And they also asked not to let elephant perform in China. Even some famous people joined in the activities to save Molly.
  With their help, Molly finally left the ecology park in Henan. She went back to the Kunming Zoo on May 16. There, her family waited for her. Later, the doctors gave her a check﹣up. Little Princess will be loved again!
17.A: Hi, Tom. How was your school trip last Saturday?
B: It was great. I went to a farm.
A: (1)      ?
B: I went there with my friends.
A: (2)      ?
B: Yes, we did. We went there by bus. It's very far from here.
A: (3)      ?
B: It took us half an hour to get there.
A: (4)      ?
B: We went for a walk, rode horses and took many photos there. We really enjoyed ourselves.
A: Oh, it sounds good. I'd like to visit the farm, too.
B: Yeah, I'm sure you will have a good time there.
A: Thank you very much.
B: (5)      .
18.你们班将举办"好习惯益终身"的主题班会, 请你写一篇发言稿, 谈谈中学生要培养哪些良好的生活和学习习惯.内容包括:早睡早起, 锻炼身体;认真听讲, 按时完成作业;每晚阅读……
1. 内容可适当发挥, 使行文连贯;
2. 文中不得出现真实的姓名、学校名称等信息;
3. 词数60﹣80.开头结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.
参考词汇:habit take exercise finish

  Good morning, everyone! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  That's all. Thank you!
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