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1.Ben is interested_______ Chinese culture. He wants to learn to make kites.
  • A. at
  • B. to
  • C. for
  • D. in
2.Jiang Mengnan has become a doctor of Tsinghua University because of ________hard work.
  • A. herself
  • B. hers
  • C. her
  • D. she
3.The tourists have waited at the airport for two hours. They______ impatient.
  • A. were becoming
  • B. are becoming
  • C. will become
  • D. became
4.Doing exercise is very helpful but it______ be regular.
  • A. can
  • B. need
  • C. may
  • D. must
5.We all know that knowledge comes from __________.
  • A. practice
  • B. confidence
  • C. mistakes
  • D. courage
6.The speed of the _____ train in China is over 350 kph.
  • A. slowest
  • B. slower
  • C. fastest
  • D. faster
7.—The 2022 Winter Olympic Games _______ in Beijing.
—Oh, I watched it. It was wonderful!
  • A. was held
  • B. held
  • C. is held
  • D. will be held
8.—What is your brother like?
—He is caring and he seems to ______ everyone.
  • A. know about
  • B. care about
  • C. think about
  • D. worry about
9.So far, many families _______their lost children back with the help of the Internet.
  • A. are getting
  • B. got
  • C. have got
  • D. will get
10.—I'm new here. Could you tell me ______?
—You should be kind to others.
  • A. how can I make friends with others
  • B. when can I go to the school library
  • C. when I can go to the school library
  • D. how I can make friends with others
11.阅读下面短文, 从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项.
  While living in China, I have learned new things about vegetables. Although many vegetables here are not new to me, the way they are (1)       is quite different.
  I had eaten eggplant (茄子) in Australia before, but as soon as I tried a Chinese-style eggplant dish, I (2)       like I was eating a new type of vegetable. In the West, eggplant is often grilled (烤) (3)       becomes soft. However, it doesn't taste like the Chinese dish. In China, people (4)      soy sauce, ginger (姜), garlic (蒜) and spring onions, which make it truly mouthwatering.
  Chinese people don't just love cooking delicious veggie (素食的) dishes. They also love (5)       vegetables. Chinese people have grown vegetables in their backyards for centuries. Now, they have also grown them in the Antarctic (南极), and (6)      in space! Here is why.
  Lots of land
  With so much (7)      , China's natural environment is good for growing vegetables. Many places have the light, soil and water that vegetables need.
  Long history
  Chinese people started to eat and plant vegetables quite(8)      . The Book of Songs(《诗经》), written 2, 500 years ago, mentions vegetables. Chinese people were also open to foreign vegetables. Potatoes, peppers and tomatoes were all from other places , but Chinese people planted them, making them common vegetables in China.
  A (An) (9)       job
  In ancient times, poet Tao Yuanming lived in the countryside and did farm work happily. This surely included planting vegetables. Now, Li Ziqi's videos of country life are popular. Planting vegetables is a good way to(10)       from the noisy city life.
Dear friends,
I used to think I was a good singer. But other people told me my singing was bad. Should I stop singing?
Dear John,
  That's so cool that you like to sing. I'm a musician, too. I play the drums and guitar. When I first started playing these instruments, I wasn't very good. One time, I even heard my own mother saying that I wasn't a good drummer. It broke my heart. But it also encouraged me to keep going. It's embarrassing to perform poorly. But it's also the best way to learn. Do you know any good singers? You can try singing with them some time. They can give you some advice. I hope you can sing on a stage n front of everyone some day!
Dear John,
  I love playing soccer, but I'm not good at it. I played so badly that my friends didn't want to pass the ball to me. I felt sad, too. However, I kept practicing every night. Soon, I made progress. I think you should never give up. Your singing skills won't improve unless you keep on singing Just enjoy yourself. The fun of singing is not about how well you sing, but how happy you are when you' re singing. Also, how about finding some friends who like singing? If you sing together, you will feel better.
13.  It was a cloudy afternoon. I was walking in the park near my neighborhood. The wind was blowing hard and I knew it was about to rain. Even so, I didn't want to go home. I had a terrible argument with my mom and ran out of the house just 10 minutes earlier.
  I sat down near a lake. There were many children playing with their parents nearby. I felt a little lonely.
  "Shall we play together?" A little girl came toward me with a ball in her hands. I agreed and she handed me the ball with a sweet smile.
  When it began to rain, all the children at the lakeside went home with their parents. "Where are your parents?" I asked the girl.
  "My mom is selling candied fruit (蜜饯) outside the park. She seldom takes care of me," the girl explained. "I usually play alone here. It's OK if you need to go home now. I am old enough to stay here and wait for my mom. "
  "But it's raining," I said. "You'd better not be here alone when it's dark."
  "It's no problem. Mom won't leave me alone. She is coming soon." the girl replied. "She is my mom, even if she seldom cares for her daughter."
  A 5 year-old girl taught me to love and believe in my mom. Should I listen to her and say sorry to my mom?In the end, I took the little girl to her mom's vending cart (售货摊 ) and then ran home quickly. Opening the door, my mom was close to tears, "Where have you been?I looked for you everywhere!See how wet your coat is!Don't come to my room even if you get a cold tonight!"
  But I knew she wasn't angry anymore. After taking a shower, I heard her shouting outside my room, "Dinner time!Come out if you feel like eating some fish balls."
14.  Inventions make our life better, smarter and a bit more fun. TIME magazine has picked the 100 best inventions of the year 2021. Here are four of them.
Purrble How do you calm down when you feel angry? Scientists say you can try to calm others. That's why Purrble was invented . This bearlike toy has nine sensors (感应器). It can respond to your touch. As you hold and pet it , its heartbeat slows. And it purrs (发出呼噜声) like a cat. It sounds like it really enjoys your touch! 
Honey without bees Now humans can make honey. A company in the US used technological methods to turn nectar into honey. This kind of honey tastes just like the real one. It' s healthy, too. Bees may need to find a new job soon. 
Paper Shoot It's a camera made mostly out of paper. It works just like any other camera. You can take it around easily because it is much lighter and smaller. It is about 1. 2 cm thick and 10 cm long. It can hold eight hundred pictures. But, be careful when you take photos on rainy days . Don't get it wet. 
Recycled Lego bricks I used to be a plastic bottle. Scientists find me in a trash can, They took me to a lab and turned me into a Lego brick. Lego uses 100, 000 tons of plastic every year. Making new plastic is quite wasteful. But now they can use me. It's better for our planets. Don't worry. I'm clean and safe. You may see me in your Lego sets soon. 
15.  What makes a hero? Most of us might not have the chance to fight bravely in a war, as we imagine many heroes do. However, facing the spread of the COVID-19, many Chinese have shown their love, courage, and dedication (奉献), just like heroes do.
  "A hero is someone who, in spite of weakness, doubt or not always knowing the answers, goes ahead and overcomes anyway." said a famous US actor.
  During the epidemic, everyone is afraid of the disease. But out of responsibility, compassion (同情) or just simply wanting to do their jobs well, some choose to hold their fear down, stand out and fight the virus. The medical workers take the risks of losing their lives to treat patients. Experts Zhong Nanshan and Li Lanjuan, for example, have worked day and night to develop rapid test kits and treat patients, Doctor Zhang Wenhong from Shanghai tries to educate the public about the virus in a humorous way.
  Besides these well-known names, many heroes remain unknown although they also take risks and play their own parts. Soldiers, policemen keep people safe, teachers give students online lessons during the outbreak, some musicians composed songs to give people encouragement of facing the problems. Many people volunteer in the community, construction workers race against time to build shelter hospitals, media workers are responsible for bringing inspiring stories. They are all heroes of our country. We should learn their kindness, courage, selflessness and dedication.
  The battle against an epidemic is hard, but as long as there are heroes and heroic deeds, victory will be guaranteed (保证).
16.  Forgot your password or your ID? Well, you'll never forget your face. Using your face as your ID is quick and convenient. You could take the subway or board a flight with just your face alone. This is how facial recognition( 人脸识别) works. It has also been used to catch criminals (罪犯).
  In China, facial recognition systems have been used in many areas. In Zhengzhou, people can now get on the subway by using facial recognition technology. They just need to link their online payment systems to the subway's smartphone app. Students at Peking University can pass through the school's gate by scanning their face.
  However, there are currently no laws to regulate (规范) the use and collection of facial information. Many citizens are concerned about the collection and use of his information by governments and companies. Why is it necessary to collect data (数据) about your face and what will the data be used for? These are some common questions regarding the facial recognition debate. Some people feel uncomfortable because they don't know how the company is using their facial details or whether they will be leaked (泄漏) . Leaks are a concern because there is a long history of companies failing to protect user data. When someone steals your personal information, you can change your bank card and password, but can you change your face when your facial information is stolen?
  As facial recognition is used more and more in our daily lives-from college campuses and subways to street corners and smartphones — We must ask ourselves whether or not this technology is worth the risk.
17.阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.
  Friends are (1)       important part of our lives. We spend time with them, have fun together, and share our opinions, feelings and even secrets. Life would be (2)      (bore) without friends. Friends influence who we are, help us learn, support us in good and bad times, and care for (3)      (we) even when we are not happy.
  Often, we have many happy moments (4)      our friends. We need someone to share things with to make them more enjoyable. (5)      (be) lonely for long periods of time is not a great feeling. That is why it is important to spend time (6)      (make) friends and nurturing (维持) a close group of friends.
  It is important to have a friend to talk to, whether it is about a sad or happy subject. In good times, it is (7)       (wonder) to be able to celebrate with someone. It is also important to have someone support you if you have just had an (8)       (pleasant) experience. Friends are important pillars (中心人物) of support.
  Friends teach us important lessons. No two (9)       (person) are the same. As time (10)       (go) by, we learn to respect one another 's differences. This acceptance of others' differences is important as we meet more and more people in our lives, such as new family members, neighbors and new friends.
18.went, Lily, friends, hiking, Sunday, with, her, last
19.the, spent, whole, they, morning, climbing, hill, a
20.are, hill, trees, there, lots of, the, on
21.danced, they, music, to, sang, and, there
22.how, they, happy, were
23.北京冬奥会的主题曲:我们一起向未来《Together for a shared future》 向世界人民表达了中国人民与世界人民携手共进, 共克时艰, 共创未来的决心.作为青少年的你们对自己的未来也许有不同的理想和抱负, 但有一点是相同的, 那就是成为更好的自己.以"How To Become A Better Me ?"为题, 用英语写一篇短文.
1. 短文应包括所给内容要点, 可适当发挥, 使文章连贯;
2. 短文中不得出现考生的真实姓名、校名等信息;
3. 词数80左右.(开头已给出, 不计入总词数).
How To Become A Better Me?
  Everyone wants to be better than before, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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