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1.  Hi! (1)      Frank. I am twelve. I study in No. 11 Middle School. Here is a (2)      of my family. This is my father. (3)       name is Dale Brown. He is a teacher (4)       a middle school. And this is my mother. She is a (5)      , too. (6)      that woman near (……附近) my father?Oh, she is my aunt. She is a nurse. My grandparents aren't in the photo. (7)       are in the USA. I (8)       a dog. (9)      name is Dick. I love my (10)      and I love my dog, too.
2.  Hello, my(1)      is Jim. I am a student (学生). This (2)      , I meet Tom, Mike and Linda. I say "Good morning" to them (他们). Look, this is a (3)      . It's my map. This (4)       a red and yellow pen. (5)       writes well (好写) . Linda has a jacket. It is a purple (6)      . What's that?It's a cup. I can (7)      it in English. C-U-P. This is (8)       pen. What color is it?Oh, it's (9)      . Blue is my favorite (最喜欢的) (10)      .
My name is Duoduo. My English name is Donnie. I am yellow. I like (喜欢) to help others (帮助别人). 
I am Ledi. My English name is Jett. I'm red. Duoduo is my good friend. Do you like him? 
I am Xiaoai. My English name is Dizzy. I am pink (粉色的) . Duoduo is nice and he is funny (有趣的) . 
I am Xiaoqing. My English name is Mira. My color is green. I like to play (玩) with my friends (朋友) . 
Lost: My new bike. It is red. My name is Jimmy. Please call me at 678-42190. 

Found: Is this your ring? Please call Betty. Phone 892-02311. 

Lost: My baseball. My name is Bruce. Please call me at 708-52097. 

Found: Is this your bag? Please call David. Phone 291-20845. 
5.  Paul is from a big family. His grandparents have a son and a daughter. The son is Paul's father, Jack. And the daughter is Paul's aunt, Amy, Paul has a sister. Her name is Alice and she is eight years old. Aunt Amy and Uncle Frank have two daughters. They are Grace, 14 and Helen, 12. They are students of No. 5 Middle School.
  Today is Saturday. The family are in the grandparents' home. They have a good time and take a picture. In the picture, Alice is in front (前面) of her parents. Grace and Helen are between (在……之间) their grandmother and their father. Where is Paul?Aha, he is on his father's shoulders (肩膀).
6.第二节:根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.
  Hello, My name is Cindy Green. (1)      This is my schoolbag. In it, you can see my books and a pencil box. The pencil box is yellow. (2)      My pen and ruler are in it. (3)      Where is my dictionary? (4)      It's blue. My first name is on it. (5)      My telephone number is 319-0653.

A. My pen is blue, and my ruler is purple.
B. What's in the pencil box?
C. These books are mine.
D. Now I'm in my classroom.
E. Please call me if you see it.
F. My dictionary is red.
G. I can't find it. 
—是, 她是.
Yes,       .
8.打扰一下, 请问我的字典在哪里?
      , where is my dictionary?
      good day!
Can you remember those       ?
      for giving me so many books.
12.先阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空, 每个词限用一次.
two, friend, be, Gina's, their, parents, I, last, and, blue 

  Look! That is a nice girl. She is Gina Green. Green is her (1)      name. Her grandfather and grandmother (2)      in China. Her (3)      are in China, too. Her father is Jeff Green and her mother is Linda Smith. They have (4)      sons. They are Jim (5)      Jack. Gina is (6)      daughter. Gina and I are (7)      . Gina likes blue. I like yellow. Is this (8)      ruler? No, it's not hers. It's yellow. It's (9)      . I like it very much. That is her (10)      ruler.
13.  Hello, I'm Tony. Of all my teachers. I like Mr Smith best. Do you know him?Mr. Smith is my English teacher. He is very friendly to us. Mr Smith's classes are interesting. All the students like him very much.
  Look at this picture. Mr. Smith sits near a table. He likes sports. There is a brown basketball on the table. Under the table is a pair of red shoes. But they're not Mr Smith's. They are Sarah's. There is also (也) a bag under the table.
14.通读下列对话, 然后根据上下文补全对话内容.
A:Hey! (1)      
B:Good evening, Jack!What's that?
A: (2)      
B:Is it yours?
A: (3)      
B:Where is your pencil?
A: (4)      
B:Oh, Jack! I see two pencils on the map.
A: (5)      
B:One is red, and the other one is blue.
A:Oh, the blue pen is mine.
15.假如你是Liu Xing, 根据中英文提示, 写一篇介绍自己的文章, 不少于60词.
要求:字迹端正, 书写正确, 注意单词的大小写和标点符号.
Name Liu Xing 
First nameLast name XingLiu 
Sex(性别) Boy 
Age (年龄) 12 
Telephone number and QQ number 5557﹣7996 4567890 
My room 我的房间很整洁书在书包里闹钟在桌子上…… 
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