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1.Henry likes playing ________ basketball with his friends after school.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.I want something to drink. Please give me some_______.
  • A. gift
  • B. cake
  • C. juice
  • D. flower
3.My uncle is a teacher. ______ enjoys staying with children.
  • A. She
  • B. He
  • C. Her
  • D. His
4.There ______ two boys running outside now.
  • A. is
  • B. are
  • C. was
  • D. were
5.—_______ you swim?
—Sorry, I can't.
  • A. Need
  • B. Can
  • C. Should
  • D. Must
6.Look!My mother_______dinner for us in the kitchen.
  • A. is cooking
  • B. cook
  • C. cooks
  • D. cooked
7.Could you please_______the tomatoes for me?
  • A. dress up
  • B. cut up
  • C. get up
  • D. put up
8.—Which one do you like, the red one or the black one?
—______. Because red is the symbol of luck in China.
  • A. Yes, I do
  • B. No, I don't
  • C. The red one
  • D. The black one
9.We_______to the park last week.
  • A. go
  • B. went
  • C. going
  • D. goes
10.—I want to know_______.
—Because he wanted to see his parents.
  • A. how he left
  • B. when he left
  • C. why he left
  • D. where he left
11.Bob doesn't like coffee, so he_______drinks it.
  • A. often
  • B. always
  • C. never
  • D. usually
12._______eat in the classroom. You must eat in the dining hall.
  • A. Do
  • B. Don't
  • C. Does
  • D. Doesn't
13.—_______is it from your school to the museum?
—It's only about 3 kilometers.
  • A. How long
  • B. How far
  • C. How many
  • D. How much
14.The boy is_______and he never gets up early on weekends. His parents are angry with him.
  • A. hard
  • B. easy
  • C. lazy
  • D. strict
15.—Would you like some tea?
  • A. Yes, please
  • B. The same to you
  • C. Me, too
  • D. You are welcome
16.A. Would you like to join us?
B. I will be there on time.
C. Don't worry.
D. Thanks for your help.
E. Why don't you go with us?
F. What's up?

A: Nice to meet you, Mary. Welcome to our class. My name is Li Lin.
B: Nice to meet you, too.
A: You look a little unhappy. (1)      
B: I have no friends to talk with, so I am worried.
A: (2)      I can help you.
B: Thanks, Li Lin.
A: Mm, I think you should join in some activities. We are going to the nursing home to help the old people this Saturday. (3)      
B: Yes, I'd love to. When and where shall we meet?
A: At the school gate at 9:00 this Saturday.
B: Ok. (4)      
A: That's great! I think you will make many new friends in this activity.
B: I think so. (5)      
A: You are welcome.
17.  Last summer I spent my vacation with my grandparents in the countryside. They live in a small village far away from the city, but my life there was (1)       boring.
  My grandparents (2)       different kinds of delicious food for me. I often helped them feed their (3)       with rice. The little chickens were so (4)       that I liked them very much. After breakfast, I played games with other children under big trees in the village and had great (5)      . When it was hot, we went (6)      in a pool. In the afternoon, we went into the forest to (7)       flowers. In the evening, we watched (8)       on TV or listened to music.
  One afternoon, I went into the forest to pick flowers (9)       other children as usual. We (10)       a wounded (受伤的) bird on the ground. I picked it up and took (11)      home. Then I bought some medicine and fed it every day. Half a month later, the bird got well. I thought it should be (12)       . I took it to the forest and let it (13)       away. The bird left me, (14)       I felt happy for it.
  What an interesting summer vacation it was! I had a (15)       time in the countryside.
18.  What do you usually do every week as middle school students?Mr. Smith, the head teacher of No. 1 Middle School, wants to know something about what the 100 students in Grade 7 do every week. Look at the diagram (图表) and see the results.

根据短文和图表内容, 选择最佳答案.
19.  In Greece, there is a young boy named Narcissus. All day long he looks after his sheep on the hills. One day, he comes to a little river and wants to drink from it. The water is very clear. While Narcissus is waiting for the sheep to drink, he sees his own face in the water. He is so happy with the beautiful face that he looks at it for a long time. He forgets all about his sheep. The sheep wait for a long time, but at last they run away from him and are lost. Jupiter, the god(神)of the country, is very angry with Narcissus for losing his sheep, so he wants to punish him. The god lets him take root(扎根)near the river. Hecan't move and has to keep his head down. Then, day by day, he turns into a flower, the narcissus. This is why we often find this flower growing near the rivers and always with its head down.
根据短文内容, 选择最佳答案.
20.  Reading is good for people. First, reading is fun. You can always keep yourself happy if you like reading. If you like reading, you will never feel bored or tired.
  Next, you can read a book almost everywhere:in a car, on a plane, or even in the bathroom. All you need is a book.
  Last, reading is useful. If you read every day, you will get better and better at it. And you will read faster and find it easier to understand what you read. When you read more, you will find your schoolwork is much better.
  Some people say that reading is out of date. This is not true. You can read on computers, too. You can know the latest (最新的) news in the world quickly.
  Good readers may become writers. They always have more things to write about.
  Reading is so good and useful. Why not start reading right now?
根据短文内容, 判断句子正(T)误(F).
21.  Tim is my best friend. We were both born in 2002, so our ages are the same. We study in the same school but in different classes.
(1)       He often makes friends easily. When I feel worried or unhappy, I always go to him for help. And he always helps me with my problems. As the famous saying goes, "A friend in need is a friend indeed. "
(2)      There are many books and newspapers in it. The school library has good service (服务). When you read in the school library, you can have free drinks there.
  During the reading week, we always ask our friends to read interesting books.
(4)       When we are on vacation, we usually go to different places.
(5)       I hope we can be friends forever.
阅读短文, 把A~E五个句子填入文中空缺处, 使短文内容完整.
A. Tim is an easy-going person.
B. Every year, we have two long vacations.
C. Tim and I like reading, so we often go to the school library after school.
D. In a word, it is lucky to have such a friend sharing (分享) interesting things with me.
E. We really like reading books there.
22.  It was two o'clock in the afternoon. The sun was shining and the weather was very hot. Few people wanted to go out. Tony had to meet his father at the train station. His father wanted to see a doctor in the city hospital.
  Now he was walking along the street. There were no trees in the street and he felt very hot. But he was too fat and couldn't walk fast. He didn't find that a boy was walking behind him at all. And he met his best friend , Julie, and stopped to talk with her. "Who is the boy behind you, Tony?" asked Julie. Tony turned back and saw the boy. He was angry and asked, "Why are you walking behind me, boy?" The boy answered, "Because it is cool walking behind you, I think."
根据短文内容, 回答下列问题.
23.  Animals are our friends. We can find different (1)      (kind) of animals in different places.
  Some animals are (2)       (live) in the forest. They live there freely. Sometimes they can't find food in the forest, but they are free (3)       happy.
  Some animals live with people. People also love to live (4)       the animals because they are very (5)       (use) in people's everyday life. People can teach the elephants (6)       (do) some heavy work. And they can also teach some dogs to take (7)       of their houses. A guard dog is (8)       (usual) very useful and it can help people in danger. Children like dogs very much.
  There (9)       some animals living in zoos. Most children like to go there in (10)      (they) free time. Zoos are always good places for children to learn about animals.
24.新学期开学之际, 招新工作火热进行, 为了鼓励感兴趣的同学们加入音乐俱乐部并参加每周周一和周五下午三点到四点的活动, 音乐俱乐部负责人在学校公告栏张贴英语招聘海报, 请你根据中英文提示信息将其内容补充完整, 每空一词.
Students Wanted for the Music Club
  Do you like music? Do you want to join the music club?If you are (1)       at music, you can join us. It is interesting and fun here. Please come to the club on Mondays and (2)      . You can stay here from 3:00 p. m (3)       4:00 p. m. You can learn to play (4)       piano. You can learn to sing and dance. If you want to join us, (5)       Zhang Tao at 0431-12345678.
25.假如你结识了一位名叫Diana的新朋友, 请你根据下面表格所提供的关于她的信息, 以 "My new friend"为题, 写一篇向你的同学简要介绍Diana的英语短文.
Name Diana 
Age 14 
From Australia 
Looks medium height, a little bit heavy, short curly brown hair 
Likes playing tennis, reading, listening to music 
Wants to be reporter 

1. 不少于80词;
2. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;
3. 短文要包含所有的提示要点, 可适当发挥, 使短文连贯、通顺.
My new friend
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