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1.—Do you know who was the first torchbearer (火炬手) for the Beijing 2022 Olympic torch relay?
—China's first winter sports world champion, Luo Zhihuan, _______ 81-year-old speed skater.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.—I don't have the _________ to tell my friend the bad news.
—Don't worry. I believe she is strong enough to face it bravely.
  • A. chance
  • B. courage
  • C. choice
  • D. energy
3.—China is changing the world in her own way!
—Yes, four new inventions of China, _______ mobile payment, high-speed railway, have made a big difference to our life.
  • A. such as
  • B. for example
  • C. as well
  • D. instead of
4.—Everyone should play a role in protecting our earth.
—Yes, the earth is the only planet that _______ us with everything we need.
  • A. provides
  • B. gives
  • C. offers
  • D. connects
5.—Mom, could I see a movie and then have dinner with my friends tonight?
—Tony, the epidemic (疫情) is so serious that you can _______ go to the cinema _______ eat outside.
  • A. both, and
  • B. either, or
  • C. neither, nor
  • D. not only, but also
6.—It's not fair at all, why can't we students play computer games?
—Because you can't control yourselves, it ______ too much of your time and energy.
  • A. takes up
  • B. takes off
  • C. takes back
  • D. takes down
7.— How has your life changed since our government carried out the double reduction policy (双减政策)?
— We have _______ homework and _______ free time, but also have many new challenges.
  • A. more; more
  • B. less; less
  • C. more; less
  • D. less; more
8.—I'm looking forward to seeing Zhu Yilong's new movie "Life Events".
—Me, too. But they say that it has been _______ because of the COVID-19 epidemic.
  • A. put down
  • B. put away
  • C. put off
  • D. put on
9.—_______ day March21st of 2022 was to us all!
—Yes, I was completely shocked when I heard the plane crashed all of a sudden.
  • A. What a sad
  • B. How exciting a
  • C. What an exciting
  • D. How sad
10.—Do you think the teaching of Tiangong classroom is very interesting and exciting?
—Sure. The astronauts passed on scientific knowledge on the space station, they told us _______ in a lively and special way.
  • A. how can they separate oil from water in space
  • B. how Bing Dwen Dwen flew in a weightless environment
  • C. what's life like in the Tianhe space station module
  • D. why do they have to sleep in a sleeping bag in the Tianhe space station module
11.  Some students expect to be (1)       for their four years at university. Now, they are receiving uncomfortable "wake-up calls". Lazy students at big universities like Peking and Fudan are being asked to (2)      the university quickly. It used to be common in China that once you entered a university, you were sure to graduate and university life would become (3)       . It's true that during junior and senior high schools, you have to do lots of exercises or take weekly tests. At university, there is not much homework but you must pass mid-terms and finals. And universities require you (4)       tasks, such as articles, on time. In the past, many universities would be (5)       about these requirements. You would be allowed to take an easier one again (6)       you failed an exam. However, some universities think it doesn't help the students (7)       them to leave the university no smarter than when they entered. It also makes the diploma (文凭) less valuable and hurts the (8)       of the university. Most students (9)       get more knowledge rather than live an easier life as well. There is no "easy" way to get knowledge (10)       through hard work.
12.  It's a hot time for Chinese language learning around the world. If you have no time to go to school, don't worry. There are some online courses for Chinese language learners.
Eastern Culture allows you to study wherever and whenever you like. There are free classes for different levels. Here, you'll not only learn Chinese, but also get a deep understanding of Chinese culture.  Wonder Online has many excellent teachers with lots of experience of teaching Chinese. They can test your Chinese level for free and give you many suggestions on learning Chinese. 
Easy Chinese is a famous language school with a long history. It offers free lessons and helps you reach your learning goals through its fun courses.  Come and try our class at Chinese Online. Teachers here are all are very good at English. You can choose your favorite teacher and learn Chinese one-on-one. 
13.  During ancient times, people didn't have much to enjoy themselves. However, they came up with interesting games to play in their free time.
  Kicking stone balls is also called Cuqiu. It started during Spring and Autumn period. It was played in winter to keep warm in the northern part of China. It became a popular game which was played for entertainment in the whole country during the Tang Dynasty.
  Hide-and-seek first started in the Tang Dynasty, it became a traditional game especially for children. There are two ways to play:covering a child's eyes while other kids run around to play a trick on him or her, more commonly, others hide and one child must try to find them.
  Kites have quite a long history. The earliest kites started during Spring and Autumn period. At that time, they were made of wood, instead of paper. The three most famous kites are Beijing kites, Tianjin kites and Weifang kites. Now more and more people become interested in flying kites. There's even an international kite festival in Weifang every year. People all over the world compete in kite flying.
  The closest thing to watching a film during ancient times was going to see a shadow play. The artists control puppets (木偶) behind the screen and tell stories to the music.
14.  Do you have a dream? Can you hold on to your dream no matter what happens?
  There was once a company in the United States. It announced that it would offer a large amount of money to anyone who could find a white marigold (金盏花).
  Sandy was a fan of flowers. When she first heard the company's announcement, she got very excited. She thought she could grow her own white marigolds. But her children doubted her. Most marigolds are either golden or brown. It is very hard to find a white one, after all. What was worse, she knew nothing about seed genetics (遗传学). So her dream of growing white marigolds was just that — a dream.
  Still, she worked to make it happen. She planted some common marigold seeds and took good care of them. A year later, when the marigolds bloomed, she chose one of the flowers and took its seeds. She planted these seeds and waited another year for them to bloom.
  Day after day, year after year, through years, her life changed. Her husband died, her children moved away, and many other things happened. But her dream to grow white marigolds remained strong in her heart. Finally, after 20 years, she went out to her garden and found a marigold that was not just white — it was as white as the purest (纯洁的) snow. Sandy, more than 80 years old, sent 100 white marigold seeds along with her letter to the company for nothing but a dream.
15.根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.(选项中有一项为多余选项.)
  People say that "travel is the best teacher" and there is no better example of this idea than the Ming dynasty travel writer and geographer Xu Xiake. Born into a wealthy family, Xu became interested in books about different places at an early age and wanted to travel. (1)       He had to manage the family farm and take care of his 60-year-old mother as tradition required.
  (2)       Understanding her son's love of travel and valuing the knowledge he could get from such experiences, this modern-thinking woman refused to keep her son at home. (3)       So at the age of twenty and with his mother's support, Xu set off for the first time, leaving behind his mother and his new wife. He would repeat this goodbye each year for most of the next 30 years.
  (4)       This way he could research the environment in detail and get a true picture of the natural world. During his life, he travelled throughout the Ming kingdom, carefully studying the lands he passed through and recording his experiences and many discoveries in a diary, which became the book The Travel Notes of Xu Xiake.
  When his diary was finally printed years after his death, much of it had been destroyed or lost. (5)       It not only encourages a love for travelling among Chinese people but provides important scientific information about the country's land and geography.

A. Sadly Xu became seriously ill during his last and longest journey and died in 1641.
B. Although incomplete, it still makes Xu a travelling legend around the world.
C. She agreed that Xu could travel for three months every year, when there was less farm work.
D. Although rich, Xu avoided comfortable travel, preferring to go almost everywhere on foot.
E. When he was 18, however, Xu's father died and so, it seemed, did his travelling dreams.
F. But his mother had different ideas. 
16.阅读下面的短文, 在短文空白处填入一个适当的单词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式, 使短文的意思完整.将所填答案填写在答题卡相应题号的横线上.
  Have you ever picked strawberries yourself?They look nice, but even light (1)      ( press) can make them out of shape. So you have to be very careful when (2)      (pick) them. Nowadays, there are many children who are just (3)       strawberries. They break down (4)      (easy) when they face difficulties. These children (5)       (name) strawberry kids. On the one hand, many of them are the only child in their family. Their parents do almost everything for them in their daily life. They hardly ever get criticized at home and always feel good about (6)       (they). On the other hand, many schools care more about (7)       (student) grades. However, they don't pay much attention to (8)       (develop) their personalities. As a result, students get satisfying grades (9)       they are not strong enough in mental. When they have trouble in life, they always feel sad and begin to doubt their own abilities. So young people should learn how (10)      (become) strong mentally.
17.—Does the double reduction policy (双减政策) work out fine?
—Yes, it really helps students       (更健康地成长). (grow)
18.—What did Mr. Green say just now?
—He reminded that we should       (为毕业典礼做好准备) whether it would rain or not this Friday. (prepare)
19.—I like Gao Tingyu, the ice flying man best, he is really a great inspiration to me.
— Yes, his spirit encourages us       (克服困难实现我们的梦想). (achieve)
20.—We should try to make our own decisions and can't depend on our parents too much.
—I agree, we must       (培养我们的独立性并学会对自己负责). (develop)
21.—What do you think of the movie The Battle At Lake Changjin II?
—My favorite, it's        (一部值得所有中国青少年看的有教育意义的电影). (worth)
22.中考在即, 你的好友Linling 沉迷于刷抖音(Browse TikTok), 每天除了刷抖音对任何事都提不起兴趣, 上课无心听讲也不能完成家庭作业, 学习直线下降, 你看在眼里, 急在心里, 作为好朋友, 请你给Linling写一封信, 动之以情, 晓之以理, 劝她正确处理学习和娱乐的关系.
A. 简要表达你对Linling现状的担忧.
B. 结合Linling的情况详细阐述刷抖音的利弊.
C. 简要给出合理化建议和帮助.
1. 行文连贯, 条理清晰, 语句通顺, 语法正确, 书写规范;
2. 词数:90词左右, 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.
3. 文中不得出现真实姓名或校名.
Dear Linling,
  As your good friend, _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
  Hope everything will be better with you.
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