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1.Tom likes watching English films. ____ thinks it's helpful to learn English.
  • A. She
  • B. He
  • C. They
  • D. We
2.Tree Planting Day is ____ March 12th every year.
  • A. at
  • B. in
  • C. on
  • D. for
3.—Tina, ____ do you like reading so much?
—Because it helps me learn about different things.
  • A. when
  • B. why
  • C. where
  • D. who
4.—Mr. Smith, ______ I finish the task by myself?
—No, you needn't.
  • A. must
  • B. should
  • C. can
  • D. would
5.—Linda, would you like to see a film with me this Sunday?
—I'd love to, ______ I have to look after my little brother at home.
  • A. so
  • B. for
  • C. but
  • D. or
6.Shanghai is city in China.
  • A. big
  • B. bigger
  • C. biggest
  • D. the biggest
7.Don't make any noise. Grandma ____.
  • A. sleeps
  • B. slept
  • C. is sleeping
  • D. has slept
8.Gu Ailing _____ three medals at the Beijing Winter Olympics.
  • A. win
  • B. won
  • C. is winning
  • D. has won
9.My brother ____ table tennis every Saturday.
  • A. plays
  • B. is playing
  • C. played
  • D. was playing
10.Lucy _____ the Great Wall many times since she came to Beijing.
  • A. visits
  • B. visited
  • C. is visiting
  • D. has visited
11.Chinese _____ by more and more people around the world today.
  • A. learns
  • B. learned
  • C. was learned
  • D. is learned
12.—Jane, could you please tell us ______?
—I take exercise at least an hour every day.
  • A. how you keep healthy and strong
  • B. how you kept healthy and strong
  • C. how do you keep healthy and strong
  • D. how did you keep healthy and strong
13.  We were standing at the top of a high tower. My father had brought me to this tower in a small town not far from our home in Rome. I wondered why.
  "Look down, Elsa," father said. I called up all my (1)       and looked down. I saw the square in the center of the village. And I saw many twisting (曲折的) and turning streets leading to the square. "See, my dear," father said softly. "There is more than one way to the square. Life is like that. If you can't get to the place where you want to go by one road, (2)      another."
  Now I understood why I was there. Earlier that day I had asked my mother to do something about the terrible lunches that were (3)      at school. But she refused because she could not believe the lunches were as bad as I said.
  When I (4)       to father for help, he didn't say anything. Instead, he brought me to this high tower to give me a lesson. By the time we reached home, I had a plan.
  At school the next day, I secretly poured (倒出) my lunch soup into a bottle and brought it home. Then I asked our family cook to serve it to mother at dinner. The plan worked (5)       She swallowed (咽下) one spoonful and said angrily, "The cook must have gone mad!" Quickly I told her what I had done, and mother stated that she would take up the (6)       of lunches at school the next day!
  In the years that followed I often remembered the lesson father taught me. I began to work as a fashion (时装) designer two years ago. I wouldn't stop working until I tried every (7)       means to my goal. Father's wise (8)       always remind me that there is more than one way to the square.
Hey everyone! Let's talk about the best ways to celebrate birthday today. 

On your birthday you should send your parents flowers and a card, letting them know how much you love them. You are actually the biggest achievement in their life, so this small action every year will give them happiness and make them proud of you. 

Spend your birthday with the homeless, and give them a meal in a restaurant. This action is really touching, so if you are going to celebrate your birthday alone, you should try sharing your wealth and happiness with other people. 

Spending time learning new things on your birthday is a great thing. It could be something as cool as learning to make fruit ice﹣cream. Every birthday, you should try something new. It would be never too late for you tolearn new things. 

You can do anything that can make you happy. Wear a funny cap, buy yourself balloons, or eat out at your favorite restaurant if these are the things you want to do. More important, you should come to people who can make you feel happy to spend time with. 
15.  Teacher Helped Her Student Study as He Fought with Cancer (癌症)
  Barb Heim is in her 35th year teaching first grade at Conneaut Valley Elementary School in Pennsylvania. It was near the end of 2019 when Heim noticed there was something wrong with one of her students. Instead of being active as usual at break time, Harrison Conner would turn pale and have to sit down while the other kids were playing.
  Heim and the school nurse told Harrison's mother about it before the Christmas break. During the holiday break, Harrison was rushed to a Pittsburgh hospital. They told him he had cancer of the blood.
  During his cancer treatment, Heim volunteered to drive out to his home after school to make sure he wouldn't fall behind. Every day she brought lessons, fruit and hope.
  "It goes far beyond her just coming here for school," said Harrison's mother. "Ever since the minute he left school... She has been completely amazing. She has kept Harrison a part of the kids' lives in school, making sure that he feels remembered."
  "She's not like a teacher who is coming from school to teach, but like an aunt who is coming over to hang out, bringing goodies (好吃好玩的), and always wearing a smile. My kids will meet her at the front door with all the latest news and it's really special."
  "Harrison is getting better now, but he has another year of treatment at home. Thanks to Mrs. Heim, he's now excellent in second grade."
  "It was a joy, because I knew he wanted to learn," Heim said, "He couldn't wait. He was so excited. And he'd have his off days if medicine was causing him to not feel up to it. But even if it wasn't the best day for him, we made it through and he always did his best."
16.  Although you can make choices and plans for life, no one can ever be prepared for the unexpected. When these unexpected situations add up, it's easy to become overly worried and feel as if your life is out of control. This is why we often try to find control whenever we can.
  Feeling as if your life is out of control comes from the anxiety (焦虑) that you don't know what you really want and what will happen to you. People have no idea when bad luck may visit and for how long, so it produces the feelings like sadness, disappointment, and anger. Some of the below steps may be useful when life starts to feel out of control.
  Pause (暂停) and Take a Break
  It is important to take a break every now and then. It is perfectly OK to take some time to yourself;think over, relax, and practice self-care.
  Take Control of Things You Can Change
  Even though people may not have control of everything in their lives, they do still have control of some things. Work on changing the things in life that you do have control over, like going to the gym a bit more, eating fewer sweets, or staying away from a bad person. Even if it is the littlest of things, it can help in establishing a sense of control and optimism (乐观主义) in your life.
  Be Confident in Your Life Decisions
  Sometimes life can feel out of control when you keep worrying and wondering if you are making the right choices in life. With the things you do have control over, perhaps you want to make sure you get it just right, almost perfect — but nothing will ever be perfect. Take pride in what you created for your life and, if you made a few bad decisions, learn from them and move forward. These mistakes may have helped develop personal growth and wisdom.
  Pick Up a Hobby
  Hobbies are a great way to take your mind off of things you can't change. Whether it be going for a daily walk, or writing down a few sentences in your diary, hobbies may help you to feel a bit of an escape (逃离) from life's challenges.
17.  We often confuse happiness with getting what we want, realizing our dreams and reaching our goals. We think we will be very happy the day we have this or that because it is what we long for with all our strength.
  For those of you who think you'll be happy in the future, I'd like to ask, what about the present?That is, you're not living tomorrow because that will be coming in 24 hours. You are not breathing in the past because it happened yesterday or even before that. However, if you live in the present, enjoying the little you have, you will feel your life is much fuller and happier.
  In modern society the idea of happiness is deeply related to what you own. We believe that having things will make us happier. The more money, or goods, or children, or more space at home you own, however, does not make us happy.
  In fact, happiness is related to being, not having. The more you get from life, the happier and the better you can be as a person. It is something that does not come from money, but from love and understanding.
  You are not happier by getting more, but by being the best you can be. That is, if you focus (聚焦) everything you do in life on being the person you want to be, by bringing out the best in yourself and behaving as your heart tells you, you will find your path in life to be much brighter and happier.
  There is a famous saying that goes "the person who has more is not the happiest, but is the one who needs the least." If your life is focused on getting wealth and becoming more powerful every day, right now I can make sure that you will never find happiness. The more you get, the more you want. You are never really satisfied with what you have.
  Love is a great contribution to happiness. Have you noticed that when you're in love it seems like you're unable to touch the ground?You feel that everything is possible, you don't need anything, and that everything is beautiful, nice and wonderful.
  Are you willing to find happiness?Well, stop searching for money, and begin with the people who are next to you and love you. Just by being yourself and enjoying the process you will achieve what you long for.
18.  A retired postman from Turkey and a beautiful white swan have been always together for nearly forty years, and the story of their friendship has warmed the hearts of millions.
  In 1984 Recep Mirzan was in a car with a group of friends, when he saw a swan that appeared to have a broken wing in an empty field.
  Mirzan quickly realized that leaving the bird there was the same as signing its death sentence, as meat-eating animals would have most likely eaten it, so he stopped the car and took the bird with him. He kept it in the car until evening, when he took it home and started nursing it back to health.
  "Since I love animals, I said to myself that I should take her home instead of leaving her as dinner to foxes," Mirzan said, "We got used to each other. We never separated."
  Even after the swan's broken wing healed (痊愈), it didn't try to fly away. Instead, it acted as a friend to the other animals on Recep's farm, and decided to stick around. Recep named her Garip and now she has been with him ever since.
  "She comes when I call. Since 1984, she has never left me, not even during the river floods, "the retired postman said. "She used to be stronger, but she has grown old now. If she dies, I will make her a nice grave (墓穴) here, but I hope we live more together."
  During the day, she is busy following her human friend around, either during his daily chores, or on his evening walks.
  After his wife died a few years ago, Recep Mirzan started spending more time with his animals, and since he has no human children, he regards Garip as his child.

19.不论是大事件还是小场合, 每个需要帮助的地方都能看到志愿者服务的身影. 他们用一颗颗爱心, 温暖和帮助着他人, 进行着爱的传递, 同时也收获着成长.
某英文网站正在开展以"我的志愿服务经历(My Volunteering Experience)"为主题的征文活动. 假如你是李华, 请用英语写一篇短文投稿, 谈谈你最难忘的一次志愿服务经历, 你做了哪些工作, 以及有什么收获.
提示词语:help, tired, happy, benefit, grow up
提示问题:●What is your most unforgettable volunteering experience?
●What did you do?
●What have you learned from the experience?
  I have done a lot of volunteer work. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
20.2022年北京冬奥会、冬残奥会的主题口号是:一起向未来(Together for a Shared Future).
假如你是李华, 你校英语社团公众号正在做"一起向未来"系列推送, 如:一起努力学习、一起锻炼身体、一起保护环境、一起了解传统文化、一起参加志愿服务、一起研究科技小发明. . . . . . 请你用英语给社团公众号投稿, 介绍一件你最想和同学或朋友一起做的事情, 说明选择它的原因, 谈谈你们打算如何做.
提示词语: together, important, benefit, helpful, continue
● What do you want to do with your classmates or friends?
●Why do you want to do it?
 ●How are you going to do it?
  I'm Li Hua from Class 1, Grade 9._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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