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1.  Known as "kung fu granny", 99-year-old Zhang Hexian has practiced martial arts (武术) for 94 years. These days she caught (1)       attention because of a video. In the video, she is showing off her kung fu moves at (2)       martial arts competition. At the event, she also taught some foreign kung fu lovers how (3)       punch, one of the many martial arts moves.
  Born in Dongyuan Village, Ninghai County of East China's Zhejiang Province, Zhang is the eighth-generation inheritor (第八代传人) of Zhang Martial Art. She started to learn martial arts from her father at about four and since then, she(4)       up her practice for over 90 years. "My father would teach (5)      kung fu skills even when in bed, " she says.
  Though nearly 100 years old, Zhang is still in good (6)      . Every day, she gets up at 5 am. , practices kung fu, and has some porridge or noodles (7)       breakfast. She grows vegetables and cooks meals all by herself.
  "Kung fu granny" is always ready (8)       others. Every afternoon, she goes around the village to see who needs help. "She is one of (9)       people in the village — she always helps us with everything, big or small," say the villagers.
  Kung fu is an important part of traditional Chinese culture. Zhang hopes more people will enjoy kung fu and it (10)       on from generation (代) to generation.
  "Kung fu spirit never gets old!" even China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian spoke highly of her.
2.  Last month I took my son Tom to see his grandparents in the countryside. It was his first time to be in a countryside so he was excited and (1)       everything in his grandparents' home.
  At the lunch table, Tom told me proudly, "Dad, I saw a hen (2)      ."
  "Impossible!" I said without thinking, "How can a hen fly?"
  "Dad, in the yard (院子), the dog ran after the hen. (3)      , the hen was forced to a corner. When she found no way out, she suddenly flew up to the roof (屋顶). Dad, (4)       did the hen fly?"
  I thought for a while and said, "Maybe because of (5)      . The hen loves her own life."
  Tom nodded. He seemed to have understood.
  Last weekend we (6)      Tom's grandparents again. This time, I heard Tom shouting from the yard, "Dad! The dog is running after the hen again! Come and see!"
  I ran out of the house quickly. The hen ran to a group of chickens followed by the dog. She stopped and turned around suddenly and faced the dog (7)      .
  I (8)       a stone, threw it at the dog and shouted at it to drive it away.
  "Dad, why didn't the hen fly away?She knows she can't (9)       the dog," asked Tom.
  I thought for a while and said, "Maybe because of love, the love for her (10)      more than herself."
  Tom thought for a long time and nodded. He understood. In fact, in our life, we, humans, will do the same as the hen did.
In many countries in Asia, people believe the Chinese zodiac, known as Sheng Xiao or Shu Xiang, describes personality (性格) and tells about the future. In the Chinese zodiac, there are twelve animals. A person's animal sign is connected to his or her birth year. Every animal stands for a different type of personality.
With the uncommon courage and confidence, people born in the Year of the Tiger are natural leaders and they can always bravely put good ideas into practice. They hold a strong sense of justice (正义感). When meeting the weak or seeing anything unfair, Tigers stand up and offer help. 

Dog people are cautious by nature, which means it may take a long time for Dogs to accept new friends. However, once Dogs accept a friend, they will be very loyal (忠诚的) to the friend and always supportive. Dogs are loyal friends, honest lovers and dependable families. 
People born in the Year of the Pig are hardworking and love life. They are easy to get others' trust and always ready to help, which leads to a lot of good friends. But it is hard for them to tell lies from the truth. As a result, they can be easily fooled by bad people. 
People with the Chinese zodiac monkey sign are born to have wonderful minds. They are not only clever, smart and are always liked by teachers and parents but also have strong bodies, all of which make them excellent leaders. At work, they hold the courage to face new challenges. At life, they are helpful and humorous. However, they need more patience. 
4.  Lisa, a 14-year-old girl, from the USA, had always wanted to know what her mother was like as a child. Recently, she used an app to make her dream come true. She tried it out on a childhood photo of her mother. Guess what?Her mother began to smile at her in the photo. It sounds like Harry Potter' s moving photos, doesn't it?
  It's not magic, but a real thing. The app that Lisa used is called My Heritage. By using an AI technology, the app allows users to animate (使……动画) still photos. The technology is the work of
  D-ID, an Israeli (以色列的) company. At the beginning, they designed it to bring photos of historical people to life. This means you can see them smile, blink (眨眼), and even turn their heads. Now Americans find it fun and many are giving it a try with their old photos. Millions of users have watched their loved ones come to life in old photos.
  The service is easy to use. First download (下载) the app. Next, click on the menu and choose"photo"from the list. Then upload the photo you wish to animate. The AI technology will take around 20 seconds to work its magic on the photo. Then, it's done!
  You can even use the app on a photo with many people in it. But only the person you choose can move, while the others stay still.
5.配对阅读 左栏是五个人的情况介绍, 右栏是七个英语习语及其解释, 请为每个人选择一个合适的习语描述他/她的情况, 并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑
(1)       Michelle isn't feeling well these days so she asked for a sick leave two days ago. That's why she can't show up at the meeting.
(2)       Chloe missed the only bus. She had to ride a bike. Unluckily, she fell off it on the way so she was very unhappy.
(3)       Today was a busy day for Sia. Now she is very tired and wants to find a place to sleep as soon as possible.
(4)       Kitty is a super fan of Gu Ailing. Today, Gu came to her school to give a speech and she got the chance to take a photo with Gu.
(5)       Tom has tons of work to do but the deadline is close and he has only finished the first part. 
A. You may ask an unhappy friend why she's"      ". Blue is a cool, quiet colour, so it's a good word for"sad".
B. If you've done only a small part of a big job, you might call it"      ". A bucket holds too many drops of water to count. So just one drop is very little.
C. Do your parents always advise or criticize (批评) you in a serious way?If so, they are like "      ". In the 17th century, British people often used"Dutch" as a negative (负面的) word to show their anger.
D. When you are about to go to bed, you are going to "      ". In the 1930s, many Americans looked for jobs everywhere, so they often made a bed of hay. E. When you are sick, you might say you are "      ". That's because in. old days when storm winds shook the boat, people often felt sick. F. Dogs show happiness by moving their tails from side to side. When someone is very happy, he/she is "      " .
G. If someone does something bad to you, you might make an eye for an eye to fight back. However, Gandhi once said, "       makes the whole world blind." 
6.  My mom once told me that after I learned to say"Mama"and "Baba", my third word was"no". Sadly, I used (1)       too often as a boy. I didn't want to eat my vegetables. I didn't want to go to bed (2)       time. I didn't want to work in the garden. I preferred to read books rather than (3)      my mom and grandma with the housework. In other words, I was a bit of a brat (熊孩子). Being the youngest of three sons, I probably said "no" a lot (4)      than I should have.
  As I (5)       up, I began to say"Yes"a lot more. I can remember making my bed (6)      sweeping the floor. I felt really happy to help my mother and father. I can remember studying (7)      to get good grades in school and seeing the pride in parents' eyes when I got into college. I can remember learning that saying"yes" could (8)       more joy into my life than saying"no".
  Even now, I am (9)       learning how to say "yes". I still often say"no". My only (10)       for you is not to wait so long as I did. Say"yes" to life. Say"yes" to love. Say"yes" to helping others and making this world a better place.
Need your help
From: Sally
Date: Sunday, May 1, 2022, 6:06 pm
To: Lingling 
Dear Lingling,
I am so glad that you would like to be my pen friend. I've planned to tell you about myself in this first letter. However, something terrible happened yesterday. I need your help. I got an iPhone from my grandpa as a birthday gift yesterday. I've always wanted to have a mobile phone, but my father was really angry. He took it away and said I couldn't have it until I was 18! My parents want to control everything I do. But I'm 16 years old! I tried to talk to my mom and dad, but they didn't listen. They said, "This is our house and these are our rules." Then we had a fight. I feel very sad. Why is it so hard for them to understand me?My parents are really strict and never let me do anything!For example, when I go out with my friends, my mom always asks, "Where are you going? Who are you going with?" I am growing up, but often, it's hard for my parents to see this. To them, I am still a child.
Do you have similar problems with your parents?How do you get along with them?Looking forward to your answers. PS:Next time I will tell you more about myself. I will write some of my letters in Chinese and I would be thankful if you tell me what mistakes I make. You can write to me in English and I will correct the mistakes for you.
8.假如你是玲玲, 收到Sally的来信后, 你用英文给她回信, 讲述你与父母相处的情况, 并帮助Sally解决问题.
1. 简单介绍你和父母的相处情况(好或不好及原因);
2. 叙述一次你和爸爸或妈妈之间难忘的经历;
3. 给Sally提出关于和父母和谐相处的建议.
1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和考生的真实姓名.
2. 语句连贯, 词数80个左右.作文的开头已经给出, 不计入总词数, 也不必抄写在答题卡上.
Dear Sally,
  Hope this email finds you well. I am sorry to hear about your fight with your parents. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  I'm looking forward to your Chinese letters.
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