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1.—I'm thirsty, Mom. I'd like something to drink.
—We have only some _______ in the fridge.
  • A. oranges
  • B. juice
  • C. ice﹣cream
  • D. cheese
2.—Dad, about ________ of our classmates wear glasses.
—Oh, that's terrible. You all should take good care of your eyes.
  • A. three fourth
  • B. third fourth
  • C. third fourths
  • D. three quarters
3.—What did Chinese President Xi Jinping say during the epidemic (疫情)?
—_______ is more important than people's safety and health.
  • A. Nothing
  • B. Everything
  • C. Something
  • D. Anything
4.—Do you _______ Dr. Zhong Nanshan?
—Yes, I do. Thanks to thousands of doctors and nurses like him, we beat the epidemic.
  • A. look up to
  • B. look back at
  • C. leave out
  • D. stick to
5.—Anna, you will fail the exam _______ you work hard.
—You are right. I must work hard from now on.
  • A. if
  • B. for
  • C. unless
  • D. or
6.Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon _______ by people all over the world now.
  • A. love
  • B. are loved
  • C. loved
  • D. were loved
7.Our English teacher is glad to see that Tom is _______ than before.
  • A. careful
  • B. more careful
  • C. most carefully
  • D. the most careful
8.—What kind of movies do you like?
—I like the movies ____ are about Chinese history.
  • A. who
  • B. whom
  • C. whose
  • D. that
9.—What a lovely toy race car! Could you tell me ________?
  • A. why did you get it
  • B. when will you get it
  • C. where you got it
  • D. how will you get it
10.—I will take the senior high school entrance exam.
  • A. Don't mention it
  • B. With pleasure
  • C. Good luck to you
  • D. Good idea
11.  Working hard is always important. If you are (1)      and weak, you will never taste success. You love eating persimmons (柿子), but you can't get (2)       until autumn. If you, try them before the right time, they will probably (3)      bad.
  In Grade Six, my grades were very (4)      . So my parents were worried that I wouldn't be able to get into an excellent middle (5)      . They pushed me to study harder, (6)       I didn't really understand why they were so anxious.
  Summer came and I studied hard. The hot weather made me (7)      and I couldn't concentrate on my textbooks. But every time I wanted to stop (8)      , my dad would sit down beside me. And he would say, "Think about your (9)      . If you don't work hard, you will (10)      ." I had to sit back down again. But all I (11)       was playing with my friends.
  My dad would say to me, with a serious look on his (12)      , "If a persimmon tree doesn't grow in summer, it can't bear fruits in autumn! (13)       by working hard can you get good results. " I began to study hard. A few months later, I succeeded (14)       entering the key middle school. I was so happy. My dad was right . Later, I worked hard and I enjoyed the (15)       of my hard work!I All in all, I think it is important to work hard.
12.  The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics were more than a sporting event. They were also a showcase (展示) for science and technology. Let's look at some.
 A lot of different kinds of robots served visitors and athletes during the Olympics. Some machines were used to enforce social distancing requirements related to COVID-19. Robots could also transport equipment, clean surfaces, prepare and carry food to limit human-to-human contact. 
 The National Speed Skating Oval is said to have"the fastest ice "because 12 new Olympic records and one world record were set there. The secret is a new ice-making technology. Liquid carbon dioxide( 液态二氧化碳) is put under the ice to keep temperature changes on the ice surface within half a degree. That keeps the ice flat. Flat ice is easier to skate on. 
 During the speed skating race, athletes can reach speeds of up to 18 meters per second. To capture (捕捉) every exciting moment of the competition, Lie Bao was used for the event. Lie Bao can record speeds of up to 25 meters per second. It closely tracks (跟踪) the athletes' movements and captures various scenes during speed skating. 
 Gu Ailing got a historic gold medal at the Beijing Winter Olympics in the women's freestyle skiing Big Air on Feb 8. She won with her first 1620﹣four and a half full rotations (旋转) which have been presented to people in the way of a "time slice". The system shows the athletes' movements from takeoff to landing in one frame (画面). 
13.  There was once a rabbit who always bragged (吹嘘) about how fast he could run. Tired of hearing that, a tortoise decided to have a race with him. All the animals in the forest came to watch.
  The rabbit ran down the road for a while and then stopped to rest. Looking back at the tortoise walking slowly, he lay down and fell asleep. The tortoise walked and walked, never ever stopping until he came to the finish line. The rabbit woke up, but it was too late. The tortoise had already crossed the finish line.
  After losing the race, the rabbit realized that he had grown overconfident. He felt so regretful that he invited the tortoise to compete again. The tortoise agreed but asked to choose the terrain (地形) for the race. The tortoise knew in any traditional terrain, the rabbit would win, if he was fast and consistent. Therefore, he thought of a non-traditional terrain for the race.
  When the race began, the rabbit was leading in front, with the tortoise far back walking slowly along. Around halfway through the race, they came across a river. The rabbit stopped on the bank of the river and didn't know how to cross it. When the tortoise came close to the river, he got into the water, swam across the river, and then finished the last few kilometers. The rabbit lost the race again.
14.  The opening ceremony of an Olympic Games, whether the Summer or Winter Games, is a pageant (盛会). It attracts hundreds of millions of viewers on TV across the world. Did you watch the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games?It's totally different from that of the 2008 Summer Games. Because there were no stars, no celebrities or professional performers. Just common people showed the world who they are.
  The message of the opening ceremony for the Beijing 2008 Summer Olympic Games was peace. But the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games was different. The viewers were treated to a simple but wonderful ceremony. It didn't have the large performances that marked the 2008 opening ceremony. But it was no less symbolic (象征性的)-symbolic of a shared future for humankind.
  Besides, China wants to have a greener Winter Olympics. According to the Beijing 2022's idea of hosting a green Winter Olympic Games, the medal podiums (领奖台) are made of recyclable and environmentally friendly things. The handmade bouquets (花束), rather than real flowers, will be given to the winners. And all the Olympic venues (场馆) are being run on clean energy. And after the Games, they will be open for the public all year round. In the future, many high-level winter sports events will be held in these venues. Also, during the preparation for the Games, all the work was done in an environmentally friendly manner.
  For China, holding a simple, safe and yet green Olympic Games is not just an idea. It is a way of life for every Chinese.
15.  Few people knew about online food delivery (外卖) apps ten years ago, but today, many would find it hard to live without them. For better or for worse, online food delivery services have changed the way we eat. (1)      
  These services without doubt have many advantages. They provide jobs for millions of people and help restaurants find more customers. Since the apps are very easy to use, they also do good to customers:we can now have meals delivered at any time of day. (2)      Not only do these apps save time, they also provide us with plenty of restaurants to choose from. They are useful for old people as well. They can buy meals and foods more easily with these apps.
  (3)      First, they make it even easier to order unhealthy food. Food safety is another problem:it can be hard to know where the food comes from. As delivery men need to send the orders as quickly as possible, some pay little attention to traffic rules. (4)      What's more, delivery services are creating too much packaging waste, and this will be harmful to the environment.
  There are many advantages of online food delivery services, but we need to make sure that we make the right choices in the long run. (5)      We also need to make sure what we eat is healthy. Next time you are thinking about ordering in, ask yourself whether you really need to. Most of the time, it's better to buy what you need and cook by yourself.
A. This is especially important for people who might not have time to cook.
B. Because of this, a number of people have even lost their lives recently.
C. They are also making a big difference to our society.
D. However, we mustn't forget the disadvantages of these services.
E. We should try our best to avoid waste.
F. Leaning how to order food on line is necessary for young people.
16.Snow queen — Gu Ailing
  Who is the next major Chinese sports icon? It might be freeskier Gu Ailing.
  (1)      March, the 17-year-old freeskier won gold medals in the halfpipe (自由式滑雪U型场) and slopstyle (坡面障碍技巧) events, as well as a bronze medal at the International Ski Federation (FIS) Snowboard and Freeski World Championships in Aspen, US. This made her the (2)      (one) Chinese freeskier to win many medals at the world championships, according to China Global Television Network (CGTN)
  Gu Ailing (3)      (make) a meteoric (流星般的) rise in the sports world in recent years, but this came along with challenges. A few weeks before the championship, she couldn't use her poles (雪杖) (4)       she broke her hand. While this made her uncomfortable, she didn't give up. "Today I was (5)      (real) feeling it. It 's so amazing. I'm excited to come back and show the world I can ski well even with this," she said after her victory.
  Gu Ailing is showing no signs of slowing down. She has her eyes on some bigger (6)      (achieve). "My goal (目标) is to win Olympic gold. That is just the symbol of excellence in sport;it shows you really achieve a success that nobody will doubt," she said in (7)       interview on the official website of the International Olympic Committee.
  For her, (8)      (take) part in the games won't just be a personal victory, but a way to show her love for the sport and share it with the world. "I am thinking more of the Olympics as a way (9)      (bring) it to other people. Any stress just drives me and makes me excited and even more active, and makes me (10)      (realize) how important skiing is to me and how much I want to spread it to others, "she told CGTN. " And I really love and thank skiing."
17.通过这次疫情, 我为祖国感到骄傲。(take)
Through this epidemic, I        our motherland.
The trouble is that Tina doesn't know how to       her classmates.
Tom        twice a day.
Everyone knows it is not right        our parents.
We       entering a good high school.
22.黑板太脏, 这些字应该被擦掉。(clean)
The blackboard is so dirty, these words should      .
23.假如你是李华, 马上面临初中毕业, 迎接你的将是充满挑战却又让你满怀期待的高中生活.请根据以下图表信息规划一下你的高中学习和生活.

1. 参考提示语, 可适当发挥;
2. 语句通顺, 意思连贯, 书写工整;
3. 文章不得出现任何真实信息(姓名、校名和地名等);
4. 词数:不少于90词.(开头已给出, 但不计入总词数.)
My Life in Senior High School
  My name is Li Hua. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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