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1.  The new school year is the perfect time for a fresh start. It is full (1)       possibilities. You are ready to set a list of new goals, right? No matter (2)       there is one goal that should make your list:To be someone with a growth mindset (成长型心态).
  Mindset is everything. Having the right mindset can make (3)       big difference in your life. There are two mindsets:the fixed (固定的) mindset and the growth mindset. People with a fixed mindset (4)       that some people are smart and others are not. They think that they can't do much to change their abilities. People with a growth mindset believe that their abilities can (5)       . Put another way, they think that they can learn to be smarter, (6)       , etc.
  Students with a growth mindset are able (7)       from mistakes and take on challenging (具有挑战性的) work. They want to work hard and improve (8)       . However, students with a fixed mindset don't learn from mistakes and give up when things become difficult. They are not hard workers.
  Anyone can have the right mindset by doing three important things. (9)      , try to practice growth mindset thinking. Second, turn to another strategy (策略)(10)       one strategy doesn't work. And at last, get help from others.
  If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you can't. With a strong growth mindset, you are sure to achieve more through the new school year!
2.  As more and more people are turning to a simple lifestyle, they would like to sell their used things at a low (1)       . Buying second-hand things not only costs less money, but also is good for the environment. It is becoming (2)       these days. Buying second-hand books is a good example.
  A college student said, "When I want to buy books, I'll first go to the second hand markets or (3)       some second-hand bookstores online. Such books are much cheaper — as much as 70 percent lower than new ones. If I'm (4)       enough, I can even get books that are almost new. Since I have limited (限制) pocket money, it's a perfect choice for me."
  Besides lower prices, people can also (5)       out-of-print books. The 45-year-old lady, Wang Min has bought many (6)       classic books. She said, "The first old books I collected were Journey to the West. I (7)       reading this kind of small comic books in my primary school. I happened to see them at a second-hand (8)       . It was really a pleasant (9)       . After that, I often go to second﹣hand markets to look for old books. "
  Buying used books can even connect readers. A 22-year-old college student, Zhao Yue, once found a note in a second﹣hand book she bought. "The book owner (10)       her thoughts and hoped the buyer would enjoy the book. It was so heart﹣warming. "she said. "Now I'm doing the same thing, too."
3.  It seems that not every student is pleased with their English teacher. Some say they give too much homework or the lessons are boring. I think the best English teacher would be a teacher who gives no homework, lets us watch movies in class and never punishes anyone. But other students and parents would not be pleased with such a teacher.
  American writer Mark Van Doren said. "The art of teaching is the art of helping discovery."
  For discovery to happen, I believe a great teacher should first connect with their students. They should teach different students in different ways so that they will feel encouraged to ask questions and express their opinions. The teacher should be patient when answering their questions.
  Second, they should have a positive attitude (积极的态度) when teaching. They should not only teach their students English, but also the philosophy (哲理) of life.
  Last but not least a great English teacher should use good ways to pass their passion (热 情) for English onto their students 一 because as we all knew, interest is the best teacher.
  All in all, a great English teacher should be a teacher who is connected with their students, who is kind and respected and who can stimulate (激发) the students' interest in English.
4.  In China, the 12th month of the lunar calendar (阴历) is called layue. The month is full of interesting festivals and customs (风俗).
  Laba Festival which is on the 8th day of layue. is the first festival in this month. From this day on, people begin to get ready for the Chinese New Year.
  On Laba Festival, people have laba porridge. There are usually eight kinds of things in the porridge• such as rice, red beans, peas and nuts. 1'he porridge is not just good for people's health, but a good wish for the corning Chinese New Yean
  Laba porridge is not the only tasty food in layue. Laba garlic (腊八蒜) is popular in the month. People begin to make it from that day on, and eat it with dumplings during the Chinese New Year. While in the south, people like making sausages (香肠).
  Another big celebration before the Spring Festival is xiaonian. It is usually on the 23rd or 24th day of the last lunar month. People usually make flower-shaped buns. They not only look beautiful but also taste good. The candy with sesame (芝麻) is another kind of popular food for this day. It means a sweet life in the new year.
  People will also clean the house. This is another important thing to do to prepare for the Spring Festival. It means sweeping away the dust (灰尘)of the old year and welcoming a fresh start. After these busy and happy days, the Chinese New Year is coming.
5.  Three taikonauts (中国宇航员), Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo, entered China's space station on June 17, 2021, ending the history of no Chinese people in space stations. They would stay in the space station for three months and take on different tasks.
  Inside Tianhe, the core module (核心舱) of China's space station, different areas are possible for the taikonauts working and living. The dining area has a retractable (可缩回的) table and machines for heating and cooling food and drinking water. The three taikonauts are able to enjoy fantastic food in space. Over 120 kinds of food are provided for them to get enough energy, including kung pao chicken and ice﹣cream. There is a space-use treadmill and a bicycle in the exercise area. The taikonauts can get much physical exercise in space to keep their muscles (肌肉)in good condition. There are single bedrooms in the sleeping area, but the taikonauts have to sleep in sleeping bags instead of beds. Though they have to work more than eight hours a day, the taikonauts can still have a short sleep during the noon break. There's also a lighting system to help them keep a healthy inner clock (生物钟).
  Thanks to China's satellite systems' the taikonauts in China's space station can communicate with the control center on the earth or their families at any time.
  Many of us wonder whether the taikonauts can take showers in the space station. The fact is that they can only use hot wet towels to clean their bodies.
6.  Via was afraid of getting fat. (1)       And she spent hours looking at herself in the mirror, picking out what she didn't like about herself. Via was actually a healthy size. However, she read many magazines with pictures of very thin women in them. She never told anybody, but she felt very bad about herself.
  (2)       From then on. she would have breakfast, but would not eat anything during the break or lunchtime in school. When she got home, she would eat a very simple dinner. Because of this, she often felt hungry. (3)       Via started to make herself throw up (吐)her dinner after eating. She became thinner and weaker, but it was still not enough for her. Her mother was so worried that she began cooking her favorite food every day for dinner. Via. though, would still throw it all up when no one was looking.
  Soon, Via had difficulty paying attention in class. (4)       Finally, she collapsed (晕倒) during her P. E. lesson one afternoon. She was brought to hospital where the doctor found out what she had been doing.
  Via had to stay at hospital for some time and finally, Via reached a healthy weight once more. Her mother threw away all the magazines Via had been reading. (5)       And she always told her daughter how pretty she was.

A. She weighed herself twice a day.
B. The teachers advised her to rest at home.
C. So she didn't want to eat anything.
D. And she could hardly even make it through (挺过) each clay.
E. However, she still thought she wasn't losing weight quickly enough.
F. She was glad that they had fixed the problem before it was too late.
G. One day, Via decided that she had to lose weight in order to feel happier. 
Ice and snow are different        of water.
The Internet has become part of our       .
He felt something move       .
10.他不知道如何处理那些旧书. ( 根据汉语提示完成句子)
He doesn't know        those old books.
He      an invitation yesterday.
main they make good set artist tradition today influence with 

  He Ting and Xiao Han were classmates. They studied (1)       Chinese painting, an ancient art form. Both of (2)       were so crazy about it that they decided to try their best to spread it.
  After completing their studies, the two took on jobs and soon realized that the (3)       way to spread the ancient art is to experiment (尝试) with it themselves, and present it in a way that is connected (4)       young people. The pair, both aged 30, are now full time (5)       running their own studios (工作室) for traditional Chinese paintings.
  The traditional Chinese painting, dating back thousands of years, created using ink and water-based colors on paper or silk. In spite of (尽管) its long history. He and Xiao believe that the art can still be popular in (6)       busy world.
  Xiao s paintings are (7)       by the simple life of people in the Southern Song Dynasty. They are about scenes of people (8)       tea, reading books and listening to birds' singing. He has (9)       up a home studio in Shanghai with a window which allows him to enjoy the sunrise.
  He Ting's paintings are (10)       about landscapes (风景). Born in the city of Xiangshan in Zhejiang Province, he loves the warm, soft scenes of Jiangnan water towns.
13.  Would you like to splash water (泼水) on your friends on a hot summer day? Water Festival is celebrated in some Asian countries. Let's take a look at how they celebrate the holiday.
  In China, Water Festival is a big holiday for some minority groups (少数民族). During the festival, they have a few days off from work. People wear traditional costumes (传统服饰) and take part in different activities, such as singing, dancing, splashing water and setting off firecrackers (鞭炮).
  Thailand's Water Festival marks the beginning of its New Year. It is one of the largest water celebrations in the world. During this festival there are more than one million visitors every year. People play happily with elephants in the water.
  In India, the tradition of celebrating water came from the following story. A god asked a clever boy when the glory of men would appear. The boy answered that it appeared on the face in the morning, on the chest at noon and on the feet at night. So, Indian people wash these body parts during their Water Festival to wash away their bad luck.
14.A:Hello, Li Ming!Where are you from?
B:I'm from a small village of Shaanxi Province.
A: (1)      ?
B:I have been here for ten years.
A:Do you like living here?
B:At first, I didn't like living here. (2)      .
A:How is the life in your hometown?
B: (3)      . But now great changes have taken place.
A:Can you tell me more?
B:For example, traveling is much easier than before. There are new roads in every village.
A: (4)      ?
B:Oh, it is much fresher than that in cities.
A: (5)      ?
B:Yes, once a month. I go to visit my grandparents there.
A:Sounds great.
15.新冠肺炎疫情给人们的生活带来了很大影响. 使人们的许多生活习惯发生了变化.请你以 "Changes of My Family's Living Habits"为题, 根据以下提示内容, 写一篇英语短文.
1.What changes do you and your family have?
2.What do you think of these changes?
1.所有提示都要用上. 可适当发挥;
2.语句通顺. 意思连贯, 书写工整;
提示词语:新冠肺炎COVID﹣19;口罩mask;社交距离social distance
Changes of My Family's Living Habits
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