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1.We are told we have got ________ hour and a half to finish this test.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.Can you imagine what will happen if AI robots can do most of ________ jobs?
  • A. our
  • B. we
  • C. us
  • D. ours
3.How nice it is to walk along the river with friends ________ a warm spring day!
  • A. at
  • B. in
  • C. with
  • D. on
4.I have found a lot of useful ________ on how to learn English well from this website.
  • A. suggestion
  • B. tip
  • C. advice
  • D. way
5.In 1687, Newton published one of ________ books in the history of science.
  • A. important
  • B. the most important
  • C. more important
  • D. less important
6.The captain interrupted the soldier and ordered him ________ the gate at once.
  • A. open
  • B. opens
  • C. opening
  • D. to open
7.You ________ talk to your father in such an impolite way. You'd better say sorry to him.
  • A. mustn't
  • B. can
  • C. should
  • D. needn't
8.Uncle Wang didn't mind ________ for Lucy's puppy when she was out.
  • A. care
  • B. caring
  • C. to care
  • D. cared
9.All parents will ________ to come and see The Wrong Trousers, our English-language play.
  • A. are invited
  • B. invited
  • C. be invited
  • D. invite
10.—— ________ do you use the Internet to write e-mails to your friends in other cities?
—— Once a week.
  • A. How soon
  • B. How far
  • C. How long
  • D. How often
11.We cannot all do great things, ______ we can do small things with great love.
  • A. as
  • B. or
  • C. but
  • D. so
12.When Wang Yaping stayed in the space station, she ________ lessons to over 60 million students.
  • A. has given
  • B. was given
  • C. gave
  • D. gives
13.Some adults ________ to the hospital to have a physical checkup once a year.
  • A. go
  • B. have gone
  • C. are going
  • D. went
14.________ Tina was sitting in the garden, a strange object appeared in the sky.
  • A. Because
  • B. Although
  • C. While
  • D. If
15.Unluckily, ________ the shower ________ the bath works in my room.
  • A. both;and
  • B. neither;nor
  • C. not only;but also
  • D. either;or
A. recent B. moving C. learning D. special E. spread 

  New sports are invented all the time. They (1)       quickly around and find new fans. A popular new sport in (2)       years is "free running". It is the sport of (3)      through a place by running, jumping and climbing under, around and through things.
  Free running is not like other sports. You don't use a ball or a bat. And you don't have to wear (4)       clothes. In fact, all you need is your own body and the environment where you live. You can practise by yourself or with other people.
A. courses B. actually C. enemies D. ability E. possibly 

  The sport requires great skill and athletic (1)       . Free runners try to get from one place to another over whatever obstacles (障碍物) are in their way. They do this in the fastest and most efficient way.
  They do not use any other tool (2)       , but their body. The sport involves running, jumping, climbing, swinging, rolling and many other movements.
  The sport was born in France. The founder (创始人) was in the army. In the army, they had some (3)       , and soldiers had to complete them. This made them stronger and fitter. He then taught it to his son. His son started using it in the city where he lived. Slowly, more people joined and it became popular. Now it's believed that free running will also (4)      be a new Olympic sport for future games. Be sure you must only practise with trained people, and you must be fit.
18.Grandfather picked up a block of wood, about 18        long. (inch)
19.In 1865 Mark Twain became famous because of his        short play. (one)
20.My house on the corner is much bigger than        in the countryside. (he)
21.Please obey these rules and make the centre pleasant and        for everyone. (safety)
22.From 1405 to 1433, Zheng He went on seven trips and helped the        of other countries. (develop)
23.The kind guide        asked visitors to remove their shoes before entering the hall. (polite)
24.It took a few ambulances to        the injured to the nearby hospital. (transportation)
25.I never thought the island would        at such a quick speed. (appear)
26.Clubs help to connect with people with similar interests. (改为一般疑问句)
       clubs        to connect with people with similar interests?
27.Kitty is going to design an advice page for her school newspaper. (对划线部分提问)
       is Kitty going to        for her school newspaper?
28.Dick is improving his health by exercising regularly and eating less meat. (对划线部分提问)
       Dick improving his health?
29.He could hardly remember anything after the accident. (改为反意疑问句)
He could hardly remember anything after the accident,       ?
30.The Silk Road was long. It passed through many countries. (合并成一句)
The Silk Road was        long        it passed through many countries.
31."Why does Tommy send a card to Mr Grey every September?" He wondered. (改为含有宾语从句的复合句)
He wondered        Tommy        a card to Mr Grey every September.
32.you, help the librarian, on the shelf, can, arrange these books(连词成句)
33.Choose the best answer (根据以下内容, 选择最恰当的答案).
  Joan is a 14-year-old student in Newtown. All the students in her school are required to do some part-time jobs during their spare time so that they can get certain credit points (学分). Joan is preparing her CV (简历).

Joan Jackson123 Lucky lane, Newtown, Bk12 YG joan jackson@email. com
Tel: 07782 821236I am a confident, well-organized student with a passion for animals. I am hoping to work part-time during the winter holiday:In the future, I aim to work as a vet. 
Team work:I'm good at working with other people and working independently. Communication:I consider myself to be an excellent communicator. I am outgoing and easy to get along with. 
Relevant work experience
Part-time dog-walking and pet-sitting, various employers (2018—present) This work requires excellent time management and a high level of responsibility. Voluntary work, Newtown Animal Rescue Centre (2019) The staff have been impressed by my ability to get on with all their animals. 
My Interests
I am a keen photographer and I have taught myself digital photo editing skills. I am also a member of my school orchestra and I play the violin. My brother plays the piano. We often give performances at weekends. 
34.Choose the best answer and complete the passage (选择最恰当的选项完成短文)
A thoughtful gift
  Don't focus on the price tag when you want to choose a gift. Instead, get creative and think about a different set of values.
  There are many things you can buy for friends, family members or even teachers. From a framed photograph to a small gift, each present sends a powerful message. And the closer you are to a person, the more (1)       your present can be—it's a real chance to prove how well you know them and their interests. Before you make a purchase, think about the (2)      of the person you're buying for. It's not the price of the gift, but the thought behind it.
  You can give your time in so many ways.
  Homemade presents are special and show you care enough to make an effort. (3)       with emotion can also bring a sense of happiness. It could be knitting a scarf with their favourite colour, making a greeting card with a self﹣created poem inside or baking lovely cupcakes. Whatever you decide, make it amazing — for them and for you. And a gift doesn't even have to be "(4)      ". It could be simply hanging out together, including watching your friend's must﹣see movie, visiting your mother's favourite museum or asking a grandparent to tell you more about his/her childhood. The gift of time is (5)      — think carefully about how the other person would wish to spend a few hours or a day together.
  Why wait for a birthday or Christmas?From "I'm sorry" to "I love you" and "thank you" to "good luck", gifts can take many messages and (6)       inner feelings of regret and thankfulness when you are too shy to speak them out. It's a wonderful feeling for the giver, too, as the person will be surprised and touched by such a display of care and attention.
35.Fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺.每空格限填一词, 首字母已给)
  As a child, do you dare to be a dreamer?Dreamers build bridges between the known and the unknown, and dance their dreams into reality (现实). So why not let your dreams fly?
  Here is a good choice for you—Make Today Your Dreams Come True Day. If you've been putting off realizing your dreams, this day gives you a chance to make a fresh (1)s      .
  It's important to dream because dreams can give us the energy to (2)s       in life. Dreams can push us forward. The great thing about dreams is that there's no stress to realize them right away.
  It might take a few years or even a lifetime to (3)a      them. The important thing is to be always working (4)t      your dreams. And the best way to do that is by setting goals.
  Dreams can be very general. But the steps you take to reach them should be very detailed. Your dreams tell what you want, but goals show how you'll get there. That means goal setting is a (5)n       step in reaching your dreams.
  A lot of great people have spoken about dreams. Someone stressed the importance of working for your dreams. A dream never comes true (6)e      , it takes sweat, decision and hard work. A famous author reminded us that dreams have nothing to do with age. It's never too late to set (7)a       goal or to dream a new dream.
  If you are dreaming of doing something, please take action right now. Write down your dreams, set your goals, and then you'll be on your way to make your dreams come true.
36.Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答问题).
  Eric was standing in front of a large grey house in the countryside. He had just been dropped off by his mum, who left after telling him that he was going to spend the next twelve days there with no TV, no mobile phone and — worse of all — no computer.
  Suddenly, a man appeared at the entrance of the house. When he saw Eric, he went up to him immediately. "You must be Eric. Welcome to the camp, " said the man confidently. "I'm Tony, the camp leader, but you will call me 'Sir'. Now tell me why you're here."
  Eric quickly replied, "My mum made me come!" When Tony looked at him angrily and did not say anything, Eric realized his mistake and added, "Sir!"
  "And do you know why your mother sent you here?"asked Tony.
  "She thinks I spend too much time online. Sir, " answered Eric. "It's not just her opinion — it's the truth!Look at you — pale, unfit, and definitely not getting enough sleep. You're here because you think the virtual world is much better than the real world. But you're wrong!The real world has much more to offer. At the camp, you're going to go hiking, rowing, rock-climbing and stay outdoors most of the time," promised Tony.
  Eric's heart sank.
  "But it's not going to be all fun and games," Tony continued. "We have rules here. If you break them, you'll get punished. But you won't simply get detention (课后留校), and you can forget about suspension (停学) — you'll never be sent home early!Instead, you'll clean the toilets, wash the dishes or do an extra hour of exercise!"
  "Oh Mum," sighed Eric. "What have you got me into?"
37.Write at least 60 words according to the given situation (假定你是Tony, 根据以下情境续写这一封信, 不少于60 词, 标点符号不占格)
1. 文中不得出现姓名、校名等个人信息, 否则不予评分.
2. 照抄阅读语篇不得分.
Note: entire adj. 全部的, 整个的
Dear Editor,
  I have lived in Jackson my entire life. I go to Lake School. I am in second grade. I am writing this letter because I do not agree with your article. You wrote about the new shopping mall that will be built on First Street. I think it is exciting to have new things to do here. I just wish our city did not decide to get rid of Hardy Park. Why should we lose a park to get a mall? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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