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1.  With the flame gradually extinguished (熄灭), the closing ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Winter Games neared its end. Ma Yifei, a 16-year-old visually impaired (视力受损的) girl, gave the violin (1)       of the Beijing 2022 theme song, Snowflake. She said it was her best present for Paralympians (残奥运动员) across the globe.
  When playing the piece, Ma (2)       athletes (运动员) with disabilities who had worked so hard to achieve their goals in the Games. "I felt very (3)      . I'm also a person with disabilities and want to do (4)       for them with my music, " she said. Four days before the closing ceremony, Ma (5)       a call and knew that she would be performing in Beijing. While she only had a few days to practice, behind her performance was a girl's pursuit (追求) of her dreams for long.
  Ma is a student who lost her eyesight at the age of two (6)       illness. She became interested in music when she was young. She started to learn to play the piano at five and violin at nine, (7)       the "colorful" music through sound, temperature, atmosphere and emotion.
  Learning the violin was harder for the visually impaired girl. She needed to feel the teacher's hands, arms and back to learn the (8)      , and listen to the strings over and over again to feel the muscles herself. "She could not see the keys and always played the wrong notes. It took a few thousand times for her to play a piece (9)      ," said Ha Chunyan, Ma's mother.
  Despite the financial burden (负担) on the family, her mother feels that it is all (10)       it for the sake of her daughter's dream.
2.  A dozen Chinese dishes have become popular during the Beijing 2022 Olympics, after athletes shared them on TikTok and in media interviews. Let's take a look at some of them.
  ■Red bean bun (红豆包)
  Snowboarder Jenise Spiteri, the only athlete standing for Malta, is a big fan of Chinese food. "One morning I was too nervous to eat any food. So I put some red bean buns in my backpack. I didn't realize that I still had one in my pocket when I did the run, so I was like 'Oh, okay!Now I can finally eat'," she recalled.
  ■Kung Pao Chicken (宫保鸡丁)
  American snowboarder Tessa Maud has become popular in China for sharing Chinese food from the Olympic village on TikTok. Beijing 2022 proved to be a totally new and enjoyable experience for Maud. What to eat was a daily hard choice for her because everything was so good.
  ■Chinese dumplings
  American athlete Julia Marino, who won a silver medal in women's snowboard slopestyle at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, told NBC News that her favorite food in the Winter Olympics village was dumplings.
"I've probably had like 200 dumplings since I've been here," said Marino.
  ■Spicy hotchpotch(麻辣烫)
  Jutta Leerdam, a 23-year-old speed skating athlete from the Netherlands, posted her favorite spicy hotchpotch on social media. "This is the famous Chinese snack spicy hotchpotch, which is healthier than burgers and fries," said Leerdam.
  The Games provided global athletes with 678 dishes from all over China, allowing them to fully experience the Chinese food.
3.  Stephen Hawking once said that to limit (限制) ourselves to earthly matters would limit the human spirit.
  We as a species have followed this line of thinking. We've achieved great things, including the Moon landing and the Voyager 1 space probe (探测器) launch fifty-three years ago. The Voyager 1 has left our solar system (太阳系), making it the farthest-traveling spacecraft made by mankind.
  The year 2019 was a big year for space exploration. NASA's TESS satellite is searching for worlds beyond our solar system. Scientists successfully took a picture of a black hole for the first time.
  However, although we have got lots of success, we're still playing catch-up to the universe's 13. 8 billion years of evolution (演化). And with every step forward, we find more mysteries.
  One such mystery was the Oumuamua comet (彗星) in 2017. Unlike other comets, Oumuamua had no tail. It left our solar system quickly. Was Oumuamua just a space rock?Or could it have been an alien probe?We don't know.
  Another mystery we have yet to solve has to do with dark matter (暗物质) or dark energy. What are they?We know that they make up over 95 percent of our universe. But we still don't know how to touch them.
  Right now, the farthest distance we can see with our space telescopes is 32 billion light years. That's a great distance, but still very small compared to the size of our universe. How much of the universe have we really discovered? What lies beyond 32 billion light years away?
  There are still many unanswered questions. But as technology improves, our next discovery might totally change our understanding of our universe.
4.  During the two sessions (两会), people around the world talk about China. Have you ever wondered what topics Generation Z (people born 1995 — 2009)are most interested in?In March 2022, China Daily did a survey on topics of the two sessions to see what interests Generation Zers most. Let's take a look.
  Among all topics, "mental health" got the most votes (投票). "Spreading traditional culture" (83%) followed closely. The top choice is not unexpected. Reports on mental health problems of teenagers have increased in recent years. The rate of depression (抑郁) among them was nearly 25%. The attention they give to mental health shows that they care for their own well-being. When they don't feel well, they dare to speak out and ask for help.
  Although Generation Zers are young, they understand the power of traditional culture. They believe that China is deeply rooted in traditional culture and would like to spread it to the world. Zhao Yan, a junior 2 student from Liaoning Riwan Middle School, said, "My school set up many clubs to help students understand the importance of traditional culture. I join a paper-cutting workshop and a hanfu club. I have learned a lot. I made a tiger-shaped paper-cutting. It has not only helped me practise my handwork skills but also let me know the beauty of art. It's our duty to pass this great art to future generations."
  Instead of only focusing on themselves, Generation Zers also set their eyes on social problems. Kevin Xu, a 16-year-old boy from Shenzhen, told the reporter. "I care about the prevention and control measures (防治措施) of COVID-19. I'm now studying in the UK. In February, the UK government ended quarantine (隔离) rules. It means that COVID-19 patients can go out. This would never happen in China! I think China's "dynamic zero-case" policy (动态清零政策)sounds more responsible. A country should protect its people in a pandemic."
  People seem to know little about Generation Zers. Thanks to this survey, we are able to take a closer look at "what Generation Zers care about" and paint a picture of what they are like.
5.请阅读下面的短文, 并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中, 使原文的意思完整、连贯.
A. Wang was not supportive of this arrangement.
B. According to the guideline, students should acquire basic working and living skills through labor education.
C. However, parents now help students at home and cleaners also help them at school.
D. Some education researchers shared their opinions on labor classes.
E. It will also open weaving, paper folding and woodworking classes.
F. Students planted the vegetables, flowers and fruits on the farm. 

  Shenzhen has started a project that requires primary and secondary schools to get up at least one labor class per week.
  A national guideline about labor education came out in 2020. (1)      
  Nanhai Primary School in Nanshan District said it will improve its students' labor abilities according to the project and include labor education in daily learning. (2)      "We will organize many labor competitions since children love competing," said Gao Peng, a teacher from Nanhai Primary School.
  Liwan Primary School in Nanshan District has a rooftop farm on the seventh floor of one of its buildings. (3)       The school said it will involve (纳入) families and communities in labor education.
  Wang Lin, a parent, said that students used to clean their classrooms in the past. (4)       He thought that children will know nothing about life and only know learning. As a result, he wanted schools to allow students to take part in physical work either at school or at home.
  (5)       Zhang Lihong was one of them. She observed that labor classes cannot be replaced with simple handicraft or technical classes. To fully achieve labor education goals, Zhang believed that schools should design the class into a long-term project and set up different activities. Zhang also said that labor education plays a role in students' development.
学校京剧社要编排一台戏曲晚会, 下方信息中, 左侧是五位同学扮演角色的性格特点, 右栏A﹣F是六种京剧不同颜色脸谱代表的性格.请为左栏中的每个同学选择恰当的脸谱颜色.
(1)      Li Ming will act as a person who loves fighting. He is very stubborn (固执的) and gets angry easily.
(2)      Zhang Peng's character will never betray his leader. He will be well﹣known for his loyalty (忠诚).
(3)      Cheng Lin will be the one who is dishonest and bad in the show.
(4)      Xiao Fei is going to appear as the man with a strong will. He won't be afraid of difficulties and will try to solve all the problems wisely.
(5)      Zheng Qiang will act as an official who is fearless and fair. The character will fight for what is just and will always try to find out the truth. 
A. Red is generally used to show that a role is honest and loyal. At first, the red was just to show the color people's skin. Later, many roles use red to show loyalty.
B. The role with the white face commonly seen on the stage is bad in human nature and such a person is usually dishonest.
C. The black face often shows a person is rude and brave. Besides, it also means a fair and selfless character.
D. Blue is a common facial make-up in Beijing Opera. The person who wears a blue facial mask shows that he or she has a strong personality (性格) and they are very smart and brave.
E. Purple often stands for justice (正义). In opera, if a person wears a purple mask, he is just and kind. Their personality is between what red and black stand for.
F. Green in facial make-ups stands for a person who doesn't want to change his or her mind. This kind of people are easily controlled by anger. 
7.阅读下面短文, 在空格处填入一个适当的单词或使用括号中词语的正确形式.
  A site of an animal rock painting has been discovered at Helan Mountain in Shizuishan City, Northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, according to the local (1)      (culture) relics department (文物部门).
  According to an investigation (调查), the rock paintings, carved (雕刻) on (2)       surface of taupesandstone, can be divided into 11 groups, with more than 30 individual images (3)      (clear) recognized. The well﹣preserved and vivid paintings described animals such as sheep, horses (4)       camels.
  Helan Mountain is regarded (5)       a representative site of rock paintings in (6)      (north) China and so far, over 10, 000 rock paintings and carvings dating back 10, 000 to 3, 000 years (7)      (find). Now scientists are busy (8)      (fix) those paintings.
  According to local authorities, one of the latest (9)      (discover) will help researchers understand the life of early human beings. The paintings have been mapped for further research and protection work (10)      (be) underway (在进行中).
8.教育部实施"双减"政策, 要求控制中小学生的书面作业总量, 合理布置不同类型的作业.为此, 某英文杂志社正在开展以"My Creative English Homework"为主题的征文活动.请你写一篇征文, 讲述自身经历, 提出合理建议.
1. 80﹣120词, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数;
2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称;
3. 内容涵盖提示要点, 可适当发挥.
 作业类型 你的感受 
双减前 背诵, 抄写…… …… 
双减后 画思维导图, 制作海报…… …… 
你的建议:1 ……2 …… 

My Creative English Homework
  After the Double Reduction Policy, our English teachers have made some changes in our homework. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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