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1.—Do you know the Chinese saying "A tree can't make a forest"?
—Yes, it tells us that, ______ is very important in everything.
  • A. ability
  • B. value
  • C. spirit
  • D. teamwork
2.—What do you think of Tom?
—He is a(n) _____ boy who is always telling the truth.
  • A. humorous
  • B. honest
  • C. brave
  • D. creative
3.—It is very cold outside, dear. You have to _______ your warm jacket.
—OK. I will, Mom.
  • A. put on
  • B. put off
  • C. take off
  • D. take up
4.—Gary, I _____ your room. I hope you can keep it as clean as it is now.
—Promise! Ill tidy it up every Saturday.
  • A. clean
  • B. will clean
  • C. have cleaned
  • D. was cleaning
5.—Do you know the girl ______ is giving the speech?
—Of course. She is my best friend, Meimei.
  • A. which
  • B. who
  • C. whom
  • D. what
6.—Excuse me, is there a bookstore around here?
—Yes, go down the street and turn left at _____ crossing.
  • A. three
  • B. the three
  • C. the third
  • D. third
7.—Eric, you didn't go to the concert last night. What's up?
—Sorry, I ______ to attend my friend's birthday party.
  • A. invited
  • B. am invited
  • C. invite
  • D. was invited
8.—What did Lily say to you just now. Emma?
—She wanted to know _______.
  • A. what will I do this Sunday
  • B. who did I play volleyball with just now
  • C. why I am late for class this morning
  • D. if I could go shopping with her tonight
9.—Be careful. Don't cut ______ finger, Mom.
—Thank you.
  • A. you
  • B. your
  • C. yours
  • D. yourself
10.—Shall we go fishing the day after tomorrow?
—______ I must stay at home to look after my little brother.
  • A. It's up to you
  • B. Excuse me
  • C. I'm afraid not
  • D. Have a good time
11.  One day, a farmer was looking for a water source for his farm. So, he went to his neighbor and asked him if he could sell his well (水井) to him. His neighbor (1)      . The farmer bought the well happily. But the neighbor was a cunning (狡猾的) man.
  The next day, as the farmer came to get water from his well, his neighbor came and (2)       to let him take any water. The farmer was (3)      . He asked, "Why can't I take water?I already bought the well (4)      you. "
  The neighbor replied, "I sold you the well not the water. "
  The farmer went to the emperor to (5)       justice (公正). He explained what had happened.
  The emperor called on Birbal, his (6)      courtier (朝臣).
  Birbal asked the (7)      , "Why don't you let the farmer take water from the well?You did sell the well to the farmer."
  The neighbor (8)      , "I did sell the well to the farmer, but not the water in it. Therefore, he has no right to get water from the well."
  Birbal asked them to come later.
  The next day, all went to the place where the well was. There Birbal said to the neighbor, "Look, you are (9)      right, and you sold the well not the water. (10)      you sold the well not the water, you have no right to keep the water in the farmer's well. Now you have two (11)      : Either you pay a high rent (租金)to the farmer (12)      take it out immediately" The neighbor realized that his plan had (13)      . He said (14)       to the farmer and went home quickly.
  Cheating will not get you (15)      . If you cheat, you will pay soon enough.
12.  Are you interested in Chinese traditional arts? Do you want to learn how to make them by hand? If so, come and join our clubs this weekend in our school.
 Sky Lantern Club
Introduction: Sky Lanterns are made of bamboo and covered with paper. They are first used to ask for help when people were in trouble. Today, they are used to show happiness and good wishes.
Time: Saturday 8:30 a.m — 10:30 a.m.
Place: Building 3 Room 501 
 Paper Cutting Club
Introduction: Paper Cutting turns a simple thing like a piece of paper into a beautiful piece of art. Pictures about flowers animals and so on are put on windows, doors and walls as symbols of good wishes and good luck.
Time: Saturday 9:00 a.m. — 11:00 a.m.
Place: Building 3 Room 502 
 Chinese Knot (中国结) Club
Introduction: Chinese Knots are usually made of red and yellow ropes. People use them to show good wishes, including happiness, love, peace and so on.
Time: Sunday 2:30 p.m. — 4:30 p.m.
Place: Building 3 Room 603 
13.  Mary Armstrong was a pretty little girl, but she did not pay attention to her things. She usually left her books and playthings everywhere, and it gave her mom much trouble in picking them up and putting them in the proper places. Some of her books and toys became spoiled (损坏). Her mom had often told Mary the bad result of being so careless. The growing habit of carelessness would make her unhappy, and sometimes annoy her friends. Even worse, it would be of great harm to her all her life. But Mary didn't listen to her mom. So they argued a lot.
  One day Mary made a beautiful toy, a gift for her best friend's birthday. When her mom asked her to go out into their yard to play, Mary put the toy in her room casually (不经意地). She ran around and played happily there. An hour later, it was time to go to her friend's birthday party. Mary went back to get the toy. But she couldn't find it anywhere. Finally, she found the toy broken in the corner. At once she realized that Dash, her pet dog had done this, and she was very angry. Carrying the broken toy to her mom, she couldn't help crying.
  Mrs. Armstrong asked Mary if she had left the toy in the place where Dash could easily get it, and Mary answered, "Yes, mom."
  "Then you should not be irritated, Mary, because the dog does not know it is wrong to play with your toy. I hope this will be a lesson to you hereafter, to put your things away when you finish. "
  "I will try," said Mary. And her mom promised to repair the toy as well as she could.
14.  More and more people like bicycling and it is no surprise. It's fun, healthy and good for the environment. Maybe that 's why there are more and more bicycles on roads worldwide today. Bikes can take you almost anywhere, and there is no oil cost!
  However, two centuries ago, when bicycles were first invented, they were used only for transportation. In the eighteenth century, people usually traveled by horse and wagon (马车). In1817, an early"bicycle"was made in Germany. Its frame (车架) was made of wood. It didn't have any pedals (踏板). People had to push with their feet. In the 1830s, the first bicycle was invented.
  Pedals were made for the bicycle. In the 1860, Frenchman Pierre Miehaux and his son gave the bicycle a new look. In 1867, they brought the bicycle to the world Expo (世博会). Since then, the bicycle was more and more popular in Europe. In the 1870s, the front wheel was much larger than the back one. This made it very hard to ride. It was also very expensive. In the 1890s, bicycles with same-sized wheels came out in North America and Western Europe. They were much safer, cheaper and more comfortable.
  In China there are shared bikes on the roads. They have saved us a lot of time during emergency situations, and on beautiful, clear days. However, bicycling is not easy in our city. There are no bicycle lanes (车道), and bikers have to travel next to cars in car lanes.
15.  Ever since you were a baby, you have been growing. But your body usually grows very fast in some certain periods.
  During the first year of your life, you may grow up to 10 inches (英寸). (1)      In fact, when you were born, your body had a programmed (设定好的) height and size it wanted to reach. If you look at the heights of your parents, aunts, uncles, siblings (兄弟姐妹) and grandparents, you can learn about how tall you might be when you've all grown up.
  Around the ages of 8 to 13 in girls and 10 to 15 in boys, children grow more quickly. (2)       And it is called adolescence (青春期). Often, you will see girls get taller than boys in late elementary school, and boys catch up and usually pass them in middle school and high school.
  (3)      Your bones, your muscles, and your whole body have to get used to getting taller and bigger. You might feel clumsy (笨拙的), your voice might change, and you might feel different. All of these things are a natural part of growing up and becoming adults.
  (4)      But boys will finish growing between the ages of 16 and 18. Some boys and girls finish growing at different times, because everyone is different.
  It is very important to exercise enough, to eat properly, and to sleep enough when you are growing. Most children should be getting 10 to 12 hours of sleep per night. (5)      Help your body grow by doing the right things!
A. Are you getting enough?
B. Then do you know why your body grows?
C. This is because boys and girls are growing up to be adults.
D. Most girls will finish growing between the ages of 15 and 16.
E. At that time, you were so small, but you grew so quickly.
F. It is very normal to feel uncomfortable when you are growing quickly.
16.  Last Monday morning, I was waiting at the bus stop, worried about being late for school. There were many people waiting in line at the bus stop, and some of them look very anxious and (1)      (disappoint).
  When the bus finally (2)      (come), we all hurried on board. I got a place next to the window, so I had a good view of the sidewalk. A boy on a bike caught my attention. He was riding besides the bus while waving his arms. I heard a passenger behind me shouting to the driver, (3)      he refused to stop until we reached next stop. The bus drove fast, and the boy tried his best (4)      (catch) up with it. It seemed that he was a little tired, but he still kept (5)      (ride). And he was carrying something over his shoulder and shouting.
  Finally, when we came to the next stop, (6)      our surprise, the boy ran up to the door of the bus. I heard (7)      exciting conversation. Then the driver stood up and asked, "Did anyone lose a suitcase at the bus stop?" A woman on the bus shouted, "Oh, dear! It's (8)      (I)." She pushed her way to the driver and took the suitcase (9)      (thankful). Everyone on the bus began talking about what the boy had done, and the crowds of (10)      (stranger) suddenly became friendly to one another.
  Sometimes even something small can change a lot!What an unforgettable experience!
17.我们已经长大了, 不应该总是依靠父母.(depend)
We have grown up and shouldn't       our parents all the time.
18.因为糟糕的天气, 我们上周的运动会推迟了. (put)
Last week, our sports meeting        because of the bad weather.
19.如果你一口气吹灭蜡烛, 你的愿望就会实现. (come)
If you blow out the candles in one go, your dream       .
20.老师让Lily算出假期的费用. (work )
The teacher asked Lily       the cost for the holiday.
21.嘲笑他人是不礼貌的.(laugh )
      others is not polite.
22.作为志愿者, 我们经常去老人院照顾老人们.(care)
As volunteers, we often go to the old people's home       them.
I look forward to       you all.
24.1921年﹣2021年, 中国共产党走过了百年历程.在这一百年的历史长河中, 有袁隆平、钟南山、王亚平等无数坚守理想、坚持梦想的人, 他们用榜样的力量激励着我们坚定理想, 发愤图强.现在也请你以"My dream"为题写一篇英语短文介绍你的梦想吧.
1. 你的梦想是什么?
2. 你为什么有这样的梦想?
3. 你怎样实现你的梦想?
1. 文中不得出现真实姓名及学校名称;
2. 90 词左右.
My dream
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