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1.  Ancestors left us many valuable things and intangible cultural heritage (ICH, 非物质文化遗产) is one of them.
With a knife, scissors and a comb, people in Shanxi can creatively turn the dough (面团) into different characters. The common ones are babies and animals. During many festivals, even now, they are sent to friends and families as gifts. But few young people can make them. 
More than 1, 000 years ago, the Bai people used Tie-dye (扎染) to make colorful clothes. During the Tang and Song Dynasties, it was popular. In the 1960s, it became a fashion in the US. Now some children learn it in their art classes. Hope more of them can join. 
As one of the most famous styles, Shu Embroidery is known for its smooth needlework (针线)and beautiful colors. However, because of cheaper products made by modern machines, fewer people buy handmade embroidery products, so the skill is in danger. Luckily, some young people are learning it. 
West Lake Longjing Tea Roasting Technique (炒茶技术) is an important part of Chinese tea culture. Although machines can do the job now, the quality is not good. Only by hand can we make tea leaves have the best color, shape and taste. We need to pass it down and let more young people learn it. 
2.  Born in the 2005, what do you think of your generation ( 一代人)? Young, creative, connected, global, smart, maybe good-looking? But what do other people think about your generation?
  Some adults worry that you're more interested in the phone than the world around you. They see you as the "face-down generation" and wonder how you will deal with school, friends, and family. Are today's teenagers too busy texting and taking selfies (自拍)o become successful in real life or "IRL", as you would say?
  Other adults worry that today's youth are spoiled and don't want to face the challenges of adult life. Many children born in the 1990s and 200 were raised by "helicopter parents" who were always there to do everything for them. So today's young people seem to prefer to live like teenagers even when they are in their 20s or 30s.
  Does the face-down generation need a heads-up? Well, probably not. The fact is that many of today's teenagers are better educated and more creative than past generations. They also seem to be willing to become leaders. More young people than ever volunteer to serve their communities.
  There are also brave young people such as Malalai Yousafzai, the teenager who won the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize for pushing girls' rights to go to school.
  So if you are one of them born in the 2000s, there's reason to be hopeful about the future. Things are looking up for the face﹣ down generation.
3.  Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa, Italy, in 1564. His father taught music while his mother cared for kids at home, family was not wealthy, but Galileo's parents paid for him to go to school.
  At first Galileo planned to become a doctor, but he changed his mind. He liked a different kind of science﹣physics. In Galileo's time, not much was known about how objects moved.
  Centuries earlier, a Greek (希腊人) named Aristotle had written down his ideas about movements, and everyone seemed to believe them. Galileo questioned those ideas and did experiments that showed how things really worked. For example, Aristotle thought that a heavier object would fall faster than a lighter one of the same size and shape. No one had ever really tested this idea. It just seemed to be true. Then Galileo came along, dropped two balls from a high tower, and discovered that they hit the ground at the same time!
  In later years, Galileo became interested in how the stars and planets move. He watched the sky with a telescope (望远镜) he built himself. Once again, he saw things no one had ever seen before. For example, he saw that the moon was not smooth. Then he noticed that the sun had spots (斑点) that seemed to move. Galileo realized from his observations (观察) that the earth was moving around the sun. A Polish (波兰的) scientist named Copernicus had said this recently but no one believed him. Galileo knew that Copernicus was right. Unluckily, Galileo's announcement got him into trouble with the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church said that the earth was at the center of the universe with the sun traveling around it. This was what people had long believed, but Galileo said it was untrue. So he was sent to prison. He was soon set free, but for the rest of his life he had to stay in his house and yard. Galileo died in 1642, but his work helped to change the world. He is sometimes called the "father of modern science "because he showed us how important it is to look carefully at things and to test out ideas with experiments.
4.  Corals are dying worldwide because of rising sea temperatures. As corals die, the sea creatures that live around them move on. Now scientists have found an unusual way to attract(吸引)fish back, which is very important to the health of oceans.
  Scientists from the UK and Australia were curious about how important sounds were for attracting fish to coral reefs(珊瑚礁). They wanted to see if they could attract fish to an area with dead corals by playing back the sounds from a healthy coral reef.
  Though many people think of the underwater world as a silent place, that's not actually true. There are many different kinds of animals, and they make an interesting mixture of sounds as they go about their daily lives. The scientists decided to test their idea at the Great Barrier Reef. That's the world's largest coral reef and home to many sea animals.
  The scientists set up piles of dead corals in 33 different places around the Great Barrier Reef. At one third of the piles they did nothing. At another third, they set up underwater loudspeakers, but didn't play anything through the speakers. In the final set of sites, they set up underwater loudspeakers, and played recordings of sounds from a healthy reef every night. The scientists had ran the experiment for six weeks. At the end of those six weeks, the scientists found that the noisy sites had twice as many fish as the silent sites. The fish that came to the noisy sites came faster and they stayed longer.
5.  There lived a lazy Young Man. He woke up in the afternoon, ate his meals and then lay in bed again. His parrot Polly was(1)      . So Polly asked him, "Don't you get tired of lying in bed all day and all night?The sun has been(2)      hours ago, and people have finished half their day's work. " The Young Man answered, " Every morning, when I(3)      , two friends whisper(窃窃私语)in my ears. One is Hard Work and the other is Laziness. Hard Work says, 'Wake up!Time is passing by. Don't (4)      it by sleeping. ' But Laziness says, 'Sleep some more. '" Polly said, "Just talk does not help, you should get up and(5)      ".
6.  Were you moved by Chinese women's football tear?It won its ninth champion (冠军). China (1)      South Korea 3﹣2 in the final of the Women's Asian Cup on Feb. 6, 2022. At that moment, many fans(2)      cried for the unbelievable achievement of the Chinese women's football team. It was not(3)      for the Chinese girls to achieve the success. In the 120﹣minute hard﹣fought competition with Japan, the girls tried(4)      best and beat the Japanese team. (5)      Japan has ever gotten two champions, those girls won with their strong will. And then the Chinese team(6)      the final against South Korea. China was 0﹣2 down in the first half. But the Chinese girls didn't(7)      . With the encouragement of the coach Shui Qingxia, they got the confidence again. So they scored three goals in the second half. And most surprisingly, it only(8)      them five minutes to score two goals. From them, we learned(9)      the Steel Roses'(铿锵玫瑰) spirit is. The Chinese girls were ready for all kinds of difficulties. That's the most important reason why they could achieve the (10)       . They are the pride of Chinese.
7.  My name is Robinson Crusoe. I was born in the old city of York, where there is a river, with ships coming and going. My father was a (1)      (success) businessman. He gave me a good(2)       (educate) and I was expected to be a lawyer (律师).
  (3)      , I wanted to be a sailor and go to sea. My father was very angry with me. He didn't understand(4)      I wanted to leave his house, where I would have an easy and comfortable life.
  "Only the very poor people and the very rich people go to sea, " he said. "The poor(5)       (be) foolish, having no other way to live. The rich own ships and can make money with(6)      (they). You are neither too poor nor too rich, so you should stay at home. If you do not listen to me, you(7)       (have) a difficult life!"
  I argued with my parents for(8)       (near) a year. Then, I went to Hull with a friend who was going to London. He invited me(9)      (go) with him by ship, and I agreed. I didn't even tell my parents before(10)      (leave). I just went. That was how all my bad luck began.
—— From the novel Robinson Crusoe
8.  You've probably seen castles in movies. Their walls are very tall. Flags fly from their towers. Many castles were built in Europe during medieval (中世纪的)times, from about 1100 to about 1550. Castles were the homes of a lord(贵族), his family and his servants. Some of the lord's soldiers might have lived there, too.
  People built castles during medieval times for a few reasons. One was that there were no police to keep them safe. Another reason was to show how rich they were.
  A castle's high walls allowed guards to see for miles. Many castles were also surrounded by a ditch(壕沟) of water called a moat (护城河) . To get into the castle, visitors had to cross the moat from a bridge. The bridge was lowered to let people in and raised to keep them out of the castle.
  There were few windows in a castle's high stone walls. That was to keep out enemies and to keep out the weather. Windows had no glass, only wooden shutters(百叶窗) to keep out the wind and rain. Castles were cold and damp (潮湿的) . The heat came only from fireplaces. Light came from the sun or from torches.
  Most medieval castles had a room called the Great Hall. Meals and meetings were held there. Large castles might also have ponds, gardens, and houses for horses. Usually, the cows, sheep, and pigs were kept outside the castle.
  Today, you can visit ruined castles in many countries in Europe. If you look carefully, you can probably imagine a king and queen feasting (宴会) in the Great Hall.
9.假如你叫李华, 请回复朋友Mike的邮件, 给他至少3条建议并说明理由.
(1)词数 100左右(开头结尾已给出, 不计入总词数);
To:Li HuaFrom:Mike 
Hi Li Hua,
  How's it going? I hope everything is OK with you!I am a hard﹣working boy and want to be a top student in my class. But in exams, I always make many careless mistakes. I really worry about it. What should I do to improve my performance in exams?Would you please give me some advice?I am looking forward to your reply.
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