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1.Delivery hero
  Chinese delivery driver, Gao Zhixiao, was featured on the cover of Time magazine in March because of his remarkable sense of responsibility. Alongside five others, he was picked by the magazine as one of the heroes when the novel coronavirus (1)      .
  Ever since the outbreak of COVID-19, many (2)       shut down or switched to take-out-only services. Millions of people stayed home to (3)       getting infected. "People choose to order food online (4)       buy fruit and vegetables to cook at home," Gao told Time. As a result, delivery orders (5)       , placing a huge burden (负担) on delivery couriers (快递员).
  Born into a (6)       family in the Ningxia Autonomous Region (自治区), Gao started to make a living in Beijing at age 16. After the novel coronavirus broke out, Gao thought about stopping working, but then picked up orders because he thought customers might be (7)      .
  Due to the danger of person-to-person transmission (传染), Gao must take a regular health test and (8)       20 minutes disinfecting(消毒) his motorcycle and clothes each morning to prevent viruses from spreading during his route around Beijing. (9)       delivering goods, Gao once warm-heartedly cooked for an elderly customer who was living alone at her home.
  Ordinary people like Gao who have (10)       the biggest contributions in the fight against COVID-19 deserve the praise.
2.  Being a teenager can be challenging, but it can also be exciting. You're becoming more independent and making decisions for yourself. You are also learning to take risks and solve problems better. And changes are happening throughout your body, even in your brain.
  The changes in your brain are influencing how you develop into an adult. Imagine the structure (结构) of your brain is like a big road map. Lots of roads lead to different destinations (目的地). When you were a child, as you learnt new things, your brain created more and more roads to different destinations. By the time you become a teenager, many different roads lead to the most important places on the map. Now your brain's job is to make that map more efficient.
  As a result, your experiences as a teenager actually influence the way that your brain develops. If you spend hours playing video games, what skills do you use?You learn to see something with your eyes and respond to it with your hands. As you develop those skills, your brain is making sure that the roads leading to them are especially fast and efficient. So, your video﹣game playing could be preparing you for a career such as a pilot.
  This is a great time for you to practice new skills and discover what you're good at and try what you love doing. Go out and try different activities and stick to them if you think they're useful. Remember that with everything you do, you're shaping your brain for the future.
3.  "Can I have a glass of hot water?" This is a very common question in a restaurant. For many Chinese people, nothing is more common than drinking hot water every day. However, the simple habit is like a mystery to people from other countries.
  For many Westerners, the idea of drinking hot water is very strange. However, most Chinese people think the Americans' habit of drinking ice water is also strange and even unhealthy. Some old people take a tea kettle(茶壶) when they travel. Chinese doctors are encouraging more people to take on the habit of drinking hot water, especially for women.
  But in Western countries, drinking hot water isn't common. Westerners often have drinks with ice, not just on hot days but almost every day.
  There is a story online about a British man, who has been in Beijing for over five years. He visited a local cafe when going back to England. He asked for a glass of hot water in a British accent. But this request surprised the waitress, "To... to... to drink?" she doubted. Finally, the man received the hot water but felt cold stares from every corner of the cafe.
  Westerners wonder why Chinese people drink hot water as Chinese are wondering why Westerners drink cold water. This cultural difference is not a simple problem, but related to history, culture and science.
  As a matter of fact, many teenagers now depend on bottled water for daily drinking. With the younger generation growing up, will drinking hot water become a less popular life habit?Who knows?
4.  Teachers are often considered to be engineers of the human soul. They are expected to spread knowledge, ideas and truth. There's one person in China who is called the "teacher of teachers". He is Tao Xingzhi, a Chinese educator.
  Born in Anhui province, China, in 1891, Tao studied abroad for educational philosophy. When Tao returned to China in 1917 and began his own career as an educator, he did not blindly follow western education methods or theories. In fact, he changed the saying of "Education is life itself" to "Life is education". Similarly, instead of "school as society (社会)", he saw it as "society as school".
  For Tao, education is an active experience in real﹣life instead of telling and being told. He supported "unity of teaching, learning, and reflective (反思的) acting".
  Besides developing education methods, Tao also tried his best to improve mass education. After doing surveys in Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai in 1921, Tao was surprised to learn that in China more than 70% of the people in the city didn't know how to read or write.
  To solve the problem, Tao organized young workers and farmers to study while working. To deal with the shortage of teachers and money, in 1927, Tao set up Xiaozhuang Normal College in Nanjing to train teachers and educators, most of whom became teachers at schools in the countryside.
  In January 1934, he started the "Little Teacher" movement in which young students were encouraged to serve as teachers to others, even to those older than themselves. Under Tao's guidance, over 18,000 "little teachers" were invited in Shanghai within 10 months. It later included 28 provinces and cities as a key nationwide education movement. Even in the fight against the Japanese army, Tao never forgot his dream. He founded a middle school in Chongqing and offered free education to poor children.
  Maybe Tao's motto is the best explanation for his life. "Giving a whole heart, yet taking nothing in return, not even a leaf of grass."
5.以下是一篇短文, 请阅读全文, 从下列的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中, 使原文的意思完整、连贯.并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑.
  Many of us don't spend a lot of time improving our writing skills. This can be a problem when we hand in our articles. Good writing skills will help us improve our grades and benefit us later in life. (1)      
  Make good word choices.
  When we're not sure which word is the right one for a sentence, look it up in a dictionary. Many of us choose words in a hurry and don't take the time to decide if they're proper. (2)      
  Check facts.
  If we want people to believe what we write, we must make sure our facts are true. We should use dependable facts.
  A common problem is that we don't like to rewrite. In fact, rewriting is the best way to find out and correct some mistakes, like grammar and spelling mistakes. (3)      , though it takes more time and more work.
  Read aloud.
  Sometimes it's easier to find problems with spelling, word usage, and grammar when we read aloud.
  Reading aloud helps us not only find out our problems but also develop our writing.
  Such a list includes:Is there a proper title?Have we explained every point?Are all the parts of the article included?This can help us to make sure that we have covered everything. So preparing a list is necessary for writing a good article.
  (5)       But with a few simple steps, we can improve our writing skills and learn how to write better articles.

A. Prepare a list.
B. Make a plan.
C. Rewriting makes our writing better
D. It is not easy to become a better writer.
E. The following tips can be helpful.
F. Good word choices are necessary for good writing.
6.下面的材料A~F分别介绍了六个经营不同物品的商店.请根据Eric, Sam, Rebecca, Sarah, Benny各自父亲的特点, 推荐最适合他们购买父亲节礼物的商店.
A. Shop now at one of the largest suppliers of chess sets, pieces, boards and other supplies. We offer the best prices in town!
B. A tie can say a lot about the person who wears it. High quality silk ties for men are on sale in our store. You can always find one here to match your suit.
C. A smart watch helps you stay connected at all times with smart notifications for texts, calls, reminders, and alarms. Explore the latest technologies in our store!
D. Suffering from eye fatigue? Get the perfect eye massager (按摩仪) for your tired eyes! You can choose from different types of products to find the perfect one!
E. Looking for tools for Chinese painting? Check out the Four Treasures:brush, paper, ink, and ink stone here! We have everything for both beginners and professionals!
F. Sunglasses make you look cool. Get a pair which suits your need and personality in our store. From classic style to modern ones, you will never be left out of fashion.
7.  It is said that the literary (文学的) (1)       (art) of ancient China were inspired either by tea (2)       by wine.
  According to Lu Yu's Tea Classics, tea-drinking in China can be traced (追溯) back to the Zhou Dynasty: tea (3)       (discover) by Shennong and became popular as a drink in the State of Lu because of Zhou Gong.
  Tea-drinking in China has a history of four thousand years. As the legend (传说) has it, Shennong tasted hundreds of wild plants to see (4)       were poisonous (有毒的) so as to prevent people from (5)       (eat) the poisonous plants. It is said that he was poisoned seventy-two times in one day (6)       was saved by eating some leaves of (7)       evergreen plant with white flowers. Later, people called the leaves that saved his life "cha".
  In modern times, people still keep tea﹣drinking as one of their daily activities. According to the study, tea can also have effects (8)       some modern illnesses. To those who have to work with computers for a long time, drinking tea can help them to build up a wall against the computer radiation (辐射). To those who may have too much fat, drinking tea can help them to recreate a new balance in their bodies.
  And to those (9)       (age) people, drinking tea is also a good way (10)       (keep) a calm mood for a longer life.
8.中国航天日(Space Day of China), 为纪念中国航天事业取得的成就、向宇航员致敬, 学校英语社团组织大家用英文写信给他们, 请根据以下提示, 完成书信.90词左右, 开头和结尾已经给出, 不计入总词数.
1. 为他们对太空事业做出的贡献感到骄傲;
2. 询问太空站(space station)上生活和工作的情况(至少两点);
3. 对天宫课堂(Tiangong Class)非常期待, 希望学习到更多的航天知识;
4. 表达关心, 祝愿他们顺利返航(return to Earth)、安全着陆(land v. ).
Dear astronauts,
  I am writing to you with great excitement. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Yours faithfully,
Li Hua
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