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1.—What did Chinese President Xi Jinping say during the epidemic (疫情)?
—______ is more important than people's safety and health.
  • A. Nothing
  • B. Everything
  • C. Something
  • D. Anything
2.—May I join the art club, Dad?
—If you have interest, you ________.
  • A. should
  • B. can
  • C. have to
  • D. must
3.—In my opinion, animals shouldn't be kept for fun.
—I think so. Forests are the best places for animals ________.
  • A. live
  • B. living
  • C. to live
  • D. to live in
4.—Mom. can I leave the chores till tomorrow?
—I'm afraid not. You can't ______ today's work till tomorrow.
  • A. put off
  • B. turn down
  • C. give away
  • D. look up
5.—Lucy is walking the dog in the park.
—She ______be. Listen! She is singing loudly in her room.
  • A. can't
  • B. mustn't
  • C. needn't
  • D. won't
6.—Mike, please turn down the music, ______ Dabao _______ Erbao are sleeping.
—Sorry, I'll do it right away.
  • A. Neither;nor
  • B. Either;or
  • C. Both;and
  • D. Not only;but also
7.—Gu Eileen won three golds in the Beijing Winter Olympic Games.
—_______ exciting news it is!Let's give her the thumbs-up (点赞).
  • A. What
  • B. What an
  • C. How
  • D. How an
8.—What are you looking for?
—I'm looking for the dictionary______ you lent me last week.
  • A. who
  • B. what
  • C. that
  • D. when
9.—The light in our son's study is still on. And I wonder ________.
—Maybe at midnight again. He always has too much homework before exams.
  • A. when he will finish writing
  • B. if will he finish writing
  • C. when will he finish writing
  • D. if he will finish writing
10.—I missed the opening match of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. _______, Judy?
—It was wonderful! I have never seen such a great football match before.
  • A. What's up
  • B. What's it like
  • C. What's it about
  • D. What's the result
11.  One weekend, my husband suggested we cook together. I'd spoken to my mother earlier that day on the phone. I'd told her about our life. She yawned (打哈欠) and we said goodbye to one another.
  I didn't know then that just 16 hours later, my mother would (1)      . My mother was my best friend. After she died, I felt (2)      . She was the only person I wanted to talk to. The (3)       person who could help me was the one who was missing.
  My mother gave me many things, (4)       she'd never taught me how to cook. She liked to eat more than cook. She loved to eat fish pie and (5)       it to us for dinner. Almost every week, she would (6)       a prepared fish pie. Then she would bring it home and make her own white sauce (白寿司).
  My mother (7)       got around to teaching me how to make a white sauce-and I never got around to asking her. Now that she was gone, I would have to teach (8)      .
  So this became my focus. For the first few weeks, I survived (生存) on cheap food. But one night, a fish pie mix (9)       my eye at the store.
  When I got home, I (10)       myself in front of our electric stove. I tried to (11)       myself to make a white sauce.
  Halfway through the recipe (菜谱), I couldn't believe it — I'd made a white sauce!Then I remembered:I had always (12)       fish pie.
  Admiring (欣赏) my sauce (调味汁), I wondered (13)      I wanted to make a dish I had hated for 25 years. Why was it suddenly so important?
  I poured the sauce over the fish. Then I ate the pie. I realized that the act of (14)       calmed me down.
  It helped me find (15)      .
12.  During the Jin Dynasty (265 — 420), there was a child named Che Yin. He was smart and loved to read. He grew up in a poor family and couldn't afford (买得起) lamp oil to study at night.
  One night, he saw fireflies (萤火虫) outside his house and came up with an idea. He caught some fireflies in a cloth bag and hung the bag up as a lamp. It was said that he spent all of his summer nights reading like this. Another child named Sun Kang who lived during the same period also loved reading. One night during winter, Sun used up all of his lamp oil and couldn't study at night. When he suddenly woke up at midnight, he saw the snow reflecting the moonlight outside his house. His first thought was "Oh, I can use the reflected light to read!". He took out his books and read, even though he was freezing cold.
  Both of these kids later became successful government officials. People were touched by their hardworking spirit and their stories inspired(启发)the Chinese idiom"nang ying ying xue" (囊萤映雪), or "to read by the light of bagged fireflies or the reflected light of snow".
  In the past, people had a harder time studying than we do now. They had to copy books by hand because books were rare back then. For poor families, paper and writing brushes were too expensive to afford. Students even had to travel over mountains and rivers in order to find a good teacher.
However, these conditions did not stop young minds from pursuing (追求) knowledge.
13.  My friend Siberia once said: "Things do not give us true happiness." I used to wonder, "Is this really so?" But after living in quarantine (隔离), I think it's true.
  We live in a new world. My new dress hangs in my closet (衣橱) — I have nowhere to wear it My car is parked — I can't go anywhere. Siberia was right-things do not make me happy.
  Then how can we find happiness?I asked Siberia this question. She said it's easy — you just have to smile and be nice to everyone, even strangers.
  I decided to try it. I joined a chat group where my neighbors and I discuss our problems. I wrote, "Dear neighbors, I hope you're having a great day!Everything will be all right. "Within minutes, I received lots of messages from my neighbors. People thanked me and wished me a good day. One neighbor shared a fun song, while another sent a cute kitten sticker (猫咪贴图).
  I thought to myself, "I've made so many people happy with just a few words. If each of us said one nice thing, there could be so much happiness in the world!" This is why I'm launching (发起) the kind words marathon (马拉松). Let's each write something nice every day to a friend, neighbor, volunteer. . . anyone! We can support each other during these difficult times.
14.  On a school day, 60 students at Xishan Primary School in Shunde, Guangdong, are learning how to make com soup (压米汤) and fried pork (炸猪排) with cauliflower (菜花) in an after-school cooking class. Working in groups of four or five, the little chefs take their responsibilities very seriously. Soon, they are showing off their own delicious dishes.
  Since last September, the school has set up after — school classes for students, with cooking classes being the most popular, said Xinhua. It comes after the "double reduction" policy (政策). The policy aims to ease the burdens (减轻负担) of too much homework and off-campus tutoring (课外辅导) for primary and junior high school students.
  The policy lists requirements in areas such as reducing the amount and difficulty of homework assignments (家庭作业), as well as improving the quality (质量) of education and after-school services. For example, homework for junior high school students should take no longer than 90 minutes to finish. It allows students more free time to pursue (追求) their hobbies and interests. Also, off-campus tutoring has been further regulated (管理) to reduce the burden on students.
  "Our homework is clearly less than before," said 13-year-old Shen Yuzhe from Beijing. "We are not encouraged to buy workbooks anymore. The exercises are mainly from the textbook." According to Shen, teachers have taught at a much slower pace (速度), which gives students enough time to process new information.
  In December, the Ministry of Education reported on the progress made through the policy so far. Almost all primary and middle schools now offer two-hour after-school services on weekdays. More than 90 percent of students can finish their written homework in the set time. About 92. 7 percent of schools have opened after-school arts and sports classes. More than 80 percent of academic tutoring institutions (学科类校外培训机构) have closed down or turned to other fields of business.
  "With homework done at school, my child and I can read books and listen to music together in the evening, or we can go out to play badminton or skip rope," said Lu Di, the parent of a fifth-grader in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang.
15.  The undersea world is very beautiful. Now more and more people want to dive in the water to find the secrets there. Scuba diving (潜水) is a kind of sport. It can take you into a wonderful undersea world.
  (1)       Some are as large as a school bus. Many sea animals give out light in the dark and some have sharp teeth.
  During the day, there is enough light. Here, under the sea, everything is blue and green. When fish swim nearby, you can catch them with your hands. When you have bottles of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time. (2)       And you must be very careful when you dive in deep water.
  (3)       It's cold, and it's dark, too. The deeper it is, the less sunlight there is. At about 3000 feet, there is no light at al. It is very dark in the sea. Many fishes have no eyes. Some have big eyes. (4)      
  Besides the cold and the darkness, deep-sea animals face a third danger — other animals.
  Animals must find food to eat. Many animals eat plants. However, some animals eat meat. (5)       They need to find animals as food, and they have to try not to become other animals' meals.

A. A few have eyes on one side.
B. However, you can't dive too deep.
C. Many people go to dive in summer.
D. The deep sea is not an easy place to live in.
E. You will find many strange animals in the sea.
F. This means these sea animals have two big jobs. 
16.阅读下面的短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词或用括号内单词的正确形式填空.(每空不超过三个词)
  Wang Ping is a cleaner. He has worked in a park for 5 years. He is also a good father. Nothing can make him (1)      (happy) than playing with his little daughter in his free time.
  Last Tuesday afternoon, while he was cleaning the park, suddenly, he heard a woman (2)      (cry) for help. He ran up quickly to see what happened. The woman's 15-month-old baby girl choked (窒息) on a small piece of pear and her face turned purple. The baby was too young to save herself (3)      the mother was so nervous that she didn't know how to save her daughter properly. (4)      (Lucky), Wang Ping knew what to do. He took the baby in his arms (5)       thinking twice. With the mother's help , Wang Ping held the baby inside down and gave her a few pats (轻拍) on the back. After (6)       short while, he succeeded in getting the piece of pear out of her mouth and the baby began to cry. Her mom was so thankful because her daughter (7)      (save).
  Wang Ping always tried his best (8)       (help) others in his life. In his mind, helping others is just helping (9)      (him). He hoped more people could volunteer to help the people (10)      need if possible.
People must       drugs.
She often       advice about learning English online.
During the May Day, we had better       .
20.这是我第一次出国, 我感觉非常兴奋.(go)
It's my first       , I feel very excited.
21.在考试中, 如果你感觉紧张, 请深呼吸.(take)
Please       if you feel nervous in the exam.
The crew of the Shenzhou XIII space mission (太空飞行任务)        Earth safely.
23.回想起过去的三年, 我懂得了要想成功, 就必须努力学习.
      on the past three years, I have learned that if I want to succeed, I must study hard.
24.为响应我市"创建国家文明城市"的号召, 6月3日, 5000多名市民以绿色出行的方式参与了"生态咸宁——环淦河健步走"活动.请以"共建文明城市"为主题, 根据以下要点提示, 并适当发表自己的观点, 写一篇英语短文.
主题 Let's create the civilized city together 
具体做法 方式 益处 
(1)骑车、徒步出行 避免交通拥堵, 减少空气污染 
(2)不乱扔垃圾, 不随地吐痰 让城市变得干净舒适 
(3)植树造林 美化城市, 保护环境 
你的建议 联系自己的生活实际提出几条具体的合理的建议.(至少2条) 

1. 词数90个左右 (开头已经给出, 不计入总词数).
2. 根据要点提示, 可以适当发挥.
3. 文中不得出现真实的姓名及校名.
avoid避免, jams 堵塞, reduce 减少, throw rubbish扔垃圾, spit吐痰, pick up捡, dustbin 垃圾箱

  As a middle school student of Xianning, it's our duty to help build a civilized city. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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