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1.Nancy, thanks for inviting ________ to dinner. I really enjoyed it.
  • A. me
  • B. you
  • C. her
  • D. him
2.Lily often helps her mum do some gardening ________ Sundays.
  • A. at
  • B. to
  • C. on
  • D. in
3.I missed the last bus, ________ I had to go home on foot.
  • A. or
  • B. because
  • C. but
  • D. so
4.—________ did you pay for the magic show?
— About ﹩10.
  • A. How many
  • B. How much
  • C. How often
  • D. How soon
5.—________ you work out the math problem by yourself?
—Of course, I can.
  • A. Can
  • B. Need
  • C. Must
  • D. Should
6.Danny is not here. He ________ the teacher in the lab now.
  • A. helps
  • B. helped
  • C. is helping
  • D. will help
7.Judy ________ her first prize in chess when she was only six.
  • A. is winning
  • B. won
  • C. has won
  • D. will win
8.After doing sports for months, Mike has become much ________ than before.
  • A. strong
  • B. stronger
  • C. strongest
  • D. the strongest
9.Tina__________a lot about Chinese culture since she came to China.
  • A. learns
  • B. learned
  • C. will learn
  • D. has learned
10.My little brother ________ a model plane when I came back from school.
  • A. makes
  • B. made
  • C. will make
  • D. was making
11.If I'm free tomorrow, I ________ you up at the train station.
  • A. pick
  • B. picked
  • C. will pick
  • D. have picked
12.I was making a poster. I didn't notice ________.
  • A. when the teacher came in
  • B. when did the teacher come in
  • C. when will the teacher come in
  • D. when the teacher will come in
13.  "Keep your eyes on your own paper" is one of the rules that Mrs. Archer has taught us. It's a (1)       rule, but it's not a rule everybody chooses to follow.
  This morning, I experienced one of the "rule breakers" during an English exam. I felt somebody was (2)       me a little too closely. I turned my head quickly and saw James, who sat right behind me. My eyes caught his and he whispered (低语), "I hope you studied for this test!"
  I gave him a smile and was not sure if he was joking or not. I (3)       to my test. This time I leaned (斜靠) a little more closely toward my paper. "I can't see!" James whispered.
  "What am I going to do?" I thought to myself. Cheating went against my beliefs. Besides, I'd studied hard for the test. (4)       James hadn't. I put my arms around my answers.
  "He's your friend, and what are friends for?" "You know it's wrong."
  I hoped for an easy way out of this matter. No easy answer (5)      . I just knew I had to do what I felt was right, even if it made James mad. So I guarded my paper so that he couldn't see my (6)      .
  When the exam ended, I felt it necessary to let James know that cheating was wrong. And I didn't want to destroy the friendship. I stood by the door in silence, waiting for him. When he passed by, my mind was still (7)       for the right words.
  "Sorry, James, but you know me well enough to know how I feel about cheating," I said slowly and gently. "But maybe I could help you study before the next test. " "OK, Brian, " he smiled, "it might not be (8)      , but I'll give it a try."
  I stood there for a moment and was finally able to breathe again. I felt relieved (宽慰的) that my friendship with James hadn't been destroyed.
14.Memory Corner
  Four students have written these tips for the school newspaper about memory improving.
A great way to help you remember something is to imagine a picture of it in your mind. For example, to remember the word "smiles", we can imagine there is a "mile" between the first letter and the last letter. This makes it the longest word in the world. 
A good method for remembering the spelling of a word is to make a short sentence with each letter of the word. For example, if you want to remember how to spell the word "because", you can use the sentence "Big elephants can always understand small elephants." 
You will forget something very quickly unless you understand it well. For example, you may have trouble remembering the list of steps in the water cycle. However, it is easier to remember these steps if you understand how the water cycle works. 
It is important to exercise your brain. For example, you can do new things and change your daily habits. If you walk a different way to school or take a different bus, you will keep your brain active. You can also try a word puzzle (字谜) or learn new skills. 
15.Swimming for clean water
  Martin Strel knows one thing or two about rivers. The 62-year-old swimmer has been swimming in them since he was a young boy. Although he holds five world records in marathon swimming, he is best known for using his sport to warn people of water pollution. After years of swimming in dirty water, he decided he had to do something. Strel says he began to swim to develop peace, friendship and clean water. He hopes to see environmental laws strengthened and put into practice.
  To achieve his goals, he has swum in many of the world's most famous rivers. In 2000, he swam in Europe's second longest river, the Danube. He swam 1, 866 miles in 58 days and set a world record for long distance swimming. The Danube is heavily polluted by industrial waste.
  In 2002, Strel swam in the Mississippi River and covered a distance of 2, 360 miles in 68 days. The Mississippi is one of the most polluted rivers in the United States. Its mouth leads into the Gulf of Mexico and is so polluted that it is called the dead zone (地带). Strel became so sick by the end of his Mississippi swim that he had to stay in hospital for three days.
  In 2007, he swam 3, 274 miles of the Amazon River in 66 days. Most of the pollution in the Amazon comes from poisonous (有毒的) materials. He lost 42 pounds and was so weak that he couldn't feed himself.
  Strel plans to keep on swimming for peace, friendship and clean water, but he would prefer to do it in the ocean. Sadly, the world's rivers are simply too dirty. "Everyone would like to go swimming in clean water," says Strel. He dreams of a day when that will be possible for people around the world.
  What do you see when you look in the mirror?Do you often see at least one part of your body image that you don't like?Do you always feel unsatisfied with your body shape and take some steps to change it?If so, you may have body image issues (形体问题).
  Teen body image issues can result from different factors. The perfect body types are always in movies, magazines and on social media (媒体). The media uses some ways to change the appearance of models and actors so that they look perfect. As teenagers see these images, they may begin to feel as if any other body type is not good enough. Another reason for a teenager's body image issue is that they are often laughed at by people around. They may say unkind words about a teenager's shape or weight. This may lead to an overcare about their body imperfection. Home environment may also play a role in teen's body image issues. Teens with a home environment that is less positive (积极的) may be more likely to develop issues with body image.
  So is there anything to do if you are troubled by image issues? First, try to become a clever viewer of the media. Just let those messages that make you feel bad about yourself go. Simply don't follow the reports that may lead to body image issues. Then, focus on self-care. Try to join a summer book club or check out a local field trip that explores the great outdoors. Whether you are interested in reading, or are preparing for an outdoor activity ahead — the more time that is made to care for your own body, the better. Expressing thanks to your body can be also helpful. Whenever you feel negative about your body, it's a good idea to focus on all that your body can do. Take time to say thanks to your body for everything it can successfully do each day, instead of how it looks. It's much easier to help you view the body in a positive way. And it's also a simple and quick way to enjoy all the good things in life.

17.  Forest bathing began in Japan in the 1980s. It is a practice called shinrin-yoku, which can be translated as "taking in the medicine or air of the forest". It has recently grown more popular worldwide. When people take time in the natural green world to "be" in a fully present way, research shows many mind-body benefits.
  One of the benefits of taking a walk in nature is getting away from screens. When we enjoy nature, we keep ourselves away from computers or mobile phones. We take a break and allow ourselves time to get strength and energy back. During forest bathing, we are heightening (增强) our senses, stopping making quick judgment, and focusing on the "now. "
  In fact, forest bathing is also becoming an increasingly popular method of dealing with stress. Forest bathing has been proven to help those experiencing stressful situations. In one recent study, people who formed the habits of walking through forests had lowered blood pressure (血压) and got out of worries.
  Meanwhile breathing in forest air increases the level of natural killer (NK) cells (细胞) in our blood. Our body uses these NK cells to fight illness. One Japanese study showed a rise in the number and activity of these NK cells by people who forest bathe. Plants and trees in forests can also send out something called phytoncides. This tree oil can not only protects plants and trees themselves, but also help people sleep well, lift mood and attention, and boost creativity.
  Forest bathing requires a promise to a repeated practice;it's not a one-and-done quick fix. Research in England on green spaces showed spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is connected with good health and well﹣being. It doesn't matter whether you break up the two hours into shorter walks in a local park filled with lots of trees or an afternoon in a forest.
  Taking a speedy walk through nature and rushing through the activity to get back to work, let's say, may not be as effective. Nor is it advised to play loud music as you walk.
  Forest bathing shows a different way of life. You are walking through nature in a forest and taking your time. You are noticing your feelings and starting more of a relaxing and meaningful life.

18.Britain's youngest app developer
  A 13-year-old boy, Aaron Bond, designed a website and released (发布) three successful smartphone apps (应用软件). This made him Britain's youngest app developer in 2011.
  "I have been interested in computers since I was young", says Aaron, as he explains how his childhood interest in web design has turned into a business work.
  The idea of inventing an app came from his friend Sebastian, aged 16, when the two teenagers were travelling to school one day by bus. Sebastian gave Aaron a challenge. "Do you think you can make a smartphone app?" he asked. Aaron said that he thought he could, but that he would need a new computer and some instructional materials.
  So Sebastian lent him a computer and Aaron taught himself how to design an app using books and videos. "It took me seven months to learn how to do it", says Aaron. While he used his computer skills to build the app, Sebastian worked on developing the characters and improving the design for their game Spud Run. The boys set up a company and in May 2011, Aaron and Sebastian produced the game.
  The friends have now produced another app, lice SOS:this time designed to help in an emergency (突发事件). Once again, the idea came while the boys were travelling on the bus when a passenger suddenly fell down. "Nobody knew the man but we realized that if we got into his phone, we would find useful contact numbers," says Aaron. Unluckily, the phone was locked. The new app stores phone numbers of close family or friends along with important medical details. The app can be seen on the home screen and will work even if the phone is locked. "If the emergency services have to contact relatives in an emergency, this will save them a lot of time and could save lives", says Aaron.
  When asked about his plans for the future, Aaron replies: "At the moment we are improving the design of our apps and we are going to develop new characters and levels for Spud Run." He might go to university to study computer programming in the future.
19.假如你是李华, 你所在的国际学校的校园论坛就"After-School Activities (课外活动)"的话题在校内征集大家的建议, 请你用英语给论坛留言, 谈谈你建议什么样的课外活动, 以及这样建议的理由.
提示词语:relax, keep healthy, improve, knowledge
● What after-school activities would you like to suggest?
● Why do you suggest so?
  I'm Li Hua, from Class 1, Grade 9. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  I hope my suggestion can be considered. Thanks!
20.不学礼, 无以立.仪容仪表有礼仪、行为举止有礼仪、人际交往有礼仪.礼, 乃中华民族之传统, 亦是做人之根本.
某英文网站正在开展以"Manners in Lives(生活中的礼仪)"为主题的征文活动.假如你是李华, 请用英语写一篇短文投稿, 谈谈你为什么认为良好的礼仪很重要, 以及你在生活中是如何践行的.
提示词语:social development, respect, friendly, public
● Why do you think good manners are important?
●What do you do in your lives?
  Good manners are important in our lives. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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