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1.I can't play tennis, but I can play ________ piano well.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.—Jane meets some problems these days.
—Let's go to help ______.
  • A. she
  • B. his
  • C. hers
  • D. her
3.I feel terrible because there are______rules in my family.
  • A. too much
  • B. much too
  • C. too many
  • D. many too
4.—Is this notebook yours ______ your sister's?
—Oh, it's my sister's. Mine is in the bookcase.
  • A. and
  • B. or
  • C. so
  • D. but
5.Laura is studying in China now. She ______her parents in America very much.
  • A. misses
  • B. wishes
  • C. remembers
  • D. saves
6.After many years of hard work, Jack's dream of being a doctor______.
  • A. gets a surprise
  • B. gets lost
  • C. comes true
  • D. blows out
7.Please be quiet. The child ______.
  • A. sleep
  • B. slept
  • C. is sleeping
  • D. sleeps
8.一______ does he live from his grandparents' home, Steve?
—About twenty kilometers.
  • A. How many
  • B. How far
  • C. How long
  • D. How old
9.—What does your English teacher look like?
—He ______ short and he ______ small eyes.
  • A. is;have
  • B. is;are
  • C. has;is
  • D. is;has
10.Mr. Li is______with the students. They always enjoy learning art in his class.
  • A. strict
  • B. busy
  • C. popular
  • D. lazy
11.—Look! There is an old man in the middle of the street. He is in danger.
—Yes. Let's help him go ______ the street.
  • A. across
  • B. on
  • C. along
  • D. over
12.These days many young people have fun. ______ online (在线上).
  • A. shop
  • B. shopping
  • C. shops
  • D. to shop
13.How long does it take you ______ your homework?
  • A. finish
  • B. finishes
  • C. to finish
  • D. finishing
14.— David, there ______ a dictionary and some books on your desk. Please put them away.
— OK, Mum. I'll do it right away.
  • A. is
  • B. are
  • C. has
  • D. have
15.—Would you like some fish and cabbage porridge?
—______. I had a big breakfast 10 minutes ago.
  • A. Yes, please
  • B. I'd love to
  • C. No, thanks
  • D. No, I wouldn't
16.A: Hey, Laura. Where are you going?
B: Hi, Cindy. I am going to the Pizza Hut Restaurant on Guilin Road. (1)      
A: I am going to her birthday party too! (2)      
B: Don't worry. We can get there easily. Just follow me.
A: Great! (3)      
B:Yes! I know she likes art. I bought a lovely painting for her at the gift shop when I went to the art museum. (4)      
A: Well, I made a cup for her by hand when I had a DIY class on the weekend. But I don't know if (是否) she will like it. (5)      
B: I'm sure she'll like it. What's important is the love behind the gift, not the price of it.
A: Yeah. That's right.
B: Come on! Let's go! I can't wait!
A. What about you?
B. It's not an expensive gift.
C. Carol is having a party there.
D. What gift did you buy for Carol?
E. Did you buy any gifts for Carol?
F. But I don't know the way to the restaurant. 
17.  Little May is a lovely and beautiful girl, but she had one (1)       habit. If you asked her to do anything, she would say, "In a(n) (2)      ." If her mother said, "May, dear, (3)       me my coat," she would say, "Yes, mother, in a minute."And even if (即使) her father called her (4)       a ride, it was not (5)      . She (6)       did what she was told (被告诉) to do at once.
  One day May's bird was flying around the room. May's father went out and left the (7)       open. May's mother said, "Close the door, my dear." "Yes, mother, in a minute," said May. "I only want to (8)       this story." (9)       the cat did not wait. She came in, and with one jump had the bird in her (10)      .
  The book went on the floor, and May (11)       the cat. Soon poor May came back crying with the dead (死的) bird in her hand. Her mother was (12)      sad. But she said, "My dear little girl, you (13)       that many things may happen (可能发生) in a minute. "It was a sad (14)       for May, but it was one she would not (15)      . Now she is different. She never says "In a minute."again.
18.Catherine is a student of Grade 7. This is the map of her neighborhood. It is a quiet neighborhood. Catherine loves it. Her friends Ariana, David and Ruth live here too. They go to the same school, but they are not in the same class.

根据短文内容, 选择最佳答案.
19.  Billy wants to be a star chef (厨师). This is why he's on the Star Junior Chefs TV show.
  The ten-year-old New Yorker likes cooking. He can make nice soup and salads. But there are many other children on the show, too. And they are all very good cooks.
  But what must you do to be a star chef? Of course, it's important that you like cooking and are really good at it. You must be 9 years old or 9+. "We must wash our hands before cooking." Billy says. "And we must not put them in our mouths. A chef doesn't do that."
  The show starts. Billy is excited (兴奋的). This time he makes tomato soup and some salads. The experts (专家) love Billy's food.
  It's 5:00 pm. The show is over. Billy goes home with his parents happily.
20.  Many of the ants are workers. They are very busy. They look for food and take care of the young ants. Each family of ants has a queen (皇后) ant. The queen ant doesn't work. She is important because she lays (产卵) eggs. These eggs will become new ants.
  There are many kinds of ants in the world. One kind of ants is very strong. People are afraid of them and other animals are afraid of them, too.
  These ants often do some things in big groups. They eat all the animals on their way. They can kill and eat elephants. Sometimes the ants can kill people and eat them. When the ants come near, people leave their homes. People are sometimes happy after the ants pass by (经过), because they can see no insects (昆虫) or snakes.
根据短文内容, 判断句子正(T)、误(F)).
(1)       I can't go back home late. I must do a lot of reading and sports. My parents think they are good for me. I must get up at 6:00 every morning and do my homework after school. I can't watch TV or play computer games on school nights. On weekends, I must clean my room and wash my clothes. 
(2)       You can't be late for school. You must put the books and other things on the desk. Please keep quiet when your teacher is speaking. Remember you can only eat at school at noon. Don't take your smart phone to school. 
(3)       Don't bring any bags into the reading room. Keep quiet and don't eat in the reading room. You can borrow three books at one time and you can keep them for one month. If you lose the books, you must pay for them. 
(4)       When we are walking, we must look left and then right. We must watch carefully before crossing the roads. If we are drivers, we must never drink wine before driving. If we see the traffic lights (信号灯), we have to slow down. 
(5)       Never give your real name, home address, age or phone number to others. Never give a photo of yourself to someone by e-mail unless (除非) your parents say it's OK. Never meet anyone you met online alone (独自). 

阅读短文, 把标题与内容相匹配.
A. Rules for Internet (网络) use.
B. Rules for school.
C. Family rules.
D. Rules for road users.
E. Rules for library. 
22.  Gu Ailing is a freeskier (自由滑雪运动员) with an American father and a Chinese mother. She grew up and still lives in the United States.
  Gu Ailing began to learn skiing at the age of three. She is hard-working at school. She is a grade —A student and good at her schoolwork. She sleeps for over 10 hours every day because she thinks it can help her study better. In her free time, Gu Ailing has many hobbies (爱好) like running, riding horses and playing football. She is also interested in art.
  Gu Ailing spends her summer vacation in Beijing every year with her mother. She is an outgoing girl and she often plays with Chinese children. "China is a very beautiful country with a lot of nice people, interesting things and delicious food," Gu said in a video. "Coming back to Beijing is like coming home. "
根据短文内容, 回答下列问题.
  I live in Australia. It is winter in July here. When it snows, our garden (1)      (look) very beautiful, and it is very nice (2)      (play) in the snow.
  When I got up this morning, the land was all white with snow. It was snowy. There (3)      (be) too much snow. It was Sunday, (4)       we didn't go to school. After breakfast, some friends came over, and we made a very big snowman. We named (5)       snowman "Titan". Titan has a big mouth, two ears, two black eyes and a red nose. He is of medium (6)       (high). Someone put an old hat on (7)       (he) head. I took lots of (8)      (photo) of our snowman. After lunch, we went to the park to make snowballs. In the park, we met quite a few boys from our school and we had a fight (9)       the snowballs. We had (10)       there.
  What an exciting snowy Sunday!
24.学校七月份要举办一场英语晚会, 需要招聘一些英语好、有才艺的同学.假如你是刘老师, 正在草拟一则招聘广告, 请想应聘的同学发邮件至54321 miss liu@qq. com.
1. 字迹工整, 语法正确, 要点齐全, 简练得体;
2. 词数: 40词左右.
Students Wanted for School English Party
25.假如你是李华, 请阅读你的笔友Tom从美国发来的电子邮件, 并根据所给邮件中的问题和要求回复邮件.
Dear Li Hua,
I'm really busy but happy these days, I am happy at home and at school. I had a great time on Children's Day. Did you have a good time on that day, too?Did you have another special days and what did you do?How did you feel? I can't wait to read.
Best wishes!
1. 必须含有所有的问题, 可适当发挥.
2. 词数70词左右, 开头及结尾已给出, 不计入总词数.文中不得使用你的真实姓名和校名.
Hi, Tom,
  I'm happy to get your letter. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
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